protected void InitializeData() { nirsdata[0].stimulus = new List <nirs.Stimulus>(); int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MainClass.devices.Length; i++) { cnt += nirsdata[i].probe.numChannels / nirsdata[i].probe.numWavelengths; nirsdata[i].data = new List <double> [nirsdata[i].probe.ChannelMap.Length]; for (int ii = 0; ii < nirsdata[i].probe.ChannelMap.Length; ii++) { nirsdata[i].data[ii] = new List <double>(); } nirsdata[i].time = new List <double>(); nirsdata[i].stimulus = nirsdata[0].stimulus; _info = MainClass.devices[i].GetInfo(); nirsdata[i].auxillaries = new nirs.auxillary[_info.numAux]; for (int ii = 0; ii < _info.numAux; ii++) { nirsdata[i].auxillaries[ii] = new nirs.auxillary(); nirsdata[i].auxillaries[ii].data = new List <double>(); nirsdata[i].auxillaries[ii].time = new List <double>(); nirsdata[i].auxillaries[ii].timeOffset = 0; nirsdata[i].auxillaries[ii].name = string.Format("Aux-{0}", ii + 1); } } realtimeEngine = new RealtimeEngine(); // Reset the stimulus information _handles.stimListStore.Clear(); }
public info GetInfo() { info _info = new info(); _info.DeviceName = devicename; switch (devicetype) { case 0: _info.numDet = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.Simulator)device).ndets(); _info.numSrc = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.Simulator)device).nsrcs(); _info.numMeas = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.Simulator)device).nmeas(); _info.numAux = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.Simulator)device).naux(); _info.PortName = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.Simulator)device).portname(); _info.Manufacturer = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.Simulator)device).Manufacturer; _info.wavelengths = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.Simulator)device).wavelengths; _info.numwavelengths = _info.wavelengths.Length; _info.sample_rate = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.Simulator)device).sample_rate; break; case 1: _info.numDet = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.TechEn.BTnirs)device).ndets(); _info.numSrc = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.TechEn.BTnirs)device).nsrcs(); _info.numMeas = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.TechEn.BTnirs)device).nmeas(); _info.numAux = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.TechEn.BTnirs)device).naux(); _info.PortName = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.TechEn.BTnirs)device).portname(); _info.Manufacturer = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.TechEn.BTnirs)device).Manufacturer; _info.wavelengths = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.TechEn.BTnirs)device).wavelengths; _info.numwavelengths = _info.wavelengths.Length; _info.sample_rate = ((NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.TechEn.BTnirs)device).sample_rate; break; } return(_info); }
public instrument(string type) { if (type.ToLower().Equals("simulator")) { devicename = "Simulator"; devicetype = 0; device = new NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.Simulator(); } else if (type.ToLower().Equals("btnirs")) { devicename = "BTNIRS"; devicetype = 1; device = new NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.TechEn.BTnirs(); } _info = this.GetInfo(); }
public instrument(string type) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); if (type.ToLower().Equals("simulator")) { devicename = "Simulator"; devicetype = 0; doc.Load(@"Simulator_Config.xml"); device = new NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.Simulator(doc); } else if (type.ToLower().Equals("btnirs")) { devicename = "BTNIRS"; devicetype = 1; doc.Load(@"BTNIRS_Config.xml"); device = new NIRSDAQ.Instrument.Devices.TechEn.BTnirs(doc); } _info = this.GetInfo(); }
protected void CheckBattery() { if (MainClass.devices == null) { return; } int id = combobox_statusBattery.Active; if (id < 0) { id = 0; } try {[] info = new[MainClass.devices.Length]; string[] battery = new string[MainClass.devices.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < MainClass.devices.Length; i++) { info[i] = MainClass.devices[i].GetInfo(); battery[i] = MainClass.devices[i].GetBatteryInfo(); } Gtk.ListStore ClearList = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(string)); combobox_statusBattery.Model = ClearList; for (int i = 0; i < MainClass.devices.Length; i++) { combobox_statusBattery.AppendText(string.Format("{0} {1}", info[i].PortName, battery[i])); } combobox_statusBattery.Active = id; } catch { Console.WriteLine("Check Battery Failed"); } }
public void SetupGUI(List <string> ports) {; // remove all pages int n = notebook_detectors.NPages; for (int i = n - 1; i > -1; i--) { notebook_detectors.RemovePage(i); } n = notebook_sources.NPages; for (int i = n - 1; i > -1; i--) { notebook_sources.RemovePage(i); } if (ports.Count > 0) { // TODO DeviceOptionsAction.Sensitive = true; } List <string> ports2 = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < ports.Count; i++) { ports2.Add(ports[i]); } // If the device already has some connected if (MainClass.devices != null) { for (int j = 0; j < MainClass.devices.Length; j++) { MainClass.devices[j].Disconnect(); } } MainClass.devices = new NIRSDAQ.Instrument.instrument[ports2.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < ports2.Count; i++) { MainClass.devices[i] = new NIRSDAQ.Instrument.instrument(settings.SYSTEM); MainClass.devices[i].Connect(ports2[i]); colorbutton3.Color = new Gdk.Color(128, 255, 128); DebugMessage(string.Format("Connected to device {0}", i + 1)); } if (nirsdata != null) { if (nirsdata.Count > ports2.Count) { nirsdata.RemoveRange(ports2.Count, nirsdata.Count - ports2.Count); } if (nirsdata.Count < ports2.Count) { if (nirsdata.Count > 0) { for (int i = nirsdata.Count - 1; i < ports2.Count; i++) { nirsdata.Add(nirsdata[0]); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < ports.Count; i++) { MainClass.devices[i].devicename = string.Format("{0}-{1}", MainClass.devices[i].devicename, i + 1); _info = MainClass.devices[i].GetInfo(); _info.numDet = settings.system_Info.numdet; _info.numSrc = settings.system_Info.numsrc; HBox hBox = new HBox(true, 0); Label label = new Label(); for (int j = 0; j < _info.numDet; j++) { if (j % 8 == 0) { hBox = new HBox(true, 0); label = new Label(string.Format("{0}\n{1}-{2}", _info.DeviceName, j + 1, j + 8)) { LineWrap = true }; notebook_detectors.InsertPage(hBox, label, notebook_detectors.NPages); } Detector det = new Detector { detectorIdx = j, deviceIdx = i, gain = 0, name = string.Format("Det-{0}", j + 1) }; det.frame = new Frame(; VBox _box = new VBox(false, 0); _box.PackStart(new Gtk.Fixed()); det.led = new ColorButton(new Gdk.Color(0, 255, 0)) { HeightRequest = 25, Sensitive = false }; det.vScale = new VScale(0, settings.system_Info.maxgain, 1) { Value = det.gain, ValuePos = PositionType.Bottom, Inverted = true, HeightRequest = 175, Name = string.Format("{0}", _handles.detectors.Count) }; det.vScale.ValueChanged += DetChanged; _box.PackStart(det.led); _box.PackStart(det.vScale); det.frame.Add(_box); hBox.PackStart(det.frame); _handles.detectors.Add(det); } VBox _vbx = new VBox(); // Now add the source controls for (int j = 0; j < _info.numSrc; j += _info.numwavelengths) { if (j % 8 == 0) { _vbx = new VBox(true, 0); label = new Label(string.Format("{0}\n{1}-{2}", _info.DeviceName, j + 1, j + 8)) { LineWrap = true }; notebook_sources.InsertPage(_vbx, label, notebook_sources.NPages); } int sIdx = j / _info.numwavelengths + 1; Frame frame = new Frame(string.Format("Source-{0}", sIdx)); HBox _hbx = new HBox(true, 0); Lasers src = new Lasers { laserIdx = new int[_info.numwavelengths], wavelength = new int[_info.numwavelengths], gain = new int[_info.numwavelengths], state = new bool[_info.numwavelengths], buttons = new Button[_info.numwavelengths], led = new ColorButton[_info.numwavelengths], spinButtons = new SpinButton[_info.numwavelengths], deviceIdx = i, frame = frame }; for (int k = 0; k < _info.numwavelengths; k++) { src.laserIdx[k] = j + k; src.wavelength[k] = _info.wavelengths[k]; src.gain[k] = 0; src.state[k] = false; = string.Format("{0}nm", src.wavelength[k]); HBox _hbx2 = new HBox(true, 0); src.buttons[k] = new Button { Label = }; VBox _vbx3 = new VBox(true, 0); _vbx3.PackStart(src.buttons[k]); _vbx3.PackStart(new Gtk.Fixed()); _hbx2.PackStart(_vbx3); VBox _vbx2 = new VBox(true, 0); src.led[k] = new ColorButton(new Gdk.Color(128, 128, 128)) { HeightRequest = 25, Sensitive = false }; _vbx2.PackStart(src.led[k]); src.spinButtons[k] = new SpinButton(0, settings.system_Info.maxpower, 1) { Value = 0 }; src.buttons[k].Name = string.Format("{0}", _handles.lasers.Count); src.spinButtons[k].Name = string.Format("{0} {1}", _handles.lasers.Count, k); if (!settings.system_Info.laseradjustable) { src.spinButtons[k].Visible = false; } src.buttons[k].Clicked += SrcClicked; src.buttons[k].ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(128, 128, 128)); src.buttons[k].ModifyBg(StateType.Selected, new Gdk.Color(128, 128, 128)); src.buttons[k].ModifyBg(StateType.Active, new Gdk.Color(128, 128, 128)); src.spinButtons[k].ValueChanged += SrcValueChanged; _vbx2.PackStart(src.spinButtons[k]); _hbx2.PackStart(_vbx2); _hbx.PackStart(_hbx2); if (k < _info.numwavelengths - 1) { _hbx.PackStart(new Gtk.VSeparator()); } } src.frame.Add(_hbx); _vbx.PackStart(src.frame); _handles.lasers.Add(src); } } string path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); path = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "LastSettings.xml"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { // Read the Config.xml file XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(path); XmlNodeList elemList; elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("probefile"); string probefile = elemList[0].InnerXml.Trim(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(probefile)) { QuickStartAction.Sensitive = true; // Read the Config.xml file elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Investigator"); string investigator = elemList[0].InnerXml.Trim(); elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Study"); string study = elemList[0].InnerXml.Trim(); QuickStartAction.Label = "Quick Start: " + investigator + ":" + study; DebugMessage("Last Settings Avaliable " + investigator + " : " + study); } else { QuickStartAction.Sensitive = false; } } else { QuickStartAction.Sensitive = false; } combobox_device1.Model = new ListStore(typeof(string)); combobox_device2.Model = new ListStore(typeof(string)); comboboxdeviceDemo.Model = new ListStore(typeof(string)); for (int i = 0; i < MainClass.devices.Length; i++) { combobox_device1.AppendText(MainClass.devices[i].devicename); combobox_device2.AppendText(MainClass.devices[i].devicename); comboboxdeviceDemo.AppendText(MainClass.devices[i].devicename); } combobox_device1.Active = 0; if (MainClass.devices.Length > 1) { combobox_device2.Active = 1; } ShowAll(); if (MainClass.devices.Length == 1) { fixed_device1.Visible = false; fixed_device2.Visible = false; combobox_device1.Visible = false; combobox_device2.Visible = false; drawingarea_Data2.Visible = false; drawingarea_SDG2.Visible = false; fixed_device1.Hide(); fixed_device2.Hide(); combobox_device1.Hide(); combobox_device2.Hide(); MultipleDevicesAction.Sensitive = false; drawingarea_Data2.Hide(); drawingarea_SDG2.Hide(); combobox_device1.Active = 0; DualViewAction.Sensitive = false; SingleViewAction.Sensitive = false; } else { // fixed_device1.Hide(); fixed_device2.Hide(); combobox_device1.Active = 0; combobox_device2.Active = 1; // combobox_device1.Hide(); combobox_device2.Hide(); MultipleDevicesAction.Sensitive = true; SingleViewAction.Active = false; DualViewAction.Sensitive = true; SingleViewAction.Sensitive = true; drawingarea_Data2.Hide(); drawingarea_SDG2.Hide(); } if (MainClass.devices.Length > 0) { NewSubjectAction.Sensitive = true; } }
protected void ChangeBPF(object sender, EventArgs e) { double[] fs = new double[MainClass.devices.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < MainClass.devices.Length; i++) { info = MainClass.devices[i].GetInfo(); fs[i] = info.sample_rate; } double hpf = 0.016; double lpf = 0.5; try { lpf = Convert.ToDouble(; if (lpf > fs[0] / 2) { lpf = fs[0] * 5 / 11; = string.Format("{0}", lpf); } } catch { = string.Format("{0}", 0.5); lpf = 0.5; } try { hpf = Convert.ToDouble(; if (hpf < 0) { hpf = 0; = string.Format("{0}", 0); } if (hpf > lpf) { hpf = lpf / 2; = string.Format("{0}", hpf); } } catch { = string.Format("{0}", 0.016); hpf = 0.016; } if (maindisplaythread.IsAlive) { for (int i = 0; i < MainClass.devices.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <[i].probe.numChannels; j++) { realtimeEngine.OnlineFIRFiltersLPF[i][j] = OnlineFilter.CreateLowpass(ImpulseResponse.Finite, fs[i], lpf); realtimeEngine.OnlineFIRFiltersHPF[i][j] = OnlineFilter.CreateHighpass(ImpulseResponse.Finite, fs[i], hpf); } } } }
protected void SaveDataNow(int startIdx, int endIdx, int dataIdx = 0, bool keeptime = false) { DateTime now; if (keeptime) { now = lastscantime; } else { now = DateTime.Now; lastscantime = now; } string comments = textview_comments.Buffer.Text; for (int i = 0; i < nirsdata.Count; i++) { info = MainClass.devices[i].GetInfo(); nirsdata[i].demographics.set("comments", comments); nirsdata[i].demographics.set("scan_date", now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy_HH:mm:ss")); nirsdata[i].demographics.set("device", info.DeviceName); nirsdata[i].demographics.set("manufacturer", info.Manufacturer); nirsdata[i].demographics.set("port", info.PortName); string test = (string)nirsdata[i].demographics.get("SubjID"); if (test.Equals("")) { nirsdata[i].demographics.set("SubjID", "unknown"); } string file = string.Format("{0}_scan{1}_{2}", (string)nirsdata[i].demographics.get("SubjID"), scancount, now.ToString("MMMMddyyyy_HHmm")); if (nirsdata.Count > 1) { file = string.Format("{0}_device{1}_scan{2}_{3}", (string)nirsdata[i].demographics.get("SubjID"), i + 1, scancount, now.ToString("MMMMddyyyy_HHmm")); } string[] paths = new string[] {, (string)nirsdata[i].demographics.get("Investigator"), (string)nirsdata[i].demographics.get("Study"), now.ToString("MMMMddyyyy") }; string pathname = System.IO.Path.Combine(paths); if (!Directory.Exists(pathname)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathname); } if (SaveNirsFormatAction.Active) { string filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(pathname, string.Format("{0}.nirs", file));[i], filename, startIdx, endIdx); _handles.dataListStore.AppendValues(string.Format("{0}.nirs", file), " "); DebugMessage(string.Format("Saving file {0}", filename)); } #if AllowHDF5 if (SaveSnirfFormatAction.Active & !CombineSnirfFilesAction.Active) { string filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(pathname, string.Format("{0}.snirf", file));[i], filename, -1, dataIdx); _handles.dataListStore.AppendValues(string.Format("{0}.snirf", file), " "); DebugMessage(string.Format("Saving file {0}", filename)); } #endif } #if AllowHDF5 if (SaveSnirfFormatAction.Active & CombineSnirfFilesAction.Active) { string file = string.Format("{0}_scan{1}_{2}", "Hyperscan", scancount, now.ToString("MMMMddyyyy_HHmm")); string[] paths = new string[] {, (string)nirsdata[0].demographics.get("Investigator"), (string)nirsdata[0].demographics.get("Study"), now.ToString("MM_dd_yyyy") }; string pathname = System.IO.Path.Combine(paths); if (!Directory.Exists(pathname)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathname); } string filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(pathname, string.Format("{0}.snirf", file));, filename, -1, dataIdx); _handles.dataListStore.AppendValues(string.Format("{0}.snirf", file), " "); DebugMessage(string.Format("Saving file {0}", filename)); } #endif }