public static void CyclicSend(object state) { try { object[] array = state as object[]; DateTime myDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 19, 23, 30, 05); Postgresql dataBase = new Postgresql(); dataBase.Open(); //Rzutowanie Receive request = array[0] as Receive; //Rozpakowanie wiadomości na części var str = request.OutputMessage.Content; byte[] encodedDataAsBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(str.TrimEnd('\'').TrimStart('b', '\'')); string returnValueStr = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(encodedDataAsBytes); string finale = @returnValueStr; var details = JObject.Parse(finale); string isCycle = details["cycmsg"].ToString(); string uid = details["uid"].ToString(); string pk = details["pk"].ToString(); string url = details["url"].ToString(); while (isCycle == "1") { var tmpIsCyclic = 0; try { var query = @"SELECT IsCyclic FROM requests WHERE UserID == " + uid + ";"; var reader = dataBase.Sql(query); while (reader.Read()) { tmpIsCyclic = (int)reader["IsCyclic"]; } reader.Close(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Reding from DB ERROR while cycle sending"); } if (tmpIsCyclic == 0 || tmpIsCyclic == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Stop processing cyclic request."); isCycle = "0"; return; } else { string userAddress = ""; string userURL = ""; try { var query1 = @"SELECT Address, URL FROM cyclicrequests WHERE UserID == " + uid + ";"; var reader1 = dataBase.Sql(query1); while (reader1.Read()) { userAddress = reader1["Address"] as string; userURL = reader1["URL"] as string; } reader1.Close(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Second reading from DB ERROR while cycle sending"); } //string userAddress = dataBase.Sql("SELECT Address FROM cyclicrequests WHERE UserID == " + details["uid"]).ToString(); //string userURL = dataBase.Sql("SELECT URL FROM cyclicrequests WHERE UserID == " + details["uid"]).ToString(); string wgetWithUrl = " --html-extension -p -P /root/" + userURL + " " + userURL; Console.WriteLine("Execute:" + wgetWithUrl); //////string page; //////using (var client = new WebClient()) //////{ ////// //client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "password"); ////// page = client.DownloadString(str2); ////// Console.WriteLine(page); //////} Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = "/usr/bin/wget"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = wgetWithUrl; proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proc.Start(); proc.WaitForExit(); Console.WriteLine("Download done!"); String file = "Default value"; String jsonFile = "Default value"; Byte[] zipInBytes; Byte[] finalZipInBytes; try { string pathToZip = @"/root/" + userURL; string zipedPath = @"/root/"; FastZip fastZip = new FastZip(); bool recurse = true; // Include all files by recursing through the directory structure string filter = null; // Dont filter any files at all fastZip.CreateZip(zipedPath, pathToZip, recurse, filter); Console.WriteLine("Zipping done!"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Zipping issues..."); } try { zipInBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("/root/"); file = Convert.ToBase64String(zipInBytes); Console.WriteLine("Converting done!"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Converting issues..."); } dynamic product = new JObject(); product.uid = details["uid"]; = details["pk"]; = file; try { finalZipInBytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(product.ToString()); jsonFile = System.Convert.ToBase64String(finalZipInBytes); Console.WriteLine("Converting JSON done!"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Converting JSON issues..."); Console.WriteLine(e); } Console.WriteLine("Rozpoczynam tworzenie wiadomości"); InputMessageTransportModule inputMessage = new InputMessageTransportModule { Content = jsonFile, Priority = Priorities.NORMAL, Receiver = userAddress, ValidityTime = myDate, ServiceType = request.OutputMessage.ServiceType }; Console.WriteLine("Tworzenie wiadomości zakończone"); try { Console.WriteLine("Rozpoczynam wysyłanie..."); SendResponse response2 = ServerProxyAPI.tranportModuleClient.Send <SendResponse>(new Send { InputMessage = inputMessage }); if (response2.Result == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Wysylanie powodlo sie"); } } catch (Exception b) { Console.WriteLine("Wysylanie nie powodlo sie..."); Console.WriteLine(b); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
//Metoda obsługi wątku, przyjmuje tablicę obiektów, które trzeba zrzutować na odpowiedni typ public static void Process(object state) { try { object[] array = state as object[]; DateTime myDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 19, 23, 30, 05); Console.WriteLine("Establishing connection with database"); Postgresql dataBase = new Postgresql(); dataBase.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connection with database established"); //Rzutowanie Receive request = array[0] as Receive; //Logika zwazana z odbieraniem wiadomosci Console.WriteLine("Odebralem wiadomosc!"); Console.WriteLine("Sender: " + request.OutputMessage.Sender); Console.WriteLine("Usluga: " + request.OutputMessage.ServiceType); Console.WriteLine("Ilosc bajtow wiadomosci: " + request.OutputMessage.Content.Length); var str = request.OutputMessage.Content; Console.WriteLine("Content: " + str); byte[] encodedDataAsBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(str.TrimEnd('\'').TrimStart('b', '\'')); string returnValueStr = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(encodedDataAsBytes); string finale = @returnValueStr; Console.WriteLine("Content 1: " + returnValueStr); var details = JObject.Parse(finale); Console.WriteLine(details["url"] + " " + details["uid"] + " " + details["pk"] + details["cycmsg"]); string cycleMessage = details["cycmsg"].ToString(); string uid = details["uid"].ToString(); string pk = details["pk"].ToString(); string url = details["url"].ToString(); //int a = str.Length; //char[] str1 = new char[a]; //for (int i = 13; i < a - 17; i++) //{ // str1[i - 13] += str[i]; //} //string str2 = new string(str1); //var query = @"SELECT service_type_number, label FROM service_types;"; //// Wykonanie zapytania //reader = postgresql.Sql(query); //// CZYTANIE WYNIKU - czyta wynik linia po linii, aż do osiągnięcia końca //while (reader.Read()) //{ // var type = (byte)(int)reader["service_type_number"]; // Trzeba zrzutować typy // var label = reader["label"] as string; // Tak jak wyżej inny sposób rzutowania //} //// Trzeba zamknąć obiekt reader, szczególnie jeżeli chce się wykonać potem inne zapytanie w ramach tej samej sesji połączenia z bazą //reader.Close(); if (cycleMessage == "1") { var tmpIsCyclic = 0; Console.WriteLine("Start reading from DB"); try { var query = @"SELECT IsCyclic FROM requests WHERE UserID == " + uid + ";"; var reader = dataBase.Sql(query); Console.WriteLine("Reading from DB"); while (reader.Read()) { tmpIsCyclic = (int)reader["IsCyclic"]; } Console.WriteLine("Reding from DB done"); reader.Close(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Reding from DB ERROR"); } if (tmpIsCyclic == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Request already process!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Inserting to DB"); try { var query1 = @"INSERT INTO cyclicrequests (UserID, Address, URL, IsCyclic) VALUES (" + uid + ", " + request.OutputMessage.Sender + ", " + url + ", " + cycleMessage + ");"; dataBase.Sql(query1); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Inserting to DB ERROR"); } WaitCallback callback = new WaitCallback(ServerProxy.CyclicSend); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(callback, new object[] { request }); Console.WriteLine("Inserting to DB done and cyclic send starting process"); } } else if (cycleMessage == "2") { var query2 = "UPDATE cyclicrequests SET IsCyclic = " + cycleMessage + "WHERE UserID == " + uid + ";"; dataBase.Sql(query2); //TODO: Usuwanie wątku z puli } else { string wgetWithUrl = " --html-extension -p -P /root/" + details["url"] + " " + details["url"]; Console.WriteLine("Execute:" + wgetWithUrl); //////string page; //////using (var client = new WebClient()) //////{ ////// //client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "password"); ////// page = client.DownloadString(str2); ////// Console.WriteLine(page); //////} Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = "/usr/bin/wget"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = wgetWithUrl; proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proc.Start(); proc.WaitForExit(); Console.WriteLine("Download done!"); String file = "Default value"; String jsonFile = "Default value"; Byte[] zipInBytes; Byte[] finalZipInBytes; try { string pathToZip = @"/root/" + details["url"]; string zipedPath = @"/root/"; FastZip fastZip = new FastZip(); bool recurse = true; // Include all files by recursing through the directory structure string filter = null; // Dont filter any files at all fastZip.CreateZip(zipedPath, pathToZip, recurse, filter); Console.WriteLine("Zipping done!"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Zipping issues..."); } try { zipInBytes = File.ReadAllBytes("/root/"); file = Convert.ToBase64String(zipInBytes); Console.WriteLine("Converting done!"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Converting issues..."); } dynamic product = new JObject(); product.uid = details["uid"]; = details["pk"]; = file; try { finalZipInBytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(product.ToString()); jsonFile = System.Convert.ToBase64String(finalZipInBytes); Console.WriteLine("Converting JSON done!"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Converting JSON issues..."); Console.WriteLine(e); } Console.WriteLine("Rozpoczynam tworzenie wiadomości"); InputMessageTransportModule inputMessage = new InputMessageTransportModule { Content = jsonFile, Priority = Priorities.NORMAL, Receiver = request.OutputMessage.Sender, ValidityTime = myDate, ServiceType = request.OutputMessage.ServiceType }; Console.WriteLine("Tworzenie wiadomości zakończone"); try { Console.WriteLine("Rozpoczynam wysyłanie..."); SendResponse response2 = ServerProxyAPI.tranportModuleClient.Send <SendResponse>(new Send { InputMessage = inputMessage }); if (response2.Result == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Wysylanie powodlo sie"); } } catch (Exception b) { Console.WriteLine("Wysylanie nie powodlo sie..."); Console.WriteLine(b); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }