        // Called during early stage toolset deinitialization.

        virtual public void Unload(INWN2PluginHost Host)
            ListView Lv;

            // Early toolset teardown; deinitialize the script compiler hook so
            // that we may unload cleanly.

            Lv = PluginUI.GetVerifyOutputListView();

            if (Lv != null)
                Lv.ItemActivate -= this.OnVerifyOutputListViewItemActivated;


            if (NWN2ToolsetMainForm.VersionControlManager.Preferences != null)
                if (NWN2ToolsetMainForm.VersionControlManager.Preferences.ActiveProvider == this)
                    NWN2ToolsetMainForm.VersionControlManager.Preferences.ActiveProvider = m_OriginalVCPlugin;

                m_OriginalVCPlugin = null;

            m_SettingsManager = null;
        // Standard INWN2Plugin methods.

        // Called during late stage toolset initialization.

        virtual public void Load(INWN2PluginHost Host)
            ListView Lv;

            m_SettingsManager = new SettingsManager();
            m_SettingsManager.NeedSettingsLoad = true;

            // By the time Load is invoked, the compiler is present.  Install
            // the compiler hook now.

            m_CompilerField = GetMainFormCompilerField();

            m_ResourceAccessor = new ResourceAccessor(this);


            // Hook the version control system for resource change notification
            // distribution if preferences were available at this point.
            // Otherwise, wait for a change notification to install the hook.

            if (NWN2ToolsetMainForm.VersionControlManager.Preferences != null)
                m_OriginalVCPlugin = NWN2ToolsetMainForm.VersionControlManager.Preferences.ActiveProvider;

                if (m_OriginalVCPlugin == this)
                    m_OriginalVCPlugin = null;

                NWN2ToolsetMainForm.VersionControlManager.Preferences.ActiveProvider = this;
                NWN2Toolset.Plugins.NWN2VersionControlManagerPreferences.PreferencesChanged += this.OnVersionControlManagerPrefsChanged;

            Lv = PluginUI.GetVerifyOutputListView();

            if (Lv != null)
                Lv.ItemActivate += this.OnVerifyOutputListViewItemActivated;