public void ShouldNotCollectIfNoValueIsGiven() { var collector = new RoutingTableCollector(); collector.Collect(new Dictionary <string, object>()); collector.Collected.Should().BeNull(); }
public void ShouldNotCollectIfMetadataIsNull() { var collector = new RoutingTableCollector(); collector.Collect(null); collector.Collected.Should().BeNull(); }
public void ShouldThrowIfValueIsOfWrongType() { var metadata = new Dictionary <string, object> { { RoutingTableCollector.RoutingTableKey, "some string" } }; var collector = new RoutingTableCollector(); var ex = Record.Exception(() => collector.Collect(metadata)); ex.Should().BeOfType <ProtocolException>().Which .Message.Should() .Contain($"Expected '{RoutingTableCollector.RoutingTableKey}' metadata to be of type 'Dictionary<string, object>', but got 'String'."); }
public void ShouldReturnSameCollected() { var metadata = new Dictionary <string, object> { { RoutingTableCollector.RoutingTableKey, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Key1", "Value1" }, { "Key2", "Value2" }, { "Key3", "Value3" } } } }; var collector = new RoutingTableCollector(); collector.Collect(metadata); ((IMetadataCollector)collector).Collected.Should().BeSameAs(collector.Collected); }
public void ShouldCollect() { var metadata = new Dictionary <string, object> { { RoutingTableCollector.RoutingTableKey, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Key1", "Value1" }, { "Key2", "Value2" }, { "Key3", "Value3" } } } }; var collector = new RoutingTableCollector(); collector.Collect(metadata); collector.Collected.Should().HaveCount(3).And.Contain(new [] { new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Key1", "Value1"), new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Key2", "Value2"), new KeyValuePair <string, object>("Key3", "Value3") }); }