private void ImportNZB(string filename) { queueContainsNewItems = true; m_ImportNZB_Filename = filename; frmProgress frm = new frmProgress(); frm.LongDurationCall += new NZB_O_Matic.frmProgress.DelLongDurationCall(m_ImportNZB); frm.ShowDialog(this); frm.Close(); frm.Dispose(); m_ServerManager.InitializeQueues(); m_ServerManager.FillQueues(); }
/*private void m_ImportNZB_Fast( frmProgress frm) { ArrayList newArticles = new ArrayList(); System.IO.StreamReader strReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(m_ImportNZB_Filename); System.Xml.XmlTextReader xmlReader = new System.Xml.XmlTextReader(strReader); xmlReader.XmlResolver = null; try { string Directory = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_ImportNZB_Filename); frm.lAction.Text = "Importing NZB file [" + Directory + "]"; frm.pbProgress.Maximum = (int)strReader.BaseStream.Length; frm.Update(); string Subject = ""; DateTime Date = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); string Poster = ""; string ImportFile = ""; ArrayList aGroups = new ArrayList(); Article article = null; while( xmlReader.Read()) { if( xmlReader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element || xmlReader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EndElement) { if( xmlReader.Name == "file" && xmlReader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element) { Subject = ""; Date = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); Poster = ""; ImportFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_ImportNZB_Filename); for( int i = 0; i < xmlReader.AttributeCount; i++) { if( xmlReader.Name == "subject") Subject = xmlReader.Value; if( xmlReader.Name == "date") Date = Date.AddSeconds(double.Parse(xmlReader.Value)); if( xmlReader.Name == "poster") Poster = xmlReader.Value; if( xmlReader.Name == "importfile") ImportFile = xmlReader.Value; } xmlReader.MoveToElement(); } if( xmlReader.Name == "groups" && xmlReader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element) aGroups.Clear(); if( xmlReader.Name == "group") aGroups.Add(xmlReader.Value); if( xmlReader.Name == "groups" && xmlReader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EndElement) { string[] Groups = new string[aGroups.Count]; for( int i = 0; i < aGroups.Count; i++) Groups[i] = (string)aGroups[i]; article = new Article( Subject, Date, Poster, Groups, ImportFile); } if( xmlReader.Name == "segment" && article != null && xmlReader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element) { int Number = int.Parse(xmlReader.GetAttribute("number")); int Bytes = int.Parse(xmlReader.GetAttribute("bytes")); string ArticleID = xmlReader.Value; article.AddSegment( Number, Bytes, ArticleID); } if( xmlReader.Name == "file" && xmlReader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.EndElement) { newArticles.Add( article); article = null; } } frm.pbProgress.Value = (int)strReader.BaseStream.Position; frm.Update(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show( "Error importing NZB file"); return; } }*/ private void m_ImportNZB( frmProgress frm) { this.lvArticles.BeginUpdate(); System.Xml.XmlDocument XmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); try { using(System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(m_ImportNZB_Filename)) { using(System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter(sb)) { string line; do { line = sr.ReadLine(); if(line != null) if(line != "" && line != "\n") sw.WriteLine(line); } while (line != null); } } } catch { MessageBox.Show( "Error importing NZB file"); return; } try { XmlDoc.XmlResolver = null; System.IO.StringReader xmlsr = new System.IO.StringReader(sb.ToString()); XmlDoc.Load(xmlsr); // Ugly way of removing the XML namespace if( XmlDoc.InnerXml.IndexOf( "xmlns=\"\"") > 0) XmlDoc.InnerXml = XmlDoc.InnerXml.Replace("xmlns=\"\"", ""); //just in case if( XmlDoc.InnerXml.IndexOf( "xmlns=\"\"") > 0) XmlDoc.InnerXml = XmlDoc.InnerXml.Replace("xmlns=\"\"", ""); // quick hack for Regex rgx = new Regex("xmlns=\"http.*newzbin.*/dtd/.*/nzb\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); XmlDoc.InnerXml = rgx.Replace(XmlDoc.InnerXml, ""); } catch { MessageBox.Show( "Error importing NZB file"); return; } if( XmlDoc.DocumentElement == null) { MessageBox.Show( "Error importing NZB file"); return; } string Directory = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_ImportNZB_Filename); frm.lAction.Text = "Importing NZB file [" + Directory + "]"; frm.pbProgress.Maximum = XmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("file").Count; frm.Update(); foreach( System.Xml.XmlNode XmlArticle in XmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("file")) { string Subject = XmlArticle.SelectSingleNode("@subject").Value; DateTime Date = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); Date = Date.AddSeconds(double.Parse(XmlArticle.SelectSingleNode("@date").Value)); string Poster = XmlArticle.SelectSingleNode("@poster").Value; string ImportFile = ""; if(( XmlArticle.SelectSingleNode("@importfile") != null) && XmlArticle.SelectSingleNode("@importfile").Value != "") ImportFile = XmlArticle.SelectSingleNode("@importfile").Value; else ImportFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(m_ImportNZB_Filename); int i = 0; string[] Groups = new string[XmlArticle.SelectNodes("groups/group").Count]; foreach( System.Xml.XmlNode XmlGroup in XmlArticle.SelectNodes("groups/group")) { Groups[i] = XmlGroup.InnerText; i++; } Article article = new Article( Subject, Date, Poster, Groups, ImportFile); article.ListViewControl = lvArticles; article.Status = ArticleStatus.Loading; foreach( System.Xml.XmlNode XmlSegment in XmlArticle.SelectNodes("segments/segment")) { int Number = int.Parse(XmlSegment.SelectSingleNode("@number").Value); int Bytes = int.Parse(XmlSegment.SelectSingleNode("@bytes").Value); string ArticleID = XmlSegment.InnerText; article.AddSegment( Number, Bytes, ArticleID); } article.Segments.Sort( new SegmentSorter()); if(article.FinishedParts == article.Segments.Count) { article.Status = ArticleStatus.DecodeQueued; m_ServerManager.AddArticle(article); Decoder.DecodeQueue.Enqueue(article); } else { if(Global.m_Options.PausePar2) { if( article.Subject.IndexOf(".vol") != -1 ) { if( article.Subject.IndexOf(".par2") != -1 || article.Subject.IndexOf(".PAR2") != -1) { article.Status = ArticleStatus.Paused; } } else { article.Status = ArticleStatus.Queued; } } else { article.Status = ArticleStatus.Queued; } m_ServerManager.AddArticle(article); } lvArticles.Items.Add(article.StatusItem); frm.pbProgress.Value ++; frm.Update(); } try { if(Global.m_Options.DeleteNZB) System.IO.File.Delete(m_ImportNZB_Filename); } catch { } this.lvArticles.EndUpdate(); }