public static object TypeToObject( CBORObject objThis, Type t, CBORTypeMapper mapper, PODOptions options, int depth) { if (t.Equals(typeof(int))) { return(objThis.AsInt32()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(short))) { return(objThis.AsNumber().ToInt16Checked()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(ushort))) { return(objThis.AsUInt16Legacy()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(byte))) { return(objThis.AsByteLegacy()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(sbyte))) { return(objThis.AsSByteLegacy()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(long))) { return(objThis.AsNumber().ToInt64Checked()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(uint))) { return(objThis.AsUInt32Legacy()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(ulong))) { return(objThis.AsUInt64Legacy()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(double))) { return(objThis.AsDouble()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(decimal))) { return(objThis.AsDecimal()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(float))) { return(objThis.AsSingle()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(bool))) { return(objThis.AsBoolean()); } if (t.Equals(typeof(char))) { if (objThis.Type == CBORType.TextString) { string s = objThis.AsString(); if (s.Length != 1) { throw new CBORException("Can't convert to char"); } return(s[0]); } if (objThis.IsNumber && objThis.AsNumber().CanFitInInt32()) { int c = objThis.AsNumber().ToInt32IfExact(); if (c < 0 || c >= 0x10000) { throw new CBORException("Can't convert to char"); } return((char)c); } throw new CBORException("Can't convert to char"); } if (t.Equals(typeof(DateTime))) { return(new CBORDateConverter().FromCBORObject(objThis)); } if (t.Equals(typeof(Guid))) { return(new CBORUuidConverter().FromCBORObject(objThis)); } if (t.Equals(typeof(Uri))) { return(new CBORUriConverter().FromCBORObject(objThis)); } if (IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Enum), t)) { return(ObjectToEnum(objThis, t)); } if (IsGenericType(t)) { Type td = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); // Nullable types if (td.Equals(typeof(Nullable <>))) { Type nullableType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(t); if (objThis.IsNull) { return(Activator.CreateInstance(t)); } else { object wrappedObj = objThis.ToObject( nullableType, mapper, options, depth + 1); return(Activator.CreateInstance( t, wrappedObj)); } } } if (objThis.Type == CBORType.ByteString) { if (t.Equals(typeof(byte[]))) { byte[] bytes = objThis.GetByteString(); var byteret = new byte[bytes.Length]; Array.Copy(bytes, 0, byteret, 0, byteret.Length); return(byteret); } } if (objThis.Type == CBORType.Array) { Type objectType = typeof(object); var isList = false; object listObject = null; #if NET40 || NET20 if (IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Array), t)) { Type elementType = t.GetElementType(); Array array = Array.CreateInstance( elementType, GetDimensions(objThis)); return(FillArray( array, elementType, objThis, mapper, options, depth)); } if (t.IsGenericType) { Type td = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); isList = td.Equals(typeof(List <>)) || td.Equals(typeof(IList <>)) || td.Equals(typeof(ICollection <>)) || td.Equals(typeof(IEnumerable <>)); } isList = isList && t.GetGenericArguments().Length == 1; if (isList) { objectType = t.GetGenericArguments()[0]; Type listType = typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(objectType); listObject = Activator.CreateInstance(listType); } #else if (IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Array), t)) { Type elementType = t.GetElementType(); Array array = Array.CreateInstance( elementType, GetDimensions(objThis)); return(FillArray( array, elementType, objThis, mapper, options, depth)); } if (t.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType) { Type td = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); isList = td.Equals(typeof(List <>)) || td.Equals(typeof(IList <>)) || td.Equals(typeof(ICollection <>)) || td.Equals(typeof(IEnumerable <>)); } isList = isList && t.GenericTypeArguments.Length == 1; if (isList) { objectType = t.GenericTypeArguments[0]; Type listType = typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(objectType); listObject = Activator.CreateInstance(listType); } #endif if (listObject == null) { if (t.Equals(typeof(IList)) || t.Equals(typeof(ICollection)) || t.Equals(typeof(IEnumerable))) { listObject = new List <object>(); objectType = typeof(object); } } if (listObject != null) { System.Collections.IList ie = (System.Collections.IList)listObject; foreach (CBORObject value in objThis.Values) { ie.Add(value.ToObject(objectType, mapper, options, depth + 1)); } return(listObject); } } if (objThis.Type == CBORType.Map) { var isDict = false; Type keyType = null; Type valueType = null; object dictObject = null; #if NET40 || NET20 isDict = t.IsGenericType; if (t.IsGenericType) { Type td = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); isDict = td.Equals(typeof(Dictionary <,>)) || td.Equals(typeof(IDictionary <,>)); } // DebugUtility.Log("list=" + isDict); isDict = isDict && t.GetGenericArguments().Length == 2; // DebugUtility.Log("list=" + isDict); if (isDict) { keyType = t.GetGenericArguments()[0]; valueType = t.GetGenericArguments()[1]; Type listType = typeof(Dictionary <,>).MakeGenericType( keyType, valueType); dictObject = Activator.CreateInstance(listType); } #else isDict = t.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType; if (t.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType) { Type td = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition(); isDict = td.Equals(typeof(Dictionary <,>)) || td.Equals(typeof(IDictionary <,>)); } // DebugUtility.Log("list=" + isDict); isDict = isDict && t.GenericTypeArguments.Length == 2; // DebugUtility.Log("list=" + isDict); if (isDict) { keyType = t.GenericTypeArguments[0]; valueType = t.GenericTypeArguments[1]; Type listType = typeof(Dictionary <,>).MakeGenericType( keyType, valueType); dictObject = Activator.CreateInstance(listType); } #endif if (dictObject == null) { if (t.Equals(typeof(IDictionary))) { dictObject = new Dictionary <object, object>(); keyType = typeof(object); valueType = typeof(object); } } if (dictObject != null) { System.Collections.IDictionary idic = (System.Collections.IDictionary)dictObject; foreach (CBORObject key in objThis.Keys) { CBORObject value = objThis[key]; idic.Add( key.ToObject(keyType, mapper, options, depth + 1), value.ToObject(valueType, mapper, options, depth + 1)); } return(dictObject); } if (mapper != null) { if (!mapper.FilterTypeName(t.FullName)) { throw new CBORException("Type " + t.FullName + " not supported"); } } else { if (t.FullName != null && ( StartsWith(t.FullName, "Microsoft.Win32.") || StartsWith(t.FullName, "System.IO."))) { throw new CBORException("Type " + t.FullName + " not supported"); } if (StartsWith(t.FullName, "System.") && !HasCustomAttribute(t, "System.SerializableAttribute")) { throw new CBORException("Type " + t.FullName + " not supported"); } } var values = new List <KeyValuePair <string, CBORObject> >(); var propNames = PropertyMap.GetPropertyNames( t, options != null ? options.UseCamelCase : true); foreach (string key in propNames) { if (objThis.ContainsKey(key)) { CBORObject cborValue = objThis[key]; var dict = new KeyValuePair <string, CBORObject>( key, cborValue); values.Add(dict); } } return(PropertyMap.ObjectWithProperties( t, values, mapper, options, depth)); } else { throw new CBORException(); } }