public override void Configure(IConfigSectionNode node) { base.Configure(node); var email = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_EMAIL_ATTR).Value; var cred = new NOPCredentials(email); var at = new AuthenticationToken(NOP_REALM, email); User = new User(cred, at, email, Rights.None); }
public override void Configure(IConfigSectionNode node) { base.Configure(node); var email = node.AttrByName(CFG_EMAIL).Value; var clientID = node.AttrByName(CFG_CLIENT_ID).Value; var clientSecret = node.AttrByName(CFG_CLIENT_SECRET).Value; var credentials = new PayPalCredentials(email, clientID, clientSecret); var token = new AuthenticationToken(PayPalSystem.PAYPAL_REALM, null); // OAuth token is empty at start User = new User(credentials, token, email, Rights.None); }
public override void Configure(IConfigSectionNode node) { base.Configure(node); var email = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_EMAIL_ATTR).Value; var credentials = new GoogleDriveCredentials(email); var authToken = new AuthenticationToken(); User = new User(credentials, authToken, UserStatus.User, name:null, descr:null, rights:Rights.None); }
protected ShippingSession(ShippingSystem shipSystem, ShippingConnectionParameters cParams) { if (shipSystem == null || cParams == null) throw new ShippingException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + this.GetType().Name + ".ctor(shipSystem != null and cParams != null)"); m_ShippingSystem = shipSystem; m_Name = cParams.Name; m_User = cParams.User; lock (m_ShippingSystem.Sessions) m_ShippingSystem.Sessions.Add(this); }
public override void Configure(IConfigSectionNode node) { base.Configure(node); var email = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_EMAIL_ATTR).Value; var apiKey = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_APIKEY_ATTR).Value; var cred = new TaxJarCredentials(email, apiKey); var at = new AuthenticationToken(TAXJAR_REALM, email); User = new User(cred, at, UserStatus.User, email, email, Rights.None); }
public override void Configure(IConfigSectionNode node) { base.Configure(node); var email = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_EMAIL_ATTR).Value; var secretKey = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_SECRETKEY_ATTR).Value; var publishableKey = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_PUBLISHABLEKEY_ATTR).Value; var cred = new StripeCredentials(email, secretKey, publishableKey); var at = new AuthenticationToken(STRIPE_REALM, publishableKey); User = new User(cred, at, UserStatus.User, publishableKey, publishableKey, Rights.None); }
//private MockActualAccountData[] m_AccountActualDatas; //public IEnumerable<MockActualAccountData> AccountActualDatas { get { return m_AccountActualDatas; } } public override void Configure(IConfigSectionNode node) { base.Configure(node); var email = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_EMAIL_ATTR).Value; var cred = new MockCredentials(email); var at = new AuthenticationToken(MOCK_REALM, email); User = new User(cred, at, email, Rights.None); //var nAccounts = node[CONFIG_ACCOUNTS_SECTION]; //configureAccounts(nAccounts); }
protected PaySession(PaySystem paySystem, PayConnectionParameters cParams) { if (paySystem == null || cParams == null) throw new PaymentException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + this.GetType().Name + ".ctor(paySystem is not null and cParams is not null)"); m_PaySystem = paySystem; m_Name = cParams.Name; m_User = cParams.User; lock (m_PaySystem.m_Sessions) m_PaySystem.m_Sessions.Add(this); }
public override void Configure(IConfigSectionNode node) { base.Configure(node); var unm = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_UNAME_ATTR).Value; var upwd = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_UPWD_ATTR).Value; if (unm.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { var cred = new IDPasswordCredentials(unm, upwd); var at = new AuthenticationToken(ServerURL, unm); User = new User(cred, at, UserStatus.User, unm, unm, Rights.None); } }
public override void Configure(IConfigSectionNode node) { base.Configure(node); var privateToken = node.AttrByName("private-token").ValueAsString(); if (privateToken.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) User = User.Fake; var publicToken = node.AttrByName("public-token").ValueAsString(); if (publicToken.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) User = User.Fake; var carrierID = node.AttrByName("carrier-id").ValueAsString(); if (carrierID.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) CarrierID = carrierID; var cred = new ShippoCredentials(privateToken, publicToken); var token = new AuthenticationToken(ShippoSystem.SHIPPO_REALM, null); User = new User(cred, token, null, Rights.None); }
public override void Configure(IConfigSectionNode node) { base.Configure(node); var merchantId = node.AttrByName("merchant-id").ValueAsString(); if (merchantId.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) User = User.Fake; //throw new PaymentException("Braintree: " + StringConsts.PAYMENT_BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID_REQUIRED.Args(this.GetType().FullName)); var accessToken = node.AttrByName("access-token").ValueAsString(); if (accessToken.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) User = new User(new BraintreeAuthCredentials(merchantId, accessToken), new AuthenticationToken(BRAINTREE_REALM, accessToken), merchantId, Rights.None); else { var publicKey = node.AttrByName("public-key").ValueAsString(); var privateKey = node.AttrByName("private-key").ValueAsString(); if (publicKey.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() || privateKey.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) User = User.Fake; //throw new PaymentException("Braintree: " + StringConsts.PAYMENT_BRAINTREE_CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED.Args(this.GetType().FullName)); User = new User(new BraintreeCredentials(merchantId, publicKey, privateKey), new AuthenticationToken(BRAINTREE_REALM, publicKey), merchantId, Rights.None); } }
public AccessLevel Authorize(User user, Permission permission) { return new AccessLevel(user, permission, Rights.None.Root); }
public void Authenticate(User user) { }
public static AccessLevel DeniedFor(User user, Permission permission) { return new AccessLevel(user, permission, DENIED_CONF); }
/// <summary> /// Shortcut method that creates a temp/mock BaseSession object thus checking permission in mock BaseSession context /// </summary> public bool Check(User user) { if (user==null || !user.IsAuthenticated) return false; var session = new BaseSession(Guid.NewGuid()); session.User = user; return this.Check(session); }
public override void Configure(IConfigSectionNode node) { base.Configure(node); var accessKey = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_ACCESSKEY_ATTR).Value; var secretKey = node.AttrByName(CONFIG_SECRETKEY_ATTR).Value; if (accessKey.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace()) { var cred = new S3Credentials(accessKey, secretKey); var at = new AuthenticationToken(Bucket, accessKey); User = new User(cred, at, UserStatus.User, accessKey, accessKey, Rights.None); } }
public AccessLevel Authorize(User user, Permission permission) { if (user==null || permission==null) throw new SecurityException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR+GetType().Name+".Authorize(user==null|permission==null)"); var node = user.Rights.Root.NavigateSection(permission.FullPath); return new AccessLevel(user, permission, node); }
public void Authenticate(User user) { if (user==null) return; var token = user.AuthToken; var reuser = Authenticate(token); user.___reset_data(reuser.Status, reuser.Name, reuser.Description, reuser.Rights); }
public AccessLevel(User user, Permission permission, IConfigSectionNode data) { m_User = user; m_Permission = permission; m_Data = data; }