        internal int WriteRecoveryPartitionFiller(Stream crcStream, JunkStream junk, long pos, bool isUpdate, bool isNkit, WiiFillerSection fs, NStream target, string tmpFileName, ref string fileName, Crc crc, bool logAsDetail)
            long nullBlocks = 0; //check for random junk - only on a handful of launch releases (Rampage, Ant Bully, Grim Adventures, Happy Feet etc)

            junk.Position = pos;
            long leadingNullsPos = pos;

            foreach (WiiFillerSectionItem fi in fs.Sections)
                crcStream.Write(fi.Data, 0, (int)fi.Size);

                for (int i = 0; i < fi.Size; i += 0x8000)
                    int  len   = (int)Math.Min(0x8000L, fi.Size - (long)i);
                    bool match = junk.Compare(fi.Data, i, len, junk.Position == leadingNullsPos ? 0x1c : 0) == len;

                    if (match)
                        if (nullBlocks != 0)
                            if (pos == leadingNullsPos)
                                ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, 0x1cL);
                                junk.Position = pos + 0x1cL;
                                junk.Copy(target, (nullBlocks * 0x8000L) - 0x1cL);
                                junk.Position = pos;
                                junk.Copy(target, nullBlocks * 0x8000L);
                            pos += nullBlocks * 0x8000L;
                        nullBlocks = 0;
                        target.Write(fi.Data, i, len);

            string fName = (fileName += crc.Value.ToString("X8"));
            bool   redump;

            if (isUpdate)
                redump = this.Settings.RedumpUpdateCrcs.Contains(crc.Value);
                redump = this.Settings.RedumpChannels.FirstOrDefault(a => fName.StartsWith(a.Item1)) != null;
            if (isNkit)

            return(storeRecoveryFile(redump, tmpFileName, fileName, Settings.RecoveryFilesPath, isNkit ? Settings.NkitRecoveryFilesPath : Settings.OtherRecoveryFilesPath, logAsDetail));
            //rename the file, delete if dupe
        private long writeGap(ref long fileLength, LongRef gapLength, ref long nullsPos, ref long srcPos, long dstPos, Stream inStream, Stream target, JunkStream junk, bool firstOrLastFile, ScrubManager scrub)
            if (gapLength.Value == 0)
                if (fileLength == 0)
                    nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1c;
            long          srcLen = gapLength.Value; //fix added for (padding between junk files) - Zumba Fitness (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)
            MemorySection ms     = MemorySection.Read(inStream, 4);

            srcPos += 4;
            long    size = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
            GapType gt   = (GapType)(size & 0b11);

            size &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
            if (size == 0xFFFFFFFC) //for wii only. not a thing for GC
                srcPos += 4;
                inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                size = 0xFFFFFFFCL + (long)ms.ReadUInt32B(0); //cater for files > 0xFFFFFFFF
            gapLength.Value = size;

            scrub.AddGap(fileLength, dstPos, size); //keep track of trailing nulls when restoring scrubbed images

            long nulls;
            long junkFileLen = 0;

            //set nullsPos value if zerobyte file without junk
            if (gt == GapType.JunkFile)
                nullsPos = Math.Min(nullsPos - dstPos, 0);
                nulls    = (size & 0xFC) >> 2;
                inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                srcPos      += 4;
                junkFileLen  = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                fileLength   = junkFileLen;
                junkFileLen += junkFileLen % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - (junkFileLen % 4);
                ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, nulls);
                junk.Position = dstPos + nulls;
                junk.Copy(target, junkFileLen - nulls);
                dstPos += junkFileLen;

                if (srcLen <= 8)
                    //read gap
                    inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                    srcPos         += 4;
                    size            = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                    gt              = (GapType)(size & 0b11);
                    size           &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
                    gapLength.Value = size;
            else if (fileLength == 0) //last zero byte file was legit
                nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1c;

            long maxNulls = Math.Max(0, nullsPos - dstPos); //0x1cL

            if (size < maxNulls)                            //need to test this commented if
                nulls = size;
                nulls = size >= 0x40000 && !firstOrLastFile ? 0 : maxNulls;
            nullsPos = dstPos + nulls; //belt and braces

            if (gt == GapType.AllJunk)
                ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, nulls);
                junk.Position = dstPos + nulls;
                junk.Copy(target, size - nulls);
                dstPos += size;
            else if (gt == GapType.AllScrubbed)
                scrub.Scrub(target, dstPos, size, 0);
                dstPos += size;
                long         prg    = size;
                byte         btByte = 0x00;
                GapBlockType bt     = GapBlockType.Junk; //should never be used

                while (prg > 0)
                    inStream.Read(ms.Data, 0, 4);
                    srcPos += 4;
                    long         bytes;
                    long         blk      = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                    GapBlockType btType   = (GapBlockType)(blk >> 30);
                    bool         btRepeat = btType == GapBlockType.Repeat;
                    if (!btRepeat)
                        bt = btType;

                    long cnt = 0x3FFFFFFF & blk;

                    if (bt == GapBlockType.NonJunk)
                        bytes = Math.Min(cnt * Gap.BlockSize, prg);

                        inStream.Copy(target, bytes);
                        srcPos += bytes;
                    else if (bt == GapBlockType.ByteFill)
                        if (!btRepeat)
                            btByte = (byte)(0xFF & cnt); //last 8 bits when not repeating are the byte
                            cnt  >>= 8;

                        bytes = Math.Min(cnt * Gap.BlockSize, prg);
                        scrub.Scrub(target, dstPos, bytes, btByte);
                    else //if (bt == GapBlockType.Junk)
                        bytes = Math.Min(cnt * Gap.BlockSize, prg);

                        maxNulls = Math.Max(0, nullsPos - dstPos); //0x1cL
                        if (prg < maxNulls)
                            nulls = bytes;
                            nulls = bytes >= 0x40000 && !firstOrLastFile ? 0 : maxNulls;

                        ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, nulls);
                        junk.Position = dstPos + nulls;
                        junk.Copy(target, bytes - nulls);
                    prg    -= bytes;
                    dstPos += bytes;

            return(gapLength.Value + junkFileLen);