internal static object List(object[] args) { byte[] scriptHash = (byte[])args[0]; byte[] entityName = (byte[])args[1]; int itemPerView = 10; if (args.Length == 3) { itemPerView = (int)args[2]; } int startId = 1; if (args.Length == 3) { startId = (int)args[3]; } if (!Runtime.CheckWitness(scriptHash)) { return(false); } BigInteger entityMaxId, endId; string entityMaxIdKey; entityMaxIdKey = Key.Generate(Prefix.EntityMaxId, entityName, scriptHash); byte[] entityMaxIdBytes = DB.Get(entityMaxIdKey); if (entityMaxIdBytes == null) { Runtime.Notify("total " + entityName + " available", 0); return(NSFH.AsByteArray(0)); } entityMaxId = NSFH.AsBigInteger(entityMaxIdBytes); if (itemPerView <= 0) { itemPerView = 10; } if (startId > entityMaxId) { startId = 1; } endId = startId + itemPerView - 1; for (int i = startId; i <= endId; i++) { string entityKey = Key.Generate(entityName, scriptHash, i); byte[] entityValue = DB.Get(entityKey); if (entityValue != null) { Runtime.Notify(entityName, i, entityValue.AsString()); } } //TODO Changed to return Array of values return(NSFH.AsByteArray(1)); }
public static byte[][] convertStringMapToArray(CMap <int, string> sMap) { byte[][] arr = new byte[sMap.size][]; for (int i = 0; i < sMap.size; ++i) { arr[i] = Helper.AsByteArray([i]); } return(arr); }
internal static object Get(byte[] scriptHash, byte[] entityName, int id) { if (!Runtime.CheckWitness(scriptHash)) { return(false); } string entityKey = Key.Generate(entityName, scriptHash, id); byte[] entityValue = DB.Get(entityKey); if (entityValue != null) { Runtime.Notify(entityName, id, entityValue.AsString()); return(entityValue); } Runtime.Notify(entityName, id, "do not exist"); return(NSFH.AsByteArray(0)); }
//首先在nep5基础上将账户分为两个部分 //一个部分是saving //saving 有一个产生块的标记 //一个部分是cash //当你收到一笔转账,他算在cash里面 //当你花费一笔钱,先扣cash,扣完再扣saving //余额是saving 和 cash 的总和 //cash 如何转换为为saving //通过claim 指令 //claim指令 将领奖并且把所有的余额转换为saving,产生块标记为当前块 //*claim指令 //claim指令取得已经公布的奖励,仅有自己的saving的block <奖励的startblock 才可以领奖 //领奖后全部资产+领到的资产变成saving状态 //消耗池 //所有花费掉的资产进入消耗池,等候公布奖励 //公布奖励 //将现有奖励从消耗池中取出,变成一个奖励,奖励规定只有savingblock <startblock 才可以领取。 //根据 消耗池数量/总发行数量 确定一个领奖比例。 //将同时保持五个公布奖励。 //当公布第六个奖励时,第一个奖励被删除,并将他的余额丢入消耗池 //*检查奖励指令 //程序约定好公布奖励的block间隔,当有人检查奖励并且奖励的block间隔已经大于等于程序设置,则公布奖励。 //用户可以用检查奖励指令获知最近的五个奖励,以此可以推算,如果领奖自己可以获取多少收益。 //增加两条指令 //checkpool*检查奖励 //claim*领取奖励 //可循环分配资产 //最终确定加四个接口(暂定名Nep5.1) //检查奖励,只读(everyone) public static object[] checkBonus() { byte[] data = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, "!bonus:L"); if (data.Length == 0) { return(null); } BigInteger lastBounsBlock = Helper.AsBigInteger(data); object[] retarray = new object[bonusCount]; for (var i = 0; i < bonusCount; i++) { byte[] bIndex = Helper.AsByteArray("bonus").Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(lastBounsBlock)); byte[] bStartBlock = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":S")); byte[] bBonusValue = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":V")); byte[] bBonusCount = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":C")); byte[] bLastIndex = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":L")); byte[] StartBlock = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, bStartBlock); byte[] BonusValue = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, bBonusValue); byte[] BonusCount = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, bBonusCount); byte[] LastIndex = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, bLastIndex); object[] bonusItem = new object[4]; bonusItem[0] = StartBlock; bonusItem[1] = BonusCount; bonusItem[2] = BonusValue; bonusItem[3] = LastIndex; retarray[i] = bonusItem; if (LastIndex.Length == 0) { break; } lastBounsBlock = Helper.AsBigInteger(LastIndex); if (lastBounsBlock == 0) { break; } } return(retarray); }
private static bool DoSchedulePayment(byte[] from, byte[] to, BigInteger value, byte[] txid, StorageMap agreement, bool isToHandleMaxFund) //long scheduleTime, BigInteger scheduleTypeFromStorage) { //Evaluate time long currentTime = UAV.GetCurrentTime(); uint scheduleType = (uint)agreement.Get("schedule").AsBigInteger(); long scheduleTime = (long)agreement.Get("nextTime").AsBigInteger(); if (currentTime < scheduleTime) { Error("Pull schedule payment: not in time yet"); return(false); } uint[] paymentInfo = new uint[3]; //get payment possibilities // 0 - nexTime // 1 - count // 2 - iswithdraw if (scheduleType < 3) { paymentInfo = ProcessDWPayment(scheduleType, currentTime, scheduleTime); } else { paymentInfo = ProcessMPayment(currentTime, scheduleTime); } //update uint duration = (uint)agreement.Get("duration").AsBigInteger(); duration = duration - paymentInfo[1]; if (duration < 0) { Error("Contract is no longer valid"); DeleteAgreement(agreement, txid); return(false); } else if (duration == 0) { DeleteAgreement(agreement, txid); } else { agreement.Put("duration", duration); agreement.Put("nextTime", scheduleTime + paymentInfo[0]); } //---if over maxfund if (isToHandleMaxFund) { string maxfundId = Helper.Concat(txid, Helper.AsByteArray(duration)).AsString(); StorageMap maxFundMap = Storage.CurrentContext.CreateMap(maxfundId); maxFundMap.Put("value", value); maxFundMap.Put("from", from); maxFundMap.Put("to", to); //Throw event MaxFund(maxfundId, value, from, to); return(false); } //-----End of handle max fund if (paymentInfo[2] == 1 && duration >= 0) //case of withdrwal { return(NEP.Transfer(from, to, value, (uint)ModuleCommission.getCommission("scheduleP"))); } //if withdrawal Error("Pull scheduled payment: not duly"); return(false); }
//领取奖励(个人) public static BigInteger getBonus(byte[] to) { if (!Runtime.CheckWitness(to)) { return(0); } byte[] data = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, "!bonus:L"); if (data.Length == 0) { return(0); } var toinfo = GetAccountDetail(to); //var indexcashto = to.Concat(new byte[] { 0 }); //var indexsavingto = to.Concat(new byte[] { 1 }); //var indexsavingblockto = to.Concat(new byte[] { 2 }); //BigInteger to_value_cash = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, indexcashto).AsBigInteger(); //BigInteger to_value_saving = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, indexsavingto).AsBigInteger(); //BigInteger to_value_savingblock = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, indexsavingblockto).AsBigInteger(); BigInteger lastBonusBlock = Helper.AsBigInteger(data); BigInteger addValue = 0; for (var i = 0; i < bonusCount; i++) { byte[] bIndex = Helper.AsByteArray("bonus").Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(lastBonusBlock)); byte[] bStartBlock = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":S")); byte[] bBonusValue = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":V")); byte[] bBonusCount = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":C")); byte[] bLastIndex = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":L")); var StartBlock = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, bStartBlock).AsBigInteger(); var BonusValue = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, bBonusValue).AsBigInteger(); var BonusCount = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, bBonusCount).AsBigInteger(); if (toinfo.savingblock < StartBlock) //有领奖资格 { var cangot = toinfo.saving * BonusValue; //要领走多少 addValue += cangot; Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, bBonusCount, BonusCount - cangot); } byte[] LastIndex = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, bLastIndex); if (LastIndex.Length == 0) { break; } lastBonusBlock = Helper.AsBigInteger(LastIndex); if (lastBonusBlock == 0) { break; } } //领奖写入 BigInteger balanceto = toinfo.saving * factor +; { var lastv = balanceto + addValue; var bigN = lastv / (factor); var smallN = lastv % (factor); = smallN; toinfo.saving = bigN; toinfo.savingblock = Blockchain.GetHeight(); SetAccountDetail(to, toinfo); //Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, indexcashto, smallN); //Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, indexsavingto, bigN); //BigInteger block = (Blockchain.GetHeight()); //Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, indexsavingblockto, block); } return(0); }
//新奖励,(everyone)随便调用,不符合规则就不会创建奖励,谁都可以调用这个,催促发奖励。 public static BigInteger newBonus() { byte[] data = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, "!bonus:L"); //if (data.Length == 0) // ; BigInteger index = Blockchain.GetHeight() / bonusInterval; if (index < 1) { return(0); } BigInteger bounsheight = (index - 1) * bonusInterval; BigInteger lastBounsBlock = Helper.AsBigInteger(data); if (bounsheight == lastBounsBlock) { return(0); } //清掉奖池 var poolv = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, "!pool").AsBigInteger(); Storage.Delete(Storage.CurrentContext, "!pool"); byte[] bIndex = Helper.AsByteArray("bonus").Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(bounsheight)); //找到第一个奖池 byte[] firstIndex = bIndex; byte[] secondIndex = bIndex; bool skipdel = false; for (var i = 0; i < bonusCount; i++) { secondIndex = firstIndex; byte[] _bLastIndex = firstIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":L")); var _index = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, _bLastIndex);//+1+2+3 if (_index.Length == 0) { Runtime.Log("skipdel"); skipdel = true; break; } firstIndex = Helper.AsByteArray("bonus").Concat(_index); } if (skipdel == false)//删除最后一个的连接,并把他的钱也放进新奖池里 { byte[] secondLastIndex = secondIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":L")); Storage.Delete(Storage.CurrentContext, secondLastIndex); byte[] firstBonusCount = firstIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":C")); var count = Storage.Get(Storage.CurrentContext, firstBonusCount).AsBigInteger(); poolv += count; } byte[] bStartBlock = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":S")); byte[] bBonusValue = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":V")); byte[] bBonusCount = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":C")); byte[] bLastIndex = bIndex.Concat(Helper.AsByteArray(":L")); Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, bStartBlock, bounsheight.AsByteArray()); Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, bBonusCount, poolv.AsByteArray()); BigInteger bonusV = poolv / (totalSupply() / factor);//整数部分一发几 Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, bBonusValue, bonusV.AsByteArray()); Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, bLastIndex, lastBounsBlock.AsByteArray()); //写入lastblock Storage.Put(Storage.CurrentContext, "!bonus:L", bounsheight.AsByteArray()); return(bounsheight); }