public override NBrightInfo AfterProductSave(NBrightInfo nbrightInfo)
            var prodData = new ProductData(nbrightInfo.ItemID, nbrightInfo.Lang);

            foreach (var cat in prodData.GetCategories("", true))
                UrlRulesCaching.Remove(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, cat.categoryid, nbrightInfo.Lang);
        private void RazorPageLoad()
            var lit = new Literal();

            lit.Text = "<h1>URL rewriter: File Cache Cleared</h1>";

            // get data record with language
            //var strOut = NBrightBuyUtils.RazorTemplRender("Admin.cshtml", 0, "", null, ControlPath, "config", Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), StoreSettings.Current.Settings());
            //var lit = new Literal();
            //lit.Text = strOut;
        public static void Remove(int portalId, int dataCategoryId, string lang)
            string cacheFolder     = GetCacheFolder(portalId);
            var    filesNotDeleted = new StringBuilder();
            int    i = 0;

            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(cacheFolder, "*_" + dataCategoryId + "_" + lang + "*.*"))
                if (!FileSystemUtils.DeleteFileWithWait(file, 100, 200))
                    filesNotDeleted.Append(file + ";");
                    i += 1;

            var    portalCacheKey    = UrlRulesCaching.GeneratePortalCacheKey(portalId, null);
            string dataCacheFileName = GetCachedOutputFileName(portalId, portalCacheKey);

            if (!FileSystemUtils.DeleteFileWithWait(dataCacheFileName, 100, 200))
                filesNotDeleted.Append(dataCacheFileName + ";");
                i += 1;

            if (filesNotDeleted.Length > 0)
                throw new IOException("Deleted " + i + " files, however, some files are locked.  Could not delete the following files: " + filesNotDeleted);

            DataCache.ClearCache(string.Format(UrlRuleConfigCacheKey, portalId));
        public static List <UrlRule> GetRules(int portalId)
            object padlock = new object();

            lock (padlock)
                List <UrlRule> rules    = new List <UrlRule>();
                List <UrlRule> catrules = new List <UrlRule>();

                #if DEBUG
                decimal speed;
                string  mess;
                var     stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                var purgeResult    = UrlRulesCaching.PurgeExpiredItems(portalId);
                var portalCacheKey = UrlRulesCaching.GeneratePortalCacheKey(portalId, null);
                var portalRules    = UrlRulesCaching.GetCache(portalId, portalCacheKey, purgeResult.ValidCacheItems);
                if (portalRules != null && portalRules.Count > 0)
                    #if DEBUG
                    speed = stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds;
                    mess  = $"PortalId: {portalId}. Time elapsed: {stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds}ms. All Cached. PurgedItems: {purgeResult.PurgedItemCount}. Speed: {speed}";

                Dictionary <string, Locale> dicLocales = LocaleController.Instance.GetLocales(portalId);

                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();

                var storesettings = new StoreSettings(portalId);

                ModuleController mc  = new ModuleController();
                var modules          = mc.GetModulesByDefinition(portalId, "NBS_ProductDisplay").OfType <ModuleInfo>();
                var modulesOldModule = mc.GetModulesByDefinition(portalId, "NBS_ProductView").OfType <ModuleInfo>();
                modules = modules.Concat(modulesOldModule);

                // ------- Category URL ---------------

                #region "Category Url"

                // Not using the module loop!!
                // becuase tabs that are defined in the url are dealt with by open url rewriter, so we only need use the default tab which is defined by the store settings.

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Locale> key in dicLocales)
                        string cultureCode     = key.Value.Code;
                        string ruleCultureCode = (dicLocales.Count > 1 ? cultureCode : null);

                        var grpCatCtrl = new GrpCatController(cultureCode, portalId);

                        // get all products in portal, with lang data
                        var catitems = objCtrl.GetList(portalId, -1, "CATEGORY");

                        foreach (var catData in catitems)
                            var catDataLang = objCtrl.GetDataLang(catData.ItemID, cultureCode);

                            if (catDataLang != null && !catData.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/chkishidden"))
                                var            catCacheKey   = portalCacheKey + "_" + catDataLang.ItemID + "_" + cultureCode;
                                List <UrlRule> categoryRules = UrlRulesCaching.GetCache(portalId, catCacheKey, purgeResult.ValidCacheItems);
                                if (categoryRules != null && categoryRules.Count > 0)
                                    catrules = new List <UrlRule>();

                                    var caturlname   = catDataLang.GUIDKey;
                                    var SEOName      = catDataLang.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtseoname");
                                    var categoryName = catDataLang.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryname");

                                    var newcatUrl = grpCatCtrl.GetBreadCrumb(catData.ItemID, 0, "/", false);

                                    var url = newcatUrl;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                                        // ------- Category URL ---------------

                                        var rule = new UrlRule
                                            CultureCode = ruleCultureCode,
                                            TabId       = storesettings.ProductListTabId,
                                            Parameters  = "catref=" + caturlname,
                                            Url         = url
                                        var reducedRules =
                                            rules.Where(r => r.CultureCode == rule.CultureCode && r.TabId == rule.TabId)
                                        bool ruleExist = reducedRules.Any(r => r.Parameters == rule.Parameters);
                                        if (!ruleExist)
                                            if (reducedRules.Any(r => r.Url == rule.Url)) // if duplicate url
                                                rule.Url = catData.ItemID + "-" + url;

                                        var proditems = objCtrl.GetList(catData.PortalId, -1, "CATXREF", " and NB1.XRefItemId = " + catData.ItemID.ToString(""));
                                        var l2        = objCtrl.GetList(catData.PortalId, -1, "CATCASCADE", " and NB1.XRefItemId = " + catData.ItemID.ToString(""));

                                        var pageurl  = "";
                                        var pageurl1 = rule.Url;
                                        // do paging for category (on all product modules.)
                                        foreach (var module in modules)
                                            // ------- Paging URL ---------------
                                            var modsetting        = NBrightBuyUtils.GetSettings(portalId, module.ModuleID);
                                            var pagesize          = modsetting.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/textbox/pagesize");
                                            var staticlist        = modsetting.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/staticlist");
                                            var defaultcatid      = modsetting.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/dropdownlist/defaultpropertyid");
                                            var defaultpropertyid = modsetting.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/dropdownlist/defaultcatid");
                                            if (pagesize > 0)
                                                if (module.TabID != storesettings.ProductListTabId || staticlist)
                                                    // on the non-default product list tab, add the moduleid, so we dont; get duplicates.
                                                    // NOTE: this only supports defaut paging url for 1 module on the defaut product list page. Other modules will have moduleid added to the url.

                                                    //pageurl = module.ModuleID + "-" + pageurl1;

                                                    //IGNORE NON DEFAULT MODULES.
                                                    pageurl = pageurl1;

                                                    var pagetotal = Convert.ToInt32((proditems.Count / pagesize) + 1);
                                                    for (int i = 1; i <= pagetotal; i++)
                                                        rule = new UrlRule
                                                            CultureCode = ruleCultureCode,
                                                            TabId       = module.TabID,
                                                            Parameters  = "catref=" + caturlname + "&page=" + i + "&pagemid=" + module.ModuleID,
                                                            Url         = pageurl + "-" + i
                                                        ruleExist = reducedRules.Any(r => r.Parameters == rule.Parameters);
                                                        if (!ruleExist)
                                                            if (reducedRules.Any(r => r.Url == rule.Url)) // if duplicate url
                                                                rule.Url = module.ModuleID + "-" + rule.Url;

                                        // ------- Product URL ---------------
                                        foreach (var xrefData in proditems)
                                            //var product = new ProductData(xrefData.ParentItemId, cultureCode, false);
                                            var prdData = objCtrl.GetData(xrefData.ParentItemId, cultureCode);

                                            var pref = prdData.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtproductref");

                                            string produrl = prdData.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtseoname");
                                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(produrl))
                                                produrl = prdData.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lang/genxml/textbox/txtproductname");
                                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(produrl))
                                                produrl = pref;
                                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(produrl))
                                                produrl = prdData.ItemID.ToString("");
                                            //if (catref != "") produrl = catref + "-" + produrl;
                                            //if (catref != "") produrl = catref + "-" + produrl;
                                            produrl = newcatUrl + "/" + Utils.UrlFriendly(produrl);
                                            var prodrule = new UrlRule
                                                CultureCode = ruleCultureCode,
                                                TabId       = storesettings.ProductDetailTabId,
                                                Parameters  = "catref=" + catDataLang.GUIDKey + "&ref=" + prdData.GUIDKey,
                                                Url         = produrl
                                            reducedRules =
                                                    r => r.CultureCode == prodrule.CultureCode && r.TabId == prodrule.TabId)
                                            ruleExist = reducedRules.Any(r => r.Parameters == prodrule.Parameters);
                                            if (!ruleExist)
                                                if (reducedRules.Any(r => r.Url == prodrule.Url)) // if duplicate url
                                                    prodrule.Url = prdData.ItemID + "-" + produrl;
                                    UrlRulesCaching.SetCache(portalId, catCacheKey, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0), catrules);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Error("Failed to generate url for module NBS", ex);


                UrlRulesCaching.SetCache(portalId, portalCacheKey, new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0), rules);

                #if DEBUG
                mess = $"PortalId: {portalId}. Time elapsed: {stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds}ms. Module Count: {modules.Count()}. PurgedItems: {purgeResult.PurgedItemCount}";

 public override NBrightInfo AfterCategorySave(NBrightInfo nbrightInfo)
     UrlRulesCaching.Remove(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, nbrightInfo.ItemID, nbrightInfo.Lang);