static void Main(string[] args) { try { log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); BookListService bls = new BookListService(); log.Debug("Старт записи в двоичный файл"); WriteDefaultValues(fileName); log.Debug("Окончание записи в двоичный файл"); log.Debug("Старт чтения данных из двоичног файла"); bls = ReadDefaultValues(fileName); log.Debug("Окончание чтения данных из двоичног файла"); Book[] find = bls.FindByTag("1999", EnumTag.Year); //Поиск foreach (Book b in find) Console.WriteLine(b); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); Book[] sort = bls.SortBooksByTag(EnumTag.Page);//Сортировка foreach (Book b in sort) Console.WriteLine(b); //log.Warn("Попытка добавить уже существующую книгу"); //bls.AddBook(sort[0]); bls.RemoveBook(sort[0]);//Удаление книги log.Warn("Попытка удаления книги отсутствующей в каталоге"); bls.RemoveBook(sort[0]); } catch (Exception e) { log.Error(e.Message); } }
//Constructor: Initializes the V1 instance connection. public VersionOneClient(IntegrationConfiguration Config, Logger Logger) { _logger = Logger; _config = Config; _V1_META_URL = Config.V1Connection.Url + "/meta.v1/"; _V1_DATA_URL = Config.V1Connection.Url + "/rest-1.v1/"; V1APIConnector metaConnector = new V1APIConnector(_V1_META_URL); V1APIConnector dataConnector; //Set V1 connection based on authentication type. if (_config.V1Connection.UseWindowsAuthentication == true) { _logger.Debug("-> Connecting with Windows Authentication."); //If username is not specified, try to connect using domain credentials. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.V1Connection.Username)) { _logger.Debug("-> Connecting with default Windows domain account: {0}\\{1}", Environment.UserDomainName, Environment.UserName); dataConnector = new V1APIConnector(_V1_DATA_URL); } else { _logger.Debug("-> Connecting with specified Windows domain account: {0}", _config.V1Connection.Username); dataConnector = new V1APIConnector(_V1_DATA_URL, _config.V1Connection.Username, _config.V1Connection.Password, true); } } else { _logger.Debug("-> Connecting with V1 account credentials: {0}", _config.V1Connection.Username); dataConnector = new V1APIConnector(_V1_DATA_URL, _config.V1Connection.Username, _config.V1Connection.Password); } _v1Meta = new MetaModel(metaConnector); _v1Data = new Services(_v1Meta, dataConnector); }
public DirectoryEntry GetADDirectoryEntry(string FQDomainName, string LDAPPath, Logger Logger) { Logger.Debug(string.Format(@"Getting Directory Entry for LDAP Path {0}", LDAPPath)); //DirectoryEntry LDAPConnection = new DirectoryEntry(FQDomainName); DirectoryEntry LDAPConnection = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://"+FQDomainName); LDAPConnection.Path = "LDAP://"+LDAPPath; LDAPConnection.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure; try { //Try fetch to Native ADSI Object - if this passes Then we know that we //are authenticated. If an exception is thrown then we know we are using an Invalid Account. object DirEntryNativeObject = LDAPConnection.NativeObject; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(String.Format("Error authenticating to Active Directory with current running user. {0} {1}.", ex.Message, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "")); throw new Exception(String.Format("Error authenticating to Active Directory with current running user. {0} {1}.", ex.Message, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "" )); } return LDAPConnection; }
public static ABIExitCode Compile(ABIFileSystemOptions options, LogFactory factory) { #region Argument exceptions if (options == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("options"); if (factory == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("factory"); #endregion _logger = factory.GetCurrentClassLogger(); _logger.Debug(options); try { if (!Validate(options)) return ABIExitCode.ErrorDuringValidation; var engine = new CompilerEngine(options, factory); var result = engine.Compile(); Debug.Assert(result != ABIExitCode.ErrorExitCodeUnassigned); return result; } catch (Exception ex) // avoid external unhandled exceptions { _logger.Error(ex); } return ABIExitCode.ErrorUnhandledException; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new NLog logger instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of type to log as.</param> public NLogLog([NotNull] NLog.Logger log, [NotNull] string name) { if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); _log = log; _log.Debug(() => ""); }
private void TraceMessageInternal(LogLvl level, string message) { if (level > desiredLogLevel) { return; } switch (level) { case LogLvl.Debug: variableLogger?.Debug(message); break; case LogLvl.Info: variableLogger?.Info(message); break; case LogLvl.Warning: variableLogger?.Warn(message); break; case LogLvl.Error: variableErrorLogger?.Error(message); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(level), level, null); } }
public Group GetADGroup(ActiveDirectoryClient ADClient, string GroupNameSearchString, Logger Logger) { List<IGroup> foundGroups = null; try { Logger.Debug(string.Format("Searching/Fetching AD Group {0}", GroupNameSearchString)); foundGroups = ADClient.Groups .Where(group => group.DisplayName.StartsWith(GroupNameSearchString)) .ExecuteAsync().Result.CurrentPage.ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error when fetching group from Azure Active Directory {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ""); Logger.Error(String.Format("Error when fetching group from Azure Active Directory {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "")); } if (foundGroups != null && foundGroups.Count > 0) { return foundGroups.First() as Group; } else { return null; } }
public ActiveDirectoryClient ADClient(IConfiguration Configuration, IAuthenticationProvidor authProvidor, Logger Logger) { ActiveDirectoryClient activeDirectoryClient; try { Logger.Debug(@"Connecting to Azure Active Directory GraphAPI to get ClientSession"); activeDirectoryClient = authProvidor.GetActiveDirectoryClientAsApplication(Configuration); if (activeDirectoryClient != null) { return activeDirectoryClient; } else { return null; } } catch (AuthenticationException ex) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Acquiring a token failed with the following error: {0}", ex.Message); Logger.Error(String.Format(@"Could not aquire Azure active Directory Authentication Token {0}", ex.Message)); if (ex.InnerException != null) { //InnerException Message will contain the HTTP error status codes mentioned in the link above Console.WriteLine("Error detail: {0}", ex.InnerException.Message); Logger.Error(String.Format(@"Error detail {0}", ex.InnerException)); } Console.ResetColor(); return null; } }
public void Execute() { _logger = LogManager.GetLogger("log"); try { InitializeLoggingConfiguration(); Application.AddMessageFilter(KeyboardTracking.Instance); SdlTradosStudio.Application.Closing += Application_Closing; _service = new KeyboardTrackingService(_logger); _editorController = SdlTradosStudio.Application.GetController<EditorController>(); _editorController.Opened += _editorController_Opened; _editorController.ActiveDocumentChanged += _editorController_ActiveDocumentChanged; _editorController.Closing += _editorController_Closing; var twitterPersistenceService = new TwitterPersistenceService(_logger); if (twitterPersistenceService.HasAccountConfigured) return; using (var tForm = new TwitterAccountSetup(twitterPersistenceService)) { tForm.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Debug(ex,"Unexpected exception when intializing the app"); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Constructeur permettant de définir les arguments à passer en ligne de commande à memcached. /// </summary> /// <param name="defaultArguments">Arguments par défaut à passer à la commande de memcached (peut être <c>null</c>).</param> public Memcached(string[] defaultArguments) { _logger = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType().Name); _defaultArgs = defaultArguments; _memCachedPath = Resources.Resources.ExtractMemcachedToTemporaryDirectory(); _tempDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(_memCachedPath); _logger.Debug("Exécutable memcached extrait dans le dossier temporaire {0}.", _tempDir); }
public void DisposeADDirectoryEntry(DirectoryEntry DirEntry, Logger Logger) { if (DirEntry != null) { DirEntry.Close(); } Logger.Debug(@"Directory Entry Closed"); }
protected void Application_Start() { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("Application Started."); AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration); FilterConfig.RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); BundleConfig.RegisterBundles(BundleTable.Bundles); AuthConfig.RegisterAuth(); }
public ProdutosController() { var factory = new LogFactory(); _logger = factory.GetLogger("Default"); _logger.Debug("Criando Controller"); // var produtoRepository = new ProdutoADORepository(); var produtoRepository = new ProdutoEFRepository(); var departamentoRepository = new DepartamentoEFRepository(); _catalogoService = new CatalogoService(produtoRepository, departamentoRepository); }
public MemcachedService() { _logger = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType().Name); _logger.Debug(string.Format("Instanciation du service {0} ({1})...\r\nExécution 64 bits: {2}\r\nPf: {3}", _serviceName, _applicationPath, IntPtr.Size == 8, Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles))); this.ServiceName = _serviceName; EventLog.Source = _serviceName; this.EventLog.Log = "Application"; this.AutoLog = true; this.CanHandlePowerEvent = false; this.CanHandleSessionChangeEvent = false; this.CanPauseAndContinue = false; this.CanStop = true; _memCached = new Memcached(); }
private void DoWrite(Logger logger, LogLevel level, string message) { switch (level) { case LogLevel.Debug: logger.Debug(message); break; case LogLevel.Info: logger.Info(message); break; case LogLevel.Trace: logger.Trace(message); break; case LogLevel.Error: default: logger.Error(message); break; } }
public void Execute() { _logger = LogManager.GetLogger("log"); #if DEBUG { _emailService = new EmailService(true); } #else { _emailService = new EmailService(false); } #endif try { InitializeLoggingConfiguration(); Application.AddMessageFilter(KeyboardTracking.Instance); SdlTradosStudio.Application.Closing += Application_Closing; _service = new KeyboardTrackingService(_logger,_emailService); _editorController = SdlTradosStudio.Application.GetController<EditorController>(); _editorController.Opened += _editorController_Opened; _editorController.ActiveDocumentChanged += _editorController_ActiveDocumentChanged; _editorController.Closing += _editorController_Closing; var twitterPersistenceService = new TwitterPersistenceService(_logger); if (twitterPersistenceService.HasAccountConfigured) return; using (var tForm = new TwitterAccountSetup(twitterPersistenceService)) { tForm.ShowDialog(); } _logger.Info(string.Format("Started productivity plugin version {0}",VersioningService.GetPluginVersion())); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Debug(ex,"Unexpected exception when intializing the app"); _emailService.SendLogFile(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ConfigurationItemFactory.Default.Targets.RegisterDefinition("SignalTarget", typeof(SignalTarget)); Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(typeof(SignalTarget)); var rnd = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Logger.Trace("Sample trace message from NLog"); Logger.Debug("Sample debug message from NLog"); Logger.Info("Sample informational message from NLog"); Logger.Warn("Sample warning message from NLog"); Logger.Error("Sample error message from NLog", new Exception("Something bad happened!")); Logger.Fatal("Sample fatal error message from NLog"); var sleep = rnd.Next(20, 250); Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("Sleeping...:", sleep, "ms")); Thread.Sleep(sleep); } Console.WriteLine("Logging Complete. Press enter to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void CreateProductivityForm(Logger logger) { try { var productivityService = new ProductivityService(logger); var twitterPersistanceService = new TwitterPersistenceService(logger); var leaderboardApi = new LeaderboardApi(twitterPersistanceService); var versioningService = new VersioningService(leaderboardApi); var tweetMessageService = new TweetMessageService(versioningService); var twitterShareService = new TwitterShareService(twitterPersistanceService, tweetMessageService); using (var pForm = new ProductivityForm(productivityService, twitterShareService)) { pForm.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Debug(ex, "Unexpected exception when opening the productivity score"); throw; } }
public void Debug(string msg) { _log?.Debug(msg); System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation($"{ProjectName} : {msg}"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); links = new Hashtable(); string courseId = "compinvesting1-003"; logger.Info("Starting logger for CourseId: {0}", courseId); string outputRoot = @"C:\Coursera"; outputDirectory = Path.Combine(outputRoot, courseId); logger.Info("Output root:\t{0}", outputRoot); logger.Debug("Output path:\t{0}", outputDirectory); if (!CleanOutputDirectory(outputDirectory)) { logger.Error("Error cleaning output directory. Exiting."); Environment.Exit(1); } cookies = new CookieContainer(); cookies.Add(new Cookie("CAUTH", "CAUTH=rOW2CeRiLNyXtRL4YCVynx8HmQFF5iuqo0QW34FpCv3-CNDUgOLSUsiL49wTZ0hQB0DrnacH4XGuoSDXVw1xNg.4icwuSn2_eIWxA8ZzTdLqA.LLIbVkqYGUDSFDpVFXV26_8VRyWsUPw6KvfrhNcRpsDEg7ybal7tRvwVN_pamKdUOgDl5Jht9-bLRNZqmX7peZ7enxlXQ4FQDb6liosj0gr_lC6v63W4HZid6rnWwK0aQL7b_Ru4RLp_XBSfKwhMyLH7eaa0a2SzQz7VvJ0gaVU", "/", "")); string rootPage = String.Format("{0}/class/index", courseId); HtmlDocument document = GetPage(rootPage); links.Add(GetUrlWithoutAnchor(rootPage), "index.html"); if (!DownloadStaticContent(ref document, Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "static"))) { logger.Error("Error downloading static content. Exiting."); Environment.Exit(1); } foreach (HtmlNode node in document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//ul[@class='course-navbar-list']/li[@class='course-navbar-item']/a")) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", node.InnerText.Trim(), node.Attributes["href"].Value); } RemoveTopBar(ref document); StripJavaScript(ref document); ReplaceLinks(ref document); //Console.WriteLine(document.DocumentNode.OuterHtml); document.Save(Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "index.html")); Console.ReadKey(); }
public MainClass(string [] args) { Ticker.Tick(); // required for the MS .NET runtime that doesn't initialize glib automatically if (!GLib.Thread.Supported) GLib.Thread.Init(); // Connect to dbus DBusInstance DBusInstance = ServiceManager.Get <DBusInstance> (); DBusInstance.Initialise (); if (DBusInstance.AlreadyRunning) { Console.WriteLine("Already running"); DBusInstance.CommandParser.ParseCommands (args); return; } DBusInstance.CommandParser.RunCommand += HandleCommand; Ticker.Tick(); CheckDataFolders(); Ticker.Tock ("Checking folders"); foreach (string arg in args) HandleCommand (arg); Ticker.Tick (); if (DebugEnabled) { BuildNlogConfig(); } logger = DebugEnabled ? NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger () : new EmptyLogger (); Ticker.Tock("NLog"); logger.Info("Starting Monsoon"); Ticker.Tick (); SetProcessName("monsoon"); Ticker.Tock("Setting process name"); string localeDir = Path.Combine(Defines.ApplicationDirectory, "locale"); if (!Directory.Exists(localeDir)) { localeDir = Path.Combine(Defines.InstallPrefix, "share"); localeDir = Path.Combine(localeDir, "locale"); } Ticker.Tick (); Mono.Unix.Catalog.Init("monsoon", localeDir); logger.Debug("Using locale data from: {0}", localeDir); Application.Init("monsoon", ref args); Ticker.Tock("Locale"); try { SettingsManager.Restore <EngineSettings> (SettingsManager.EngineSettings); SettingsManager.Restore <PreferencesSettings> (SettingsManager.Preferences); SettingsManager.Restore <TorrentSettings> (SettingsManager.DefaultTorrentSettings); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("Couldn't restore old settings: {0}", ex.Message); } try { Ticker.Tick(); mainWindow = new MainWindow (); Ticker.Tock ("Instantiating window"); } catch(Exception e) { logger.ErrorException(e.Message, e); Environment.Exit (0); } LoadAddins (); GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException += new GLib.UnhandledExceptionHandler(OnUnhandledException); Ticker.Tock ("Total time:"); Application.Run(); try { SettingsManager.Store <EngineSettings> (SettingsManager.EngineSettings); SettingsManager.Store <PreferencesSettings> (SettingsManager.Preferences); SettingsManager.Store <TorrentSettings> (SettingsManager.DefaultTorrentSettings); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("Could save engine settings: {0}", ex.Message); } ServiceManager.Get <ListenPortController> ().Stop (); mainWindow.Destroy (); }
public static void Debug(string msg) { _logger.Debug(msg); }
/// <summary> /// Запись в лог /// </summary> /// <param name="message">Сообщение лога</param> /// <param name="pars">Дополнительный данные лога</param> public static void Write(string message, params object[] pars) { _logger.Debug(message, pars); }
/// <summary> /// <inheritdoc cref="ILogger"/> /// </summary> public void Debug(string message) => logger.Debug(message);
static int Main(string[] args) { ConfigureNlog(); _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); Snapx.EnableNLogLogProvider(); if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SNAPX_WAIT_DEBUGGER") == "1") { var process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); while (!Debugger.IsAttached) { _logger.Debug($"Waiting for debugger to attach... Process id: {process.Id}"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } _logger.Debug("Debugger attached."); } _logger.Info($"Process started! Arguments({args.Length}): {string.Join(" ", args)}"); if (Snapx.ProcessEvents(args)) { return(0); } var snapApp = Snapx.Current; if (snapApp != null) { // Supervisor automatically restarts your application if it crashes. // If you need to exit your application the you must invoke Snapx.StopSupervisor() before exiting. Snapx.StartSupervisor(); } var mainWindowViewModel = new MainWindowViewModel { ViewIsDefault = true, Environment = new AppEnvironment { SnapApp = snapApp, UpdateManager = snapApp == null ? null : new SnapUpdateManager { ApplicationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") } } }; AppBuilder .Configure <App>() .UsePlatformDetect() .UseReactiveUI() .AfterSetup(x => { MainWindow.ViewModel = mainWindowViewModel; }) .StartWithClassicDesktopLifetime(args); return(0); }
public OperationResult Disassociate(string connectionString, Guid processId) { OperationResult operationResult = new OperationResult(); try { try { using (HttpClient client = ConnectionHelper.GetHttpClient(connectionString, ConnectionHelper.clientId, ConnectionHelper.redirectUrl)) { client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("OData-Version", "4.0"); //client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Prefer", "return=representation"); //HttpContent c = new StringContent(jsonObject.ToString(Formatting.None), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); string targetQuery = ""; string relatedQuery = ""; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TargetIdKeyToUse)) { targetQuery = $"{this.TargetEntityName}({this.TargetEntityId})"; } else { if (WrapTargetEntityIdWithQuotes) { targetQuery = $"{this.TargetEntityName}({this.TargetIdKeyToUse}='{this.TargetEntityId}')"; } else { targetQuery = $"{this.TargetEntityName}({this.TargetIdKeyToUse}={this.TargetEntityId})"; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RelatedEntityIdKeyToUse)) { relatedQuery = $"{this.RelationshipDefinitionName}({this.RelatedEntityId})"; } else { if (WrapRelatedEntityIdWithQuotes) { relatedQuery = $"{this.RelationshipDefinitionName}({this.RelatedEntityIdKeyToUse}='{this.RelatedEntityId}')"; } else { relatedQuery = $"{this.RelationshipDefinitionName}({this.RelatedEntityIdKeyToUse}={this.RelatedEntityId})"; } } string url = $"{targetQuery}/{relatedQuery}/$ref"; MethodBase m = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(); Logger.Debug("ProcessID: {processId} Action: {actionName} ", processId, m.Name); var response = client.DeleteAsync(url).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { //Get the response content and parse it. //JObject body = JObject.Parse(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); //string userId = (string)body[this.Fields.EntityId]; operationResult.Code = ""; operationResult.Message = "Desasociación realizada correctamente"; operationResult.IsSuccessful = true; operationResult.Data = null; } else { //Get the response content and parse it. JObject body = JObject.Parse(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); //CrmWebAPIError userId = (CrmWebAPIError)body["error"]; JObject result = JObject.Parse(body.ToString()); CrmWebAPIError err = result.ToObject <CrmWebAPIError>(); if (err != null) { LogEventInfo log = new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Error, Logger.Name, $"Url:{url} ErrorCode:{err.error.code} ErrorMessage:{err.error.message} ResponseReasonPhrase:{response.ReasonPhrase}"); log.Properties["ProcessID"] = processId; log.Properties["AppID"] = AboxDynamicsBase.Classes.Constants.ApplicationIdWebAPI; log.Properties["MethodName"] = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; Logger.Log(log); } operationResult.Code = "Ocurrió un error desasociando las entidades"; operationResult.Message = response.ReasonPhrase; operationResult.IsSuccessful = false; operationResult.Data = null; operationResult.InternalError = err; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogEventInfo log = new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Error, Logger.Name, null, "", null, ex); log.Properties["ProcessID"] = processId; log.Properties["AppID"] = AboxDynamicsBase.Classes.Constants.ApplicationIdWebAPI; log.Properties["MethodName"] = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; Logger.Log(log); operationResult.Code = ""; operationResult.Message = ex.ToString(); operationResult.IsSuccessful = false; operationResult.Data = null; } return(operationResult); } catch (Exception ex) { LogEventInfo log = new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Error, Logger.Name, null, "", null, ex); log.Properties["ProcessID"] = processId; log.Properties["AppID"] = AboxDynamicsBase.Classes.Constants.ApplicationIdWebAPI; log.Properties["MethodName"] = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; Logger.Log(log); operationResult.Code = ""; operationResult.Message = ex.ToString(); operationResult.IsSuccessful = false; operationResult.Data = null; return(operationResult); } }
public DicomCStoreResponse OnCStoreRequest(DicomCStoreRequest request) { logger.Debug($"Recived StoreRequest "); lock (this) { try { string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string storePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DicomStorePath"]; var actualPath = Path.GetFullPath(storePath); logger.Debug($"Store path = {actualPath}"); string tempPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(actualPath).ToString() + "\\dicomfiles\\temp\\" + guid + ".dcm"; logger.Debug($"Temp files store path = {tempPath}"); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(tempPath))) { logger.Debug("Temp folder does not exist - creating temp folder"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(tempPath)); } actualPath = Path.Combine(actualPath, guid); actualPath = Path.Combine(actualPath) + ".dcm"; request.File.Save(actualPath); logger.Debug($"Saving file {actualPath}"); request.File.Save(tempPath); logger.Debug($"Saving file {tempPath}"); return(new DicomCStoreResponse(request, DicomStatus.Success)); } catch (Exception ex) { do { logger.Error(ex.Message); ex = ex.InnerException; } while (ex.InnerException != null); return(new DicomCStoreResponse(request, DicomStatus.Cancel)); } } }
protected override Variant OnCall(string method, List <Dom.ActionParameter> args) { object [] parameters = new object[args.Count]; int count = 0; foreach (var arg in args) { try { parameters[count] = GetVariantValue(arg.dataModel[0].InternalValue); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Debug("OnCall: Warning, unable to get value for parameter #" + count + ". Setting parameter to null. Exception: " + ex.ToString()); parameters[count] = null; } count++; } try { WebServiceInvoker invoker = new WebServiceInvoker(new Uri(this.Url)); object ret = invoker.InvokeMethod <object>(this.Service, method, parameters); StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK.ToString(); if (ret == null) { return(null); } return(new Variant(ret.ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException is ArgumentException && ex.InnerException.Message.IndexOf("surrogate") != -1) { throw new SoftException(ex.InnerException); } if (ex.InnerException is InvalidOperationException && ex.InnerException.Message.IndexOf("XML") != -1) { throw new SoftException(ex.InnerException); } if (!(ex.InnerException is WebException)) { throw; } var webEx = ex.InnerException as WebException; var response = webEx.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { StatusCode = response.StatusCode.ToString(); logger.Debug("OnCall: Warning: Status code was: " + StatusCode); if (ErrorOnStatusCode) { var sex = new SoftException(ex); // Soft or ignore? throw sex; } else { return(null); } } throw; } }
public void Debug(string message) { Logger.Debug(message); WriteToConsole(message); EventLogger.WriteToEventLog(message); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the files of given type, use postfixFilesName in search pattern. /// </summary> /// <param name="folder">The folder.</param> /// <param name="type">The type of files.</param> /// <param name="postfixFilesName">Postfix name of files for search pattern.</param> /// <returns> /// Collection of files. /// </returns> /// <example>How to use it: <code> /// var files = GetFilesOfGivenType(folder, FileType.Txt, "live"); /// </code></example> public static ICollection <FileInfo> GetFilesOfGivenType(string folder, FileType type, string postfixFilesName) { Logger.Debug("Get Files '{0}' from '{1}', postfixFilesName '{2}'", type, folder, postfixFilesName); ICollection <FileInfo> files = new DirectoryInfo(folder) .GetFiles("*" + postfixFilesName + ReturnFileExtension(type)).OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToList(); return(files); }
public override void Debug(string message, params object[] args) => _log.Debug(message, args);
private void Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("User Clicked Cancel Button"); this.Close(); }
public void Debug(string msg) { logger.Debug(msg); }
public void Debug(string msg, params object[] args) { _logger.Debug(msg, args); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a graph containing raw and parsed information of the insight API result /// </summary> /// <param name="root"> the element list API result</param> /// <param name="service">the service get API result</param> /// <param name="_debug"> indicated whether the program should run in debug mode</param> /// <param name="uuid"> the name of the service to build a graph for</param> public ServiceGraph(IqlApiResult root, IqlApiResult service, bool _debug, string uuid) { debug = _debug; logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); this.Service = new Service(service, logger, uuid); if (root == null || service.objectEntries == null || service.objectTypeAttributes == null) { return; } if (root.objectEntries == null || root.objectTypeAttributes == null) { ElementMemberIsNull = true; return; } this.RouteElements = root.objectEntries; this.RouteTypeAttributes = root.objectTypeAttributes; this.ElementIncomingElementIndexes = new HashSet <int> [root.objectEntries.Count]; this.ServiceElementNameList = new Dictionary <string, int>(); this.ObjectAttributeTypesById = new Dictionary <int, string>(); this.IqlApiResult = root; bool initSuccess = true; bool incominElementSuccess = true; bool soureSetSuccess = true; bool buildGraphSuccess = true; try { logger.Debug("Starting the data initialization......"); InitData(); logger.Debug("Data initialization completed"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("initialization failed " + Service.Name + "\n" + e.Message); initSuccess = false; } try { logger.Debug("Setting Incoming elements......"); FindIncomingElements(); logger.Debug("Incoming elements setting completed"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("Setting Incoming elements failed " + Service.Name + "\n" + e.Message); incominElementSuccess = false; } try { logger.Debug("Setting sources......"); this.Sources = FindSources(); logger.Debug("source setting completed"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("Setting sources failed" + "\n" + e.Message); soureSetSuccess = false; } try { logger.Debug("Starting the graph build......"); BuildServiceGraph(); logger.Debug("graph build completed"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("graph build failed" + "\n" + e.Message); buildGraphSuccess = false; } this.constructorSuceeded = initSuccess && incominElementSuccess && soureSetSuccess && buildGraphSuccess; }
public NippsSiteResponse ListSite() { NLog.Logger logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); NippsSiteResponse response = new NippsSiteResponse(); response.ResultMessages = new List <string>(); try { using (ServerManager serverManager = ServerManager.OpenRemote("localhost")) { List <NippsSite> sites = new List <NippsSite>(); foreach (Site site in serverManager.Sites) { NippsSite nippsSite = new NippsSite(); nippsSite.Name = site.Name; nippsSite.NippsApplications = new List <NippsApplication>(); foreach (Application application in site.Applications) { try { nippsSite.NippsApplications.Add(new NippsApplication { ApplicationPoolName = application.ApplicationPoolName, Path = application.Path, PhysicalPath = ServerManagerHelper.PutEnvVarValue(application.VirtualDirectories[0].PhysicalPath), ApplicationPoolState = serverManager.ApplicationPools[application.ApplicationPoolName].State, Version = GetVersion(application) }); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.ToString()); response.ResultMessages.Add(ex.ToString()); } } try { nippsSite.State = site.State; nippsSite.Protocol = site.Bindings[0].Protocol; nippsSite.Port = site.Bindings[0].EndPoint.Port.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.ToString()); response.ResultMessages.Add(ex.ToString()); } sites.Add(nippsSite); } response.NippsSites = sites; response.Result = Result.OK; logger.Debug(sites); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.ToString()); response.Result = Result.FAIL; response.ResultMessages.Add(ex.ToString()); } return(response); }
public void Debug(LogOutputProvider messageProvider) { _log.Debug(ToGenerator(messageProvider)); }
private void VerifyMessagesInMockChannel(Logger aiLogger, string instrumentationKey) { aiLogger.Trace("Sample trace message"); aiLogger.Debug("Sample debug message"); aiLogger.Info("Sample informational message"); aiLogger.Warn("Sample warning message"); aiLogger.Error("Sample error message"); aiLogger.Fatal("Sample fatal error message"); AdapterHelper.ValidateChannel(this.adapterHelper, instrumentationKey, 6); }
public static void Debug([Localizable(false)] string message, params object[] args) { Log.Debug(message, args); }
public SyncCommandRunner() { _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); _logger.Debug("Try to Get Communicator"); _communicatorInstance = (ICommunicator) Communicator.Instance; }
public void Debug(string msg) { loger.Debug(msg); CommitLogInfo("DEBUG", msg); }
/// <summary> /// Called to crack a DataElement based on an input stream. This method /// will hand cracking off to a more specific method after performing /// some common tasks. /// </summary> /// <param name="elem">DataElement to crack</param> /// <param name="data">Input stream to use for data</param> void handleNode(DataElement elem, BitStream data) { List <BitStream> oldStack = null; try { if (elem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("elem"); } if (data == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("data"); } logger.Debug("------------------------------------"); logger.Debug("{0} {1}", elem.debugName, data.Progress); var pos = handleNodeBegin(elem, data); if (elem.transformer != null) { long startPos = data.TellBits(); var sizedData = elem.ReadSizedData(data, pos.size); var decodedData = elem.transformer.decode(sizedData); // Make a new stack of data for the decoded data oldStack = _dataStack; _dataStack = new List <BitStream>(); _dataStack.Add(decodedData); // Use the size of the transformed data as the new size of the element handleCrack(elem, decodedData, decodedData.LengthBits); // Make sure the non-decoded data is at the right place if (data == decodedData) { data.SeekBits(startPos + decodedData.LengthBits, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); } } else { handleCrack(elem, data, pos.size); } if (elem.constraint != null) { handleConstraint(elem, data); } if (elem.analyzer != null) { _elementsWithAnalyzer.Add(elem); } handleNodeEnd(elem, data, pos); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(elem, data, e); throw; } finally { if (oldStack != null) { _dataStack = oldStack; } } }
public static void LogErrors(Exception ex) { Logger.Debug(ex.Message); Logger.Debug(ex.StackTrace); Logger.Debug(ex.InnerException); }
//Ctor protected DefaultComponentModel() { logger = LogManager.GetLogger (this.GetType ().ToString ()); logger.Debug ("Executing ctor for: " + this.GetType ().FullName); viewHandlerCollection = new IViewHandlerCollection (); }
void Startup() { #region INISetup try { if (!File.Exists(iniPath)) { //INI File is not present in application directory //Create one by hand and set default settings; Console.WriteLine("[STARTUP] INI File not found, Generating one with default values"); ini = new INI.IniFile(); ini.Section("General").Set("LogToFile", "True"); ini.Section("General").Set("LogLevel", "Debug"); ini.Section("General").Set("LogToConsole", "False"); ini.Section("General").Set("ConsoleLogLevel", "Warn"); ini.Section("General").Set("LogDir", Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Logs"); ini.Section("General").Set("AppDir", Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Applications"); ini.Section("General").Set("SourceDir", Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Source"); ini.Section("General").Set("ToolDir", Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Tools"); ini.Section("Optional").Set("ClearBeforeMain", "True", "This will clear the console before displaying main menu"); ini.Save(iniPath); } //Reading INI File and setting variables; ini = new INI.IniFile(iniPath); Console.WriteLine("[STARTUP] Reading INI values..."); logLevel = ini.Section("General").Get("LogLevel"); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] LogLevel: "); wtc.WriteGreen(logLevel + "\n"); bLogToConsole = Boolean.Parse(ini.Section("General").Get("LogToConsole")); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] LogToConsole: "); wtc.WriteGreen(bLogToConsole.ToString() + "\n"); consoleLogLevel = ini.Section("General").Get("ConsoleLogLevel"); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] ConsoleLogLevel: "); wtc.WriteGreen(consoleLogLevel + "\n"); logDir = ini.Section("General").Get("LogDir"); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] Log Directory: "); wtc.WriteGreen(logDir + "\n"); appDir = ini.Section("General").Get("AppDir"); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] Application Directory: "); wtc.WriteGreen(appDir + "\n"); sourceDir = ini.Section("General").Get("SourceDir"); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] Source Directory: "); wtc.WriteGreen(sourceDir + "\n"); toolDir = ini.Section("General").Get("ToolDir"); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] Tool Directory: "); wtc.WriteGreen(toolDir + "\n"); //Optional INI settings //WE don't care if their missing, just to tailor the experience to each user; wtc.WriteWhiteLine("[STARTUP] Checking for optional INI settings"); try { wtc.WriteWhite("[OPTIONAL] Checking for ClearBeforeMain"); bClearBeforeMenu = Boolean.Parse(ini.Section("Optional").Get("ClearBeforeMain")); } catch { } //Checking for Logging directory first so we can log missing folder structure later. if (!Directory.Exists(logDir)) { wtc.WriteWhiteLine("[STARTUP] No logDirectory found, attempting to create"); //Try to create the logDir, Fail out and throw error if not try { Directory.CreateDirectory(logDir); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] Creating LogDir at "); wtc.WriteGreenLine(logDir); } catch (Exception ex) { //Unable to create the directory, throw fatal error and exit wtc.WriteRedLine("Fatal Error: " + ex.Message); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(5); } } #endregion #region Logging var config = new LoggingConfiguration(); var fileTarget = new FileTarget(); config.AddTarget("file", fileTarget); fileTarget.Layout = "[${longdate}] - [${level}]: ${message}"; fileTarget.FileName = logDir + "\\Main.log"; LoggingRule rule_LTF; switch (logLevel.ToUpper()) { case "TRACE": rule_LTF = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Trace, fileTarget); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] LogToFileLevel set to: "); wtc.WriteGreen(logLevel + "\n"); break; case "DEBUG": rule_LTF = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Debug, fileTarget); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] LogToFileLevel set to: "); wtc.WriteGreen(logLevel + "\n"); break; case "WARN": rule_LTF = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Warn, fileTarget); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] LogToFileLevel set to: "); wtc.WriteGreen(logLevel + "\n"); break; case "INFO": rule_LTF = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Info, fileTarget); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] LogToFileLevel set to: "); wtc.WriteGreen(logLevel + "\n"); break; case "ERROR": rule_LTF = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Error, fileTarget); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] LogToFileLevel set to: "); wtc.WriteGreen(logLevel + "\n"); break; default: wtc.WriteRedLine("[STARTUP] Uknown type " + logLevel + " defaulting to WARN"); rule_LTF = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Warn, fileTarget); break; } config.LoggingRules.Add(rule_LTF); if (bLogToConsole) { var consoleTarget = new ColoredConsoleTarget(); config.AddTarget("console", consoleTarget); consoleTarget.Layout = "[${longdate}] - [${level}]: ${message}"; LoggingRule rule_LTC; switch (consoleLogLevel.ToUpper()) { case "TRACE": rule_LTC = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Trace, consoleTarget); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] ConsoleLogLevel set to: "); wtc.WriteGreen(consoleLogLevel + "\n"); break; case "DEBUG": rule_LTC = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Debug, consoleTarget); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] ConsoleLogLevel set to: "); wtc.WriteGreen(consoleLogLevel + "\n"); break; case "WARN": rule_LTC = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Warn, consoleTarget); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] ConsoleLogLevel set to: "); wtc.WriteGreen(consoleLogLevel + "\n"); break; case "INFO": rule_LTC = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Info, consoleTarget); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] ConsoleLogLevel set to: "); wtc.WriteGreen(consoleLogLevel + "\n"); break; case "ERROR": rule_LTC = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Error, consoleTarget); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] ConsoleLogLevel set to: "); wtc.WriteGreen(consoleLogLevel + "\n"); break; default: wtc.WriteRedLine("[STARTUP] Uknown type " + consoleLogLevel + " defaulting to WARN"); rule_LTC = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Warn, fileTarget); break; } config.LoggingRules.Add(rule_LTC); } else { wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] LogToConsole set to: "); wtc.WriteRed(bLogToConsole.ToString()); wtc.WriteWhiteLine(" - Skipping level check"); } LogManager.Configuration = config; logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("============================"); logger.Debug("Application Started"); logger.Debug("============================"); logger.Debug("Exporting settings to log"); logger.Debug("LogLevel: " + logLevel); logger.Debug("LogToConsole " + bLogToConsole.ToString()); logger.Debug("ConsoleLogLevel: " + consoleLogLevel); logger.Debug("LogDir: " + logDir); logger.Debug("AppDir: " + appDir); logger.Debug("SourceDir: " + sourceDir); logger.Debug("ToolDir: " + toolDir); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Critical Error: "); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Application will now close"); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(1605); } #endregion #region DirectoryCheck //Broke up the Try Catch so we can get the error and parse it to the log versus the console before logging exists. try { //Check through each directory to make sure they exist logger.Debug("Checking through each directory to make sure they exist"); wtc.WriteWhiteLine("[STARTUP] Checking for AppDirectory"); logger.Debug("Checking for AppDirectory at " + appDir); if (!Directory.Exists(appDir)) { logger.Debug("No Directory found at " + appDir); //Try to create the appDir, Fail out and throw error if not try { logger.Debug("Attempting to create directory at " + appDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(appDir); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] Creating AppDir at "); wtc.WriteGreenLine(appDir); } catch (Exception ex) { //Unable to create the directory, throw fatal error and exit logger.Error("Unable to create directory at " + appDir); logger.Error("Failed with error: " + ex.Message); wtc.WriteRedLine("Fatal Error: " + ex.Message); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(6); } } else { logger.Debug("AppDirectory exists at " + appDir); wtc.WriteGreenLine("[STARTUP] Application Directory exists!"); } wtc.WriteWhiteLine("[STARTUP] Checking for SourceDirectory"); logger.Debug("Checking for SourceDirectory at " + sourceDir); if (!Directory.Exists(sourceDir)) { logger.Debug("No Directory found at " + sourceDir); //Try to create the appDir, Fail out and throw error if not try { logger.Debug("Attempting to create directory at " + sourceDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(sourceDir); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] Creating SourceDir at "); wtc.WriteGreenLine(sourceDir); } catch (Exception ex) { //Unable to create the directory, throw fatal error and exit logger.Error("Unable to create directory at " + sourceDir); logger.Error("Failed with error: " + ex.Message); wtc.WriteRedLine("Fatal Error: " + ex.Message); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(7); } } else { logger.Debug("SourceDirectory exists at " + sourceDir); wtc.WriteGreenLine("[STARTUP] Source Directory exists!"); } wtc.WriteWhiteLine("[STARTUP] Checking for ToolDirectory"); logger.Debug("Checking for ToolDirectory at " + sourceDir); if (!Directory.Exists(toolDir)) { logger.Debug("No Directory found at " + toolDir); //Try to create the appDir, Fail out and throw error if not try { logger.Debug("Attempting to create directory at " + sourceDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(toolDir); wtc.WriteWhite("[STARTUP] Creating ToolDir at "); wtc.WriteGreenLine(toolDir); } catch (Exception ex) { //Unable to create the directory, throw fatal error and exit logger.Error("Unable to create directory at " + sourceDir); logger.Error("Failed with error: " + ex.Message); wtc.WriteRedLine("Fatal Error: " + ex.Message); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(7); } } else { logger.Debug("ToolDirectory exists at " + toolDir); wtc.WriteGreenLine("[STARTUP] Tool Directory exists!"); } //Check for Write/Read/Delete Permissions in directories; logger.Debug("Checking for Write/Read/Delete Permissions in directories"); try { //APPDIR logger.Debug("Creating file TEST in " + appDir); File.WriteAllText(appDir + "\\test.test", ""); logger.Debug(appDir + "\\test.test" + " - File Created!"); logger.Debug("Deleting File " + appDir + "\\test.test"); File.Delete(appDir + "\\test.test"); logger.Debug(appDir + "\\test.test" + " - File Deleted!"); //SOURCEDIR logger.Debug("Creating file TEST in " + sourceDir); File.WriteAllText(sourceDir + "\\test.test", ""); logger.Debug(sourceDir + "\\test.test" + " - File Created!"); logger.Debug("Deleting File " + sourceDir + "\\test.test"); File.Delete(sourceDir + "\\test.test"); logger.Debug(sourceDir + "\\test.test" + " - File Deleted!"); //TOOLDIR logger.Debug("Creating file TEST in " + toolDir); File.WriteAllText(toolDir + "\\test.test", ""); logger.Debug(toolDir + "\\test.test" + " - File Created!"); logger.Debug("Deleting File " + toolDir + "\\test.test"); File.Delete(toolDir + "\\test.test"); logger.Debug(toolDir + "\\test.test" + " - File Deleted!"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Fatal(ex.Message); wtc.WriteRedLine("[FATAL ERROR] " + ex.Message); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(8); } #endregion #region ToolSupport //This seciton needs to get improved as we add more tool support; //Currently going to check for PSEXEC, will need to validate more as we use more. //IDEA MIRROR SUPPORT; //DOWNLOAD TOOLS NEEDED VIA A MIRROR AND VERIFY MD5 //DEFINE TOOLS IN INI? if (!File.Exists(toolDir + "\\psexec.exe")) { //PSEXEC is missing; logger.Warn("Unable to find psexec in the following location [" + toolDir + "\\psexec.exe]"); logger.Warn("Any applications that use PSEXEC will not function!"); bPsexecMissing = true; wtc.WriteYellowLine("[STARTUP] PSEXEC is missing from the Tools directory. Please make sure the exe is in the given path, or change the \"ToolDir\" path in your ini to where PSEXEC exists"); wtc.WriteYellowLine("[WARNING] Program will continue, any application that uses PSEXEC as the install driver will not function till this is resolved"); } } catch (Exception ex) { wtc.WriteRedLine("[FATAL ERROR] " + ex.Message); logger.Fatal(ex.Message); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(2); } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Logs a debug message. /// This is an informational message, that is useful when debugging. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param> public static void Debug(string message) { Configure(); log.Debug(message); }
private void OnStart(object sender, StartupEventArgs startupEventArgs) { // create logger _logger = LogManager.GetLogger("app"); // handle unhandled exceptions SetupUnhandledExceptionHandlers(); // setup dependency injection SetupAutoFac(); using (var scope = Container.BeginLifetimeScope()) { // handle installer events var updater = scope.Resolve<Updater>(); updater.HandleEvents(); // just in case we brutally terminate our process, cleanup trayicon and updater AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (o, args) => { _trayIcon?.Dispose(); updater.Dispose(); }; // quit the app if we could not create the mutex, another instance is already running if (!CreateMutex()) { _logger.Debug("Refusing to start, another instance is already running"); Current.Shutdown(); return; } // ensure data directories exist var paths = scope.Resolve<Paths>(); try { paths.Setup(); } catch (FileNotFoundException notFound) { // paths not found (e.g. %appdata%\Else could not be found) // fatal error Debug.Fail(notFound.Message); Current.Shutdown(); } var settings = scope.Resolve<Settings>(); try { settings.Setup(); } catch (FileNotFoundException notFound) { Debug.Fail(notFound.Message); Current.Shutdown(); } // initialize themes and scan the disk for themes var themeManager = scope.Resolve<ThemeManager>(); try { themeManager.InitializeDefaultTheme(); } catch { Debug.Fail("bad base theme"); Current.Shutdown(); } themeManager.ScanForThemes(paths.GetAppPath("Themes"), false); themeManager.ScanForThemes(paths.GetUserPath("Themes"), true); themeManager.ApplyThemeFromSettings(); // create LauncherWindow (we create it now because we need its window handle to register hotkeys and create the tray icon) var launcherWindow = scope.Resolve<LauncherWindow>(); // setup message pump var messagePump = scope.Resolve<Win32MessagePump>(); messagePump.Setup(launcherWindow); // only do the following if the app is running directly (not launched from simulator) if (!RunningFromSimulator) { // only initialize plugins and trayicon if we are directly running the app (e.g. not running inside the theme editor) var pluginManager = scope.Resolve<PluginManager>(); pluginManager.DiscoverPlugins(); _trayIcon = scope.Resolve<TrayIcon>(); _trayIcon.Setup(); // show splash screen on the first run if (settings.User.FirstLaunch) { var splashScreen = scope.Resolve<SplashScreenWindow>(); splashScreen.ShowWindow(); settings.User.FirstLaunch = false; settings.Save(); } scope.Resolve<Updater>().BeginAutoUpdates(); } } // trigger custom OnStartupComplete event, this is used by the theme editor. OnStartupComplete?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
private void Submit_ClickAsync(object sender, EventArgs e) { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("Click Submit"); this.CurrentTask.Show(); this.TaskStep.Show(); this.progressBar1.Show(); for (int i = 0; i < TheJobTaskTable.Rows.Count; i++) { TaskStep.Text = TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][1].ToString() + ". " + TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][5].ToString(); //---------------------------------- External Task ------------------------------------------ if (TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][3].ToString().Equals("False")) { if (TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][2].Equals("External_Command")) { String fileString = TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][4].ToString(); JSON fileJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSON>(fileString); //----------------------Default = YES------------------- if (fileJSON.Default.Equals("Yes")) { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("User Verify File"); if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to verify if your file has the correct data?", "Verify Data", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { TaskStep.Text = "Waiting for Resume..."; logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("User Chose Verify File"); // user clicked yes if (!Open.OpenAppVerify(FilePath.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please reselect your file", "MESSAGE"); return; } } else { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("User Chose Not To Verify"); } } //----------------------Default = YES END------------------- //----------------------Default = NO-------------------- else { if (fileJSON.Default.Equals("No")) { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("Oppening External App"); if (!Open.OpenJson(fileJSON.App)) { MessageBox.Show("unable to call external command", "ERROR"); return; } Task.Delay(10000).Wait(); } ThreadStart progressBarThreadStart = () => { progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => { progressBar1.Value = 0; })); while (progressBar1.Value < 100) { progressBar1.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { if (!Open.complete) { progressBar1.Value += 1; } else { progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Maximum; } }); Thread.Sleep(80); } Thread.Sleep(1000); progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => { progressBar1.Value = 0; })); }; Thread progressBarThread = new Thread(progressBarThreadStart); progressBarThread.Start(); //await Task.Run(() => //{ // progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => // { // progressBar1.Value = 0; // })); // while (progressBar1.Value < 100) // { // progressBar1.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate () // { // if (!Open.complete) // { // progressBar1.Value += 1; // } // else // { // progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Maximum; // } // }); // Thread.Sleep(80); // } // Thread.Sleep(1000); // progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => // { // progressBar1.Value = 0; // })); //}); } //----------------------Default = NO END-------------------- //-----------------30 SEC AUTOMATED MESSAGE-------------------- var result = AutoClosingMessageBox.Show( text: "Do you want to continue?", caption: "Continue", timeout: 30000, buttons: MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, defaultResult: DialogResult.Yes); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { } else { return; } //-----------------30 SEC AUTOMATED MESSAGE END-------------------- } //----------------EXTRERNAL COMMAND END----------------------------- } //----------------Internal Task--------------------------- else if (TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][3].ToString().Equals("True")) { //---------------- Excel Format Validation -------------------- if (TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][2].Equals("Excel_Validation")) { string filePath = FilePath.Text; string templatePath = TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][4].ToString(); Boolean ErrorFound = false; //true when found an error ThreadStart progressBarThreadStart = () => { progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => { progressBar1.Value = 0; })); while (progressBar1.Value < 100) { progressBar1.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { if (!Compare.complete & ErrorFound == false) { progressBar1.Value += 1; } else { progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Maximum; } }); Thread.Sleep(80); } Thread.Sleep(1500); progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => { progressBar1.Value = 0; })); }; Thread progressBarThread = new Thread(progressBarThreadStart); progressBarThread.Start(); try { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("Validating user's file with template"); CheckExcellProcesses();, GetExcelRange(templatePath), templatePath); KillExcel(); } catch (Exception ce) { KillExcel(); ErrorFound = true; MessageBox.Show("File can not be found", "ERROR"); logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Error(ce, "File can not be found"); } if (Error == true) { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("program exit with a validation error."); return; } } //-----------------EXCEL VALIDATION END-------------------------------- //---------------- SQL_SP_ImportData ------------------------------ if (TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][2].Equals("SQL_SP_ImportData") & Error == false) { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("Calling SQL_SP_ImportData"); ThreadStart progressBarThreadStart = () => { progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => { progressBar1.Value = 0; })); while (progressBar1.Value < 100) { progressBar1.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { if (!Compare.complete) { progressBar1.Value += 1; } else { progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Maximum; } }); Thread.Sleep(80); Application.DoEvents(); } Thread.Sleep(1500); progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => { progressBar1.Value = 0; })); }; Thread progressBarThread = new Thread(progressBarThreadStart); progressBarThread.Start(); String SQL_SP_ImportDataString = TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][4].ToString(); JSON SQL_SP_ImportDataJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSON>(SQL_SP_ImportDataString); try { CheckExcellProcesses(); Compare.SQL_SP_ImportData(GetExcelRange(FilePath.Text), SQL_SP_ImportDataJSON); KillExcel(); if (Error == true) { KillExcel(); return; } } catch (Exception ce) { KillExcel(); logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Error(ce, "File Not Found in SQL_SP_ImportData"); MessageBox.Show("File cannot be found", "ERROR"); return; } } //------------------SQL_SP_ImportData END------------------------------ //-------------------- SQL_SP ------------------------------------ if (TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][2].Equals("SQL_SP") & Error == false) { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Debug("Calling SQL_SP"); ThreadStart progressBarThreadStart = () => { progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => { progressBar1.Value = 0; })); while (progressBar1.Value < 100) { progressBar1.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate() { if (!Compare.complete) { progressBar1.Value += 1; } else { progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Maximum; } }); Thread.Sleep(80); } Thread.Sleep(1000); progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => { progressBar1.Value = 0; })); }; Thread progressBarThread = new Thread(progressBarThreadStart); progressBarThread.Start(); String SQL_SPString = TheJobTaskTable.Rows[i][4].ToString(); JSON SQL_SPJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JSON>(SQL_SPString); try { Compare.SQL_SP(SQL_SPJSON); if (Error == true) { return; } } catch (Exception se) { logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); logger.Error(se, "Calling SQL_SP failed"); MessageBox.Show("Failed to call SQL_SP.", "ERROR"); return; } //-------------------- SQL_SP END ------------------------------------ } //-------------------------INTERNAL TASK END---------------------------- } //--------------------------END----------------------------------------- } Thread.Sleep(1500); MessageBox.Show("Your file has been successfully submitted!", "Success"); TaskStep.Text = "All Tasks Finished"; //this.Close(); }
// GET: Movies/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int? id) { if (id == null) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } Movie movie = db.Movies.Find(id); if (movie == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } #if DEBUG logger = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("rule1"); logger.Debug("\nDebug Log\n" + movie); #endif return View(movie); }
public static void Log(object message, Type type, ErrorLevel logType = ErrorLevel.Info) { switch (logType) { case ErrorLevel.Info: { _logger.Info(message); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.Write($"[{logType.ToString()}] "); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(message); break; } case ErrorLevel.Warning: { _logger.Warn(message); #if DEBUG lock (ConsoleSync) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta; Console.Write($"[{logType.ToString()}] "); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(message); } #endif break; } case ErrorLevel.Error: { _logger.Error(message); #if DEBUG lock (ConsoleSync) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write($"[{logType.ToString()}] "); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(message); } #endif break; } case ErrorLevel.Debug: { #if DEBUG _logger.Debug(message); lock (ConsoleSync) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write($"[{logType.ToString()}] "); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(message); } #endif break; } } }
public void OnFault(RunContext context, uint currentIteration, StateModel stateModel, Fault[] faultData) { logger.Debug(">> OnFault"); if (Fault != null) { Fault(context, currentIteration, stateModel, faultData); } logger.Debug("<< OnFault"); }
protected async Task<SynchronizationReport> ApplyConflictOnDestinationAsync(ConflictItem conflict, string destination, string localServerUrl, Logger log) { log.Debug("File '{0}' is in conflict with destination version from {1}. Applying conflict on destination", FileName, destination); var destinationRavenFileSystemClient = new RavenFileSystemClient(destination); try { var version = conflict.RemoteHistory.Last().Version; var serverId = conflict.RemoteHistory.Last().ServerId; var history = new List<HistoryItem>(conflict.RemoteHistory); history.RemoveAt(conflict.RemoteHistory.Count - 1); await destinationRavenFileSystemClient.Synchronization.ApplyConflictAsync(FileName, version, serverId, history, localServerUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnException(string.Format("Failed to apply conflict on {0} for file '{1}'", destination, FileName), ex); } return new SynchronizationReport(FileName, FileETag, SynchronizationType) { Exception = new SynchronizationException(string.Format("File {0} is conflicted", FileName)), }; }
public void Initialize(LogFactory log) { _logger = log.GetCurrentClassLogger(); _logger.Debug("Initialize"); }
// PERFORM_MUTATION // private void performMutation(DataElement obj, long curr) { logger.Debug("performMutation(curr=" + curr + ")"); var sizeRelation = obj.relations.getFromSizeRelation(); if (sizeRelation == null) { logger.Error("Error, sizeRelation == null, unable to perform mutation."); return; } var objOf = sizeRelation.Of; if (objOf == null) { logger.Error("Error, sizeRelation.Of == null, unable to perform mutation."); return; } n = (int)curr; obj.MutatedValue = null; objOf.MutatedValue = null; // make sure the data hasn't changed somewhere along the line //if (originalDataLength != size) //PopulateValues(obj); // Set all mutation flags up front obj.mutationFlags |= DataElement.MUTATE_OVERRIDE_RELATIONS; obj.mutationFlags |= DataElement.MUTATE_OVERRIDE_TYPE_TRANSFORM; objOf.mutationFlags |= DataElement.MUTATE_OVERRIDE_RELATIONS; objOf.mutationFlags |= DataElement.MUTATE_OVERRIDE_TYPE_TRANSFORM; // keep size indicator the same obj.MutatedValue = new Variant(obj.Value); byte[] data = objOf.Value.Value; BitStream newData = new BitStream(); if (n <= 0) { objOf.MutatedValue = new Variant(new byte[0]); return; } else if (n < data.Length) { // shorten the size for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { newData.WriteByte(data[i]); } } else if (data.Length == 0) { // fill in with A's for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { newData.WriteByte((byte)('A')); } } else { // wrap the data to fill size logger.Debug("Expanding data from " + data.Length + " to " + n + " bytes"); while (newData.LengthBytes < n) { if ((newData.LengthBytes + data.Length) < n) { newData.WriteBytes(data); } else { for (int i = 0; i < data.Length && newData.LengthBytes < n; ++i) { newData.WriteByte(data[i]); } } } } logger.Debug("Setting MutatedValue"); objOf.MutatedValue = new Variant(newData); }
public static void CreateTweetForm(Logger logger) { try { var twitterPersistenceService = new TwitterPersistenceService(logger); if (!ProductivityUiHelper.IsTwitterAccountConfigured(twitterPersistenceService, logger)) { MessageBox.Show( PluginResources .ProductivityShareViewPartAction_Execute_In_order_to_share_the_result_you_need_to_configure_your_twitter_account); return; } var productivityService = new ProductivityService(logger); if (productivityService.TotalNumberOfCharacters < Constants.MinimumNumberOfCharacters) { MessageBox.Show( string.Format( PluginResources .ProductivityShareViewPartAction_Execute_In_order_to_share_your_score_you_need_to_translate_at_least__0__characters, Constants.MinimumNumberOfCharacters.ToString("N0"))); return; } var leaderboardApi = new LeaderboardApi(twitterPersistenceService); var versioningService = new VersioningService(leaderboardApi); var tweetMessageService = new TweetMessageService(versioningService); var leaderBoardShareService = new LeaderboardShareService(leaderboardApi, twitterPersistenceService); var twitterShareService = new TwitterShareService(twitterPersistenceService, tweetMessageService); var shareService = new ShareService(productivityService, twitterShareService, leaderBoardShareService, versioningService); if (!leaderboardApi.IsAlive()) { MessageBox.Show(PluginResources.TweetFactory_CreateTweet_SDL_Leaderboard_could_not_be_reached__Please_check_your_internet_connectivity_and_try_again); return; } if (!twitterShareService.IsAlive()) { MessageBox.Show(PluginResources.TweetFactory_CreateTweet_Twitter_could_not_be_reached__Please_check_your_internet_connectivity_and_try_again_); return; } if (!versioningService.IsPluginVersionCompatibleWithLeaderboardVersion()) { MessageBox.Show( string.Format( "In order to share you score you need to update the plugin to the version {0}. Please download the latest version from Open Exchange.", shareService.LeaderboardVersion)); return; } using (var tf = new TweetForm(shareService,tweetMessageService, productivityService)) { tf.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Debug(ex, "Unexpected exception when opening the share score"); throw; } }
private async Task _PlayAsync(string deviceUniqueId, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, int attempts = 0) { Device device = await FindDeviceAsync(deviceUniqueId); if (device == null) { await Task.FromException(new NullReferenceException("Couldn't get device with uniqueId " + deviceUniqueId)).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { int deviceInstanceId = SnapSettings.DetermineInstanceId(deviceUniqueId, device.Index); DeviceSettings deviceSettings = SnapSettings.GetDeviceSettings(deviceUniqueId); if (deviceInstanceId != -1) { // update device's last seen: deviceSettings.LastSeen = DateTime.Now; SnapSettings.SaveDeviceSettings(deviceUniqueId, deviceSettings); StringBuilder stdError = new StringBuilder(); string lastLine = ""; Action <string> stdOut = (line) => { lastLine = line; // we only care about the last line from the output - in case there's an error (snapclient should probably be sending these to stderr though) }; string resampleArg = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceSettings.ResampleFormat) == false) { resampleArg = string.Format("--sampleformat {0}:0", deviceSettings.ResampleFormat); } string command = string.Format("-h {0} -p {1} -s {2} -i {3} --sharingmode={4} {5}", SnapSettings.Server, SnapSettings.PlayerPort, device.Index, deviceInstanceId, deviceSettings.ShareMode.ToString().ToLower(), resampleArg); Logger.Debug("Snapclient command: {0}", command); CommandTask <CommandResult> task = Cli.Wrap(_SnapClient()) .WithArguments(command) .WithStandardOutputPipe(PipeTarget.ToDelegate(stdOut)) .ExecuteAsync(cancellationTokenSource.Token); Logger.Debug("Snapclient PID: {0}", task.ProcessId); ChildProcessTracker.AddProcess(Process.GetProcessById(task.ProcessId)); // this utility helps us make sure the player process doesn't keep going if our process is killed / crashes try { await task; } catch (CliWrap.Exceptions.CommandExecutionException e) { OnSnapClientErrored?.Invoke(); // add type to ShowNotification (level?), show notification with type and print log at type level Snapcast.Instance.ShowNotification("Snapclient error", _BuildErrorMessage(device, lastLine)); // todo: parse WASAPI error code here and provide human friendly output Logger.Error("Snapclient exited with non-zero exit code. Exception:"); Logger.Error(e.Message); DevicePlayStateChanged?.Invoke(deviceUniqueId, EState.Stopped); m_ActivePlayers.Remove(deviceUniqueId); // settings might have changed while we were playing - refetch them DeviceSettings nDeviceSettings = SnapSettings.GetDeviceSettings(deviceUniqueId); if (nDeviceSettings.AutoRestartOnFailure == true && (attempts <= nDeviceSettings.RestartAttempts || nDeviceSettings.RestartAttempts == 0)) { m_ActivePlayers.Add(deviceUniqueId, cancellationTokenSource); DevicePlayStateChanged?.Invoke(deviceUniqueId, EState.Playing); await _PlayAsync(deviceUniqueId, cancellationTokenSource, attempts + 1).ConfigureAwait(false); } } } } DevicePlayStateChanged?.Invoke(deviceUniqueId, EState.Stopped); m_ActivePlayers.Remove(deviceUniqueId); }
public void ContactSync(Logger Logger, IConfiguration config, IAuthenticationProvidor authProvidor, IAzureADFunctions azureAdFunctions, IOnPremADHelper onPremAdHelper, IOnPremAdFunctions onPremAdFunctions, ActiveDirectoryClient AzureClientSession) { //Get Entry into On-prem Active Directory Contacts OU. DirectoryEntry _OnPremContactsDirectoryEntry = onPremAdHelper.GetADDirectoryEntry(config.FQDomainName, config.ContactsDestinationOUDN, Logger); //Gather User Objects for the Work we intend to do later: Group _AzureUsersgroup = azureAdFunctions.GetADGroup(AzureClientSession, config.AzureADUserGroup, Logger); if (_AzureUsersgroup != null) { List<Tuple<string, IDirectoryObject>> _AzureGroupMembers = azureAdFunctions.GetAdGroupMembers(_AzureUsersgroup, config, Logger); if (_AzureGroupMembers.Any(members => members.Item1 == "user")) { List<IUser> _AzureGroupUsers = _AzureGroupMembers.Where(member => member.Item1.Equals("user")) .Select(member => member.Item2) .Select(member => member as IUser) .ToList(); List<DirectoryEntry> _OnPremContactObjects = onPremAdFunctions.GetOUContactObjects(config.FQDomainName, config.ContactsDestinationOUDN, onPremAdHelper, Logger); #region Add Contact Objects to AD Contacts OU //foreach user in Cloud check if they reside onprem and add them if they dont. if (config.AllowCreationOfADObjects) { Dictionary<string, IUser> azureUsers = _AzureGroupUsers.Where(x => x.Mail != null) .ToDictionary(x => x.Mail.ToLower(), x => x); foreach (string OnPremUser in _OnPremContactObjects.Where(x => x.Properties["Mail"].Value != null) .Select(x => x.Properties["Mail"].Value.ToString())) { azureUsers.Remove(OnPremUser.ToLower()); } int CreatedUsers = onPremAdFunctions.CreateADUserContacts(Logger, config, _OnPremContactsDirectoryEntry, onPremAdHelper, azureUsers); Logger.Debug(String.Format("Created {0} user(s) in On-Prem Active Directory", CreatedUsers.ToString())); Console.WriteLine("Created {0} user(s) in On-Prem Active Directory", CreatedUsers.ToString()); } #endregion #region Delete Contact Objects from AD OU //foreach user onprem check if they reside in cloud - delete them from AD if they dont (Make this over-rideable with a key) if (config.AllowDeletionOfADObjects) { Dictionary<string, DirectoryEntry> onpremUsers = _OnPremContactObjects.Where(y => y.Properties["Mail"].Value != null) .ToDictionary(y => y.Properties["Mail"].Value.ToString().ToLower(), y => y); foreach (string AzureUser in _AzureGroupUsers.Where(y => y.Mail != null) .Select(y => y.Mail.ToLower())) { onpremUsers.Remove(AzureUser.ToLower()); } int DeletedUsers = onPremAdFunctions.DeleteADContacts(Logger, config, _OnPremContactsDirectoryEntry, onpremUsers); Logger.Debug(String.Format("Deleted {0} user(s) in On-Prem Active Directory", DeletedUsers.ToString())); Console.WriteLine("Deleted {0} user(s) in On-Prem Active Directory", DeletedUsers.ToString()); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not find any USER objects in group {0}", config.AzureADUserGroup); Logger.Error(String.Format("Could not find any USER objects in group {0}", config.AzureADUserGroup)); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not find Group in Azure ({0} to enumerate users from", config.AzureADUserGroup); Logger.Error(String.Format("Could not find Group in Azure ({0} to enumerate users from", config.AzureADUserGroup)); } //Close AD Directory Entry Handle onPremAdHelper.DisposeADDirectoryEntry(_OnPremContactsDirectoryEntry, Logger); Console.WriteLine("Contact Creation/Deletion complete - Changes will be reflected on Office365 Sync on Next Dir-Sync Cycle but may not appear in Address book until the following day."); Logger.Debug(@"Contact Creation/Deletion complete - Changes will be reflected on Office365 upon next DirSync."); #endregion }
public static void Debug(string message, params object[] args) { _logger.Debug(message, args); }
public RegistryBase(string hivePath) { if (hivePath == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("hivePath cannot be null"); } if (!File.Exists(hivePath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } var fileStream = new FileStream(hivePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream); binaryReader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); FileBytes = binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)binaryReader.BaseStream.Length); binaryReader.Close(); fileStream.Close(); _logger = LogManager.GetLogger(hivePath); if (!HasValidSignature()) { _logger.Error("'{0}' is not a Registry hive (bad signature)", hivePath); throw new Exception($"'{hivePath}' is not a Registry hive (bad signature)"); } HivePath = hivePath; _logger.Debug("Set HivePath to {0}", hivePath); Initialize(); }
public void Debug(string msg) { _log.Debug(msg); }