public void NullLeftEntityJoinWithEntityProjection()
            using (var sqlLog = new SqlLogSpy())
                using (var session = OpenSession())
                    EntityComplex           ejLeftNull = null;
                    EntityWithNoAssociation root       = null;
                    var objs = session.QueryOver(() => root)
                               //add some non existent join condition
                               .JoinEntityAlias(() => ejLeftNull, () => ejLeftNull.Id == null, JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)
                               .Select((e) => root.AsEntity(), e => ejLeftNull.AsEntity())
                               .SingleOrDefault <object[]>();
                    root       = (EntityWithNoAssociation)objs[0];
                    ejLeftNull = (EntityComplex)objs[1];

                    Assert.That(root, Is.Not.Null, "root should not be null (looks like left join didn't work)");
                    Assert.That(NHibernateUtil.IsInitialized(root), Is.True);
                    Assert.That(ejLeftNull, Is.Null, "Entity join should be null");
                    Assert.That(sqlLog.Appender.GetEvents().Length, Is.EqualTo(1), "Only one SQL select is expected");