        //This loop polls the aio value set by the trimpot to determine the duty cycle which
        // determines the amplitude on the sin curve of a given itteration.
        private void SinLEDLoop(AnalogInput pot, PWM led, OutputPort relay, LCD_Display display)
            double startValue = 0;
            bool   laststate  = false;
            double potValue   = 0.0;

            TimeSpan lastPeak = Utility.GetMachineTime();

            while (true)
                potValue = pot.Read();

                startValue += .5 * potValue;

                if (startValue > 2 * System.Math.PI)
                    startValue = 0;
                    laststate  = !laststate;

                    if (display != null)
                        display.writeValue("Frequency: " + getFreq(lastPeak) + " Hz");
                    lastPeak = Utility.GetMachineTime();

                led.DutyCycle = System.Math.Max(0, System.Math.Sin(startValue));
        public PWM_AIO_Demo_Main()
            //AIO pin connected to arbitrary range potentiometer.
            AnalogInput pot = new AnalogInput(AnalogChannels.ANALOG_PIN_A0);

            pot.Scale = 1; //sets range value that is returned by aio read()

             * Spawn task to poll DHT11 temp/humid sensor.
             * This polling takes time and the quality of the hardware/driver mean the
             * polling takes inconsistent amounts of time. Also, the read operation is
             * subject to timeouts which should not be allowed to suspend other tasks.
            Thread analogReadTask = new Thread(new ThreadStart(new AnalogReadClass().PollTempHumidity));


            //Spin untill task spawn completes
            while (!analogReadTask.IsAlive)

            //initialize PWM properties before handoff to forever loop
            double freq = 1000;
            double duty = .5;

            OutputPort onboardLed = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
            PWM        led        = new PWM(PWMChannels.PWM_PIN_D5, freq, duty, false);

            //Another output port to drive transistor, which drives coil of relay.
            OutputPort relay = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0, false);

            //Starts pwm channel at initialized rate/duty
            //Will be modified by pollwrite loop

            LCD_Display Display = new LCD_Display(0x27, 20, 4);


            //loop forever to get AIO value and set led pwm
            PollAndWriteLoop(pot, led, relay);
 public void PollTempHumidity()
     while (true)
         if (dhtSensor.Read())
             Debug.Print("DHT sensor Read() ok, RH = " + dhtSensor.Humidity.ToString("F1") + "%, Temp = " + toDegrees(dhtSensor.Temperature).ToString("F1") + "°F");
             //Also write to LCD display
             if (display != null)
                 display.writeValue("RH = " + dhtSensor.Humidity.ToString("F1") + "%,         Temp = " + toDegrees(dhtSensor.Temperature).ToString("F1") + "F");
             Debug.Print("DHT sensor Read() failed");
        public PWM_AIO_Demo_Main()
            //AIO pin connected to arbitrary range potentiometer.
            AnalogInput pot = new AnalogInput(AnalogChannels.ANALOG_PIN_A0);
            pot.Scale = 1; //sets range value that is returned by aio read()

             * Spawn task to poll DHT11 temp/humid sensor.
             * This polling takes time and the quality of the hardware/driver mean the
             * polling takes inconsistent amounts of time. Also, the read operation is
             * subject to timeouts which should not be allowed to suspend other tasks.
            Thread analogReadTask = new Thread(new ThreadStart(new AnalogReadClass().PollTempHumidity));

            //Spin untill task spawn completes
            while (!analogReadTask.IsAlive) ;

            //initialize PWM properties before handoff to forever loop
            double freq = 1000;
            double duty = .5;

            OutputPort onboardLed = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
            PWM led = new PWM(PWMChannels.PWM_PIN_D5, freq, duty, false);

            //Another output port to drive transistor, which drives coil of relay.
            OutputPort relay = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0, false);

            //Starts pwm channel at initialized rate/duty
            //Will be modified by pollwrite loop

            LCD_Display Display = new LCD_Display(0x27, 20, 4);

            //loop forever to get AIO value and set led pwm
            PollAndWriteLoop(pot, led, relay);
        //This loop polls the aio value set by the trimpot to determine the duty cycle which
        // determines the amplitude on the sin curve of a given itteration.
        private void SinLEDLoop(AnalogInput pot, PWM led, OutputPort relay, LCD_Display display )
            double startValue = 0;
            bool laststate = false;
            double potValue = 0.0;

            TimeSpan lastPeak = Utility.GetMachineTime();

            while (true)
                potValue = pot.Read();

                startValue += .5 * potValue;

                if (startValue > 2 * System.Math.PI)
                    startValue = 0;
                    laststate = !laststate;

                    if (display != null)
                        display.writeValue("Frequency: " + getFreq(lastPeak)  + " Hz");
                    lastPeak = Utility.GetMachineTime();

                led.DutyCycle = System.Math.Max(0, System.Math.Sin(startValue));
