An Arrow IDrawable, with a text label that is automatically nicely positioned at the non-pointy end of the arrow. Future feature idea: have constructor that takes a dataset, and have the arrow know how to automatically set it's angle to avoid the data.
Inheritance: IDrawable
        public void PlotTest()

            // can plot different types.
            ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
            l.Add( (int)2 );
            l.Add( (double)1.0 );
            l.Add( (float)3.0 );
            l.Add( (int)5.0 );

            LinePlot lp1 = new LinePlot( new double[] {4.0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0} );
            lp1.Pen = new Pen( Color.LightBlue );
            lp1.Pen.Width = 2.0f;

            //lp.AbscissaData = new StartStep( 0.0, 2.0 );

            LinePlot lp2 = new LinePlot( new double[] {2.0, 1.0, 4.0, 5.0} );
            lp2.Pen = new Pen( Color.LightBlue );
            lp2.Pen.Width = 2.0f;

            FilledRegion fr = new FilledRegion( lp1, lp2 );


            plotSurface.Add( new Grid() );

            ArrowItem a = new ArrowItem( new PointD( 2, 4 ), -50.0f, "Arrow" );
            a.HeadOffset = 5;
            a.ArrowColor = Color.Red;
            a.TextColor = Color.Purple;
            plotSurface.Add( a );

            MarkerItem m = new MarkerItem( new Marker( Marker.MarkerType.TriangleDown, 8, Color.ForestGreen ), 1.38, 2.9 );
            plotSurface.Add( m );

            plotSurface.XAxis1.TicksCrossAxis = true;

            ((LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1).LargeTickValue = -4.1;
            ((LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1).AutoScaleText = true;
            ((LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1).TicksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent = true;
            //plotSurface.XAxis1.Label = "Hello world";


            plotSurface.AutoScaleTitle = false;
            plotSurface.AutoScaleAutoGeneratedAxes = true;

            plotSurface.Title = "My Title";

            double[] a = { 0, 2, 1, 4, double.NaN, double.NaN, 5, 8, 7, 9 };
            LinePlot lp = new LinePlot();
            lp.DataSource = a;
            lp.Label = "My Label";

            plotSurface.Add( lp );

            plotSurface.Legend = new Legend();
            plotSurface.Legend.AutoScaleText = false;
            plotSurface.Legend.NeverShiftAxes = true;
            plotSurface.Legend.HorizontalEdgePlacement = Legend.Placement.Inside;
            plotSurface.Legend.VerticalEdgePlacement = Legend.Placement.Inside;
            plotSurface.Legend.XOffset = -10;
            plotSurface.Legend.YOffset = 10;
            //plotSurface.AddAxesConstraint( new AxesConstraint.EqualSpacing() );

            ((LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1).Offset = 10.0;
            ((LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1).Scale = 27.0;
            //((LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1).TicksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent = true;
            //((LinearAxis)plotSurface.YAxis1).TicksIndependentOfPhysicalExtent = true;

            AxesConstraint.AxisPosition c1 =
                new NPlot.AxesConstraint.AxisPosition( PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Left, 100.0f );

            AxesConstraint.AspectRatio c2 =
                new AxesConstraint.AspectRatio( 5.0f, PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Left );

            plotSurface.AddAxesConstraint( c1 );
            plotSurface.AddAxesConstraint( c2 );

        public PlotDataset()
            infoText = "";
            infoText += "Stock Dataset Sample. Demonstrates - \n";
            infoText += " * CandlePlot, FilledRegion, LinePlot and ArrowItem IDrawables \n";
            infoText += " * DateTime axes \n";
            infoText += " * Horizontal Drag Interaction - try dragging (and Ctrl-dragging) the plot surface \n";
            infoText += " * Axis Drag Interaction - try dragging in the horizontal and vertical Axis areas";

            // [NOTIMP] plotSurface.DateTimeToolTip = true;

            // obtain stock information from xml file
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            System.IO.Stream file =
                Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream( "GtkTest.Resources.asx_jbh.xml" );
            ds.ReadXml( file, System.Data.XmlReadMode.ReadSchema );
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            // DataView dv = new DataView( dt );

            // create CandlePlot.
            CandlePlot cp = new CandlePlot();
            cp.DataSource = dt;
            cp.AbscissaData = "Date";
            cp.OpenData = "Open";
            cp.LowData = "Low";
            cp.HighData = "High";
            cp.CloseData = "Close";
            cp.BearishColor = Color.Red;
            cp.BullishColor = Color.Green;
            cp.Style = CandlePlot.Styles.Filled;

            // calculate 10 day moving average and 2*sd line
            ArrayList av10 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList sd2_10 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList sd_2_10 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList dates = new ArrayList();
            for (int i=0; i<dt.Rows.Count-10; ++i)
                float sum = 0.0f;
                for (int j=0; j<10; ++j)
                    sum += (float)dt.Rows[i+j]["Close"];
                float average = sum / 10.0f;
                av10.Add( average );
                sum = 0.0f;
                for (int j=0; j<10; ++j)
                    sum += ((float)dt.Rows[i+j]["Close"]-average)*((float)dt.Rows[i+j]["Close"]-average);
                sum /= 10.0f;
                sum = 2.0f*(float)Math.Sqrt( sum );
                sd2_10.Add( average + sum );
                sd_2_10.Add( average - sum );
                dates.Add( (DateTime)dt.Rows[i+10]["Date"] );

            // and a line plot of close values.
            LinePlot av = new LinePlot();
            av.OrdinateData = av10;
            av.AbscissaData = dates;
            av.Color = Color.LightGray;
            av.Pen.Width = 2.0f;

            LinePlot top = new LinePlot();
            top.OrdinateData = sd2_10;
            top.AbscissaData = dates;
            top.Color = Color.LightSteelBlue;
            top.Pen.Width = 2.0f;

            LinePlot bottom = new LinePlot();
            bottom.OrdinateData = sd_2_10;
            bottom.AbscissaData = dates;
            bottom.Color = Color.LightSteelBlue;
            bottom.Pen.Width = 2.0f;

            FilledRegion fr = new FilledRegion( top, bottom );
            fr.RectangleBrush = new RectangleBrushes.Vertical( Color.FromArgb(255,255,240), Color.FromArgb(240,255,255) );
            plotSurface.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            plotSurface.Add( fr );

            plotSurface.Add( new Grid() );

            plotSurface.Add( av );
            plotSurface.Add( top );
            plotSurface.Add( bottom );
            plotSurface.Add( cp );

            // now make an arrow...
            ArrowItem arrow = new ArrowItem( new PointD( ((DateTime)dt.Rows[60]["Date"]).Ticks, 2.28 ), -80, "An interesting flat bit" );
            arrow.ArrowColor = Color.DarkBlue;
            arrow.PhysicalLength = 50;

            plotSurface.Add (arrow);

            plotSurface.Title = "AU:JBH";
            plotSurface.XAxis1.Label = "Date / Time";
            plotSurface.XAxis1.WorldMin += plotSurface.XAxis1.WorldLength / 4.0;
            plotSurface.XAxis1.WorldMax -= plotSurface.XAxis1.WorldLength / 2.0;
            plotSurface.YAxis1.Label = "Price [$]";

            plotSurface.XAxis1 = new TradingDateTimeAxis( plotSurface.XAxis1 );

            plotSurface.AddInteraction (new PlotDrag(true,false));
            plotSurface.AddInteraction (new AxisDrag());

            // make sure plot surface colors are as we expect - the wave example changes them.
            plotSurface.PlotBackColor = Color.White;
            plotSurface.XAxis1.Color = Color.Black;
            plotSurface.YAxis1.Color = Color.Black;

        void PlotDataSet()

            // obtain stock information from xml file
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            System.IO.Stream file =
                Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream( "NPlotDemo.resources.asx_jbh.xml" );
            ds.ReadXml( file, System.Data.XmlReadMode.ReadSchema );
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            // create CandlePlot.
            CandlePlot cp = new CandlePlot();
            cp.DataSource = dt;
            cp.AbscissaData = "Date";
            cp.OpenData = "Open";
            cp.LowData = "Low";
            cp.HighData = "High";
            cp.CloseData = "Close";
            cp.BearishColor = Color.Red;
            cp.BullishColor = Color.Green;
            cp.Style = CandlePlot.Styles.Filled;

            // calculate 10 day moving average and 2*sd line
            ArrayList av10 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList sd2_10 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList sd_2_10 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList dates = new ArrayList();
            for (int i=0; i<dt.Rows.Count-10; ++i)
                float sum = 0.0f;
                for (int j=0; j<10; ++j)
                    sum += (float)dt.Rows[i+j]["Close"];
                float average = sum / 10.0f;
                av10.Add( average );
                sum = 0.0f;
                for (int j=0; j<10; ++j)
                    sum += ((float)dt.Rows[i+j]["Close"]-average)*((float)dt.Rows[i+j]["Close"]-average);
                sum /= 10.0f;
                sum = 2.0f*(float)Math.Sqrt( sum );
                sd2_10.Add( average + sum );
                sd_2_10.Add( average - sum );
                dates.Add( (DateTime)dt.Rows[i+10]["Date"] );

            // and a line plot of close values.
            LinePlot av = new LinePlot();
            av.OrdinateData = av10;
            av.AbscissaData = dates;
            av.Color = Color.LightGray;
            av.Pen.Width = 2.0f;

            LinePlot top = new LinePlot();
            top.OrdinateData = sd2_10;
            top.AbscissaData = dates;
            top.Color = Color.LightSteelBlue;
            top.Pen.Width = 2.0f;

            LinePlot bottom = new LinePlot();
            bottom.OrdinateData = sd_2_10;
            bottom.AbscissaData = dates;
            bottom.Color = Color.LightSteelBlue;
            bottom.Pen.Width = 2.0f;

            FilledRegion fr = new FilledRegion( top, bottom );
            //fr.RectangleBrush = new RectangleBrushes.Vertical( Color.FloralWhite, Color.GhostWhite );
            fr.RectangleBrush = new RectangleBrushes.Vertical( Color.FromArgb(255,255,240), Color.FromArgb(240,255,255) );
            plotSurface.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            plotSurface.Add( fr );

            plotSurface.Add( new Grid() );

            plotSurface.Add( av );
            plotSurface.Add( top );
            plotSurface.Add( bottom );
            plotSurface.Add( cp );

            // now make an arrow...
            ArrowItem arrow = new ArrowItem( new PointD( ((DateTime)dt.Rows[60]["Date"]).Ticks, 2.28 ), -80, "An interesting flat bit" );
            arrow.ArrowColor = Color.DarkBlue;
            arrow.PhysicalLength = 50;

            plotSurface.Add( arrow );

            plotSurface.Title = "AU:JBH";
            plotSurface.XAxis1.Label = "Date / Time";
            plotSurface.YAxis1.Label = "Price [$]";

