/// <summary> /// To save the user registration details to tables /// </summary> protected void btnPostResume_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!mainCheck.Checked) { mainCheck.Focus(); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "marin1", "alert('you have to accept the declaration, please check check box.!');", true); return; } string[] strEmpty = { "firstName", "lastName", "mobile", "email", "date_of_birth", "Address", "city", "pin", "notice_period" }; foreach (string str in strEmpty) { var ctrl = form1.FindControl(str); if (ctrl != null) { TextBox txt = ctrl as TextBox; if (txt != null && txt.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { txt.Focus(); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "marin1", "alert('" + str + " cannot be empty.!');", true); return; } } } if (email.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { bool usrstatus = false; UserDetails umbl = new UserDetails(); usrstatus = umbl.Check_Candidate_Registration(email.Text.Trim()); umbl = null; if (usrstatus) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "alert", "alert('Your registration details already exist, you cannot register again!!');", true); return; } } if (applying_for.SelectedIndex == 0) { experience.Focus(); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "marinexp1", "alert('Please select the Applying For drop down.!');", true); return; } if (experience.SelectedIndex == 0) { experience.Focus(); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "marinexp1", "alert('Please select the experience drop down.!');", true); return; } string strMonth = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("MM_yyyy"); string updPath = Path.Combine(ResumePath, strMonth); string resume_path = string.Empty; if (upload_resume.HasFile) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(upload_resume.PostedFile.FileName); if (extension.ToLower() == ".pdf" || extension.ToLower() == ".docx") { string resumename = email.Text + extension; if (!Directory.Exists(updPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(updPath); } resume_path = Path.Combine(updPath, resumename); upload_resume.SaveAs(resume_path); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "marin1", "alert('upload resume allowed only pdf/docx extension');", true); return; } } //check validations; RegistrationEntity regEntity = GetControlData(); if (resume_path != string.Empty) { regEntity.resume_path = resume_path; } DataTable tblEducation = GetEducationData(); if (tblEducation == null || tblEducation.Rows.Count == 0) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "marined", "alert('Please enter the Education Details.');", true); return; } //string[] strNames = { "Id", "DegreeName", "Specialization", "CollegeName", "UniversityName", "YearofPassing", "pcntofmarks" }; foreach (DataRow dr in tblEducation.Rows) { if (dr["DegreeName"].ToString() == "" || dr["DegreeName"].ToString() == null) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "marin1", "alert('Please select the Degree Name.');", true); return; } if ((dr["CollegeName"].ToString().Length == 0) || (dr["UniversityName"].ToString().Length == 0) || (dr["YearofPassing"].ToString().Length == 0) || (dr["pcntofmarks"].ToString().Length == 0)) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "marincu", "alert('CollegeName, UniversityName,YearofPassing,%ofmarks cannot be empty.');", true); return; } } DataTable tblExperence = GetExperenceData(); Registration blReg = new Registration(); int ExectuteStatus = 0; string Result = string.Empty; int res = blReg.InsertCandidateRegistration(regEntity, tblEducation, tblExperence, out ExectuteStatus, out Result); blReg = null; if (ExectuteStatus == 1) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "ressuss", "alert('User registration form submitted successfully');", true); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); //Response.Redirect("UserRegistration.aspx"); } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "reserro", "alert('" + Result.Replace("'", "") + "');", true); } }
protected void BtnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (chkUserLogin.Checked) { if (txtUserEmail.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { bool usrstatus = Check_Candidate_Registration(txtUserEmail.Text.Trim()); if (!usrstatus) { lblerrorMessage.Text = txtUserEmail.Text.Trim() + " Your resume is not available in the NES website. please post your resume @ www.nes.co.in and Try Again!! "; lblerrorMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "alert", "alert('Your resume is not available in the NES website. please post your resume @ www.nes.co.in and Try Again!!')", true); return; } } else { lblerrorMessage.Text = " Enter email address as user name "; lblerrorMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "alert", "alert('Enter email address as user name')", true); return; } } if (Session["exammoduleid"] != null && Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "44") { if (!chkUserLogin.Checked) { txtUserEmail.Text = Session["ExaminerName"].ToString(); } } string userName = string.Empty; string passWord = string.Empty; string strUserName = string.Empty; DataSet dsUserDetails = new DataSet(); DataTable dtUserDetails = new DataTable(); DataTable dtexamdetails = new DataTable(); UserManagement objUserListDTO = new UserManagement(); UserManagement userBAL = new UserManagement(); try { objUserListDTO = new UserManagement(); userBAL = new UserManagement(); dsUserDetails = new DataSet(); userName = txtUserEmail.Text.ToString(); objUserListDTO.UserName = userName; bool isStatus = false; string strStatus = string.Empty; strUserName = userName; Session["userEmail"] = userName; int result = 0; if (Session["exammoduleid"] != null) { int exammoduleid = 0; int.TryParse(Session["exammoduleid"].ToString(), out exammoduleid); switch (exammoduleid) { case 36: //EMP - Enhance Metadata Project EMP { dtexamdetails = userBAL.VerifyUserExamByUserEmail(objUserListDTO); if (dtexamdetails != null && dtexamdetails.Rows.Count > 0) { lblerrorMessage.Text = strUserName + " You have already appeared for the test! "; lblerrorMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "alert", "alert('You have already appeared for the test!')", true); } else { if (strUserName.Length > 0) { Page.Session["userEmail"] = strUserName; result = ExamUserInsert(); if (result > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "Popup", "window.open('UserDashboard.aspx','_parent');", true); } } } break; } case 18: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: case 26: case 29: case 30: case 31: case 32: case 35: case 39: case 45: { // Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "18" // //|| Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "19" // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "21" // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "22" // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "23" //ADPNET // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "24" // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "25" //python // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "26" // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "29" // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "30" // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "31" // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "32" // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "35" // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "39" //PSP /// || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "41" //PCM // || Session["exammoduleid"].ToString() == "45" // )) long UserId = InsertObj_UserDetails(); if (UserId > 0) { Session["UserId"] = UserId; Session["ModuleId"] = Session["exammoduleid"].ToString(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "Popup", "window.open('UserDashboard.aspx','_parent');", true); } break; } case 19: // HelpDesk - Level: 2 desc case 20: //HelpDesk - Level: 3 desc case 33: //HelpDesk - Level: 3 desc case 38: // Content Specialist - Descriptive Test -2 case 41: //Product Management Team -desc { int roleid = 3; if (!chkUserLogin.Checked) { Session["UserId"] = 0; UserDetails umbl = new UserDetails(); string UserType = umbl.GetUserRole(userName); umbl = null; Session["UserType"] = UserType; if (UserType == "Administrator") { roleid = 1; } else if (UserType == "Evaluator") { roleid = 2; } } long UserId = Des_Insert_UserDetails(roleid); if (UserId > 0) { Session["UserId"] = UserId; Session["ModuleId"] = Session["exammoduleid"].ToString(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "Popup", "window.open('UserDashboard.aspx','_parent');", true); } break; } case 44: //Cataloguing Online Test CAT { if (!chkUserLogin.Checked) { Session["UserId"] = 0; Session["LoginName"] = userName; Session["userEmail"] = userName; UserDetails umbl = new UserDetails(); string UserType = umbl.GetUserRole(userName); umbl = null; Session["UserType"] = UserType; int roleid = 1; if (UserType == "Administrator") { roleid = 1; } else if (UserType == "Evaluator") { roleid = 2; } long UserId = InsertCat_UserDetails(roleid); Session["EvaluatorId"] = 0; Session["UserId"] = 0; if (UserType == "Administrator") { Session["UserType"] = "Administrator"; Session["AdministratorId"] = UserId; } else if (UserType == "Evaluator") { Session["UserType"] = "Evaluator"; Session["EvaluatorId"] = UserId; } if (UserId > 0) { Session["UserId"] = UserId; Session["ModuleId"] = Session["exammoduleid"].ToString(); Response.Redirect("" + Session["UserType"].ToString() + "&UserId=" + Session["UserId"].ToString() + "&LoginName=" + Session["userEmail"].ToString() + "", false); //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "Popup", "window.open('UserDashboard.aspx','_parent');", true); } } else { Session["userEmail"] = userName; Session["UserType"] = "User"; Session["UserId"] = 0; long UserId = InsertCat_UserDetails(3); if (UserId > 0) { Session["UserId"] = UserId; Session["ModuleId"] = Session["exammoduleid"].ToString(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "Popup", "window.open('UserDashboard.aspx','_parent');", true); } } break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private long InsertObj_UserDetails() { long UserId = 0; int ModuleId = 0; int.TryParse(Session["exammoduleid"].ToString(), out ModuleId); string userEmail = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); string examinerName = Session["ExaminerName"].ToString(); string alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; string examCode = "LIB"; if (ModuleId == 18) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_questions_english"; examCode = "T1_Technical_Test"; } //if (ModuleId == 19) //{ // alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_ESL_questions"; // examCode = "T2_Technical_Test"; //} if (ModuleId == 21) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_questions_software"; examCode = "OOPs_Java"; } if (ModuleId == 22) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_questions_CSharp"; examCode = "CSharp"; } if (ModuleId == 23) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "ASP.NET_Developer"; } if (ModuleId == 24) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_questions_DB"; examCode = "DB"; } if (ModuleId == 25) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "ASP.NET_Developer"; } if (ModuleId == 26) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_questions_TSRep"; examCode = "TSP_Rep"; } if (ModuleId == 29) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "LIBR_References"; } if (ModuleId == 30) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "LIBC1_CINAHL1"; } if (ModuleId == 31) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "LIBC2_CINAHL2"; } if (ModuleId == 32) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "LIB"; } if (ModuleId == 35) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "Title_Loading"; } if (ModuleId == 39) //PSP { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "PSP"; } //if (ModuleId == 41) //PCM //{ // alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; // examCode = "PCM"; //} if (ModuleId == 45) { alloted_questions_tbl = "questions_english"; examCode = "STE"; } UserDetails dac = new UserDetails(); UserId = dac.InsertObj_UserDetails(userEmail, examinerName, alloted_questions_tbl, examCode, ModuleId); dac = null; return(UserId); }
/// <summary> /// To insert the Obj test user details /// </summary> private long InsertObj_UserDetails(long CanId) { long UserId = 0; int ModuleId = 0; int.TryParse(Session["exammoduleid"].ToString(), out ModuleId); string userEmail = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); string examinerName = Session["ExaminerName"].ToString(); string alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; string examCode = "LIB"; if (ModuleId == 18) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_questions_english"; examCode = "T1_Technical_Test"; } if (ModuleId == 21) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_questions_software"; examCode = "OOPs_Java"; } if (ModuleId == 22) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_questions_CSharp"; examCode = "CSharp"; } if (ModuleId == 23) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "ASP.NET_Developer"; } if (ModuleId == 24) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_questions_DB"; examCode = "DB"; } if (ModuleId == 25) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "ASP.NET_Developer"; } if (ModuleId == 26) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_questions_TSRep"; examCode = "TSP_Rep"; } if (ModuleId == 29) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "LIBR_References"; } if (ModuleId == 30) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "LIBC1_CINAHL1"; } if (ModuleId == 31) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "LIBC2_CINAHL2"; } if (ModuleId == 32) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "LIB"; } if (ModuleId == 35) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "Title_Loading"; } if (ModuleId == 39) //PSP { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; examCode = "PSP"; } //if (ModuleId == 41) //PCM //{ // alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; // examCode = "PCM"; //} if (ModuleId == 45) { alloted_questions_tbl = "questions_english"; examCode = "STE"; } UserDetails dac = new UserDetails(); UserId = dac.InsertObj_UserDetails(userEmail, examinerName, alloted_questions_tbl, examCode, ModuleId); if (UserId > 0) { string Ip_Address = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString().Trim(); int res = 0; res = dac.InsertObj_UserAllotedQuestions(UserId, ModuleId, Ip_Address); DateTime stdate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtExamTime.Text + " " + ddlExamTime.SelectedValue); int totTime = 20; int.TryParse(ddlTotMinutes.SelectedValue, out totTime); string linkId = GenerateRandomString(10); InsertCurrent_Candidates(UserId, ModuleId, CanId, stdate, totTime, linkId, Session["ExaminerName"].ToString()); } dac = null; return(UserId); }
/// <summary> /// To insert the Des test user details /// </summary> private long Des_Insert_UserDetails(long CanId, int roleid) { long UserId = 0; int ModuleId = 0; int.TryParse(Session["exammoduleid"].ToString(), out ModuleId); string userEmail = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); string examinerName = Session["ExaminerName"].ToString(); string alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_common"; string examCode = "LIB"; if (ModuleId == 19) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_ESL_questions"; examCode = "T2_Technical_DesTest"; } if (ModuleId == 20) { alloted_questions_tbl = "EBSCO_ESL_questions"; examCode = "T3_Technical_DesTest"; } if (ModuleId == 28) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_DESCRIPTIVE_questions"; examCode = "TS_Test"; } if (ModuleId == 33) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_DESCRIPTIVE_questions"; examCode = "LIB_Desc"; } if (ModuleId == 38) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_DESCRIPTIVE_questions"; examCode = "ContentSpecialist_DesTest"; } if (ModuleId == 41) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_DESCRIPTIVE_questions"; examCode = "Product_Management"; } UserDetails dac = new UserDetails(); UserId = dac.Des_Insert_UserDetails(userEmail, roleid, examinerName, alloted_questions_tbl, examCode, ModuleId); if (UserId > 0) { string Ip_Address = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString().Trim(); int res = 0; res = dac.Des_Insert_UserAllotedQuestions(UserId, ModuleId, Ip_Address); DateTime stdate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtExamTime.Text + " " + ddlExamTime.SelectedValue); int totTime = 20; int.TryParse(ddlTotMinutes.SelectedValue, out totTime); string linkId = GenerateRandomString(10); InsertCurrent_Candidates(UserId, ModuleId, CanId, stdate, totTime, linkId, Session["ExaminerName"].ToString()); } dac = null; return(UserId); }
/// <summary> /// To insert the DAO test user details /// </summary> private long DAO_Insert_UserDetails(long CanId, int roleid) { long UserId = 0; int ModuleId = 0; int.TryParse(Session["exammoduleid"].ToString(), out ModuleId); string userEmail = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); string examinerName = Session["ExaminerName"].ToString(); string alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_DAO"; string examCode = "TS_DAO"; if (ModuleId == 50) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_DAO"; examCode = "TS_DAO"; } //Anil 20200611 if (ModuleId == 52) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_DAO"; examCode = "INS"; // Insurance Test } if (ModuleId == 54) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_DAO"; examCode = "ANA"; // Analytical Test } if (ModuleId == 56) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_DAO"; examCode = "EBK_XML"; // EBook XML Test } if (ModuleId == 57) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_DAO"; examCode = "EBK_EPUB"; // Ebook EPUB Test } if (ModuleId == 59) { alloted_questions_tbl = "NES_questions_DAO"; examCode = "EDT"; // English Descriptive Test for PCM } if (ModuleId == 61) // 20200723 Anil { alloted_questions_tbl = "User_Questions_CINAHL"; examCode = "CINAHL"; // CINAHL Indexing Test } List <int> ExcludeModules = new List <int>(); ExcludeModules.Add(52); ExcludeModules.Add(54); ExcludeModules.Add(56); ExcludeModules.Add(57); ExcludeModules.Add(59); ExcludeModules.Add(61); UserDetails dac = new UserDetails(); UserId = dac.DAO_Insert_UserDetails(userEmail, roleid, examinerName, alloted_questions_tbl, examCode, ModuleId); if (UserId > 0) { string Ip_Address = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"].ToString().Trim(); int res = 0; if (!ExcludeModules.Contains(ModuleId)) { res = dac.DAO_Insert_UserAllotedQuestions(UserId, ModuleId, Ip_Address); } DateTime stdate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtExamTime.Text + " " + ddlExamTime.SelectedValue); int totTime = 20; int.TryParse(ddlTotMinutes.SelectedValue, out totTime); string linkId = GenerateRandomString(10); InsertCurrent_Candidates(UserId, ModuleId, CanId, stdate, totTime, linkId, Session["ExaminerName"].ToString()); } dac = null; return(UserId); }