public async Task Marriage(IUser wife = null, [Remainder] string str = "") { //commonly used variables + embed basics EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder(); eb.WithColor(ProfileDb.GetHex(out string colour, Context.User.Id) ? (Discord.Color)UserUtil.HexToColor(colour) : BasicUtil.RandomColor()); ulong guildID = Context.Guild.Id; IUser user = Context.User; eb.WithAuthor(user); // checks //making sure u cant do anything weird if (wife == null || wife == user || wife.IsBot) { eb.WithDescription($"You can't propose to { ((wife == null) ? "no one" : wife.IsBot ? "bots" : "yourself ") } unfortunately."); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, eb.Build()); return; } if (MarriageDb.GetProposalsSent(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id).Any(x => x.WifeId == wife.Id)) { eb.WithAuthor(user); eb.WithDescription($"You have already proposed to **{wife}**."); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"", false, eb.Build()); return; } if (MarriageDb.GetMarriages(user.Id, Context.Guild.Id).Any(x => x.WifeId == wife.Id || x.UserId == wife.Id)) { eb.WithDescription($"You're already married to **{wife}**."); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, eb.Build()); return; } //checking marriage status Marriage proposal = MarriageDb.GetMarriageOrProposal(wife.Id, user.Id, Context.Guild.Id); if (proposal == null) { await MarriageDb.Propose(user.Id, wife.Id, guildID); eb.WithAuthor(wife); eb.WithDescription($"**{ user.Mention }** has proposed to you."); eb.WithFooter($"`{Program.GetPrefix(Context)}marry [user]` or `{Program.GetPrefix(Context)}decline [user]`"); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"", false, eb.Build()); return; } //if already married //checking marriage cap if (MarriageDb.GetMarriages(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id).Count >= UserUtil.GetMarriageLimit(Context.User.Id) || MarriageDb.GetMarriages(wife.Id, Context.Guild.Id).Count >= UserUtil.GetMarriageLimit(wife.Id)) { eb.WithDescription($"One of you has reached the maximum number of marriages."); eb.WithFooter($"Limit can be increased to {Constants.ProMarriageLimit} or {Constants.ProPlusMarriageLimit} with Namiko Pro."); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, eb.Build()); return; } // Marry em' //if the user has already proposed to you proposal.IsMarried = true; proposal.Date = System.DateTime.Now; await MarriageDb.UpdateMarriage(proposal); eb.WithDescription($"**Congratulations**! You and **{ wife }** are now married!"); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"", false, eb.Build()); }
public async Task Divorce([Remainder] string str = "") { //common variables IUser user = Context.User; EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder(); Discord.Color userColour = ProfileDb.GetHex(out string colour, user.Id) ? (Discord.Color)UserUtil.HexToColor(colour) : BasicUtil.RandomColor(); eb.WithColor(userColour); eb.WithAuthor(user); var marriages = MarriageDb.GetMarriages(user.Id, Context.Guild.Id); var marriage = await UserUtil.SelectMarriage(marriages, this); if (marriage == null) { eb.WithDescription("~ You are not married ~"); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"", false, eb.Build()); return; } ulong wife = UserUtil.GetWifeId(marriage, user.Id); // //creating divorce action var divorce = new DialogueBoxOption { Action = async(IUserMessage message) => { await MarriageDb.DeleteMarriageOrProposal(marriage); await message.ModifyAsync((x) => x.Embed = eb.WithDescription($"You divorced **{ BasicUtil.IdToMention(wife) }**.\n*~ May you both find happiness elsewhere ~*").Build()); //execution condition }, After = OnExecute.RemoveReactions }; //creating cancel var cancel = new DialogueBoxOption { After = OnExecute.Delete }; //making dialog embed var dia = new DialogueBox(); dia.Options.Add(Emote.Parse("<:TickYes:577838859107303424>"), divorce); dia.Options.Add(Emote.Parse("<:TickNo:577838859077943306>"), cancel); dia.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0); dia.Embed = new EmbedBuilderPrepared(user) .WithColor(userColour) .WithDescription($"Are you sure you wish to Divorce **{ BasicUtil.IdToMention(wife) }**?").Build(); // await DialogueReplyAsync(dia); }
public static EmbedBuilder MarriagesEmbed(IUser user, SocketGuild guild) { //embed basics string partners = ""; List <Marriage> marriages = MarriageDb.GetMarriages(user.Id, guild.Id); foreach (Marriage marriage in marriages) { partners += $"{BasicUtil.IdToMention(GetWifeId(marriage, user.Id))} :revolving_hearts: {marriage.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")}\n"; } //embed EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(ProfileDb.GetHex(out string colour, user.Id) ? (Discord.Color)UserUtil.HexToColor(colour) : BasicUtil.RandomColor()); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(partners)) { embed.AddField("Married To", partners, true); try { embed.WithImageUrl(Program.GetClient().GetUser(GetWifeId(marriages[0], user.Id)).GetAvatarUrl()); } catch { } } else { embed.WithDescription("You are not Married."); } embed.WithAuthor(user); return(embed); }
public async Task Decline([Remainder] string str = "") { //common variables IUser user = Context.User; EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder(); eb.WithAuthor(user); eb.WithColor(ProfileDb.GetHex(out string colour, user.Id) ? (Discord.Color)UserUtil.HexToColor(colour) : BasicUtil.RandomColor()); var proposals = MarriageDb.GetProposalsReceived(user.Id, Context.Guild.Id); proposals.AddRange(MarriageDb.GetProposalsSent(user.Id, Context.Guild.Id)); var proposal = await UserUtil.SelectMarriage(proposals, this); if (proposal == null) { eb.WithDescription("~ You have no proposals ~"); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"", false, eb.Build()); return; } ulong wife = UserUtil.GetWifeId(proposal, user.Id); // Swagness //creating decline action var decline = new DialogueBoxOption { Action = async(IUserMessage message) => { await MarriageDb.DeleteMarriageOrProposal(proposal); //embed eb.WithAuthor(user); eb.WithDescription($"You declined the proposal.\nBetter luck next time **{ BasicUtil.IdToMention(wife) }**."); await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = eb.Build()); //execution condition }, After = OnExecute.RemoveReactions }; //creating cancel var cancel = new DialogueBoxOption { After = OnExecute.Delete }; //making dialog embed var dia = new DialogueBox(); dia.Options.Add(Emote.Parse("<:TickYes:577838859107303424>"), decline); dia.Options.Add(Emote.Parse("<:TickNo:577838859077943306>"), cancel); dia.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0); dia.Embed = new EmbedBuilderPrepared(user) .WithDescription($"Are you sure you wish to Decline **{ BasicUtil.IdToMention(wife) }**?").Build(); // await DialogueReplyAsync(dia); }
public static EmbedBuilder ProposalsEmbed(IUser user, SocketGuild guild) { //embed basics EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithAuthor(user); embed.WithColor(ProfileDb.GetHex(out string colour, user.Id) ? (Discord.Color)UserUtil.HexToColor(colour) : BasicUtil.RandomColor()); //proposals List <Marriage> sent = MarriageDb.GetProposalsSent(user.Id, guild.Id); List <Marriage> received = MarriageDb.GetProposalsReceived(user.Id, guild.Id); //fields aggregation int users = 1; string field1 = "", field2 = ""; foreach (Marriage proposals in sent) { field1 += $"#{users++} {guild.GetUser(proposals.WifeId) }\n"; } // foreach (Marriage proposals in received) { field2 += $"#{users++} {guild.GetUser(proposals.UserId) }\n"; } //if this dude is #ForeverAlone if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(field1) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(field2)) { embed.WithDescription("You have not sent or received any Proposals."); } //do columns, sent on the left received on the right (or some shit) if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(field1)) { embed.AddField("Proposals Sent :sparkling_heart:", field1, true); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(field2)) { embed.AddField("Proposals Received :sparkling_heart:", field2, true); } return(embed); }