        static void Main(string[] Args)
            // Connect the application to console to have proper output there if requested.
              bool consoleRedirectionWorked = Win32Api.RedirectConsole();

              // Start with command line parsing.
              string userDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.Combine(
            "MySQL"), "Workbench");

              if (!consoleRedirectionWorked)
            Logger.LogError("Workbench", "Console redirection failed.\n");

              System.Reflection.Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
              string baseDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(asm.Location);
              WbOptions wbOptions = new WbOptions(baseDir, userDir, true);

              if (!wbOptions.parse_args(Args, asm.Location))
            Logger.LogInfo("Workbench", "Command line params told us to shut down.\n");



              // Hook into the exception handling to establish our own handling.
              AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; // CLR
              currentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(OnUnhandledException);

              Application.ThreadException += // Windows Forms
             new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(OnGuiUnhandledException);

              // Read some early values which cannot be stored in the preferences (since they are loaded
              // later) from registry.
              bool singleInstance = true;
              string lastVersion = "";
              string currentVersion = GetApplicationMetaInfo(ApplicationMetaInfo.Version);
              Logger.LogInfo("Workbench", "Current version given by meta info is: " + currentVersion + '\n');
              RegistryKey wbKey = Registry.CurrentUser;
            wbKey = wbKey.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Oracle\MySQL Workbench", false);
            if (wbKey != null)
              if (wbKey.GetValue("DisableSingleInstance", 0).ToString() == "1")
            singleInstance = false;
              lastVersion = wbKey.GetValue("LastStartedAs", "").ToString();
              Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Oracle\MySQL Workbench");
              catch (Exception e)
            Logger.LogError("Workbench", "Error while checking single instance reg key: " + e.Message + '\n');
            if (wbKey != null)

              // First check if this is the first instance of Workbench (if enabled).
              // The setting for single-instance is stored in the registry as it is Windows-only
              // and loading of the application settings happens later.
              if (singleInstance)
            if (!ApplicationInstanceManager.CreateSingleInstance(
              Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name, Args, SingleInstanceCallback))
              Logger.LogInfo("Workbench", "Exiting as another instance of WB is already running.\n");

              // Give the main thread a proper name, so we can later check for it when needed.
              Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "mainthread";

              // Change the working dir to to application path.
              // This is necessary because all our internal data files etc. are located under the app dir
              // and WB could have been called from a different dir.
              string workdir = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

              // Next check if this is the first start of a new version of WB. In this case remove all
              // compiled python files. They will be automatically recreated and can produce problems
              // under certain circumstances.
              if (currentVersion != lastVersion)
            Logger.LogInfo("Workbench", "This is the first start of a new version. Doing some clean up.\n");
            List<string> failed = new List<string>();
            RemoveCompiledPythonFiles(baseDir, failed);

            // TODO: decide if we wanna ask the user to remove those files manually or just ignore them.

              // Some people don't have c:\windows\system32 in PATH, so we need to set it here
              // for WBA to find the needed commands
              String systemFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System);
              String cleanedPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");

              String []paths= cleanedPath.Split(new char[]{';'});
              cleanedPath = "";

              // Strip all python related dirs from PATH to avoid conflicts with other Python installations.
              foreach (String path in paths)
            if (!path.ToLower().Contains("python"))
              cleanedPath = cleanedPath + ";" + path;
              Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", systemFolder + cleanedPath);
              Logger.LogInfo("Workbench", "Setting PATH to: " + systemFolder + cleanedPath + '\n');

              // Clear PYTHONPATH environment variable, as we do not need it but our python impl
              // seriously gets confused with it.
              Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PYTHONPATH", workdir + "\\python\\Lib;" + workdir + "\\python\\DLLs;" + workdir + "\\python");
              Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PYTHONHOME", workdir + "\\python");

              // Initialize forms stuff.
              MySQL.Forms.Manager formsManager = MySQL.Forms.Manager.get_instance(); // Creates the singleton.

              // init extra mforms things that are delegated to the frontend, indirectly through RecordsetWrapper in wbpublic

              #region Runtime path check

              // Currently WB has trouble running from a path containing non-ASCII characters.
              // Actually, our third party libraries have (namely lua, python, ctemplate),
              // as they don't consider Unicode file names (encoded as UTF-8) which leads to file-not-found
              // errors. Refuse to work in such a path for now.
              foreach (Char c in baseDir)
            if (c > 0x7f)
              MessageBox.Show("MySQL Workbench cannot be executed from a path that contains non-ASCII characters.\n"+
            "This problem is imposed by used third-party libraries.\n" +
            "Please run this application from the default installation path or at least a path which is all ASCII characters.",
            "MySQL Workbench Execution Problem", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


              #region Release check (outdated beta or rc version)

              // check the date of the executable and suggest to install a new version if this is a beta or rc
              if (GetApplicationMetaInfo(ApplicationMetaInfo.Configuration).ToUpper().IndexOf("BETA") >= 0 ||
            GetApplicationMetaInfo(ApplicationMetaInfo.Configuration).ToUpper().IndexOf("RC") >= 0)
            DateTime fileDate = System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(Application.ExecutablePath);

            if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(fileDate).TotalDays > 45)
              Logger.LogInfo("Workbench", "Found an old WB pre release. Showing warning.\n");
              if (MessageBox.Show("This version of MySQL Workbench is older than 45 days and most probably outdated. "
            + Environment.NewLine
            + "It is recommended to upgrade to a newer version if available. "
            + Environment.NewLine
            + "Press [OK] to check for a new version and exit the application. "
            + "Press [Cancel] to continue using this version.",
            "MySQL Workbench Version Outdated", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel,
            MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.OK)


              #region Variables and Splashscreen


              #region Initialize GRT

              // Try to instantiate the Workbench context and the GRT Manager and catch exceptions
            // Create Workbench Context
            wbContext = new WbContext(wbOptions.Verbose);

            if (wbContext != null)
              // Create the GRT Manager instance
              grtManager = wbContext.get_grt_manager();
              catch (Exception ex)


              // If the Workbench Context and GRT Manager were successfully created,
              // initialize the application
              if (wbContext != null && grtManager != null)
            #region Initialize Callbacks and Mainform

            mainForm = new MainForm(wbContext);

            // Initialize the Workbench context
            ManagedApplication formsApplication = new ManagedApplication(
              new AppCommandDelegate(mainForm.ApplicationCommand),

            callbacks = new WbFrontendCallbacks(
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.StrStrStrStrDelegate(mainForm.ShowFileDialog),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.VoidStrDelegate(mainForm.ShowStatusText),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.BoolStrStrFloatDelegate(mainForm.ShowProgress),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.CanvasViewStringStringDelegate(mainForm.CreateNewDiagram),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.VoidCanvasViewDelegate(mainForm.DestroyView),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.VoidCanvasViewDelegate(mainForm.SwitchedView),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.VoidCanvasViewDelegate(mainForm.ToolChanged),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.IntPtrGRTManagerModuleStrStrGrtListFlagsDelegate(mainForm.OpenPlugin),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.VoidIntPtrDelegate(mainForm.ShowPlugin),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.VoidIntPtrDelegate(mainForm.HidePlugin),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.VoidRefreshTypeStringIntPtrDelegate(mainForm.RefreshGUI),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.VoidBoolDelegate(mainForm.LockGUI),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.VoidStrDelegate(mainForm.PerformCommand),
              new WbFrontendCallbacks.BoolDelegate(mainForm.QuitApplication));

            // TODO: check return value and show error message.
            // Currently the return value is always true. In case of an error an exception is raised.
            // That should change.
            wbContext.init(callbacks, wbOptions,
              new WbContext.VoidStrUIFormDelegate(mainForm.CreateMainFormView)

            // command registration must be done after WBContext init

            // Set the Application.Idle event handler
            Application.Idle += new EventHandler(OnApplicationIdle);

            // Don't call the idle handler too often.
            timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
            timer.Interval = 100;
            timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);

            // Trigger GRT idle tasks

            // Setup Menus
            Logger.LogInfo("Workbench", "UI is up\n");

            // Tell the backend our main UI is ready. This will also load a model if it was given via command line
            // and opens the overview form for it.

            // Right before we go to work and everything was loaded write the current version to registry
            // to allow us later to find out if we ran a new version the first time.
              wbKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Oracle\MySQL Workbench", true);
              if (wbKey != null)
            wbKey.SetValue("LastStartedAs", currentVersion);
            catch (Exception e)
              Logger.LogError("Workbench", "Couldn't write regkey LastStartedAs: " + e.Message + '\n');
              if (wbKey != null)

            // Start the Application if we are not already shutting down.
            if (!wbContext.is_quitting())
            Logger.LogInfo("Workbench", "Running the application\n");
            Application.Run(new ApplicationContext(mainForm));
              catch (Exception e)


            Logger.LogInfo("Workbench", "Shutting down Workbench\n");


            // shutdown wb context
            if (wbContext != null)
              while (wbContext.is_busy())




              Logger.LogInfo("Workbench", "Done\n");
 public MainPageDockDelegate(MainForm owner, Object representedObject)
     : base(representedObject)
     _owner = owner;