// attached in ctor to trigger taskpane visibility has been changed and update the checkbutton in the ribbon ui for show/hide taskpane private void TaskPane_VisibleStateChange(Office._CustomTaskPane CustomTaskPaneInst) { if (null != RibbonUI) // may no ribbon supported { RibbonUI.InvalidateControl("paneVisibleToogleButton"); } }
// Taskpane visibility has been changed. We upate the checkbutton in the ribbon ui for show/hide taskpane protected override void TaskPaneVisibleStateChanged(Office._CustomTaskPane customTaskPaneInst) { if (null != RibbonUI) { RibbonUI.InvalidateControl("PaneVisibleToogleButton"); } }
/// <summary> /// Raise the VisibleChanged event /// </summary> internal void RaiseVisibleChanged(Office._CustomTaskPane pane) { if (null != _visibleStateChange) { _visibleStateChange(pane); } }
public void OnConnection(ICOMObject application, Office._CustomTaskPane parentPane, object[] customArguments) { if (customArguments.Length > 0) { ParentAddin = customArguments[0] as Addin; } }
/// <summary> /// Raise the DockPositionStateChange event /// </summary> internal void RaiseDockPositionStateChanged(Office._CustomTaskPane pane) { if (null != _dockPositionStateChange) { _dockPositionStateChange(pane); } }
/// <summary> /// Raise the DockPositionStateChange event /// </summary> internal void RaiseDockPositionStateChanged(Office._CustomTaskPane pane) { var handler = _visibleStateChange; if (null != handler) { handler(pane); } }
// attached in ctor to trigger taskpane visibility has been changed and update the checkbutton in the ribbon ui for show/hide taskpane private void TaskPane_VisibleStateChange(Office._CustomTaskPane CustomTaskPaneInst) { // ouer taskpane visibility has been changed. we send a message to the host application // and say please refresh the checkbutton state. now the host application want call ouer OnGetPressedPanelToggle method to update the checkstate. if (null != RibbonUI) { RibbonUI.InvalidateControl("paneVisibleToogleButton"); } }
private void AttributePane_DockPositionStateChange(Office._CustomTaskPane CustomTaskPaneInst) { try { CallTaskPaneDockPositionStateChange(CustomTaskPaneInst); } catch (Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } }
private void AttributePane_VisibleStateChange(NetOffice.OfficeApi._CustomTaskPane CustomTaskPaneInst) { try { CallTaskPaneVisibleStateChange(CustomTaskPaneInst); } catch (Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } }
public void CTPFactoryAvailable(object CTPFactoryInst) { try { Office.ICTPFactory ctpFactory = new NetOffice.OfficeApi.ICTPFactory(_accessApplication, CTPFactoryInst); Office._CustomTaskPane taskPane = ctpFactory.CreateCTP(typeof(Addin).Assembly.GetName().Name + ".SampleControl", "NetOffice Sample Pane(CS35)", Type.Missing); taskPane.DockPosition = MsoCTPDockPosition.msoCTPDockPositionRight; taskPane.Width = 300; taskPane.Visible = true; _sampleControl = taskPane.ContentControl as SampleControl; ctpFactory.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exception) { string message = string.Format("An error occured.{0}{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, exception.Message); MessageBox.Show(message, _progId, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// ICustomTaskPaneConsumer implementation /// </summary> /// <param name="CTPFactoryInst">factory proxy from host application</param> public virtual void CTPFactoryAvailable(object CTPFactoryInst) { try { if (null != CTPFactoryInst) { TaskPaneFactory = new NetOffice.OfficeApi.ICTPFactory(Application, CTPFactoryInst); foreach (TaskPaneInfo item in TaskPanes) { string title = item.Title; Office._CustomTaskPane taskPane = TaskPaneFactory.CreateCTP(item.Type.FullName, title); item.Pane = taskPane; item.IsLoaded = true; ITaskPane pane = taskPane.ContentControl as ITaskPane; if (null != pane) { TaskPaneInstances.Add(pane); object[] argumentArray = new object[0]; if (item.Arguments != null) { argumentArray = item.Arguments; } pane.OnConnection(Application, argumentArray); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> property in item.ChangedProperties) { if (property.Key != "Title") { taskPane.GetType().InvokeMember(property.Key, BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, taskPane, new object[] { property.Value }); } } } } } catch (NetRunTimeSystem.Exception exception) { NetOffice.DebugConsole.WriteException(exception); RaiseErrorHandlerMethod(ErrorMethodKind.CTPFactoryAvailable, exception); } }
private void CallTaskPaneDockPositionStateChange(NetOffice.OfficeApi._CustomTaskPane customTaskPaneInst) { try { foreach (TaskPaneInfo item in TaskPanes) { if (item.Pane == customTaskPaneInst) { try { ITaskPane target = item.Pane.ContentControl as ITaskPane; if (null != target && item.Pane == customTaskPaneInst) { try { target.OnDockPositionChanged(item.Pane.DockPosition); } catch (Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } } } TaskPaneDockStateChanged(customTaskPaneInst); } catch (Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } }
private void CallTaskPaneVisibleStateChange(NetOffice.OfficeApi._CustomTaskPane customTaskPaneInst) { try { foreach (TaskPaneInfo item in Parent.TaskPanes) { if (item.Pane.UnderlyingObject == customTaskPaneInst.UnderlyingObject) { try { ITaskPane target = item.Pane.ContentControl as ITaskPane; if (null != target) { try { target.OnVisibleStateChanged(item.Pane.Visible); } catch (Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } } } TaskPaneVisibleStateChanged(customTaskPaneInst); } catch (Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } }
private void CallTaskPaneVisibleStateChange(NetOffice.OfficeApi._CustomTaskPane customTaskPaneInst) { try { foreach (TaskPaneInfo item in TaskPanes) { if (item.Pane == customTaskPaneInst) { try { ITaskPane target = item.Pane.ContentControl as ITaskPane; if (null != target && item.Pane == customTaskPaneInst) { try { target.OnVisibleStateChanged(item.Pane.Visible); } catch (NetRuntimeSystem.Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } } } catch (NetRuntimeSystem.Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } } } TaskPaneVisibleStateChanged(customTaskPaneInst); } catch (NetRuntimeSystem.Exception exception) { Factory.Console.WriteException(exception); } }
private void TaskPane_VisibleStateChange(_CustomTaskPane CustomTaskPaneInst) { }
private void TaskPane_VisibleStateChange(Office._CustomTaskPane CustomTaskPaneInst) { }
public virtual void DockPositionStateChange(NetOffice.OfficeApi._CustomTaskPane customTaskPaneInst) { InvokerService.InvokeInternal.ExecuteMethod(this, "DockPositionStateChange", customTaskPaneInst); }
/// <summary> /// Called after any position changes but not for size changes /// </summary> /// <param name="customTaskPaneInst">pane instance</param> protected internal virtual void TaskPaneDockStateChanged(NetOffice.OfficeApi._CustomTaskPane customTaskPaneInst) { }
public void OnConnection(NetOffice.WordApi.Application application, NetOffice.OfficeApi._CustomTaskPane parentPane, object[] customArguments) { application.WindowSelectionChangeEvent += new NetOffice.WordApi.Application_WindowSelectionChangeEventHandler(Application_WindowSelectionChangeEvent); }
public void CTPFactoryAvailable(object CTPFactoryInst) { try { _myCtpFactory = new NetOffice.OfficeApi.ICTPFactory(_excelApplication, CTPFactoryInst); _myPane = _myCtpFactory.CreateCTP("ExcelAddinCSharp.SampleControl", "NetOffice Sample Pane(C#)", Type.Missing); _myPane.DockPosition = MsoCTPDockPosition.msoCTPDockPositionRight; _myPane.Visible = true; _myControl = _myPane.ContentControl as SampleControl; _taskPanePassed = true; } catch (Exception throwedException) { _taskPanePassed = false; string details = string.Format("{1}{1}Details:{1}{1}{0}", throwedException.Message, Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine(details); } }