        public static JobHandle UpdateParameters(FCNetwork net, FCGradients gradients, float rate, JobHandle handle = new JobHandle())
            // Biases -= DCDZ * rate
            // Weights -= DCDW * rate

            // Todo: Find a nice way to fold the multiply by learning rate and addition together in one pass over the data
            // Also, parallelize over all the arrays

            for (int l = 0; l < net.Layers.Length; l++)
                var m = new MultiplyAssignJob();
                m.Data  = gradients.Layers[l].DCDZ;
                m.Value = rate;
                handle  = m.Schedule(handle);

                var s = new SubtractAssignJob();
                s.Data = gradients.Layers[l].DCDZ;
                s.From = net.Layers[l].Biases;
                handle = s.Schedule(handle);

                m       = new MultiplyAssignJob();
                m.Data  = gradients.Layers[l].DCDW;
                m.Value = rate;
                handle  = m.Schedule(handle);

                s      = new SubtractAssignJob();
                s.Data = gradients.Layers[l].DCDW;
                s.From = net.Layers[l].Weights;
                handle = s.Schedule(handle);

        public static JobHandle BackwardsPass(FCNetwork net, FCGradients gradients, NativeArray <float> target, JobHandle handle = new JobHandle())
            JobHandle h = handle;

            // Todo:
            // DCDW can make good use of ParallelFor, depends on DCDZ
            // Oh, but then, while DCDW for layer L is being calculated, DCDZ for L-1 can calculate while DCDW of L is calculating
            // DCDW computation is an orphan. Other computation doesn't have to wait for it.

            var sj = new SubtractJob();

            sj.A      = net.Last.Outputs;
            sj.B      = target;
            sj.Output = gradients.DCDO;
            h         = sj.Schedule(h);

            var bfj = new BackPropSingleOutputJob();

            bfj.DCDZNext = gradients.DCDO;
            bfj.DCDZ     = gradients.Last.DCDZ;
            bfj.Outputs  = net.Last.Outputs;
            h            = bfj.Schedule(h);

            var bwj = new BackPropWeightsJob();

            bwj.DCDZ        = gradients.Last.DCDZ;
            bwj.DCDW        = gradients.Last.DCDW;
            bwj.Outputs     = net.Last.Outputs;
            bwj.OutputsPrev = net.Layers[net.Layers.Length - 2].Outputs;
            h = bwj.Schedule(h);

            // Note, indexing using net.layers.length here is misleading, since that count is one less than if you include input layer
            for (int l = net.Layers.Length - 2; l >= 0; l--)
                var bej = new BackPropMultiOutputJob();
                bej.DCDZNext    = gradients.Layers[l + 1].DCDZ;
                bej.WeightsNext = net.Layers[l + 1].Weights;
                bej.DCDZ        = gradients.Layers[l].DCDZ;
                bej.Outputs     = net.Layers[l].Outputs;
                h = bej.Schedule(h);

                bwj             = new BackPropWeightsJob();
                bwj.DCDZ        = gradients.Layers[l].DCDZ;
                bwj.DCDW        = gradients.Layers[l].DCDW;
                bwj.Outputs     = net.Layers[l].Outputs;
                bwj.OutputsPrev = l == 0 ? net.Inputs : net.Layers[l - 1].Outputs;
                h = bwj.Schedule(h);

        private void Awake()
            Application.runInBackground = true;


            _rng = new Rng(1234);

            var config = new FCNetworkConfig();

            config.Layers.Add(new FCLayerConfig {
                NumNeurons = DataManager.ImgDims * DataManager.Channels
            config.Layers.Add(new FCLayerConfig {
                NumNeurons = 40
            config.Layers.Add(new FCLayerConfig {
                NumNeurons = 20
            config.Layers.Add(new FCLayerConfig {
                NumNeurons = 10

            _net = new FCNetwork(config);
            NeuralUtils.Initialize(_net, ref _rng);

            _gradients    = new FCGradients(config);
            _gradientsAvg = new FCGradients(config);

            _batch         = new NativeArray <int>(BatchSize, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
            _targetOutputs = new NativeArray <float>(OutputClassCount, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
            _dCdO          = new NativeArray <float>(OutputClassCount, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);

            _watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            int testImgIdx = 8392;

            _lbl = DataManager.Test.Labels[testImgIdx];
            _img = new Texture2D(32, 32, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, true);
            DataManager.ToTexture(DataManager.Test, testImgIdx, _img);

        private void Awake()
            Application.runInBackground = true;


            _rng = new Rng(1234);

            var config = new FCNetworkConfig();

            config.Layers.Add(new FCLayerConfig {
                NumNeurons = DataManager.ImgDims
            config.Layers.Add(new FCLayerConfig {
                NumNeurons = 30
            config.Layers.Add(new FCLayerConfig {
                NumNeurons = 10

            _net = new FCNetwork(config);
            NeuralUtils.Initialize(_net, ref _rng);

            _gradients    = new FCGradients(config);
            _gradientsAvg = new FCGradients(config);
            _batch        = new NativeArray <int>(BatchSize, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);

            _targetOutputs = new NativeArray <float>(OutputClassCount, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
            _dCdO          = new NativeArray <float>(OutputClassCount, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);

            _watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // Visual test of data
            const int testImgIdx = 18;

            _label          = DataManager.TrainFloats.Labels[testImgIdx];
            _tex            = new Texture2D(DataManager.Width, DataManager.Height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, true);
            _tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            DataManager.ToTexture(DataManager.TrainFloats, testImgIdx, _tex);

        public static JobHandle AddGradients(FCGradients from, FCGradients to, JobHandle handle = new JobHandle())
            // to.Bias += from.Bias
            // to.Weights += from.Weights

            // Todo: parallelize over layers and/or biases/weights

            for (int l = 0; l < from.Layers.Length; l++)
                var addBiasJob = new AddAssignJob();
                addBiasJob.Data = from.Layers[l].DCDZ;
                addBiasJob.To   = to.Layers[l].DCDZ;
                handle          = addBiasJob.Schedule(handle);

                var addWeightsJob = new AddAssignJob();
                addWeightsJob.Data = from.Layers[l].DCDW;
                addWeightsJob.To   = to.Layers[l].DCDW;
                handle             = addWeightsJob.Schedule(handle);

        public static JobHandle ZeroGradients(FCGradients gradients, JobHandle handle = new JobHandle())
            // gradients = 0;

            // Todo: parallelize over all these independent calculations
            for (int l = 0; l < gradients.Layers.Length; l++)
                var setBiasJob = new SetValueJob();
                setBiasJob.Data  = gradients.Layers[l].DCDZ;
                setBiasJob.Value = 0f;
                var j0 = setBiasJob.Schedule(handle);

                var setWeightsJob = new SetValueJob();
                setWeightsJob.Data  = gradients.Layers[l].DCDW;
                setWeightsJob.Value = 0f;
                var j1 = setWeightsJob.Schedule(handle);

                handle = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(j0, j1);
