        public byte[] WriteTo(HWPFStream docStream)

            PlexOfCps textPlex = new PlexOfCps(PieceDescriptor.SizeInBytes);
            // int fcMin = docStream.Getoffset();

            int size = _textPieces.Count;
            for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                TextPiece next = _textPieces[x];
                PieceDescriptor pd = next.PieceDescriptor;

                int offset = docStream.Offset;
                int mod = (offset % POIFSConstants.SMALLER_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE);
                if (mod != 0)
                    mod = POIFSConstants.SMALLER_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - mod;
                    byte[] buf = new byte[mod];

                // set the text piece position to the current docStream offset.
                pd.FilePosition = (docStream.Offset);

                // write the text to the docstream and save the piece descriptor to
                // the
                // plex which will be written later to the tableStream.

                // The TextPiece is already in characters, which
                // Makes our life much easier
                int nodeStart = next.Start;
                int nodeEnd = next.End;
                textPlex.AddProperty(new GenericPropertyNode(nodeStart, nodeEnd, pd.ToByteArray()));

            return textPlex.ToByteArray();
