 public void IsoSingleNodeUllmann()
     Vertex root1 = 1;// new ObjectId(new Symbol("Root"), 1);
     VertexData vd1 = new VertexData();
     Vertex root2 = 1;// new ObjectId(new Symbol("Root"), 1);
     VertexData vd2 = new VertexData();
     Dictionary<Vertex, VertexData> vr1 = new Dictionary<Vertex, VertexData>();
     vr1.Add(root1, vd1);
     Dictionary<Vertex, VertexData> vr2 = new Dictionary<Vertex, VertexData>();
     vr2.Add(root1, vd2);
     RootedLabeledDirectedGraph g1 = new RootedLabeledDirectedGraph(root1, vr1);
     RootedLabeledDirectedGraph g2 = new RootedLabeledDirectedGraph(root2, vr2);
     Map<Vertex, Vertex> iso = GraphIsomorphism.ComputeIsomorphismUllmann(g1, g2);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, iso.Count);
 internal IterativeIsomorphismExtensionWithBacktrackingAndPartitioning(RootedLabeledDirectedGraph g1, RootedLabeledDirectedGraph g2, Dictionary<NodeLabel, Bucket> bucketOf)
     this.g1 = g1;
     this.g2 = g2;
     this.bijection = new Node[g1.vertexRecords.Count,2];
     this.x = g1.root;
     this.y = g2.root;
     this.bucketOf = bucketOf;
     this.numberOfNodes = g1.vertexRecords.Count;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an isomorphism from g1 to g2, if g1 and g2 are isomorphic;
 /// returns null, otherwise.
 /// Implements a backtracking extension of the linearization algorithm for 
 /// rooted directed ordered labelled graphs.
 /// The algorithm uses optimizations that rely on strong
 /// objectid independent hashing.
 /// (This version does not use partitioning)
 /// </summary>
 public static Map<Node, Node> ComputeIsomorphism2(RootedLabeledDirectedGraph g1, RootedLabeledDirectedGraph g2)
     GraphIsomorphism gi = new GraphIsomorphism(g1, g2);
     return gi.ComputeIsomorphism2();
 GraphIsomorphism(RootedLabeledDirectedGraph g1, RootedLabeledDirectedGraph g2)
     this.g1 = g1;
     this.g2 = g2;
 // this is currently too general. It should rather work on a partition.
 /// <summary>
 /// A node n is order-independent in g if all nodes in 
 /// its neighborhood are in singleton buckets
 /// </summary>
 bool IsOrderIndependent(Node n, RootedLabeledDirectedGraph g)
     if (orderIndependent.ContainsKey(n))
         return orderIndependent[n];
     VertexData nData = g.vertexRecords[n];
     foreach (Pair<CompoundTerm, Node> edge in nData.incomingEdges)
         if (bucketOf[g.LabelOf(edge.Second)].Size > 1)
             orderIndependent.Add(n, false);
             return false;
     foreach (Pair<CompoundTerm, Node> edge in nData.orderedOutgoingEdges)
         if (bucketOf[g.LabelOf(edge.Second)].Size > 1)
             orderIndependent.Add(n, false);
             return false;
     foreach (Pair<CompoundTerm, Set<Node>> edge in nData.unorderedOutgoingEdges)
         foreach (Node x1 in edge.Second)
             if (bucketOf[g.LabelOf(x1)].Size > 1)
                 orderIndependent.Add(n, false);
                 return false;
     orderIndependent.Add(n, true);
     return true;
            //private class NodePartition : SortedList<Node, object>
            //    internal bool independent;
            //    internal NodePartition(Node x, bool independent)
            //        : base()
            //    {
            //        base.Add(x, null);
            //        this.independent = independent;
            //    }
            //    internal void AddNode(Node x)
            //    {
            //        base.Add(x, null);
            //    }
            //    internal IList<Node> Nodes
            //    {
            //        get
            //        {
            //            return base.Keys;
            //        }
            //    }
            /// <summary>
            /// Partition the set of neighbors of all outgoing unordered edges of a node x in g.
            /// Returns all the partitions indexed by the pair (E,L) where
            /// E is an edge label and L is the label of the neighbor.
            /// A partition is marked order-independent if some node in that partition is 
            /// order-independent, which implies that all nodes in the same partition must be 
            /// order-independent as well (this is a property implied by the node labeling/hashing algorithm).
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="g">given graph</param>
            /// <param name="node">given node in g</param> 
            /// <param name="edgeLabel">given edge label</param>
            static Map<Pair<IComparable, bool>, Set<Node>> GetPartitions(RootedLabeledDirectedGraph g, Node node, CompoundTerm edgeLabel)
                Map<Pair<IComparable,bool>, Set<Node>> partitions =
                    Map<Pair<IComparable,bool>, Set<Node>>.EmptyMap;
                VertexData xData1 = g.vertexRecords[node]; // xData is already in context.

                foreach (Node x1 in xData1.unorderedOutgoingEdges[edgeLabel])
                    Pair<IComparable, bool> key = new Pair<IComparable, bool>(g.LabelOf(x1), true);//IsOrderIndependent(x1, g));
                    Set<Node> nodePartition;
                    if (partitions.TryGetValue(key, out nodePartition))
                        partitions=partitions.Add(key, new Set<Node>(x1));

                return partitions;