A text box control.
Inheritance: Control
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CommandConsole"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="font"></param>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent.</param>
        /// <param name="assemblies">The assemblies containing commands and options to add to this <see cref="CommandConsole"/> instance.</param>
        /// <param name="game"></param>
        public CommandConsole(Game game, SpriteFont font, Control parent, params Assembly[] assemblies)
            : base(parent)
            _engine = new CommandEngine(assemblies);
            _writer = new ConsoleWriter(this);

            PresentationParameters pp = game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters;
            SetSize(0, pp.BackBufferHeight / 3);
            SetPoint(Points.Top, 0, 5);
            SetPoint(Points.Left, 5, 0);
            SetPoint(Points.Right, -5, 0);
            Strata = new ControlStrata() { Layer = Layer.Overlay, Offset = 100 };
            FocusPriority = int.MaxValue;
            LikesHavingFocus = false;
            IsVisible = false;
            RespectSafeArea = true;
            ToggleKey = Keys.Oem8;

            //var font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>(game, "Consolas");
            //skin = Content.Load<Skin>(game, "Console");
            //skin.BackgroundColour = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.8f);
            _background = new Texture2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);
            _background.SetData(new Color[] { Color.Black });

            _textBox = new TextBox(this, game, font, "Command Console", "Enter your command");
            _textBox.SetPoint(Points.Bottom, 0, -3);
            _textBox.SetPoint(Points.Left, 3, 0);
            _textBox.SetPoint(Points.Right, -3, 0);
            _textBox.FocusPriority = 1;
            _textBox.FocusedChanged += c => { if (c.IsFocused) _textBox.BeginTyping(PlayerIndex.One); };

            _log = new TextLog(this, font, (int)(3 * Area.Height / (float)font.LineSpacing));
            _log.SetPoint(Points.TopLeft, 3, 3);
            _log.SetPoint(Points.TopRight, -3, 3);
            _log.SetPoint(Points.Bottom, 0, 0, _textBox, Points.Top);
            _log.WriteLine("Hello world");

            _tabCompletion = new Label(this, font);
            _tabCompletion.SetSize(300, 0);
            _tabCompletion.SetPoint(Points.TopLeft, 3, 6, this, Points.BottomLeft);

            _infoBox = new Label(this, font);
            _infoBox.SetPoint(Points.TopRight, -3, 6, this, Points.BottomRight);

            AreaChanged += c => _infoBox.SetSize(Math.Max(0, c.Area.Width - 311), 0);

            _commandStack = new CommandStack(_textBox, Gestures);


            public CommandStack(TextBox textBox, GestureGroup gestures)
                if (textBox == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("textBox");

                _textBox = textBox;

                gestures.Bind((GestureHandler<IGesture>) OnPreviousCommand, new KeyPressed(Keys.Up));
                gestures.Bind((GestureHandler<IGesture>) OnNextCommand, new KeyPressed(Keys.Down));