        public void SaveCustomer()
            Customer customer = null;

            //create a session provide, provide the current database session
            ISessionProvider sessionProvider = new SessionProvider();
            //a generic repository that handles saving the entity to 
            // the database
            NHibernateRepository<Customer> customerRepository = 
                new NHibernateRepository<Customer>(sessionProvider);
            //save the customer to the database
        public void SaveOrder()
            string shippingAddress = null, 
                   billingAddress = null;
            Product msdnSubscription = null;
            Customer customer = new Customer();
Order order = new Order(customer, shippingAddress, billingAddress,
            ShippingMethod.UPS);//new order
OrderLine line = new OrderLine(order, msdnSubscription, 1);//new order line
order.OrderLines.Add(line);//add order line to order

//create a session provide, provide the current database session
ISessionProvider sessionProvider = new SessionProvider();
//handles dispatching of the order to other systems
IOrdersDispatcher ordersDispatcher = new OrdersDispatcher();
//order repository contains specialized behavior that execute when
//saving an order
OrderRepository orderRepository = new OrderRepository(
        sessionProvider, ordersDispatcher);
//save the order to the database
