private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            using (var context = new DatabaseContext())
                var lead = new Lead();

                cbLead.ItemsSource = null;
                cbLead.ItemsSource = context.Leads.Select(c => c.CompanyName).ToList();

                //if (LeadId > 0)
                //    lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LeadID == LeadId);
                //    territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TerritoryID == lead.TerritoryID);

                //    if (lead != null)
                //    {
                //        lblLeadId.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                //        txtLeadId.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                //        txtLeadId.Text = Convert.ToString(lead.LeadID);
                //        txtCompanyAddress.Text = lead.CompanyAddress;
                //        txtCompanyName.Text = lead.CompanyName;
                //        txtName.Text = lead.ContactPersonName;
                //        txtPhoneNo.Text = lead.PhoneNo;
                //        txtPosition.Text = lead.Position;
                //        cbTerritory.SelectedItem = territory.TerritoryName;
                //        cbStatus.Text = lead.Status;
                //    }
                //    lblLeadId.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                //    txtLeadId.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                //    txtCompanyAddress.Text = "";
                //    txtCompanyName.Text = "";
                //    txtName.Text = "";
                //    txtPhoneNo.Text = "";
                //    txtPosition.Text = "";
                //    cbStatus.SelectedItem = "";
                //    cbTerritory.SelectedItem = null;

            #region animation onLoading
            double screenWidth = Application.Current.MainWindow.Width;
            if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8)
                screenWidth += screenLeftEdge;
            DoubleAnimation animation = new DoubleAnimation(0, this.Width, (Duration)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3));
            DoubleAnimation animation2 = new DoubleAnimation(screenWidth, screenWidth - this.Width, (Duration)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3));
            this.BeginAnimation(Window.WidthProperty, animation);
            this.BeginAnimation(Window.LeftProperty, animation2);
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            using (var context = new DatabaseContext())
                var lead = new Lead();
                var territory = new Territory();

                //if (txtCompanyAddress.Text != "" && txtCompanyName.Text != ""
                //        && txtName.Text != "" && txtPhoneNo.Text != "" && txtPosition.Text != ""
                //        && (cbStatus.Text != "" || cbStatus.Text != null)
                //        && (cbTerritory.Text != "" || cbTerritory.Text != null))
                //    if (LeadId > 0)
                //    {
                //        territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault
                //            (c => c.TerritoryName.ToLower() == cbTerritory.Text.ToLower());
                //        lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LeadID == LeadId);

                //        if (lead != null)
                //        {
                //            var leadName = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LeadID == LeadId);

                //            if (leadName != null)
                //            {
                //                if (lead.CompanyName == leadName.CompanyName
                //                    && lead.CompanyAddress == leadName.CompanyAddress
                //                    && lead.ContactPersonName == leadName.ContactPersonName)
                //                {
                //                    lead.CompanyAddress = txtCompanyAddress.Text;
                //                    lead.CompanyName = txtCompanyName.Text;
                //                    lead.ContactPersonName = txtName.Text;
                //                    lead.PhoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text;
                //                    lead.Position = txtPosition.Text;
                //                    lead.Status = cbStatus.Text;
                //                    lead.TerritoryID = territory.TerritoryID;

                //                    context.SaveChanges();
                //                    var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow();
                //                    Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "LEAD SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED";
                //                    windows.Height = 0;
                //                    windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                //                    windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                //                    if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }
                //                    windows.ShowDialog();
                //                    DialogResult = false;
                //                }
                //                else
                //                {
                //                    var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow();
                //                    Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "SIMILAR LEAD DETECTED";
                //                    windows.Height = 0;
                //                    windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                //                    windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                //                    if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }
                //                    windows.ShowDialog();
                //                }
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault
                //            (c => c.TerritoryName.ToLower() == cbTerritory.Text.ToLower());
                //        lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault
                //            (c => c.CompanyName.ToLower() == txtCompanyName.Text.ToLower()
                //            && c.CompanyAddress.ToLower() == txtCompanyAddress.Text.ToLower()
                //            && c.TerritoryID == territory.TerritoryID);

                //        if (lead == null)
                //        {
                //            lead = new Lead();

                //            lead.CompanyAddress = txtCompanyAddress.Text;
                //            lead.CompanyName = txtCompanyName.Text;
                //            lead.ContactPersonName = txtName.Text;
                //            lead.PhoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text;
                //            lead.Position = txtPosition.Text;
                //            lead.Status = cbStatus.Text;
                //            lead.TerritoryID = territory.TerritoryID;

                //            context.Leads.Add(lead);
                //            context.SaveChanges();
                //            var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow();
                //            Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "LEAD SUCCESSFULLY CREATED";
                //            windows.Height = 0;
                //            windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                //            windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                //            if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }
                //            windows.ShowDialog();
                //            DialogResult = false;
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow();
                //            Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "LEAD ALREADY EXIST";
                //            windows.Height = 0;
                //            windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                //            windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                //            if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }
                //            windows.ShowDialog();
                //        }
                //    }
                //    var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow();
                //    Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "PLEASE PROVIDE ALL ASSOCIATED WITH ASTERISKS(*)";
                //    windows.Height = 0;
                //    windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                //    windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                //    if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }
                //    windows.ShowDialog();
        private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            using (var context = new DatabaseContext())
                var lead = new Lead();
                var territory = new Territory();
                var salesStage = context.SalesStages.OrderBy(c => c.RankNo).Select(c => c.SalesStageName).ToList();
                var territories = context.Territories.Select(c => c.TerritoryName).ToList();
                var marketingStrategies = context.MarketingStrategies.Select(c => c.Description).ToList();

                cbTerritory.ItemsSource = null;
                if (territories != null) { cbTerritory.ItemsSource = territories; }
                    var windows = new NoticeWindow();
                    NoticeWindow.message = "No territories";
                    windows.Height = 0;
                    windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                    windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                    if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }

                cbStatus.ItemsSource = null;
                if (salesStage != null) { cbStatus.ItemsSource = salesStage; }
                    var windows = new NoticeWindow();
                    NoticeWindow.message = "No sales stage statuses";
                    windows.Height = 0;
                    windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                    windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                    if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }

                cbMarketingStrategy.ItemsSource = null;
                if (marketingStrategies != null) { cbMarketingStrategy.ItemsSource = marketingStrategies; }
                    var windows = new NoticeWindow();
                    NoticeWindow.message = "No marketing strategies";
                    windows.Height = 0;
                    windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                    windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                    if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }

                if (LeadId > 0)
                    lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LeadID == LeadId);
                    territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TerritoryID == lead.TerritoryID);
                    var marketingStrategy = context.MarketingStrategies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MarketingStrategyId == lead.MarketingStrategyId);
                    var leadsProducts = context.LeadsProducts.Where(c => c.LeadId == lead.LeadID).ToList(); ;

                    if (lead != null)
                        lblLeadId.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        txtLeadId.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        Grid.SetRow(lblCompanyName, 1);
                        Grid.SetRow(txtCompanyName, 1); Grid.SetColumn(txtCompanyName, 1);
                        Grid.SetRow(lblAddress, 2);
                        Grid.SetRow(txtCompanyAddress, 2); Grid.SetColumn(txtCompanyAddress, 1);
                        Grid.SetRow(lblTerritory, 3);
                        Grid.SetRow(cbTerritory, 3); Grid.SetColumn(cbTerritory, 1);
                        Grid.SetRow(lblSalesStageStatus, 4);
                        Grid.SetRow(cbStatus, 4); Grid.SetColumn(cbStatus, 1);
                        Grid.SetRow(lblMarketingStrategy, 5);
                        Grid.SetRow(cbMarketingStrategy, 5); Grid.SetColumn(cbMarketingStrategy, 1);
                        Grid.SetRow(lblProduct, 6);
                        Grid.SetRow(gridProduct, 6); Grid.SetColumn(gridProduct, 1);
                        Grid.SetRow(lblActiveCheck, 7);
                        Grid.SetRow(tsActiveCheck, 7); Grid.SetColumn(tsActiveCheck, 1);

                        txtLeadId.Text = Convert.ToString(lead.LeadID);
                        txtCompanyAddress.Text = lead.CompanyAddress;
                        txtCompanyName.Text = lead.CompanyName;
                        cbTerritory.SelectedItem = territory.TerritoryName;
                        cbStatus.SelectedItem = lead.Status;
                        tsActiveCheck.IsChecked = lead.IsActive;
                        if (marketingStrategy != null) { cbMarketingStrategy.SelectedItem = marketingStrategy.Description; }
                        else { cbMarketingStrategy.SelectedItem = null; }
                        if (leadsProducts != null)
                            foreach (var leadsProduct in leadsProducts)
                        else { lbLeadsProducts.Items.Clear(); }
                    lblLeadId.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    txtLeadId.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    Grid.SetRow(lblCompanyName, 0);
                    Grid.SetRow(txtCompanyName, 0); Grid.SetColumn(txtCompanyName, 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(lblAddress, 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(txtCompanyAddress, 1); Grid.SetColumn(txtCompanyAddress, 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(lblTerritory, 2);
                    Grid.SetRow(cbTerritory, 2); Grid.SetColumn(cbTerritory, 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(lblSalesStageStatus, 3);
                    Grid.SetRow(cbStatus, 3); Grid.SetColumn(cbStatus, 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(lblMarketingStrategy, 4);
                    Grid.SetRow(cbMarketingStrategy, 4); Grid.SetColumn(cbMarketingStrategy, 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(lblProduct, 5);
                    Grid.SetRow(gridProduct, 5); Grid.SetColumn(gridProduct, 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(lblActiveCheck, 6);
                    Grid.SetRow(tsActiveCheck, 6); Grid.SetColumn(tsActiveCheck, 1);

                    txtCompanyAddress.Text = "";
                    txtCompanyName.Text = "";
                    cbStatus.SelectedItem = null;
                    cbTerritory.SelectedItem = null;
                    tsActiveCheck.IsChecked = true;
                    cbMarketingStrategy.SelectedItem = null;
                    if (isSelectFinish != true)

            #region selection finish
            if (isSelectFinish != false)
                if (Variables.yesClicked == true)
                    using (var context = new DatabaseContext())
                        var product = ProductSelection.passList;

                        isSelectFinish = false;
                        Variables.yesClicked = false;
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            using (var context = new DatabaseContext())
                var lead = new Lead();
                var territory = new Territory();

                if(txtCompanyAddress.Text != "" && txtCompanyName.Text != "" 
                        && (cbStatus.Text != "" || cbStatus.Text != null) 
                        && (cbTerritory.Text != "" || cbTerritory.Text != null)
                        && (cbMarketingStrategy.Text!="" || cbMarketingStrategy.Text != null))
                    if (LeadId > 0)
                        #region edit
                        territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault
                            (c => c.TerritoryName.ToLower() == cbTerritory.Text.ToLower());
                        lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault(c => c.LeadID == LeadId);

                        if (lead != null)
                            var duplicateName = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault
                                (c => (c.LeadID == lead.LeadID) && 
                                    (c.CompanyName.ToLower() == txtCompanyName.Text.ToLower()));
                            var existingLead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault
                                (c => c.CompanyName.ToLower() == txtCompanyName.Text.ToLower());

                            if (duplicateName != null || existingLead == null)
                                var marketingStrategy = context.MarketingStrategies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Description.ToLower() == cbMarketingStrategy.Text.ToLower());

                                lead.CompanyAddress = txtCompanyAddress.Text;
                                lead.CompanyName = txtCompanyName.Text;
                                lead.Status = cbStatus.Text;
                                lead.TerritoryID = territory.TerritoryID;
                                lead.IsActive = tsActiveCheck.IsChecked.Value;
                                if (marketingStrategy != null) { lead.MarketingStrategyId = marketingStrategy.MarketingStrategyId; }
                                else { lead.MarketingStrategyId = 0; }

                                if (lbLeadsProducts != null)
                                    foreach (var product in lbLeadsProducts.Items)
                                        var productId = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProductName == (string) product);

                                        if (productId != null)
                                            var products = context.LeadsProducts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProductId == productId.ProductID && c.LeadId == LeadId);

                                            if (products != null)
                                                products.LeadId = LeadId;
                                                products.ProductId = productId.ProductID;

                                var log = new Log();
                                log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                                log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " modifies "
                                    + lead.CompanyName + "'s details.";
                                log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");

                                var windows = new NoticeWindow();
                                NoticeWindow.message = "Lead successfully updated";
                                windows.Height = 0;
                                windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                                windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                                if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }
                                var windows = new NoticeWindow();
                                NoticeWindow.message = "Similar lead detected";
                                windows.Height = 0;
                                windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                                windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                                if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }

                                var log = new Log();
                                log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                                log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " fails to modify "
                                    + lead.CompanyName + " due to a similar lead is detected.";
                                log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");
                        #region add
                        territory = context.Territories.FirstOrDefault
                            (c => c.TerritoryName.ToLower() == cbTerritory.Text.ToLower());
                        lead = context.Leads.FirstOrDefault
                            (c => c.CompanyName.ToLower() == txtCompanyName.Text.ToLower()
                            && (c.CompanyAddress.ToLower() == txtCompanyAddress.Text.ToLower()
                            || c.TerritoryID == territory.TerritoryID));

                        if (lead == null)
                            lead = new Lead();

                            var marketingStrategy = context.MarketingStrategies.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Description.ToLower() == cbMarketingStrategy.Text.ToLower());

                            lead.CompanyAddress = txtCompanyAddress.Text;
                            lead.CompanyName = txtCompanyName.Text;
                            lead.Status = cbStatus.Text;
                            lead.TerritoryID = territory.TerritoryID;
                            lead.IsActive = tsActiveCheck.IsChecked.Value;
                            lead.DateAdded = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                            if (marketingStrategy != null) { lead.MarketingStrategyId = marketingStrategy.MarketingStrategyId; }
                            else { lead.MarketingStrategyId = 0; }
                            if (lbLeadsProducts != null)
                                foreach (var product in lbLeadsProducts.Items)
                                    var productId = context.Products.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProductName == (string) product);

                                    if (productId != null)
                                        var products = context.LeadsProducts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ProductId == productId.ProductID && c.LeadId == LeadId);

                                        if (products == null)
                                            products = new LeadsProduct();

                                            context.LeadsProducts.Add(new LeadsProduct
                                                ProductId = productId.ProductID,
                                                LeadId = products.LeadId

                            var log = new Log();
                            log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                            log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " creates a new lead. ("
                                + txtCompanyName.Text + ")";
                            log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");

                            var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow();
                            Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Lead successfully created";
                            windows.Height = 0;
                            windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                            windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                            if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }
                            var log = new Log();
                            log.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                            log.Description = NotificationWindow.username + " fails to create a new lead due to the lead is already existing.";
                            log.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");

                            var windows = new Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow();
                            Shared.Windows.NoticeWindow.message = "Lead already exists";
                            windows.Height = 0;
                            windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                            windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                            if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }
                    var windows = new NoticeWindow();
                    NoticeWindow.message = "Please provide all boxes labeled with an asterisk(*).";
                    windows.Height = 0;
                    windows.Top = screenTopEdge + 8;
                    windows.Left = (screenWidth / 2) - (windows.Width / 2);
                    if (screenLeftEdge > 0 || screenLeftEdge < -8) { windows.Left += screenLeftEdge; }