public void AddLocations(Dictionary <LocationStatic, LocationDynamic> locations)
            foreach (var location in locations)
                LocationStatic  sPrefab = (LocationStatic)location.Key.Clone();
                LocationDynamic dPrefab = (LocationDynamic)location.Value.Clone();
                currentStateOfLocations.Add(sPrefab, dPrefab);

                // Очистка
                sPrefab = null;
                dPrefab = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// A method that creates a set of ready-made locations.
        /// </summary>
        public Dictionary <LocationStatic, LocationDynamic> CreateLocationSet(List <string> locationNames, List <bool> locationsEvidences)
            // Create an empty set of locations.
            Dictionary <LocationStatic, LocationDynamic> locations = new Dictionary <LocationStatic, LocationDynamic>();

            // We create a location the required number of times, using the constructors of its static and dynamic parts, and then add it to the set.
            for (int i = 0; i < locationNames.Count; i++)
                LocationStatic  newLocationStatic  = new LocationStatic(locationNames[i]);
                LocationDynamic newLocationDynamic = new LocationDynamic(locationsEvidences[i], newLocationStatic);
                locations.Add(newLocationStatic, newLocationDynamic);

            // Shuffle the locations in the set in random order.
            OrderLocationsRandom(ref locations);

            // We establish connections between locations.
            locations = LocationsConnection(locations);

            // We return the ready-made set of locations.