public void Drivers() { var letters = new List<string>(); for (var letter = 'D'; letter <= 'Z'; letter++) { letters.Add(letter + ":\\"); Console.Write(letter + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); var drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives().Select(x => x.Name); foreach (var drive in drives) { Console.Write(drive + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var l in letters.Except(drives)) { Console.Write(l + " "); } }
public void CanApplyLocalCopyOfFullMasterDataUpdate() { //Given var zipStreamProcesser = new FakeZipStreamProcesser(FullMasterUpdatePath); var masterDataUpdater = new MasterDataUpdater(Database, zipStreamProcesser); //When var result = masterDataUpdater.ApplyUpdate(false, default(Stream)); //Then CheckResult(result); var actualTableNames = new List<string>(); var emptyTables = new List<string>(); foreach (var entity in DatabaseConfig.GetMasteDataTypes()) { var tableName = Database.GetTableName(entity); actualTableNames.Add(tableName); var count = Database.Count(entity); if (count == 0) emptyTables.Add(tableName); } var fail = CheckEmpty("Local Tables that have no rows:\n{0}", emptyTables); var difference = actualTableNames.Except(zipStreamProcesser.TableNames); fail += CheckEmpty("Local Tables that have no Master Data CSV File:\n{0}", difference); difference = zipStreamProcesser.TableNames.Except(actualTableNames); fail += CheckEmpty("Master Data CSV Files without Local Tables:\n {0}", difference); Assert.IsTrue(fail == 0, "\n\nOne or more errors occurred"); }
public static List<QualityProfileItem> GetDefaultQualities(params Quality[] allowed) { var qualities = new List<Quality> { Quality.SDTV, Quality.WEBDL480p, Quality.DVD, Quality.HDTV720p, Quality.HDTV1080p, Quality.RAWHD, Quality.WEBDL720p, Quality.Bluray720p, Quality.WEBDL1080p, Quality.Bluray1080p }; if (allowed.Length == 0) allowed = qualities.ToArray(); var items = qualities .Except(allowed) .Concat(allowed) .Select(v => new QualityProfileItem { Quality = v, Allowed = allowed.Contains(v) }).ToList(); return items; }
public void AllPropertyNames() { List<string> propertyNames = new List<string>(); List<string> excludedNames = new List<string>(); foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.GetFullPath(RelativePathToSchemaDir))) { if (!file.EndsWith("schema.json")) { continue; } var contents = ReadContents(file); var reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(contents)); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.PropertyName) continue; propertyNames.Add((string)reader.Value); } var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Schema>(contents); if (result.Properties != null) { foreach (var key in result.Properties.Keys) { excludedNames.Add(key.ToLower()); } } } propertyNames = propertyNames.Select((p) => p.ToLower()).Distinct().ToList(); var knownPropertyNames = typeof (Schema).GetProperties().Select((p) => p.Name.ToLower()); propertyNames = propertyNames.Except(knownPropertyNames).Except(excludedNames) .Except(new[] { "$schema", "__ref__", "additionalproperties", "gltf_webgl", "gltf_detaileddescription", "gltf_enumnames", "gltf_uritype" }).ToList(); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new string[] {}, propertyNames); }
public void given_a_string_constructs_a_correct_PackageNode(string input, string package, List<string> dependencies) { PackageDefinition packageDef = new PackageDefinition(input); Assert.AreEqual(packageDef.Package, package); Assert.IsFalse(dependencies.Except(packageDef.Dependencies).Any()); Assert.IsFalse(packageDef.Dependencies.Except(dependencies).Any()); }
public void LogicEqualityComparerLinqExcept() { var people = new List<Person>() { _abe, _joe1, _sue, _joe2 }; var peopleWhoAreJoe = new List<Person>() { _joe1 }; var comparer = new LogicEqualityComparer<Person>(); var peopleWhoAreNotJoe = people.Except(peopleWhoAreJoe, comparer); Assert.IsTrue(peopleWhoAreNotJoe.Count() == 2); Assert.IsFalse(peopleWhoAreNotJoe.Where(p => p.Name == "Joe").Any()); }
public void Subset() { var a = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 }; var b = new List<int> { 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 3, 6 }; var result = !a.Except(b).Any(); Assert.IsTrue(result); }
public void LogicEqualityComparerDeepLinqExcept() { var group1 = new KeyValuePair<string, List<Person>>("People", new List<Person>() { _abe }); var group2 = new KeyValuePair<string, List<Person>>("People", new List<Person>() { _sue }); var groups = new List<KeyValuePair<string, List<Person>>>() { group1, group2 }; var groupsWithJoe = new List<KeyValuePair<string, List<Person>>>() { group1 }; var groupsWithoutJoe = groups.Except(groupsWithJoe, _typedComparer); Assert.IsTrue(groupsWithoutJoe.Count() == 1); Assert.IsTrue(groupsWithoutJoe.First().Value.First().Name == "Sue"); }
public void ShouldNotFinishUntilAllMatchesPlayed() { var leagueSeason = A.LeagueSeason.Build(); var fixtures = new List<Fixture>(); leagueSeason.ScheduleFixtures(f => fixtures.Add(f)); var allFixturesExceptLast = fixtures.Except(fixtures.Last().AsEnumerable()).ToList(); allFixturesExceptLast.ForEach(f => leagueSeason.ApplyResult(A.MatchResult.ForFixture(f).Build())); Assert.That(leagueSeason.IsFinished, Is.False); }
public void Difference() { var a = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 }; var b = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; var results = b.Except(a).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(3, results.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(4, results[0]); Assert.AreEqual(5, results[1]); Assert.AreEqual(6, results[2]); }
public void Categories_That_Do_Not_Have_Certain_Products() { List<int> prod = new List<int>() { 1, 2 }; var expected = "[{\"CategoryID\":2},{\"CategoryID\":3},{\"CategoryID\":4},{\"CategoryID\":5},{\"CategoryID\":6},{\"CategoryID\":7},{\"CategoryID\":8}]"; ICorrectness result = this.tester.TestQuery( context => from cat in context.Categories where prod.Except(cat.Products.Select(x => x.ProductID)) .Count() > 0 select cat.CategoryID, expected); Assert.IsTrue(result.Check()); }
public void RandomShufflerShouldNotChangeReffernceTypeListContentOtherThanOrder() { const int listSize = 4; var list = new List<string>() { "This", "is", "a", "Test" }; var listClone = new List<string>(list); ListRandomShuffler.InPlaceShuffle(list); var dupCount = list.Intersect(listClone).ToList().Count; Assert.AreEqual(dupCount, listSize); bool hasDifference = list.Except(listClone).ToList().Any(); Assert.IsFalse(hasDifference); }
public void CanCompareOldIdsWithNewIdsAndReturnNewIdsOnly() { // Arrange const int expectedNewId = 12345; var oldIds = new List<int> { 123, 1234, 123456, 1233 }; var newIds = new List<int> { 123, 1234, expectedNewId }; // Act var mergedIds = new List<int>(); mergedIds.AddRange(oldIds); mergedIds.AddRange(newIds); IList<int> except = mergedIds.Except(oldIds).ToList(); // Assert Assert.That(except, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(except.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(except.SingleOrDefault(), Is.EqualTo(expectedNewId)); }
public void StringebisShedareba() { var l1 = new List<string>(){"a", "b", "c", "d", "f"}; var l2 = new List<string>(){"d", "c","b"}; List<string> lNew = l1.Except(l2, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList(); Console.WriteLine(lNew.Count); //Intersect saertoebi, Except - gansxvaveba foreach (var variable in lNew) { Console.WriteLine(variable); } Console.WriteLine(" **************************** "); lNew.Remove("f"); foreach (var variable in lNew) { Console.WriteLine(variable); } }
public void The_dependencies_should_include_referenced_complex_types_and_groups() { RelationshipsSchemaVisitor visitor = new RelationshipsSchemaVisitor(_schemaSet); visitor.Visit(_schema); List<Edge<string>> expectedList = new List<Edge<string>> { new Edge<string>("equity", "EquityAsset"), new Edge<string>("EquityAsset", "ExchangeTraded"), new Edge<string>("ExchangeTraded", "UnderlyingAsset"), new Edge<string>("UnderlyingAsset", "IdentifiedAsset"), new Edge<string>("IdentifiedAsset", "Asset"), new Edge<string>("ExchangeTraded", "ExchangeIdentifier.model"), new Edge<string>("equity", "underlyingAsset"), new Edge<string>("underlyingAsset", "Asset"), }; var missingEdges = expectedList.Except(visitor.NodeEdges); Assert.That(visitor.NodeEdges, Is.EquivalentTo(expectedList)); }
public void RemoveStringArray() { var l1 = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c", "d", "f" }; var l2 = new List<string>() { "d", "c", "b" }; List<string> lNew = l1.Except(l2, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList(); Console.WriteLine(" L1 List "); foreach (var variable in l1) { Console.WriteLine(variable); } Console.WriteLine(" L2 List "); foreach (var variable in l2) { Console.WriteLine(variable); } Console.WriteLine(lNew.Count); //Intersect saertoebi, Except - gansxvaveba }
public void PostUrls_Test() { List<Uri> expected = new List<Uri> { new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri("") }; string sampleRedditPageJson = Resources.redditsamplepage; var page = new RedditPage(sampleRedditPageJson); var actual = page.PostUrls; var differenceQuery = expected.Except(actual); Assert.AreEqual(differenceQuery.Count(), 0); }
public void ExceptWithComparerQueryReuse() { List<int> first = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 }; List<int> second = new List<int> { 3, 5, 6 }; IEnumerable<int> enumerable = first.Except(second, EqualityComparer<int>.Default); enumerable.AssertEqual(1, 2); first.Add(4); second.Add(2); enumerable.AssertEqual(1, 4); }
public async void ProducerAndListenerRecoveryTest() { kafka4net.Tracing.EtwTrace.Marker("ProducerAndListenerRecoveryTest"); const int count = 200; var topic = "part33." + _rnd.Next(); VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic,6,3); var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic)); _log.Debug("Connecting"); await producer.ConnectAsync(); _log.Debug("Filling out {0}", topic); var sentList = new List<int>(200); Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)) .Select(l => (int) l) .Select(i => new Message {Value = BitConverter.GetBytes(i)}) .Take(count) .Subscribe(msg=> { producer.Send(msg); sentList.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0)); }); var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicStart(), maxBytesPerFetch: 4 * 8)); var current =0; var received = new ReplaySubject<ReceivedMessage>(); Task brokerStopped = null; var consumerSubscription = consumer.OnMessageArrived. Subscribe(async msg => { current++; if (current == 18) { brokerStopped = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => VagrantBrokerUtil.StopBrokerLeaderForPartition(consumer.Cluster, consumer.Topic, msg.Partition), CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default); _log.Info("Stopped Broker Leader {0}",brokerStopped); } received.OnNext(msg); _log.Info("Got: {0}", BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0)); }); await consumer.IsConnected; _log.Info("Waiting for receiver complete"); var receivedList = await received.Select(msg => BitConverter.ToInt32(msg.Value, 0)).Take(count).TakeUntil(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(60)).ToList().ToTask(); await brokerStopped.TimeoutAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); // get the offsets for comparison later var heads = await consumer.Cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicStart); var tails = await consumer.Cluster.FetchPartitionOffsetsAsync(topic, ConsumerLocation.TopicEnd); _log.Info("Done waiting for receiver. Closing producer."); await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); _log.Info("Producer closed, disposing consumer subscription."); consumerSubscription.Dispose(); _log.Info("Consumer subscription disposed. Closing consumer."); consumer.Dispose(); _log.Info("Consumer closed."); if (sentList.Count != receivedList.Count) { // log some debug info. _log.Error("Did not receive all messages. Messages received: {0}",string.Join(",",receivedList.OrderBy(i=>i))); _log.Error("Did not receive all messages. Messages sent but NOT received: {0}", string.Join(",", sentList.Except(receivedList).OrderBy(i => i))); _log.Error("Sum of offsets fetched: {0}", tails.MessagesSince(heads)); _log.Error("Offsets fetched: [{0}]", string.Join(",", tails.Partitions.Select(p => string.Format("{0}:{1}",p,tails.NextOffset(p))))); } Assert.AreEqual(sentList.Count, receivedList.Count); kafka4net.Tracing.EtwTrace.Marker("/ProducerAndListenerRecoveryTest"); }
public async void LeaderDownProducerAndConsumerRecovery() { kafka4net.Tracing.EtwTrace.Marker("LeaderDownProducerAndConsumerRecovery"); string topic = "part32." + _rnd.Next(); VagrantBrokerUtil.CreateTopic(topic, 3, 2); var sent = new List<string>(); var confirmedSent1 = new List<string>(); var producer = new Producer(_seed2Addresses, new ProducerConfiguration(topic)); producer.OnSuccess += msgs => { msgs.ForEach(msg => confirmedSent1.Add(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Value))); _log.Debug("Sent {0} messages", msgs.Length); }; await producer.ConnectAsync(); var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_seed2Addresses, topic, new StartPositionTopicEnd())); const int postCount = 100; const int postCount2 = 50; // // Read messages // var received = new List<ReceivedMessage>(); var receivedEvents = new ReplaySubject<ReceivedMessage>(); var consumerSubscription = consumer.OnMessageArrived. Synchronize(). Subscribe(msg => { received.Add(msg); receivedEvents.OnNext(msg); _log.Debug("Received {0}/{1}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Value), received.Count); }); await consumer.IsConnected; // // Send #1 // _log.Info("Start sender"); Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)). Take(postCount). Subscribe( i => { var msg = "msg " + i; producer.Send(new Message { Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg) }); sent.Add("msg " + i); }, () => _log.Info("Producer complete") ); // wait for first 50 messages to arrive _log.Info("Waiting for first {0} messages to arrive", postCount2); await receivedEvents.Take(postCount2).Count().ToTask(); Assert.AreEqual(postCount2, received.Count); _log.Info("Stopping broker"); var stoppedBroker = VagrantBrokerUtil.StopBrokerLeaderForPartition(producer.Cluster, topic, 0); _log.Debug("Stopped broker {0}", stoppedBroker); // post another 50 messages _log.Info("Sending another {0} messages", postCount2); var sender2 = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)). Take(postCount2). Publish().RefCount(); // // Send #2 // sender2.Subscribe( i => { var msg = "msg #2 " + i; producer.Send(new Message { Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg) }); sent.Add(msg); _log.Debug("Sent msg #2 {0}", i); }, () => _log.Info("Producer #2 complete") ); _log.Info("Waiting for #2 sender to complete"); await sender2.ToTask(); _log.Info("Waiting for producer.Close"); await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)); _log.Info("Waiting 4sec for remaining messages"); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4)); // if unexpected messages arrive, let them in to detect failure _log.Info("Waiting for consumer.CloseAsync"); consumer.Dispose(); consumerSubscription.Dispose(); if (postCount + postCount2 != received.Count) { var receivedStr = received.Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value)).ToArray(); var diff = sent.Except(received.Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value))).OrderBy(s => s); _log.Info("Not received {0}: \n {1}", diff.Count(), string.Join("\n ", diff)); var diff2 = sent.Except(confirmedSent1).OrderBy(s => s); _log.Info("Not confirmed {0}: \n {1}", diff2.Count(), string.Join("\n ", diff2)); var diff3 = received.Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value)).Except(sent).OrderBy(s => s); _log.Info("Received extra: {0}: \n {1}", diff3.Count(), string.Join("\n ", diff3)); var diff4 = confirmedSent1.Except(sent).OrderBy(s => s); _log.Info("Confirmed extra {0}: \n {1}", diff4.Count(), string.Join("\n ", diff4)); var dups = receivedStr.GroupBy(s => s).Where(g => g.Count() > 1).Select(g => string.Format("{0}: {1}", g.Count(), g.Key)); _log.Info("Receved dups: \n {0}", string.Join("\n ", dups)); _log.Debug("Received: \n{0}", string.Join("\n ", received.Select(m => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.Value)))); } Assert.AreEqual(postCount + postCount2, received.Count, "Received.Count"); _log.Info("Done"); kafka4net.Tracing.EtwTrace.Marker("/LeaderDownProducerAndConsumerRecovery"); }
private bool ContainsAllItems(IList<string> firstList, List<string> secondList) { return !secondList.Except(firstList).Any(); }
private static void AssertThatResultContainsAllKeys(RiakResult<RiakMapReduceResult> mapReduceResult) { var phaseResults = mapReduceResult.Value.PhaseResults.ToList(); phaseResults.Count.ShouldEqual(1); var searchResults = phaseResults[0]; searchResults.Values.ShouldNotBeNull(); searchResults.Values.Count.ShouldEqual(2); var allKeys = new List<string> { HackerKey, PublicKey }; var solrResults = searchResults.Values.Select(searchResult => searchResult.FromRiakString()); var usedKeys = solrResults.SelectMany(result => allKeys.Where(result.Contains)); var unusedKeys = allKeys.Except(usedKeys).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(0, unusedKeys.Count, "Results did not contain the following keys: {0}", string.Join(", ", allKeys)); }
public void Can_guarantee_random_nonces_in_succession_multithreaded() { const int threads = 16; const int totalNonces = 30000; const int noncesPerThread = totalNonces / threads; var nonces = new List<string>(); var noncesLock = new object(); var dupes = new List<string>(); var dupesLock = new object(); var sem = new Semaphore(0, threads); var ts = new ThreadStart(() => { sem.WaitOne(); try { var localNonces = new List<string>(); for (var i = 0; i < noncesPerThread; i++) { var nonce = OAuthTools.GetNonce(); localNonces.Add(nonce); } lock (nonces) { var localDupes = from s in nonces where localNonces.Contains(s) select s; if (localDupes.Any()) { lock(dupesLock) { dupes.AddRange(localDupes); } } nonces.AddRange(localNonces.Except(localDupes)); } } finally { sem.Release(); } }); var workerThreads = new Thread[threads]; for (var i = 0; i < threads; i++) { workerThreads[i] = new Thread(ts) { IsBackground = false, Name = "thread" + i }; workerThreads[i].Start(); } sem.Release(threads); foreach (var t in workerThreads) { t.Join(); } Assert.IsEmpty(dupes, "Found {0} duplicated nonces generated during test", dupes.Count); lock (noncesLock) { Assert.AreEqual(totalNonces, nonces.Count); } }
public void ExceptQueryReuse() { List<int> first = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 }; List<int> second = new List<int> { 3, 5, 6 }; IEnumerable<int> enumerable = first.Except(second); enumerable.AssertEqual(1, 2); first.Add(4); second.Add(2); enumerable.AssertEqual(1, 4); }
public void Complex_Collection_Assign_InternalReferences() { var xml = Xml("<Foo $x/>"); var foo = Create<IFoo>(xml); var a = Create<IFoo>(); a.Value = "a"; var b = Create<IFoo>(); b.Value = "b"; var c = Create<IFoo>(); c.Value = "c"; var list = new List<IFoo> { a, b, c }; foreach (var x in list) { x.Set = new HashSet<IFoo>(list.Except(Enumerable.Repeat(x, 1))); } foo.List = list; //a .Set = new HashSet<IFoo> { b, c }; //b .Set = new HashSet<IFoo> { a, c }; // no effect, due to order of operations //c .Set = new HashSet<IFoo> { a, b }; // no effect, due to order of operations //foo.List = new List <IFoo> { a, b, c }; Assert.That(xml, XmlEquivalent.To(Xml( "<Foo $x>", "<List>", "<Foo>", "<Value>a</Value>", "<Set>", "<Foo x:id='1'> <Value>b</Value> </Foo>", "<Foo x:id='2'> <Value>c</Value> </Foo>", "</Set>", "</Foo>", "<Foo x:ref='1'/>", "<Foo x:ref='2'/>", "</List>", "</Foo>" ))); Assert.That(foo.List, Is.Not.Null & Has.Count.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(foo.List[0].Set, Is.Not.Null & Has.Count.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(foo.List[0].Set.Contains(foo.List[1]), Is.True); Assert.That(foo.List[0].Set.Contains(foo.List[2]), Is.True); Assert.That(foo.List[0].Set.Contains(foo), Is.False); }
private void DirectoryWalkerHarness(Action<FileSystemInfo> action, List<String> expected, List<String> actual) { var exceptions = FileUtils.DirectoryWalker(_testFilesPath, action, FileSystemTypes.All, DirectoryWalkerErrorHandling.Accumulate); if (exceptions.Any()) { var messages = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, exceptions.Select(ex => ex.Message)); throw new Exception(messages); } else { Assert.IsTrue(!expected.Except(actual).Any()); } }
public void PinImageUrlsTest() { List<Uri> expected = new List<Uri> { new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri(""), new Uri("") }; string samplePinterestHtml = Resources.pinterestsamplepage; var page = new PinterestBoard(samplePinterestHtml); var actual = page.PinImageUrls; var differenceQuery = expected.Except(actual); Assert.AreEqual(differenceQuery.Count(), 0); }
public void Except_LinqExt () { // Except: all of groupOne except where in existance in groupTwo var groupOne = new List<int> (){ 1,2,3,4,5}; var groupTwo = new List<int> (){4,5,6,7}; var groupExcept = groupOne.Except (groupTwo).OrderBy (x => x); Assert.AreEqual (3, groupExcept.Count ()); Assert.AreEqual (1, groupExcept.First ()); Assert.AreEqual (3, groupExcept.Last ()); }
public IEnumerable<Region> GetRegions() { var regions = new List<Region> (AddedRegions); return regions.Except (RemovedRegions); }
private int CompareDirectoryWithProjects(List<string> filesToCompile, params string[] projectFiles) { var filesInProject = new List<string>(); this.GetCompileItemsFromProjects(filesInProject, projectFiles); var missingFiles = filesToCompile.Except(filesInProject).ToList(); if (missingFiles.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("The following files must be added to {0}", string.Join(";", projectFiles)); foreach (var f in missingFiles) { Console.WriteLine(" {0}", f); } } return missingFiles.Count; }