private static void FleeTronics(N8BlockFactory LevelBlocks, List<FlowTronic> alerts, bool rotate = true, bool AttachLevelBlocks = false, string password = null) { Quaternion UpsideDown = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), 180); FlowTronic InitTronic; if (password == null) { InitTronic = LevelBlocks.Keyboard("Set Cell Password"); InitTronic.position = new Vector3D(30, -30, 5); } else { InitTronic = LevelBlocks.Button(1, "Setup Reciever"); } TronicSequence Reciever = new TronicSequence(InitTronic); DataBlock Channel = Reciever.NewDataBlock("Channel", "1025"); DataBlock UsernameRec = Reciever.NewDataBlock("Recieved Username"); DataBlock MessageRec = Reciever.NewDataBlock("Recieved Message"); DataBlock UsernameStore = Reciever.NewDataBlock("Stored Username", "Tacroy"); //Not used atm //DataBlock AlternateUsernameStore = Reciever.NewDataBlock("Alternate Username", "nobody"); DataBlock Password = Reciever.NewDataBlock("Password", password ?? ""); if (password == null) { InitTronic.DataOutA(Password.Out); } Reciever.RadioReciever(Channel.In, UsernameRec.Out, MessageRec.Out); TronicSequence PasswordTest = new TronicSequence(); PasswordTest.IfEqual(Password.In, MessageRec.In, "PasswordCheck"); TronicSequence NameTest = new TronicSequence(); NameTest.IfEqual(UsernameRec.In, UsernameStore.In, "NameCheck"); TronicSequence FlipFlop = TronicsTesting.Ringbuffer(new List<string>(new string[] { "0", "1" })); DataBlock ControlBit =[ - 1]; DataBlock ReturnPos = Reciever.NewDataBlock("Return Position", "v0,0,0"); Reciever.Append(NameTest) .Append(PasswordTest) .Append(FlipFlop) .Mover(ReturnPos.In, ReturnPos.Out, "Return Mover") .RadioTransmit(Channel.In, ControlBit.In, "Yeller"); TronicSequence RandomBottomVector = TronicsTesting.RandomXYVectorGenerator(-1000, 1000, -1000); TronicSequence RandomTopVector = TronicsTesting.RandomXYVectorGenerator(-2000, 2000, 2000); DataBlock RandVectTop =[ - 1]; DataBlock RandVectBottom =[ - 1]; Random rand = new Random(); Vector3D AttachOffset = rand.NextVector(new Vector3D(60,60,0), new Vector3D(-60,-60,0)); foreach (FlowTronic alert in alerts) { alert.position += AttachOffset; RandomTopVector.GetFirst().FlowInFrom(alert); } N8Block TronicAttach = LevelBlocks.GenerateBlock("letter.period", "Attach Point"); TronicAttach.position = -AttachOffset; TronicAttach.position.Z = 500; TronicSequence MovementLogic = new TronicSequence(); MovementLogic.Append(RandomTopVector); MovementLogic.IfGreater(ControlBit.In, null, "Control"); if (rotate) { TronicSequence ProxyRotor = new TronicSequence(); DataBlock Quantity = ProxyRotor.NewDataBlock("Amount", "q0,0,1,0"); DataBlock Current = ProxyRotor.NewDataBlock("Current", "q1,0,0,0"); ProxyRotor.Multiply(Quantity.In, Current.In, Current.Out, "Unit step") .Rotor(Current.In, null, "Rotate1"); MovementLogic.Append(ProxyRotor); } //Mega and vacubombs take 15 seconds to explode, regular 10. Add 2 seconds up in the sky for a buffer. //Also keep in mind that because we fly up then delay, once we're up there we're a random sky mover so that should be safe enough. DataBlock DelayTime = MovementLogic.NewDataBlock("Delay", "17"); MovementLogic.Mover(RandVectTop.In, null, "Flee Mover 1") .Delay(DelayTime.In) .Append(RandomBottomVector) .Mover(RandVectBottom.In, null, "Flee Mover 2"); MovementLogic.GetCurrent().Item1.FlowOutTo((FlowTronic)Reciever.tronics.Tronics.Last()); MovementLogic.LayoutDense(AttachOffset); Reciever.LayoutDense(AttachOffset); //Attach everything Reciever.AttachAllNonPositional(TronicAttach, false); MovementLogic.AttachAllNonPositional(TronicAttach, false); foreach (N8Tronic t in alerts) { TronicAttach.AttachToMe(t); } LevelBlocks.CopyFromDestructive(MovementLogic.tronics); LevelBlocks.CopyFromDestructive(Reciever.tronics); if (AttachLevelBlocks) { foreach (N8Block b in from N8Block t in LevelBlocks.Blocks where != "Attach Point" select t) { b.position += AttachOffset; TronicAttach.AttachToMe(b); } } N8Tronic RetMover = (from N8Tronic t in LevelBlocks.Tronics where == "Return Mover" select t).First(); N8Tronic FleeMover1 = (from N8Tronic t in LevelBlocks.Tronics where == "Flee Mover 1" select t).First(); N8Tronic FleeMover2 = (from N8Tronic t in LevelBlocks.Tronics where == "Flee Mover 2" select t).First(); RetMover.position.Z = -1000; FleeMover1.position.Z = 0; FleeMover1.position.X = -30; FleeMover2.position.Z = 0; FleeMover2.position.X = 30; RetMover.Detach(); FleeMover1.Detach(); FleeMover2.Detach(); if (rotate) { N8Tronic Rotor = (from N8Tronic t in LevelBlocks.Tronics where == "Rotate1" select t).First(); TronicAttach.AttachToMe(Rotor); } Console.WriteLine("Total block count: " + (LevelBlocks.Blocks.Count + LevelBlocks.Tronics.Count)); }
public TronicSequence Append(TronicSequence other) { if (this.CurrentTronic != null) { other.GetFirst().FlowInFrom(this.CurrentTronic, CurrentOut); } Tuple<FlowTronic, Node> temp = other.GetCurrent(); this.CurrentTronic = temp.Item1; this.CurrentOut = temp.Item2; this.sequence.AddRange(other.sequence);; this.tronics.CopyFromDestructive(other.tronics); return this; }