 public void Initialize()
     g_hash = RAND_32();
     for (int n = 0; n < undoStack.Length; n++)
         undoStack[n] = new CUndo();
     for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
             arrField[y * 8 + x] = (y + 4) * 16 + x + 4;
     for (int n = 0; n < 256; n++)
         boardCheck[n]  = 0;
         boardCastle[n] = 15;
         g_board[n]     = 0;
         for (int p = 0; p < 16; p++)
             g_hashBoard[n, p] = RAND_32();
     int[] arrCastleI  = { 68, 72, 75, 180, 184, 187 };
     int[] arrCasteleV = { 7, 3, 11, 13, 12, 14 };
     int[] arrCheckI   = { 71, 72, 73, 183, 184, 185 };
     int[] arrCheckV   = { colorBlack | moveflagCastleQueen, colorBlack | maskCastle, colorBlack | moveflagCastleKing, colorWhite | moveflagCastleQueen, colorWhite | maskCastle, colorWhite | moveflagCastleKing };
     for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++)
         boardCastle[arrCastleI[n]] = arrCasteleV[n];
         boardCheck[arrCheckI[n]]   = arrCheckV[n];
        public void UnmakeMove(int move)
            int   fr    = move & 0xFF;
            int   to    = (move >> 8) & 0xFF;
            int   flags = move & 0xFF0000;
            int   capi  = to;
            CUndo undo  = undoStack[--undoIndex];

            g_passing      = undo.passing;
            g_castleRights = undo.castle;
            g_move50       = undo.move50;
            g_lastCastle   = undo.lastCastle;
            g_hash         = undo.hash;
            int captured = undo.captured;

            if ((flags & moveflagCastleKing) > 0)
                g_board[to + 1] = g_board[to - 1];
                g_board[to - 1] = colorEmpty;
            else if ((flags & moveflagCastleQueen) > 0)
                g_board[to - 2] = g_board[to + 1];
                g_board[to + 1] = colorEmpty;
            if ((flags & moveflagPromotion) > 0)
                int piece = (g_board[to] & (~0x7)) | piecePawn;
                g_board[fr] = piece;
                g_board[fr] = g_board[to];
            if ((flags & moveflagPassing) > 0)
                capi        = whiteTurn ? to - 16 : to + 16;
                g_board[to] = colorEmpty;
            g_board[capi] = captured;
            whiteTurn    ^= true;
        public void MakeMove(int emo)
            CUndo undo = undoStack[undoIndex++];

            undo.hash       = g_hash;
            undo.passing    = g_passing;
            undo.castle     = g_castleRights;
            undo.move50     = g_move50;
            undo.lastCastle = g_lastCastle;
            int fr       = emo & 0xff;
            int to       = (emo >> 8) & 0xff;
            int flags    = emo & 0xFF0000;
            int piecefr  = g_board[fr];
            int piece    = piecefr & 0xf;
            int captured = g_board[to];

            g_lastCastle = (emo & maskCastle) | (piecefr & maskColor);
            if ((flags & moveflagCastleKing) > 0)
                g_board[to - 1] = g_board[to + 1];
                g_board[to + 1] = colorEmpty;
            else if ((flags & moveflagCastleQueen) > 0)
                g_board[to + 1] = g_board[to - 2];
                g_board[to - 2] = colorEmpty;
            else if ((flags & moveflagPassing) > 0)
                int capi = whiteTurn ? to + 16 : to - 16;
                captured      = g_board[capi];
                g_board[capi] = colorEmpty;
            undo.captured = captured;
            g_hash       ^= g_hashBoard[fr, piece];
            g_passing     = 0;
            if ((captured & 0xF) > 0)
                g_move50 = 0;
            else if ((piece & 7) == piecePawn)
                if (to == (fr + 32))
                    g_passing = (fr + 16);
                if (to == (fr - 32))
                    g_passing = (fr - 16);
                g_move50 = 0;
            if ((flags & moveflagPromotion) > 0)
                int newPiece = piecefr & (~0x7);
                if ((flags & moveflagPromoteKnight) > 0)
                    newPiece |= pieceKnight;
                else if ((flags & moveflagPromoteQueen) > 0)
                    newPiece |= pieceQueen;
                else if ((flags & moveflagPromoteBishop) > 0)
                    newPiece |= pieceBishop;
                    newPiece |= pieceRook;
                g_board[to] = newPiece;
                g_hash     ^= g_hashBoard[to, newPiece & 0xf];
                g_board[to] = g_board[fr];
                g_hash     ^= g_hashBoard[to, piece];
            g_board[fr]     = colorEmpty;
            g_castleRights &= boardCastle[fr] & boardCastle[to];
            whiteTurn      ^= true;