static bool ReportHeartbeatsFound(SenderChannel telemetryChannel)
            bool foundAHeartbeat = false;
            IEnumerable <ITelemetry> metricsTelemetry = telemetryChannel.GetTelemetryTypeSent("MetricTelemetry");

            if (metricsTelemetry != null)
                foreach (ITelemetry ti in metricsTelemetry)
                    if (ti is MetricTelemetry metric)
                        metric.Name.Equals("HeartbeatState", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        Console.WriteLine($"Heartbeat sent at {metric.Timestamp.ToString("h:mm:ss")}");
                        Console.WriteLine($" Properties:");
                        foreach (var kvp in metric.Properties)
                            Console.WriteLine($"   {kvp.Key}: '{kvp.Value}'");
                        foundAHeartbeat = true;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Heartbeat extender. Press Esc to stop.");

            var appInsightsConfig = TelemetryConfiguration.Active;
            var testingChannel    = new SenderChannel();

            appInsightsConfig.TelemetryChannel = testingChannel;

            var tc       = new TelemetryClient(appInsightsConfig);
            var extender = new CustomHeartbeatProperties();

            // wait for the user to hit the Esc key
            int foundHeartbeats = 0;

            if (extender.Initialize(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(31.0)))
                while (!(Console.KeyAvailable && Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape))
                    if (ReportHeartbeatsFound(testingChannel))
                        Console.WriteLine("Found {0} heartbeats.", foundHeartbeats + 1);
                        if (foundHeartbeats == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Adding a custom property.");
                        else if (foundHeartbeats == 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("Updating the custom property we added previously.");

                Console.WriteLine("You pressed Esc. See ya!");
                Console.WriteLine("Could not initialize. Please step through with a debugger to see what may have caused the problem.");