        /// <summary>
        /// Tests whether a commit is of a specified version, comparing major and minor components
        /// with the version.txt file defined by that commit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit to test.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedVersion">The version to test for in the commit</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative directory from which <paramref name="expectedVersion"/> was originally calculated.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the <paramref name="commit"/> matches the major and minor components of <paramref name="expectedVersion"/>.</returns>
        private static bool CommitMatchesVersion(Commit commit, Version expectedVersion, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory)
            var     commitVersionData  = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory);
            Version majorMinorFromFile = commitVersionData?.Version ?? Version0;

            return(majorMinorFromFile?.Major == expectedVersion.Major && majorMinorFromFile?.Minor == expectedVersion.Minor && majorMinorFromFile?.Build == expectedVersion.Build && majorMinorFromFile?.Revision == expectedVersion.Revision);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the number of commits in the longest single path between
        /// the specified commit and the most distant ancestor (inclusive)
        /// that set the version to the value at <paramref name="commit"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit to measure the height of.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative project directory for which to calculate the version.</param>
        /// <returns>The height of the commit. Always a positive integer.</returns>
        public static int GetVersionHeight(this Commit commit, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory = null)
            var baseVersion = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory)?.Version ?? Version0;
            int height      = commit.GetHeight(c => CommitMatchesVersion(c, baseVersion, repoRelativeProjectDirectory));

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VersionOracle"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public VersionOracle(string projectDirectory, LibGit2Sharp.Repository repo, ICloudBuild cloudBuild)
            this.cloudBuild     = cloudBuild;
            this.VersionOptions =
                VersionFile.GetVersion(repo, projectDirectory) ??

            var repoRoot = repo?.Info?.WorkingDirectory?.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar);
            var relativeRepoProjectDirectory = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repoRoot)
                ? projectDirectory.Substring(repoRoot.Length).TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar)
                : null;

            var commit = repo?.Head.Commits.FirstOrDefault();

            this.GitCommitId   = commit?.Id.Sha ?? cloudBuild?.GitCommitId ?? null;
            this.VersionHeight = repo?.GetVersionHeight(relativeRepoProjectDirectory) ?? 0;
            this.BuildingRef   = cloudBuild?.BuildingTag ?? cloudBuild?.BuildingBranch ?? repo?.Head.CanonicalName;

            // Override the typedVersion with the special build number and revision components, when available.
            this.Version = repo?.GetIdAsVersion(relativeRepoProjectDirectory, this.VersionHeight) ?? this.VersionOptions?.Version.Version;
            this.Version = this.Version ?? new Version(0, 0);

            this.CloudBuildNumberOptions = this.VersionOptions?.CloudBuild?.BuildNumber ?? new VersionOptions.CloudBuildNumberOptions();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BuildingRef) && this.VersionOptions?.PublicReleaseRefSpec?.Length > 0)
                this.PublicRelease = this.VersionOptions.PublicReleaseRefSpec.Any(
                    expr => Regex.IsMatch(this.BuildingRef, expr));
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests whether a commit's version-spec matches a given version-spec.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit to test.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedVersion">The version to test for in the commit</param>
        /// <param name="comparisonPrecision">The last component of the version to include in the comparison.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative directory from which <paramref name="expectedVersion"/> was originally calculated.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the <paramref name="commit"/> matches the major and minor components of <paramref name="expectedVersion"/>.</returns>
        internal static bool CommitMatchesVersion(this Commit commit, Version expectedVersion, SemanticVersion.Position comparisonPrecision, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory)
            Requires.NotNull(commit, nameof(commit));
            Requires.NotNull(expectedVersion, nameof(expectedVersion));

            var commitVersionData = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory);
            var semVerFromFile    = commitVersionData?.Version;

            if (semVerFromFile == null)

            for (SemanticVersion.Position position = SemanticVersion.Position.Major; position <= comparisonPrecision; position++)
                int expectedValue = ReadVersionPosition(expectedVersion, position);
                int actualValue   = ReadVersionPosition(semVerFromFile.Version, position);
                if (expectedValue != actualValue)

        private void UpdateVersion(string projectDirectory, Repository repository, SemanticVersion oldVersion, SemanticVersion newVersion)
            Requires.NotNull(projectDirectory, nameof(projectDirectory));
            Requires.NotNull(repository, nameof(repository));

            var signature      = this.GetSignature(repository);
            var versionOptions = VersionFile.GetVersion(repository, projectDirectory);

            if (IsVersionDecrement(oldVersion, newVersion))
                this.stderr.WriteLine($"Cannot change version from {oldVersion} to {newVersion} because {newVersion} is older than {oldVersion}.");
                throw new ReleasePreparationException(ReleasePreparationError.VersionDecrement);

            if (!EqualityComparer <SemanticVersion> .Default.Equals(versionOptions.Version, newVersion))
                versionOptions.Version = newVersion;
                var filePath = VersionFile.SetVersion(projectDirectory, versionOptions, includeSchemaProperty: true);

                Commands.Stage(repository, filePath);

                // Author a commit only if we effectively changed something.
                if (!repository.Head.Tip.Tree.Equals(repository.Index.WriteToTree()))
                    repository.Commit($"Set version to '{versionOptions.Version}'", signature, signature, new CommitOptions()
                        AllowEmptyCommit = false
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the number of commits in the longest single path between
        /// the specified commit and the most distant ancestor (inclusive)
        /// that set the version to the value at <paramref name="commit"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit to measure the height of.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative project directory for which to calculate the version.</param>
        /// <param name="baseVersion">Optional base version to calculate the height. If not specified, the base version will be calculated by scanning the repository.</param>
        /// <returns>The height of the commit. Always a positive integer.</returns>
        public static int GetVersionHeight(this Commit commit, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory = null, Version baseVersion = null)
            Requires.NotNull(commit, nameof(commit));
            Requires.Argument(repoRelativeProjectDirectory == null || !Path.IsPathRooted(repoRelativeProjectDirectory), nameof(repoRelativeProjectDirectory), "Path should be relative to repo root.");

            var versionOptions = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory);

            if (versionOptions == null)

            var baseSemVer =
                baseVersion != null?SemanticVersion.Parse(baseVersion.ToString()) :
                    versionOptions.Version ?? SemVer0;

            var versionHeightPosition = versionOptions.VersionHeightPosition;

            if (versionHeightPosition.HasValue)
                int height = commit.GetHeight(c => CommitMatchesVersion(c, baseSemVer, versionHeightPosition.Value, repoRelativeProjectDirectory));

        /// <summary>
        /// Tests whether a commit is of a specified version, comparing major and minor components
        /// with the version.txt file defined by that commit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit to test.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedVersion">The version to test for in the commit</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative directory from which <paramref name="expectedVersion"/> was originally calculated.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the <paramref name="commit"/> matches the major and minor components of <paramref name="expectedVersion"/>.</returns>
        private static bool CommitMatchesMajorMinorVersion(Commit commit, Version expectedVersion, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory)
            Requires.NotNull(commit, nameof(commit));
            Requires.NotNull(expectedVersion, nameof(expectedVersion));

            Version majorMinorFromFile = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory)?.Version ?? Version0;

            return(majorMinorFromFile?.Major == expectedVersion.Major && majorMinorFromFile?.Minor == expectedVersion.Minor);
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes a commit from history in a <see cref="Version"/>
        /// so that the original commit can be found later.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit whose ID and position in history is to be encoded.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative project directory for which to calculate the version.</param>
        /// <param name="versionHeight">
        /// The version height, previously calculated by a call to <see cref="GetVersionHeight(Commit, string)"/>
        /// with the same value for <paramref name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A version whose <see cref="Version.Build"/> and
        /// <see cref="Version.Revision"/> components are calculated based on the commit.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// In the returned version, the <see cref="Version.Build"/> component is
        /// the height of the git commit while the <see cref="Version.Revision"/>
        /// component is the first four bytes of the git commit id (forced to be a positive integer).
        /// </remarks>
        public static Version GetIdAsVersion(this Commit commit, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory = null, int?versionHeight = null)
            Requires.NotNull(commit, nameof(commit));
            Requires.Argument(repoRelativeProjectDirectory == null || !Path.IsPathRooted(repoRelativeProjectDirectory), nameof(repoRelativeProjectDirectory), "Path should be relative to repo root.");

            var versionOptions = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory);

            return(GetIdAsVersionHelper(commit, versionOptions, repoRelativeProjectDirectory, versionHeight));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VersionOracle"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public VersionOracle(string projectDirectory, LibGit2Sharp.Repository repo, LibGit2Sharp.Commit head, ICloudBuild cloudBuild, int?overrideBuildNumberOffset = null, string projectPathRelativeToGitRepoRoot = null)
            var repoRoot = repo?.Info?.WorkingDirectory?.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar);
            var relativeRepoProjectDirectory = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repoRoot)
                ? (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectPathRelativeToGitRepoRoot)
                    ? projectPathRelativeToGitRepoRoot
                    : projectDirectory.Substring(repoRoot.Length).TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar))
                : null;

            var commit = head ?? repo?.Head.Commits.FirstOrDefault();

            var committedVersion = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, relativeRepoProjectDirectory);

            var workingVersion = head != null?VersionFile.GetVersion(head, relativeRepoProjectDirectory) : VersionFile.GetVersion(projectDirectory);

            if (overrideBuildNumberOffset.HasValue)
                if (committedVersion != null)
                    committedVersion.BuildNumberOffset = overrideBuildNumberOffset.Value;

                if (workingVersion != null)
                    workingVersion.BuildNumberOffset = overrideBuildNumberOffset.Value;

            this.VersionOptions = committedVersion ?? workingVersion;

            this.GitCommitId   = commit?.Id.Sha ?? cloudBuild?.GitCommitId ?? null;
            this.VersionHeight = CalculateVersionHeight(relativeRepoProjectDirectory, commit, committedVersion, workingVersion);
            this.BuildingRef   = cloudBuild?.BuildingTag ?? cloudBuild?.BuildingBranch ?? repo?.Head.CanonicalName;

            // Override the typedVersion with the special build number and revision components, when available.
            if (repo != null)
                this.Version = GetIdAsVersion(commit, committedVersion, workingVersion, this.VersionHeight);
                this.Version = this.VersionOptions?.Version.Version ?? Version0;

            this.VersionHeightOffset = this.VersionOptions?.BuildNumberOffsetOrDefault ?? 0;

            this.PrereleaseVersion = this.ReplaceMacros(this.VersionOptions?.Version?.Prerelease ?? string.Empty);

            this.CloudBuildNumberOptions = this.VersionOptions?.CloudBuild?.BuildNumberOrDefault ?? VersionOptions.CloudBuildNumberOptions.DefaultInstance;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BuildingRef) && this.VersionOptions?.PublicReleaseRefSpec?.Length > 0)
                this.PublicRelease = this.VersionOptions.PublicReleaseRefSpec.Any(
                    expr => Regex.IsMatch(this.BuildingRef, expr));
            internal VersionOptions GetVersion(Commit commit)
                if (!this.commitVersionCache.TryGetValue(commit.Id, out VersionOptions options))
                    options = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, this.RepoRelativeDirectory);
                    this.commitVersionCache.Add(commit.Id, options);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the number of commits in the longest single path between
        /// the specified commit and the most distant ancestor (inclusive)
        /// that set the version to the value at <paramref name="commit"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit to measure the height of.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative project directory for which to calculate the version.</param>
        /// <returns>The height of the commit. Always a positive integer.</returns>
        public static int GetVersionHeight(this Commit commit, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory = null)
            Requires.NotNull(commit, nameof(commit));
            Requires.Argument(repoRelativeProjectDirectory == null || !Path.IsPathRooted(repoRelativeProjectDirectory), nameof(repoRelativeProjectDirectory), "Path should be relative to repo root.");

            var baseVersion = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory)?.Version?.Version ?? Version0;
            int height      = commit.GetHeight(c => CommitMatchesMajorMinorVersion(c, baseVersion, repoRelativeProjectDirectory));

        /// <summary>
        /// Tests whether a commit is of a specified version, comparing major and minor components
        /// with the version.txt file defined by that commit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit to test.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedVersion">The version to test for in the commit</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative directory from which <paramref name="expectedVersion"/> was originally calculated.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the <paramref name="commit"/> matches the major and minor components of <paramref name="expectedVersion"/>.</returns>
        internal static bool CommitMatchesVersion(this Commit commit, Version expectedVersion, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory)
            Requires.NotNull(commit, nameof(commit));
            Requires.NotNull(expectedVersion, nameof(expectedVersion));

            var commitVersionData = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory);
            var semVerFromFile    = commitVersionData?.Version;

            return(semVerFromFile?.Contains(expectedVersion) ?? false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Looks up the commits that match a specified version number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repo">The repository to search for a matching commit.</param>
        /// <param name="version">The version previously obtained from <see cref="GetIdAsVersion(Commit, string, int?)"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative project directory from which <paramref name="version"/> was originally calculated.</param>
        /// <returns>The matching commits, or an empty enumeration if no match is found.</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <Commit> GetCommitsFromVersion(this Repository repo, Version version, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory = null)
            Requires.NotNull(repo, nameof(repo));
            Requires.NotNull(version, nameof(version));

            var possibleCommits = from commit in GetCommitsReachableFromRefs(repo).Distinct()
                                  let commitVersionOptions = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory)
                                                             where commitVersionOptions != null
                                                             where !IsCommitIdMismatch(version, commitVersionOptions, commit)
                                                             where !IsVersionHeightMismatch(version, commitVersionOptions, commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory)
                                                             select commit;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the version options from HEAD and the working copy (if applicable),
        /// and tests their equality.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repo">The repo to scan for version info.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The path to the directory of the project whose version is being queried, relative to the repo root.</param>
        /// <param name="committedVersion">Receives the version options from the HEAD commit.</param>
        /// <param name="workingCopyVersion">Receives the version options from the working copy, when applicable.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if <paramref name="committedVersion"/> and <paramref name="workingCopyVersion"/> are not equal.</returns>
        private static bool IsVersionFileChangedInWorkingCopy(Repository repo, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory, out VersionOptions committedVersion, out VersionOptions workingCopyVersion)
            Commit headCommit = repo.Head.Commits.FirstOrDefault();

            committedVersion = VersionFile.GetVersion(headCommit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory);

            if (!repo.Info.IsBare)
                string fullDirectory = Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, repoRelativeProjectDirectory ?? string.Empty);
                workingCopyVersion = VersionFile.GetVersion(fullDirectory);
                return(!EqualityComparer <VersionOptions> .Default.Equals(workingCopyVersion, committedVersion));

            workingCopyVersion = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Looks up the commits that match a specified version number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repo">The repository to search for a matching commit.</param>
        /// <param name="version">The version previously obtained from <see cref="GetIdAsVersion(Commit, string, int?)"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative project directory from which <paramref name="version"/> was originally calculated.</param>
        /// <returns>The matching commits, or an empty enumeration if no match is found.</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <Commit> GetCommitsFromVersion(this Repository repo, Version version, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory = null)
            // The revision is a 16-bit unsigned integer, but is not allowed to be 0xffff.
            // So if the value is 0xfffe, consider that the actual last bit is insignificant
            // since the original git commit ID could have been either 0xffff or 0xfffe.
            ushort objectIdLeadingValue = (ushort)version.Revision;
            ushort objectIdMask         = (ushort)(version.Revision == MaximumBuildNumberOrRevisionComponent ? 0xfffe : 0xffff);

            var possibleCommits = from commit in GetCommitsReachableFromRefs(repo)
                                  where version.Revision == -1 || commit.Id.StartsWith(objectIdLeadingValue, objectIdMask)
                                  let buildNumberOffset = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory)?.BuildNumberOffset ?? 0
                                                          let versionHeight = commit.GetHeight(c => CommitMatchesVersion(c, version, repoRelativeProjectDirectory))
                                                                              where versionHeight == version.Build - buildNumberOffset
                                                                              select commit;

            internal VersionOptions GetVersion(Commit commit)
                if (!this.commitVersionCache.TryGetValue(commit.Id, out VersionOptions options))
                        options = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, this.RepoRelativeDirectory, this.blobVersionCache);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to get version from commit: {commit.Id.Sha}", ex);

                    this.commitVersionCache.Add(commit.Id, options);

        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes a commit from history in a <see cref="Version"/>
        /// so that the original commit can be found later.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit whose ID and position in history is to be encoded.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative project directory for which to calculate the version.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A version whose <see cref="Version.Build"/> and
        /// <see cref="Version.Revision"/> components are calculated based on the commit.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// In the returned version, the <see cref="Version.Build"/> component is
        /// the height of the git commit while the <see cref="Version.Revision"/>
        /// component is the first four bytes of the git commit id (forced to be a positive integer).
        /// </remarks>
        public static Version GetIdAsVersion(this Commit commit, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory = null)
            Requires.NotNull(commit, nameof(commit));
            Requires.Argument(repoRelativeProjectDirectory == null || !Path.IsPathRooted(repoRelativeProjectDirectory), nameof(repoRelativeProjectDirectory), "Path should be relative to repo root.");

            var baseVersion = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory)?.Version ?? Version0;

            // The compiler (due to WinPE header requirements) only allows 16-bit version components,
            // and forbids 0xffff as a value.
            // The build number is set to the git height. This helps ensure that
            // within a major.minor release, each patch has an incrementing integer.
            // The revision is set to the first two bytes of the git commit ID.
            int build = commit.GetHeight(c => CommitMatchesMajorMinorVersion(c, baseVersion, repoRelativeProjectDirectory));

            Verify.Operation(build <= MaximumBuildNumberOrRevisionComponent, "Git height is {0}, which is greater than the maximum allowed {0}.", build, MaximumBuildNumberOrRevisionComponent);
            int revision = Math.Min(MaximumBuildNumberOrRevisionComponent, commit.GetTruncatedCommitIdAsUInt16());

            return(new Version(baseVersion.Major, baseVersion.Minor, build, revision));
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests whether a commit is of a specified version, comparing major and minor components
        /// with the version.txt file defined by that commit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit to test.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedVersion">The version to test for in the commit</param>
        /// <param name="comparisonPrecision">The last component of the version to include in the comparison.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative directory from which <paramref name="expectedVersion"/> was originally calculated.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the <paramref name="commit"/> matches the major and minor components of <paramref name="expectedVersion"/>.</returns>
        internal static bool CommitMatchesVersion(this Commit commit, SemanticVersion expectedVersion, SemanticVersion.Position comparisonPrecision, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory)
            Requires.NotNull(commit, nameof(commit));
            Requires.NotNull(expectedVersion, nameof(expectedVersion));

            var commitVersionData = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory);
            var semVerFromFile    = commitVersionData?.Version;

            if (semVerFromFile == null)

            // If the version height position moved, that's an automatic reset in version height.
            if (commitVersionData.VersionHeightPosition != comparisonPrecision)

            if (comparisonPrecision == SemanticVersion.Position.Prerelease)
                // The entire version spec must match exactly.
                return(semVerFromFile?.Equals(expectedVersion) ?? false);

            for (SemanticVersion.Position position = SemanticVersion.Position.Major; position <= comparisonPrecision; position++)
                int expectedValue = ReadVersionPosition(expectedVersion.Version, position);
                int actualValue   = ReadVersionPosition(semVerFromFile.Version, position);
                if (expectedValue != actualValue)

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VersionOracle"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public VersionOracle(string projectDirectory, LibGit2Sharp.Repository repo, LibGit2Sharp.Commit head, ICloudBuild cloudBuild, int?overrideVersionHeightOffset = null, string projectPathRelativeToGitRepoRoot = null)
            var relativeRepoProjectDirectory = projectPathRelativeToGitRepoRoot ?? repo?.GetRepoRelativePath(projectDirectory);

            if (repo is object)
                // If we're particularly git focused, normalize/reset projectDirectory to be the path we *actually* want to look at in case we're being redirected.
                projectDirectory = Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, relativeRepoProjectDirectory);

            var commit = head ?? repo?.Head.Tip;

            var committedVersion = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, relativeRepoProjectDirectory);

            var workingVersion = head is object?VersionFile.GetVersion(head, relativeRepoProjectDirectory) : VersionFile.GetVersion(projectDirectory);

            if (overrideVersionHeightOffset.HasValue)
                if (committedVersion != null)
                    committedVersion.VersionHeightOffset = overrideVersionHeightOffset.Value;

                if (workingVersion != null)
                    workingVersion.VersionHeightOffset = overrideVersionHeightOffset.Value;

            this.VersionOptions = committedVersion ?? workingVersion;

            this.GitCommitId   = commit?.Id.Sha ?? cloudBuild?.GitCommitId ?? null;
            this.GitCommitDate = commit?.Author.When;
            this.VersionHeight = CalculateVersionHeight(relativeRepoProjectDirectory, commit, committedVersion, workingVersion);
            this.BuildingRef   = cloudBuild?.BuildingTag ?? cloudBuild?.BuildingBranch ?? repo?.Head.CanonicalName;

            // Override the typedVersion with the special build number and revision components, when available.
            if (repo != null)
                this.Version = GetIdAsVersion(commit, committedVersion, workingVersion, this.VersionHeight);
                this.Version = this.VersionOptions?.Version.Version ?? Version0;

            // get the commit id abbreviation only if the commit id is set
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.GitCommitId))
                var gitCommitIdShortFixedLength = this.VersionOptions?.GitCommitIdShortFixedLength ?? VersionOptions.DefaultGitCommitIdShortFixedLength;
                var gitCommitIdShortAutoMinimum = this.VersionOptions?.GitCommitIdShortAutoMinimum ?? 0;
                // get it from the git repository if there is a repository present and it is enabled
                if (repo != null && gitCommitIdShortAutoMinimum > 0)
                    this.GitCommitIdShort = repo.ObjectDatabase.ShortenObjectId(commit, gitCommitIdShortAutoMinimum);
                    this.GitCommitIdShort = this.GitCommitId.Substring(0, gitCommitIdShortFixedLength);

            this.VersionHeightOffset = this.VersionOptions?.VersionHeightOffsetOrDefault ?? 0;

            this.PrereleaseVersion = this.ReplaceMacros(this.VersionOptions?.Version?.Prerelease ?? string.Empty);

            this.CloudBuildNumberOptions = this.VersionOptions?.CloudBuild?.BuildNumberOrDefault ?? VersionOptions.CloudBuildNumberOptions.DefaultInstance;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BuildingRef) && this.VersionOptions?.PublicReleaseRefSpec?.Count > 0)
                this.PublicRelease = this.VersionOptions.PublicReleaseRefSpec.Any(
                    expr => Regex.IsMatch(this.BuildingRef, expr));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VersionOracle"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public VersionOracle(string projectDirectory, LibGit2Sharp.Repository repo, LibGit2Sharp.Commit head, ICloudBuild cloudBuild, int?overrideVersionHeightOffset = null, string projectPathRelativeToGitRepoRoot = null)
            var repoRoot = repo?.Info?.WorkingDirectory?.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar);

            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) && repoRoot != null && repoRoot.StartsWith("\\") && (repoRoot.Length == 1 || repoRoot[1] != '\\'))
                // We're in a worktree, which libgit2sharp only gives us as a path relative to the root of the assumed drive.
                // Add the drive: to the front of the repoRoot.
                repoRoot = repo.Info.Path.Substring(0, 2) + repoRoot;

            var relativeRepoProjectDirectory = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repoRoot)
                ? (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectPathRelativeToGitRepoRoot)
                    ? projectPathRelativeToGitRepoRoot
                    : projectDirectory.Substring(repoRoot.Length).TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar))
                : null;

            var commit = head ?? repo?.Head.Tip;

            var committedVersion = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, relativeRepoProjectDirectory);

            var workingVersion = head != null?VersionFile.GetVersion(head, relativeRepoProjectDirectory) : VersionFile.GetVersion(projectDirectory);

            if (overrideVersionHeightOffset.HasValue)
                if (committedVersion != null)
                    committedVersion.VersionHeightOffset = overrideVersionHeightOffset.Value;

                if (workingVersion != null)
                    workingVersion.VersionHeightOffset = overrideVersionHeightOffset.Value;

            this.VersionOptions = committedVersion ?? workingVersion;

            this.GitCommitId   = commit?.Id.Sha ?? cloudBuild?.GitCommitId ?? null;
            this.GitCommitDate = commit?.Author.When;
            this.VersionHeight = CalculateVersionHeight(relativeRepoProjectDirectory, commit, committedVersion, workingVersion);
            this.BuildingRef   = cloudBuild?.BuildingTag ?? cloudBuild?.BuildingBranch ?? repo?.Head.CanonicalName;

            // Override the typedVersion with the special build number and revision components, when available.
            if (repo != null)
                this.Version = GetIdAsVersion(commit, committedVersion, workingVersion, this.VersionHeight);
                this.Version = this.VersionOptions?.Version.Version ?? Version0;

            // get the commit id abbreviation only if the commit id is set
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.GitCommitId))
                var gitCommitIdShortFixedLength = this.VersionOptions?.GitCommitIdShortFixedLength ?? VersionOptions.DefaultGitCommitIdShortFixedLength;
                var gitCommitIdShortAutoMinimum = this.VersionOptions?.GitCommitIdShortAutoMinimum ?? 0;
                // get it from the git repository if there is a repository present and it is enabled
                if (repo != null && gitCommitIdShortAutoMinimum > 0)
                    this.GitCommitIdShort = repo.ObjectDatabase.ShortenObjectId(commit, gitCommitIdShortAutoMinimum);
                    this.GitCommitIdShort = this.GitCommitId.Substring(0, gitCommitIdShortFixedLength);

            this.VersionHeightOffset = this.VersionOptions?.VersionHeightOffsetOrDefault ?? 0;

            this.PrereleaseVersion = this.ReplaceMacros(this.VersionOptions?.Version?.Prerelease ?? string.Empty);

            this.CloudBuildNumberOptions = this.VersionOptions?.CloudBuild?.BuildNumberOrDefault ?? VersionOptions.CloudBuildNumberOptions.DefaultInstance;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BuildingRef) && this.VersionOptions?.PublicReleaseRefSpec?.Length > 0)
                this.PublicRelease = this.VersionOptions.PublicReleaseRefSpec.Any(
                    expr => Regex.IsMatch(this.BuildingRef, expr));
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes a commit from history in a <see cref="Version"/>
        /// so that the original commit can be found later.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The commit whose ID and position in history is to be encoded.</param>
        /// <param name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory">The repo-relative project directory for which to calculate the version.</param>
        /// <param name="versionHeight">
        /// The version height, previously calculated by a call to <see cref="GetVersionHeight(Commit, string)"/>
        /// with the same value for <paramref name="repoRelativeProjectDirectory"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A version whose <see cref="Version.Build"/> and
        /// <see cref="Version.Revision"/> components are calculated based on the commit.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// In the returned version, the <see cref="Version.Build"/> component is
        /// the height of the git commit while the <see cref="Version.Revision"/>
        /// component is the first four bytes of the git commit id (forced to be a positive integer).
        /// </remarks>
        public static Version GetIdAsVersion(this Commit commit, string repoRelativeProjectDirectory = null, int?versionHeight = null)
            var versionOptions = VersionFile.GetVersion(commit, repoRelativeProjectDirectory);

            return(GetIdAsVersionHelper(commit, versionOptions, repoRelativeProjectDirectory, versionHeight));
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares a release for the specified directory by creating a release branch and incrementing the version in the current branch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ReleasePreparationException">Thrown when the release could not be created.</exception>
        /// <param name="projectDirectory">
        /// The path to the directory which may (or its ancestors may) define the version file.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="releaseUnstableTag">
        /// The prerelease tag to add to the version on the release branch. Pass <c>null</c> to omit/remove the prerelease tag.
        /// The leading hyphen may be specified or omitted.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nextVersion">
        /// The next version to save to the version file on the current branch. Pass <c>null</c> to automatically determine the next
        /// version based on the current version and the <c>versionIncrement</c> setting in <c>version.json</c>.
        /// Parameter will be ignored if the current branch is a release branch.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="versionIncrement">
        /// The increment to apply in order to determine the next version on the current branch.
        /// If specified, value will be used instead of the increment specified in <c>version.json</c>.
        /// Parameter will be ignored if the current branch is a release branch.
        /// </param>
        public void PrepareRelease(string projectDirectory, string releaseUnstableTag = null, Version nextVersion = null, VersionOptions.ReleaseVersionIncrement?versionIncrement = null)
            Requires.NotNull(projectDirectory, nameof(projectDirectory));

            // open the git repository
            var repository = this.GetRepository(projectDirectory);

            if (repository.Info.IsHeadDetached)
                this.stderr.WriteLine("Detached head. Check out a branch first.");
                throw new ReleasePreparationException(ReleasePreparationError.DetachedHead);

            // get the current version
            var versionOptions = VersionFile.GetVersion(projectDirectory);

            if (versionOptions == null)
                this.stderr.WriteLine($"Failed to load version file for directory '{projectDirectory}'.");
                throw new ReleasePreparationException(ReleasePreparationError.NoVersionFile);

            var releaseBranchName  = this.GetReleaseBranchName(versionOptions);
            var originalBranchName = repository.Head.FriendlyName;
            var releaseVersion     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(releaseUnstableTag)
                ? versionOptions.Version.WithoutPrepreleaseTags()
                : versionOptions.Version.SetFirstPrereleaseTag(releaseUnstableTag);

            // check if the current branch is the release branch
            if (string.Equals(originalBranchName, releaseBranchName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                this.stdout.WriteLine($"{releaseBranchName} branch advanced from {versionOptions.Version} to {releaseVersion}.");
                this.UpdateVersion(projectDirectory, repository, versionOptions.Version, releaseVersion);

            var nextDevVersion = this.GetNextDevVersion(versionOptions, nextVersion, versionIncrement);

            // check if the release branch already exists
            if (repository.Branches[releaseBranchName] != null)
                this.stderr.WriteLine($"Cannot create branch '{releaseBranchName}' because it already exists.");
                throw new ReleasePreparationException(ReleasePreparationError.BranchAlreadyExists);

            // create release branch and update version
            var releaseBranch = repository.CreateBranch(releaseBranchName);

            Commands.Checkout(repository, releaseBranch);
            this.UpdateVersion(projectDirectory, repository, versionOptions.Version, releaseVersion);
            this.stdout.WriteLine($"{releaseBranchName} branch now tracks v{releaseVersion} stabilization and release.");

            // update version on main branch
            Commands.Checkout(repository, originalBranchName);
            this.UpdateVersion(projectDirectory, repository, versionOptions.Version, nextDevVersion);
            this.stdout.WriteLine($"{originalBranchName} branch now tracks v{nextDevVersion} development.");

            // Merge release branch back to main branch
            var mergeOptions = new MergeOptions()
                CommitOnSuccess = true,
                MergeFileFavor  = MergeFileFavor.Ours,

            repository.Merge(releaseBranch, this.GetSignature(repository), mergeOptions);