        public static SubnetInfo[] SplitIPv4Subnet(IPAddress ipv4Address, IPAddress subnetmask, IPAddress newSubnetmask, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            ConcurrentBag <SubnetInfo> bag = new ConcurrentBag <SubnetInfo>();

            // Calculate the current subnet
            SubnetInfo subnetInfo = CalculateIPv4Subnet(ipv4Address, subnetmask);

            int newCidr = Subnetmask.ConvertSubnetmaskToCidr(newSubnetmask);

            // Get new  HostBits based on SubnetBits (CIDR) // Hostbits (32 - /24 = 8 -> 00000000000000000000000011111111)
            string newHostBits = (new string('1', (32 - newCidr))).PadLeft(32, '0');

            // Convert Bits to Int64, add +1 to get all available IPs
            int newTotalIPs = Convert.ToInt32(newHostBits, 2) + 1;

            // Get bytes...
            byte[] networkAddressBytes = subnetInfo.NetworkAddress.GetAddressBytes();

            // Get int...
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)

            int networkAddress = BitConverter.ToInt32(networkAddressBytes, 0);

            Parallel.For(0, subnetInfo.IPAddresses / newTotalIPs, new ParallelOptions()
                CancellationToken = cancellationToken
            }, i =>
                byte[] newNetworkAddressBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(networkAddress + (int)(newTotalIPs * i));

                if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)

                SubnetInfo info = CalculateIPv4Subnet(new IPAddress(newNetworkAddressBytes), newSubnetmask);

                bag.Add(new SubnetInfo(info.NetworkAddress, info.Broadcast, info.IPAddresses, info.Subnetmask, info.CIDR, info.HostFirstIP, info.HostLastIP, info.Hosts));

        public static SubnetInfo CalculateIPv4Subnet(IPAddress ipv4Address, IPAddress subnetmask)
            IPAddress networkAddress = GetIPv4NetworkAddress(ipv4Address, subnetmask);
            IPAddress broadcast      = GetIPv4Broadcast(ipv4Address, subnetmask);
            int       cidr           = Subnetmask.ConvertSubnetmaskToCidr(subnetmask);
            long      totalIPs       = Subnetmask.GetNumberIPv4Addresses(cidr);

            // Fix bug when /31 (host first/last can be null)
            IPAddress hostFirstIP = null;
            IPAddress hostLastIP  = null;
            long      hostIPs     = 0;

            if (totalIPs == 1) // Fix bug when /32 (show range for 1 IP)
                hostFirstIP = networkAddress;
                hostLastIP  = broadcast;
                hostIPs     = 0;
            else if (totalIPs > 2) // Calculate for /0-/30
                hostFirstIP = IPv4AddressHelper.IncrementIPv4Address(networkAddress, 1);
                hostLastIP  = IPv4AddressHelper.DecrementIPv4Address(broadcast, 1);
                hostIPs     = totalIPs - 2;

            return(new SubnetInfo
                NetworkAddress = networkAddress,
                Broadcast = broadcast,
                IPAddresses = totalIPs,
                Subnetmask = subnetmask,
                CIDR = cidr,
                HostFirstIP = hostFirstIP,
                HostLastIP = hostLastIP,
                Hosts = hostIPs