public ClientStaticMember(int typeIndex, NetField netField, bool isEditable, IUnityData unityData) { this.declaringTypeIndex = typeIndex; this.fieldType = netField.fieldType; =; this.value = netField.value; this.isEditable = isEditable; this.drawer = TypeHandlerDrawersManager.CreateTypeHandlerDrawer(netField.handler, this.fieldType); this.dataDrawer = new DataDrawer(unityData); }
public ClientField(ClientComponent behaviour, int fieldIndex, NetField netField, IUnityData unityData) { this.unityData = unityData; this.parentBehaviour = behaviour; this.fieldIndex = fieldIndex; this.fieldType = netField.fieldType ?? TypeHandlersManager.GetClientType(netField.handler != null ? netField.handler.type : null, netField.typeSignature); =; this.isPublic = netField.isPublic; this.typeSignature = netField.typeSignature; this.value = netField.value; this.drawer = TypeHandlerDrawersManager.CreateTypeHandlerDrawer(netField.handler, this.fieldType); this.dataDrawer = new DataDrawer(this.unityData); }
private void InitDrawers(ClientClass genericClass) { if (genericClass.fields == null) { this.fieldDrawers = new TypeHandlerDrawer[0]; } else { this.fieldDrawers = new TypeHandlerDrawer[genericClass.fields.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < genericClass.fields.Length; i++) { this.fieldDrawers[i] = TypeHandlerDrawersManager.CreateTypeHandlerDrawer(genericClass.fields[i].handler, genericClass.fields[i].fieldType); } } }
public override float GetHeight(object value) { if (this.fold == false) { return(Constants.SingleLineHeight); } ArrayData array = value as ArrayData; if (array.array == null) { if (array.isNull == true) { return(Constants.SingleLineHeight + Constants.SingleLineHeight); } return(Constants.SingleLineHeight + Constants.SingleLineHeight + Constants.SingleLineHeight); } float height = 32F; // First line + Size int i = 0; foreach (object item in array.array) { if (item != null) { // Add new drawer for new element. if (this.subDrawers.Count <= i) { this.subDrawers.Add(TypeHandlerDrawersManager.CreateTypeHandlerDrawer(this.subHandler, this.subType)); } height += this.subDrawers[i].GetHeight(item); } else { height += Constants.SingleLineHeight; } ++i; } return(height); }
private ClientStaticMember() { this.drawer = TypeHandlerDrawersManager.CreateTypeHandlerDrawer(null, null); this.dataDrawer = new DataDrawer(null); }
public override void Draw(Rect r, DataDrawer data) { if (this.anim == null) { this.anim = new BgColorContentAnimator(data.Inspector.Repaint, 1F, 0F); } string path = data.GetPath(); ArrayData array = data.Value as ArrayData; if (array.array == null) { --EditorGUI.indentLevel; r.height = Constants.SingleLineHeight; r.x += 3F; this.fold = EditorGUI.Foldout(r, this.fold, data.Name + (array.isNull == true ? " (Null)" : " (Unloaded)"), true); r.x -= 3F; ++EditorGUI.indentLevel; if (this.fold == false) { return; } r.y += r.height; if (array.isNull == true) { ++EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int forceSize = EditorGUI.DelayedIntField(r, "Size", 0); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true && this.AsyncUpdateCommand(data.unityData, path, forceSize, typeof(int), TypeHandlersManager.GetTypeHandler(typeof(int)))) { data.unityData.RecordChange(path, typeof(int), 0, forceSize); } --EditorGUI.indentLevel; } else { GUI.Label(r, "Array was not loaded because it has more than " + ArrayData.BigArrayThreshold + " elements."); r.y += r.height; if (GUI.Button(r, "Load") == true) { data.Inspector.Hierarchy.LoadBigArray(path); } } return; } r.height = Constants.SingleLineHeight; if (data.Inspector.Hierarchy.GetUpdateNotification(path) != NotificationPath.None) { this.anim.Start(); } using (this.anim.Restorer(0F, .8F + this.anim.Value, 0F, 1F)) { --EditorGUI.indentLevel; r.x += 3F; this.fold = EditorGUI.Foldout(r, this.fold, data.Name + " [" + array.array.Length.ToCachedString() + "]", true); r.x -= 3F; ++EditorGUI.indentLevel; } if (this.fold == false) { return; } r.y += r.height; ++EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int newSize = EditorGUI.DelayedIntField(r, "Size", array.array.Length); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true && this.AsyncUpdateCommand(data.unityData, path, newSize, typeof(int), TypeHandlersManager.GetTypeHandler(typeof(int)))) { data.unityData.RecordChange(path, typeof(int), array.array.Length, newSize); } r.y += r.height; using (data.CreateLayerChildScope()) { int i = 0; foreach (object item in array.array) { // Add new drawer for new element. if (this.subDrawers.Count <= i) { this.subDrawers.Add(TypeHandlerDrawersManager.CreateTypeHandlerDrawer(this.subHandler, this.subType)); } float height = this.subDrawers[i].GetHeight(item); if (r.y + height <= data.Inspector.ScrollPosition.y) { r.y += height; ++i; continue; } if (item != null) { this.subDrawers[i].Draw(r, data.DrawChild(i.ToCachedString(), "Element " + i, item)); } else { EditorGUI.LabelField(r, i.ToCachedString(), "Null"); } r.y += height; if (r.y - data.Inspector.ScrollPosition.y > data.Inspector.BodyRect.height) { // Override i to prevent removing unwanted subDrawers. i = int.MaxValue; break; } ++i; } // Drawer are linked to their item, therefore they must be removed as their item is removed. if (i < this.subDrawers.Count) { this.subDrawers.RemoveRange(i, this.subDrawers.Count - i); } } --EditorGUI.indentLevel; }