           * Method        : Page_Load
           * Description   : Receives session Variables, authenticates credentials if they are not good redirects to login page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //reciveing session parameters
            userName = (string)(Session["UserName"]);
            key = (string)(Session["key"]);

                if (!this.IsPostBack)
                    //Testing Class for function
                    BlackJack LoadText = new BlackJack();
                    deck = new List<int>(LoadText.Shuffle());

                    if(DB.Authenticate(userName, key) != -1) //Set for debug independent of DB
                        Session["status"] = "Invalid Login";
                        Card.Text = DB.Authenticate(userName, key).ToString();
            catch (SoapException er)
                this.Card.Text = er.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.Card.Text = ex.Message;

            Session["UserName"] = userName.ToString();
            Session["Key"] = key.ToString();
           * Method        : HitMe
           * Returns       : void
           * Parameters    : Event handlers
           * Description   : Pseudo takes a card off the top of the deck... not yet
        protected void HitMe(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BlackJack Test = new BlackJack();
            int card;
            double currency;

            card = Test.Deal();
                currency = DB.CurrencyAmount(userName);
                this.Account.Text = currency.ToString();
                this.Card.Text = card.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.Card.Text = ex.Message;