     private void FixupLaborant2(Laborant previousValue)
         if (previousValue != null && previousValue.Laborant1.Contains(this))
         if (Laborant2 != null)
             if (!Laborant2.Laborant1.Contains(this))
             if (Nadradeny_laborant != Laborant2.IdLaborant)
                 Nadradeny_laborant = Laborant2.IdLaborant;
 private bool FilterLaborant(Laborant entity)
     return (entity.IdLaborant == this.IdLaborant);
     private void FixupLaborant(Laborant previousValue)
         if (previousValue != null && previousValue.Laboratorne_vysetrenie.Contains(this))
         if (Laborant != null)
             if (!Laborant.Laboratorne_vysetrenie.Contains(this))
             if (IdLaborant != Laborant.IdLaborant)
                 IdLaborant = Laborant.IdLaborant;
 private void DetachLaborant1(Laborant entity)
     entity.Laborant2 = null;
 private bool FilterLaborant2(Laborant entity)
     return (entity.IdLaborant == this.Nadradeny_laborant);
 private bool FilterLaborant(Laborant entity)
     return (entity.OsCislo == this.OsCislo);
 private void AttachLaborant1(Laborant entity)
     entity.Laborant2 = this;
 private void AttachLaborant(Laborant entity)
     entity.IdentifikacneUdaje = this;
 private void DetachLaborant(Laborant entity)
     entity.IdentifikacneUdaje = null;
 private bool FilterLaborant(Laborant entity)
     return (entity.Pracovisko == this.IdUtvaru);
 private void DetachLaborant(Laborant entity)
     entity.Cis_Utvary = null;
 private void AttachLaborant(Laborant entity)
     entity.Cis_Utvary = this;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the Laborant EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToLaborant(Laborant laborant)
     base.AddObject("Laborant", laborant);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new Laborant object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="idLaborant">Initial value of the IdLaborant property.</param>
 /// <param name="osCislo">Initial value of the OsCislo property.</param>
 /// <param name="pracovisko">Initial value of the Pracovisko property.</param>
 /// <param name="datum_prijatia">Initial value of the Datum_prijatia property.</param>
 public static Laborant CreateLaborant(global::System.Int32 idLaborant, global::System.Int32 osCislo, global::System.Int32 pracovisko, global::System.DateTime datum_prijatia)
     Laborant laborant = new Laborant();
     laborant.IdLaborant = idLaborant;
     laborant.OsCislo = osCislo;
     laborant.Pracovisko = pracovisko;
     laborant.Datum_prijatia = datum_prijatia;
     return laborant;