public void SelectEntry(int i) { this.selectedEntry = i; if (this.selectedEntry == -1) { GUI.FocusControl("content"); } else { GUI.FocusControl(null); List <EntryRef> list; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.keywords) == true && this.filterInstances.Count == 0) { list = NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed; } else { list = this.results; } EntryRef k = list[this.selectedEntry]; NGSpotlightWindow.entries[k.key][k.i].Select(this, k); } }
void IDrawableElement.Execute(NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef key) { if (EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem(this.path) == true) { NGSpotlightWindow.UseEntry(key); } }
void IDrawableElement.Execute(NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef key) { NGSpotlightWindow.UseEntry(key); Object file = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(this.path); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(file); AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(file, 0); }
void IDrawableElement.OnGUI(Rect r, NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef k, int i) { if ( == null) { = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; = 32; = 15; = true; } GUI.Box(r, ""); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { Utility.DrawUnfillRect(r, HQ.Settings != null ? HQ.Settings.Get <SpotlightSettings>().hoverSelectionColor : NGSpotlightWindow.HighlightedEntryColor); } else if (window.selectedEntry == i) { Utility.DrawUnfillRect(r, HQ.Settings != null ? HQ.Settings.Get <SpotlightSettings>().outlineSelectionColor : NGSpotlightWindow.SelectedEntryColor); } } if (this.lastChange != window.changeCount) { this.lastChange = window.changeCount; this.cachedHighlightedName = window.HighlightWeightContent(this.lowerPath, this.path, window.cleanLowerKeywords); } //GUI.DrawTexture(iconR, this.icon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); GUI.Label(r, this.cachedHighlightedName,; if ((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && window.selectedEntry == i && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) || (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true)) { if (EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem(this.path) == true) { NGSpotlightWindow.UseEntry(k); } window.Close(); Event.current.Use(); } }
protected virtual void OnDisable() { Utility.UnregisterWindow(this); List <EntryHardRef> refs = new List <EntryHardRef>(NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed.Count); for (int i = 0; i < NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed.Count; i++) { EntryRef k = NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed[i]; refs.Add(new EntryHardRef() { key = k.key, content = NGSpotlightWindow.entries[k.key][k.i].RawContent }); } Utility.DirectSaveEditorPref(refs, typeof(List <EntryHardRef>), NGSpotlightWindow.Title + ".lastUsed"); }
public static void UseEntry(EntryRef m) { for (int i = 0; i < NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed.Count; i++) { if (NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed[i].key == m.key && NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed[i].i == m.i) { NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed.RemoveAt(i); break; } } NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed.Insert(0, m); if (NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed.Count > NGSpotlightWindow.MaxLastUsed) { NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed.RemoveAt(NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed.Count - 1); } }
protected virtual void OnGUI() { List <EntryRef> list; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.keywords) == true && this.filterInstances.Count == 0) { list = NGSpotlightWindow.lastUsed; } else { list = this.results; } Rect r = new Rect(0F, 0F, this.position.width, 18F); if (this.focusTextfieldOnce == false && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { this.focusTextfieldOnce = true; GUI.FocusControl("content"); EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField = true; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove) { this.Repaint(); } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand) { if (Event.current.commandName == "SelectAll" || Event.current.commandName == "Copy" || Event.current.commandName == "Paste" || Event.current.commandName == "Cut") { this.displayHotkeyOnControlPressed = false; } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) { if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftControl || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.RightControl) { if (this.consummedKeydown == false) { this.consummedKeydown = true; this.displayHotkeyOnControlPressed = !this.displayHotkeyOnControlPressed; this.Repaint(); } } else if (this.displayHotkeyOnControlPressed == true && ((Event.current.keyCode >= KeyCode.Alpha1 && Event.current.keyCode <= KeyCode.Alpha9) || (Event.current.keyCode >= KeyCode.Keypad1 && Event.current.keyCode <= KeyCode.Keypad9))) { int n; if (Event.current.keyCode >= KeyCode.Alpha1 && Event.current.keyCode <= KeyCode.Alpha9) { n = (int)(Event.current.keyCode - KeyCode.Alpha1); } else { n = (int)(Event.current.keyCode - KeyCode.Keypad1); } EntryRef er = list[n]; List <IDrawableElement> registry = NGSpotlightWindow.entries[er.key]; if (er.i < registry.Count) { registry[er.i].Execute(this, er); this.Close(); Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.character == ':' || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Space) { if (this.selectedFilter >= 0 || this.selectedEntry >= 0) { this.selectedFilter = -1; this.selectedEntry = -1; this.focusTextfieldOnce = false; } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { this.Close(); Event.current.Use(); } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete) { if (this.selectedFilter >= 0) { this.RemoveFilterInstance(this.filterInstances[this.selectedFilter]); while (this.selectedFilter >= this.filterInstances.Count) { --this.selectedFilter; } if (this.filterInstances.Count == 0) { this.focusTextfieldOnce = false; } } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace) { if (Event.current.control == true) { this.displayHotkeyOnControlPressed = false; } if (this.selectedEntry == -1 && this.keywords.Length == 0 && this.filterInstances.Count > 0) { if (this.selectedFilter == -1) { this.selectedFilter = this.filterInstances.Count - 1; } else if (this.selectedFilter >= 0) { this.RemoveFilterInstance(this.filterInstances[this.selectedFilter]); while (this.selectedFilter >= this.filterInstances.Count) { --this.selectedFilter; } if (this.filterInstances.Count == 0) { this.focusTextfieldOnce = false; } } GUI.FocusControl(null); } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow) { if (Event.current.control == true) { this.displayHotkeyOnControlPressed = false; } if (this.selectedEntry == -1 && this.keywords.Length == 0 && this.filterInstances.Count > 0) { if (this.selectedFilter == -1) { this.selectedFilter = this.filterInstances.Count - 1; } else if (this.selectedFilter > 0) { --this.selectedFilter; } GUI.FocusControl(null); } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow) { if (Event.current.control == true) { this.displayHotkeyOnControlPressed = false; } if (this.selectedEntry == -1 && this.keywords.Length == 0 && this.filterInstances.Count > 0) { if (this.selectedFilter < this.filterInstances.Count - 1) { ++this.selectedFilter; } else if (this.selectedFilter == this.filterInstances.Count - 1) { this.selectedFilter = -1; this.focusTextfieldOnce = false; } } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter) { if (list.Count > 0) { int n = this.selectedEntry; if (n == -1) { if (EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField == false) { return; } n = 0; } EntryRef er = list[n]; List <IDrawableElement> registry = NGSpotlightWindow.entries[er.key]; if (er.i < registry.Count) { registry[er.i].Execute(this, er); this.Close(); Event.current.Use(); } } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow) { if (this.selectedEntry + 1 < list.Count) { if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == "content") { GUI.FocusControl(null); } this.selectedFilter = -1; this.SelectEntry(this.selectedEntry + 1); this.ClampScrollbarOffsetToSelectedEntry(); Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow) { if (this.selectedEntry >= 0) { this.selectedFilter = -1; this.SelectEntry(this.selectedEntry - 1); this.ClampScrollbarOffsetToSelectedEntry(); Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.PageUp) { if (this.selectedEntry >= 0) { this.selectedFilter = -1; if (this.selectedEntry > 1) { this.SelectEntry(Mathf.Max(0, this.selectedEntry - Mathf.FloorToInt((this.position.height - 18F) / NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight))); } else { this.SelectEntry(-1); } this.ClampScrollbarOffsetToSelectedEntry(); Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.PageDown) { if (this.selectedEntry + 1 < list.Count) { this.selectedFilter = -1; if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == "content") { GUI.FocusControl(null); } this.SelectEntry(Mathf.Min(list.Count - 1, this.selectedEntry + Mathf.CeilToInt((this.position.height - 18F) / NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight))); this.ClampScrollbarOffsetToSelectedEntry(); Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Home && GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != "content") { this.selectedFilter = -1; this.SelectEntry(-1); this.scrollbar.Offset = 0F; Event.current.Use(); } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.End && GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != "content") { this.selectedFilter = -1; this.SelectEntry(list.Count - 1); this.scrollbar.Offset = -this.scrollbar.MaxHeight + (this.selectedEntry + 1) * (NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight + NGSpotlightWindow.Spacing) - NGSpotlightWindow.Spacing; Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyUp) { this.consummedKeydown = false; //this.displayHotkeyOnControlPressed = Event.current.control; this.Repaint(); } if (this.filterInstances.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this.filterInstances.Count; i++) { using (BgColorContentRestorer.Get(this.selectedFilter == i, { r.width = this.filterInstances[i].GetWidth(); this.filterInstances[i].OnGUI(r, this); r.x += r.width + 2F; } } r.width = this.position.width - r.x; } r.xMax -= NGSpotlightWindow.DropdownWidth; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GUI.SetNextControlName("content"); this.keywords = EditorGUI.TextField(r, this.keywords); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true) { this.RefreshResult(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.keywords) == true) { GUI.enabled = false; r.x += 4F; GUI.Label(r, NGSpotlightWindow.KeywordsPlaceholder); r.x -= 4F; GUI.enabled = true; } r.xMin += r.width; r.width = NGSpotlightWindow.DropdownWidth; if (GUI.Button(r, "", GeneralStyles.ToolbarDropDown) == true) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); GenericMenu.MenuFunction rawExport = (this.results.Count > 0) ? new GenericMenu.MenuFunction(this.ExportRawResults) : null; GenericMenu.MenuFunction exportWithContext = (this.results.Count > 0) ? new GenericMenu.MenuFunction(this.ExportResultsWithContext) : null; menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Raw export"), false, rawExport); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Export with context"), false, exportWithContext); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Settings"), false, this.OpenSettings); menu.DropDown(r); } if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == "content") { this.selectedFilter = -1; this.selectedEntry = -1; } r.x = 0F; r.y += r.height; r.width = this.position.width; if (this.error.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this.error.Count; i++) { Utility.content.text = this.error[i]; // Helpbox style does not calculate the height correctly. r.height = Mathf.Max(NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight, EditorStyles.helpBox.CalcHeight(Utility.content, r.width - 50F)); // Reduce the width to ensure we display everything with a bit of luck. EditorGUI.HelpBox(r, this.error[i], MessageType.Warning); r.y += r.height; } } if (this.keywords.Length > 0 && this.keywords[0] == ':' && this.IsValidFilter() == false) { r.height = 16F; using (LabelWidthRestorer.Get(60F)) { for (int i = 0; i < this.availableFilters.Count; i++) { EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(r, MouseCursor.Link); if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { if (this.availableFilters[i].key.Contains("=") == false && this.availableFilters[i].key.Contains("{") == false) { this.keywords = this.availableFilters[i].key + ' '; } else { this.keywords = this.availableFilters[i].key; } this.RefreshResult(); GUI.FocusControl(null); this.focusTextfieldOnce = false; this.Repaint(); Event.current.Use(); } if (this.availableFilters[i].icon != null) { using (LabelWidthRestorer.Get(80F - 16F)) { Rect iconR = r; r.xMin += 16F; EditorGUI.LabelField(r, this.availableFilters[i].key, this.availableFilters[i].description); iconR.width = iconR.height; GUI.DrawTexture(iconR, this.availableFilters[i].icon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); r.xMin -= 16F; } } else { using (LabelWidthRestorer.Get(80F)) { EditorGUI.LabelField(r, this.availableFilters[i].key, this.availableFilters[i].description); } } r.y += r.height + 2F; } } EditorGUI.HelpBox(new Rect(0F, this.position.height - NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight, this.position.width, NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight), "Add a space to validate the filter.", MessageType.Info); } else { r.height = NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight; this.scrollbar.ClearInterests(); if (this.selectedEntry != -1) { this.scrollbar.AddInterest(this.selectedEntry * (NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight + NGSpotlightWindow.Spacing) + NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight * .5F, Color.yellow); } this.scrollbar.RealHeight = list.Count * (NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight + NGSpotlightWindow.Spacing) - NGSpotlightWindow.Spacing; this.scrollbar.SetPosition(this.position.width - 15F, r.y); this.scrollbar.SetSize(this.position.height - r.y); this.scrollbar.OnGUI(); GUI.BeginClip(new Rect(0F, r.y, this.position.width, this.position.height - r.y)); { r.y = -this.scrollbar.Offset; r.width -= this.scrollbar.MaxWidth; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (r.y + r.height <= 0) { r.y += r.height + NGSpotlightWindow.Spacing; continue; } List <IDrawableElement> registry; if (NGSpotlightWindow.entries.TryGetValue(list[i].key, out registry) == true) { if (list[i].i < registry.Count) { NGSpotlightWindow.entries[list[i].key][list[i].i].OnGUI(r, this, list[i], i); if (this.displayHotkeyOnControlPressed == true && i < 9) { Rect numberR = r; numberR.width = numberR.height; EditorGUI.DrawRect(numberR, Color.cyan * .6F); using (ColorContentRestorer.Get( { GUI.Label(numberR, (i + 1).ToCachedString(), GeneralStyles.MainTitle); } } } else { list.RemoveAt(i--); } } else { list.RemoveAt(i--); } r.y += r.height + NGSpotlightWindow.Spacing; if (r.y > this.scrollbar.MaxHeight) { break; } } } GUI.EndClip(); } }
void IDrawableElement.OnGUI(Rect r, NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef k, int i) { // Init once. if (this.lastChange == -1) { this.asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(this.path, typeof(Object)); } if (this.asset == null) { NGSpotlightWindow.DeleteEntry(k.key, k.i); return; } if ( == null) { = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; = 15; = true; DefaultAssetDrawer.defaultIcon = InternalEditorUtility.GetIconForFile(".png"); } if (this.iconIsPreview == true && this.asset != null && (this.icon == null || this.icon == DefaultAssetDrawer.defaultIcon)) { this.icon = AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(this.asset); window.Repaint(); } if (this.icon == null) { this.icon = DefaultAssetDrawer.defaultIcon; } Rect iconR = r; iconR.width = iconR.height; GUI.Box(r, ""); GUI.DrawTexture(iconR, this.icon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); if (this.lastChange != window.changeCount) { this.lastChange = window.changeCount; this.cachedHighlightedName = window.HighlightWeightContent(this.lowerName,, window.cleanLowerKeywords); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { Utility.DrawUnfillRect(r, HQ.Settings != null ? HQ.Settings.Get <SpotlightSettings>().hoverSelectionColor : NGSpotlightWindow.HighlightedEntryColor); } if (window.selectedEntry == i) { Utility.DrawUnfillRect(r, HQ.Settings != null ? HQ.Settings.Get <SpotlightSettings>().outlineSelectionColor : NGSpotlightWindow.SelectedEntryColor); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { if (i.Equals(DragAndDrop.GetGenericData("i")) == true) { DragAndDrop.StartDrag("Drag Asset"); Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); DragAndDrop.SetGenericData("i", i); DragAndDrop.objectReferences = new Object[] { this.asset }; } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.DragExited) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); } if ((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && window.selectedEntry == i && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) || (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true && i.Equals(DragAndDrop.GetGenericData("i")) == true)) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); } if (window.selectedEntry == i || Event.current.button != 0) { NGSpotlightWindow.UseEntry(k); Selection.activeObject = this.asset; window.Close(); } else { window.SelectEntry(i); } Event.current.Use(); } r.xMin += iconR.width; GUI.Label(r, this.cachedHighlightedName,; }
void IDrawableElement.Execute(NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef key) { NGSpotlightWindow.UseEntry(key); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(this.asset); Selection.activeObject = this.asset; }
void IDrawableElement.Select(NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef key) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(this.asset); }
void IDrawableElement.OnGUI(Rect r, NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef k, int i) { // Init once. if (this.lastChange == -1) { this.go = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <GameObject>(this.path); } if (this.go == null) { NGSpotlightWindow.DeleteEntry(k.key, k.i); return; } if ( == null) { = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; = 15; = true; } Rect iconR = r; iconR.width = iconR.height; GUI.Box(r, ""); GUI.DrawTexture(iconR, UtilityResources.PrefabIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); if (this.lastChange != window.changeCount) { this.lastChange = window.changeCount; if (this.cachedHierarchy == null) { if (this.go != null && this.go.transform.parent != null) { //this.cachedHierarchy = Utility.GetHierarchyStringified(this.go.transform.parent) + '/'; this.cachedHierarchy = "<color=teal><size=9>" + + '/' + "</size></color>"; } else { this.cachedHierarchy = string.Empty; } } this.cachedHighlightedName = this.cachedHierarchy + window.HighlightWeightContent(this.lowerName,, window.cleanLowerKeywords); //this.cachedHighlightedName = window.HighlightWeightContent(this.lowerName,, window.cleanLowerKeywords); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { Utility.DrawUnfillRect(r, HQ.Settings != null ? HQ.Settings.Get <SpotlightSettings>().hoverSelectionColor : NGSpotlightWindow.HighlightedEntryColor); } else if (window.selectedEntry == i) { Utility.DrawUnfillRect(r, HQ.Settings != null ? HQ.Settings.Get <SpotlightSettings>().outlineSelectionColor : NGSpotlightWindow.SelectedEntryColor); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { if (i.Equals(DragAndDrop.GetGenericData("i")) == true) { DragAndDrop.StartDrag("Drag Asset"); Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); DragAndDrop.SetGenericData("i", i); DragAndDrop.objectReferences = new Object[] { this.go }; } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.DragExited) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); } if ((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && window.selectedEntry == i && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) || (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true && i.Equals(DragAndDrop.GetGenericData("i")) == true)) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); } if (window.selectedEntry == i || Event.current.button != 0) { NGSpotlightWindow.UseEntry(k); Selection.activeGameObject = this.go; window.Close(); } else { window.SelectEntry(i); } Event.current.Use(); } r.xMin += iconR.width; GUI.Label(r, this.cachedHighlightedName,; }
void IDrawableElement.Select(NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef key) { }
void IDrawableElement.OnGUI(Rect r, NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef k, int i) { if ( == null) { = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; = 15; = true; } if (this.type == null) { var mn = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <MonoScript>(this.path); if (mn) { this.type = mn.GetClass(); } } Rect iconR = r; iconR.width = iconR.height; GUI.Box(r, ""); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { Utility.DrawUnfillRect(r, HQ.Settings != null ? HQ.Settings.Get <SpotlightSettings>().hoverSelectionColor : NGSpotlightWindow.HighlightedEntryColor); } else if (window.selectedEntry == i) { Utility.DrawUnfillRect(r, HQ.Settings != null ? HQ.Settings.Get <SpotlightSettings>().outlineSelectionColor : NGSpotlightWindow.SelectedEntryColor); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { if (i.Equals(DragAndDrop.GetGenericData("i")) == true) { DragAndDrop.StartDrag("Drag Asset"); Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); DragAndDrop.SetGenericData("i", i); DragAndDrop.objectReferences = new Object[] { AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(this.path) }; } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.DragExited) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); } GUI.DrawTexture(iconR, UtilityResources.CSharpIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); if (this.lastChange != window.changeCount) { this.lastChange = window.changeCount; this.cachedHighlightedName = window.HighlightWeightContent(this.lowerName,, window.cleanLowerKeywords); } float h = Mathf.Floor(r.height * .66F); Rect r3 = r; r3.height = h; r3.xMin += iconR.width; r3.xMax -= CSharpDrawer.OpenWidth; GUI.Label(r3, this.cachedHighlightedName,; if (this.type != null) { r3.y += r3.height - 2F; r3.height = iconR.height - h + 4F; GUI.Label(r3, this.type.FullName, GeneralStyles.SmallLabel); r3.y = iconR.y; } Rect openR = r3; openR.height = iconR.height; openR.y += (openR.height - h) * .5F; openR.height = h; openR.x += openR.width; openR.width = CSharpDrawer.OpenWidth; if (GUI.Button(openR, "Open") == true) { EditorUtility.OpenWithDefaultApp(this.path); } if ((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && window.selectedEntry == i && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) || (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true && openR.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == false && i.Equals(DragAndDrop.GetGenericData("i")) == true)) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true && openR.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == false) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); } if (window.selectedEntry == i || Event.current.button != 0) { NGSpotlightWindow.UseEntry(k); Object file = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(this.path); if (Event.current.button == 0) { AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(file, 0); } else { Selection.activeObject = file; } window.Close(); } else { window.SelectEntry(i); } Event.current.Use(); } }
void IDrawableElement.Select(NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef key) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(this.path)); }
void IDrawableElement.OnGUI(Rect r, NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef k, int i) { if ( == null) { = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; = 32; = 15; = true; SceneDrawer.buttonStyle = new GUIStyle("ButtonLeft"); SceneDrawer.menuStyle = new GUIStyle("DropDownButton"); SceneDrawer.menuStyle.fixedHeight = NGSpotlightWindow.RowHeight / 1.5F; SceneDrawer.menuStyle.padding.left = 0; SceneDrawer.menuStyle.margin.left = 0; SceneDrawer.menuStyle.border.left = 0; } Rect iconR = r; iconR.width = iconR.height; GUI.Box(r, ""); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { Utility.DrawUnfillRect(r, HQ.Settings != null ? HQ.Settings.Get <SpotlightSettings>().hoverSelectionColor : NGSpotlightWindow.HighlightedEntryColor); } else if (window.selectedEntry == i) { Utility.DrawUnfillRect(r, HQ.Settings != null ? HQ.Settings.Get <SpotlightSettings>().outlineSelectionColor : NGSpotlightWindow.SelectedEntryColor); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { if (i.Equals(DragAndDrop.GetGenericData("i")) == true) { DragAndDrop.StartDrag("Drag Asset"); Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); DragAndDrop.SetGenericData("i", i); DragAndDrop.objectReferences = new Object[] { AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(this.path) }; } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.DragExited) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); } GUI.DrawTexture(iconR, UtilityResources.UnityIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); if (this.lastChange != window.changeCount) { this.lastChange = window.changeCount; this.cachedHighlightedName = window.HighlightWeightContent(this.lowerName,, window.cleanLowerKeywords); } r.width -= SceneDrawer.OpenWidth + SceneDrawer.DropdownWidth; GUI.Label(r, this.cachedHighlightedName,; if ((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && window.selectedEntry == i && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) || (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true && i.Equals(DragAndDrop.GetGenericData("i")) == true)) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); } if (window.selectedEntry == i || Event.current.button != 0) { NGSpotlightWindow.UseEntry(k); if (Event.current.button == 0) { this.LoadScene(window, this.path, 0); } else { Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(this.path); } window.Close(); } else { window.SelectEntry(i); } Event.current.Use(); } r.height = Mathf.Floor(r.height * .66F); r.y += (iconR.height - r.height) * .5F; r.x += r.width; r.width = SceneDrawer.OpenWidth; if (GUI.Button(r, "Open", SceneDrawer.buttonStyle) == true) { this.LoadScene(window, this.path, 0); } r.x += r.width; r.width = SceneDrawer.DropdownWidth; if (GUI.Button(r, "", SceneDrawer.menuStyle) == true) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Load single"), false, this.LoadScene, window); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Load additive"), false, this.LoadSceneAdditive, window); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Load additive without loading"), false, this.LoadSceneAdditiveWithoutLoading, window); if (AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(this.path, typeof(Object)) != null) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Ping"), false, this.PingScene); } menu.DropDown(r); } }
void IDrawableElement.Execute(NGSpotlightWindow window, EntryRef key) { NGSpotlightWindow.UseEntry(key); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(this.path)); this.LoadScene(window, this.path, 0); }