public void ProcessResponseToSignupInvite(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, TxtMsgAwaitingResponse awaiting, AppUser user) { MessageAffirmativeType affirmativeType = MessageUtility.ParseAffirmativeType(msgInbound); string feedback = null; Parent parent = _parentRepository.GetById(awaiting.ParentId, true); if (parent == null) throw new Exception("Error while processing inbound message. Parent not found with ID" + awaiting.ParentId); // If user answers 'yes'. if (affirmativeType == MessageAffirmativeType.yes) { // If user already exists we simply add hib to parent's sitterhub. if (user != null) { if (user.UserRole == UserRole.Sitter) { // ..sure if this user is a sitter. AddSitterToParentMySitters(user.Id, parent, msgInbound.MobilePhone); feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatUserAddedToSitters(parent); } else { // Otherwise we cannot add user because he is not a sitter. feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatInvitedUserIsNotASitter(); } } // If user doesn't exist we need to create new one. else { // Create new (default) sitter profile. var newSitter = new SignupInfo { User = new AppUser { FirstName = "New Sitter", LastName = "", Email = "", MobilePhone = msgInbound.MobilePhone, UserRole = UserRole.Sitter, }, Pass = GeneratePassForNewUser() //FutureDev: text this password to sitter as their new temp password. }; newSitter.SitterSignupInfo = new SitterSignupInfo {ParentEmail = "", ParentMobile = ""}; SignupResult result = new SignupRepository().SaveNewSignup(newSitter, false, false); if (!result.IsSuccess) throw new Exception("Failed to create new profile for sitter during parent invite." + result.Error); // If there were no errors we can continue. // We need to add newly created user into parent's sitterhub. AddSitterToParentMySitters(result.NewId, parent, msgInbound.MobilePhone); // Send message about new account created and user successfully added to parent's hub. feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatUserAddedToSittersAndProfileCreated(parent, newSitter.Pass); } } // If user answered 'no'. else if (affirmativeType == { // TODO: separate failure message. // We send message to sitter that we didn't added him to parent's hub. feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatDeclineInvitationToSitterhub(parent); _parentRepository.CancelInviteSitter(parent.Id, msgInbound.MobilePhone, true); } // If user's answer can't be parsed. else { feedback = MessageTemplates.FormatSitterInvalidResponseToJobOrSignup(false); } // Update state of message. _txtMsgInboundDal.UpdateState(msgInbound.Id, TxtMsgProcessState.Processed); // If sitter's answer was successfully parsed we can mark this message as processed. if (affirmativeType != MessageAffirmativeType.Unknown) { _txtMsgAwaitingResponseDal.DeleteAwaiting(awaiting.Id); } // TODO: where we send messages to parent? Seems like we can do it here. if (feedback != null) { _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, feedback, user.Id); } }
public void ProcessSelfSignupConversation_Step1(TxtMsgInbound msgInbound, TxtMsgAwaitingResponse awaiting, AppUser user) { bool deleteAwaiting = true; if (MessageUtility.IsCancelRequested(msgInbound)) { _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, "Ok, signup cancelled", user.Id); } else if (msgInbound.Message == "sitter" || msgInbound.Message == "parent" || msgInbound.Message == "babysitter") { bool isSitter = (msgInbound.Message == "sitter" || msgInbound.Message == "babysitter"); // STEP - Create new AppUser var newUser = new SignupInfo { User = new AppUser { FirstName = "New Self Signup", LastName = "", Email = "", MobilePhone = msgInbound.MobilePhone, UserRole = isSitter ? UserRole.Sitter : UserRole.Parent, }, Pass = GeneratePassForNewUser() }; if (isSitter) { newUser.SitterSignupInfo = new SitterSignupInfo {ParentEmail = "", ParentMobile = ""}; } SignupResult result = new SignupRepository().SaveNewSignup(newUser, false); if (result.IsSuccess) { _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, string.Format("Ok, you have signed up for, you can login at with your mobile number and password: {0}.", newUser.Pass), user.Id); //_omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, string.Format("You can finish filling out your profile. What is your name? Or say 'cancel'.")); //_txtMsgAwaitingResponseDal.Insert(new TxtMsgAwaitingResponse(outboundTxtMsgId, 0, msgInbound.MobilePhone, InboundMessageType.SelfSignup_Step2_Name, 0)); //FutureDev } else { _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, string.Format("Error while signing up:" + result.Error), user.Id); new LogUtil().LogMessage("signup unsuccessful " + result.Error); deleteAwaiting = false; } } else { _omm.SendFeedbackToInboundMessage(msgInbound, string.Format("Invalid response, are you a 'parent' or a 'sitter'? Or say 'cancel' to quit the signup process."), user.Id); deleteAwaiting = false; } if (deleteAwaiting) _txtMsgAwaitingResponseDal.DeleteAwaiting(awaiting.Id); }