        private NativeMethods.Rectangle GetTargetProcessWindowData()
            // What to capture.
            if (windowsSourceHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                windowsSourceHandle = GetWindowHandle(Settings.ProcessNameScreen);

            // Get capture area.
            NativeMethods.GetWindowRect(windowsSourceHandle, out NativeMethods.Rectangle captureAreaTemp);

            // We need to get real area of what we need to capture, excluding window title border etc. So getting the correction.
            NativeMethods.ClientToScreen(windowsSourceHandle, out NativeMethods.Point pnt);

            // Left and right borders of the window if it has any
            var windowMetricsCorrectionX = (pnt.x - captureAreaTemp.left) * 2;

            // Caption + bottom border of the window if it has any
            var windowMetricsCorrectionY = (pnt.y - captureAreaTemp.top) + (pnt.x - captureAreaTemp.left);

            // Calculate the window size taking offsets from 0,0 and also applying correction.
            var rect = new NativeMethods.Rectangle
                left   = captureAreaTemp.left + (pnt.x - captureAreaTemp.left),
                right  = (captureAreaTemp.right - captureAreaTemp.left) - windowMetricsCorrectionX,
                top    = captureAreaTemp.top + (pnt.y - captureAreaTemp.top),
                bottom = (captureAreaTemp.bottom - captureAreaTemp.top) - windowMetricsCorrectionY

 private void KeepWindowInPlace()
     targetWindowRect = GetTargetProcessWindowData();
     if (targetWindowRect.bottom == 0)
         Location = new Point(0, 0);
         Width    = 1600;
         Height   = 900;
         Location = new Point(targetWindowRect.left, targetWindowRect.top);
         Width    = targetWindowRect.right;
         Height   = targetWindowRect.bottom;