 public bool UpdateResource(Resource resource)
     SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[]
         new SqlParameter("@ResourceID", resource.ResourceID),
         new SqlParameter("@FirstName", resource.FirstName),
         new SqlParameter("@LastName", resource.LastName),
         new SqlParameter("@SOW", resource.SOW),
         new SqlParameter("@PONumber", resource.PONumber),
         new SqlParameter("@SONumber", resource.SONumber),
         new SqlParameter("@StartDate", resource.StartDate),
         new SqlParameter("@EndDate", resource.EndDate),
         new SqlParameter("@BillingType", resource.BillingType),
         new SqlParameter("@ProjectName", resource.ProjectName),
         new SqlParameter("@Location", resource.Location),
         new SqlParameter("@HourlyRate", resource.HourlyRate),
         new SqlParameter("@Status", resource.Status),
     return(SqlDBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("UpdateResource", CommandType.StoredProcedure, parameters));
        public Resource GetResourceDetails(int resourceID)
            Resource resource = null;

            SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[]
                new SqlParameter("@ResourceID", resourceID)
            //Lets get the list of all resource in a datataable
            using (DataTable table = SqlDBHelper.ExecuteParamerizedSelectCommand("GetResourceDetails", CommandType.StoredProcedure, parameters))
                //check if any record exist or not
                if (table.Rows.Count == 1)
                    DataRow row = table.Rows[0];

                    //Lets go ahead and create the list of resource
                    resource = new Resource();

                    //Now lets populate the resource details into the list of resource

                    resource.ResourceID  = Convert.ToInt32(row["ResourceID"]);
                    resource.FirstName   = row["FirstName"].ToString();
                    resource.LastName    = row["LastName"].ToString();
                    resource.SOW         = row["SOW"].ToString();
                    resource.PONumber    = row["PONumber"].ToString();
                    resource.SONumber    = row["SONumber"].ToString();
                    resource.StartDate   = (DateTime)row["StartDate"];
                    resource.EndDate     = (DateTime)row["EndDate"];
                    resource.BillingType = row["BillingType"].ToString();

                    resource.ProjectName = row["ProjectName"].ToString();
                    resource.Location    = row["Location"].ToString();
                    resource.HourlyRate  = Convert.ToDouble(row["HourlyRate"]);
                    resource.Status      = row["Status"].ToString();

        public List <Resource> GetResourceList()
            List <Resource> listResource = null;

            //Lets get the list of all employees in a datataable
            using (DataTable table = SqlDBHelper.ExecuteSelectCommand("GetResourceList", CommandType.StoredProcedure))
                //check if any record exist or not
                if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //Lets go ahead and create the list of employees
                    listResource = new List <Resource>();

                    //Now lets populate the employee details into the list of employees
                    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                        Resource resource = new Resource();

                        resource.ResourceID  = Convert.ToInt32(row["ResourceID"]);
                        resource.FirstName   = row["FirstName"].ToString();
                        resource.LastName    = row["LastName"].ToString();
                        resource.SOW         = row["SOW"].ToString();
                        resource.PONumber    = row["PONumber"].ToString();
                        resource.SONumber    = row["SONumber"].ToString();
                        resource.StartDate   = (DateTime)row["StartDate"];
                        resource.EndDate     = (DateTime)row["EndDate"];
                        resource.BillingType = row["BillingType"].ToString();

                        resource.ProjectName = row["ProjectName"].ToString();
                        resource.Location    = row["Location"].ToString();
                        resource.HourlyRate  = Convert.ToDouble(row["HourlyRate"]);
                        resource.Status      = row["Status"].ToString();


        //Get List of Holida on the basis of location
        public List <DateTime> GetListOfHoliday()
            List <DateTime> listofHoliday = null;

            //Lets get the list of all employees in a datataable
            using (DataTable table = SqlDBHelper.ExecuteSelectCommand("GetHolidayList", CommandType.StoredProcedure))
                //check if any record exist or not
                if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //Lets go ahead and create the list of employees
                    listofHoliday = new List <DateTime>();

                    //Now lets populate the employee details into the list of employees
                    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
