public static bool Parser(ref TreeNodeCollection mNode,
                                  byte [] PacketData,
                                  ref int Index,
                                  ref ListViewItem LItem, ref uint PreviousHttpSequence)
            TreeNode   mNodex;
            TreeNode   mNode1;
            string     Tmp = "";
            PACKET_TCP PTcp;

            mNodex      = new TreeNode();
            mNodex.Text = "TCP ( Transmission Control Protocol )";
            Function.SetPosition(ref mNodex, Index, Const.LENGTH_OF_TCP, true);

            if ((Index + Const.LENGTH_OF_TCP) > PacketData.Length)
                Tmp = "[ Malformed TCP packet. Remaining bytes don't fit an TCP packet. Possibly due to bad decoding ]";
                LItem.SubItems[Const.LIST_VIEW_INFO_INDEX].Text = Tmp;


                PTcp.SourcePort = Function.Get2Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                Tmp             = "Source Port : " + Function.ReFormatString(PTcp.SourcePort, Const.GetPortStr(PTcp.SourcePort));
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNodex, Index - 2, 2, false);

                PTcp.DestinationPort = Function.Get2Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                Tmp = "Destination Port : " + Function.ReFormatString(PTcp.DestinationPort, Const.GetPortStr(PTcp.DestinationPort));
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNodex, Index - 2, 2, false);

                PTcp.SequenceNumber = Function.Get4Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                Tmp = "Sequence Number : " + Function.ReFormatString(PTcp.SequenceNumber, null);
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNodex, Index - 4, 4, false);

                PTcp.Acknowledgement = Function.Get4Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                Tmp = "Acknowledgement : " + Function.ReFormatString(PTcp.Acknowledgement, null);
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNodex, Index - 4, 4, false);

                PTcp.HeaderLength = PacketData[Index++];
                PTcp.HeaderLength = (byte)(((int)PTcp.HeaderLength >> 4) * 4);
                Tmp = "Length : " + Function.ReFormatString(PTcp.HeaderLength, null);
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNodex, Index - 1, 1, false);

                PTcp.Falgs  = PacketData[Index++];
                mNode1      = new TreeNode();
                mNode1.Text = "Flags : " + Function.ReFormatString(PTcp.Falgs, null);
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNode1, Index - 1, 1, true);
                mNode1.Nodes.Add(Function.DecodeBitField(PTcp.Falgs, 0x80, "Congestion window reduced ( CWR ) : Set", "Congestion window reduced ( CWR ) : Not set"));
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNode1, Index - 1, 1, false);
                mNode1.Nodes.Add(Function.DecodeBitField(PTcp.Falgs, 0x40, "ECN-Echo : Set", "ECN-Echo : Not set"));
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNode1, Index - 1, 1, false);
                mNode1.Nodes.Add(Function.DecodeBitField(PTcp.Falgs, 0x20, "Urgent : Set", "Urgent : Not set"));
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNode1, Index - 1, 1, false);
                mNode1.Nodes.Add(Function.DecodeBitField(PTcp.Falgs, 0x10, "Acknowldegement : Set", "Acknowldegement : Not set"));
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNode1, Index - 1, 1, false);
                mNode1.Nodes.Add(Function.DecodeBitField(PTcp.Falgs, 0x08, "Push : Set", "Push : Not set"));
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNode1, Index - 1, 1, false);
                mNode1.Nodes.Add(Function.DecodeBitField(PTcp.Falgs, 0x04, "Reset : Set", "Reset : Not set"));
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNode1, Index - 1, 1, false);
                mNode1.Nodes.Add(Function.DecodeBitField(PTcp.Falgs, 0x02, "Sync : Set", "Sync : Not set"));
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNode1, Index - 1, 1, false);
                mNode1.Nodes.Add(Function.DecodeBitField(PTcp.Falgs, 0x01, "Fin : Set", "Fin : Not set"));
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNode1, Index - 1, 1, false);

                PTcp.WindowSize = Function.Get2Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                Tmp             = "Window Size : " + Function.ReFormatString(PTcp.WindowSize, null);
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNodex, Index - 2, 2, false);

                PTcp.Checksum = Function.Get2Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                Tmp           = "Checksum : " + Function.ReFormatString(PTcp.Checksum, null);
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNodex, Index - 2, 2, false);

                PTcp.Options = Function.Get2Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                Tmp          = "Options : " + Function.ReFormatString(PTcp.Options, null);
                Function.SetPosition(ref mNodex, Index - 2, 2, false);

                LItem.SubItems[Const.LIST_VIEW_PROTOCOL_INDEX].Text = "TCP";
                LItem.SubItems[Const.LIST_VIEW_INFO_INDEX].Text     = "Source Port = " + PTcp.SourcePort.ToString() + " ( " + Const.GetPortStr(PTcp.SourcePort) + " ) , Destination Port = " + PTcp.DestinationPort.ToString() + " ( " + Const.GetPortStr(PTcp.DestinationPort) + " )";


                bool IsCifs = false;

                if ((PTcp.SourcePort == Const.IPPORT_HTTP) ||
                    (PTcp.DestinationPort == Const.IPPORT_HTTP) ||
                    (PTcp.SourcePort == Const.IPPORT_HTTP2) ||
                    (PTcp.DestinationPort == Const.IPPORT_HTTP2))
                    if (PreviousHttpSequence == (PTcp.SequenceNumber - (PacketData.Length - 54)))
                        PreviousHttpSequence = PTcp.SequenceNumber;
                        PacketHTTP.Parser(ref mNode, PacketData, ref Index, ref LItem, false);
                        PreviousHttpSequence = 0;
                        PacketHTTP.Parser(ref mNode, PacketData, ref Index, ref LItem, true);
                else if ((PTcp.SourcePort == Const.IPPORT_NBSSN) ||
                         (PTcp.DestinationPort == Const.IPPORT_NBSSN))
                    if ((PTcp.SourcePort == Const.TCP_PORT_CIFS) || (PTcp.DestinationPort == Const.TCP_PORT_CIFS))
                        IsCifs = true;
                        IsCifs = false;

                    PacketNBSS.Parser(ref mNode, PacketData, ref Index, ref LItem, IsCifs);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Tmp = "[ Malformed TCP packet. Remaining bytes don't fit an TCP packet. Possibly due to bad decoding ]";
                Tmp = "[ Exception raised is <" + Ex.GetType().ToString() + "> at packet index <" + Index.ToString() + "> ]";
                LItem.SubItems[Const.LIST_VIEW_INFO_INDEX].Text = "[ Malformed TCP packet. Remaining bytes don't fit an TCP packet. Possibly due to bad decoding ]";


        public static bool Parser(byte [] PacketData,
                                  ref int Index,
                                  ref ListViewItem LItem, ref uint PreviousHttpSequence)
            string     Tmp = "";
            PACKET_TCP PTcp;

            if ((Index + Const.LENGTH_OF_TCP) > PacketData.Length)
                Tmp = "[ Malformed TCP packet. Remaining bytes don't fit an TCP packet. Possibly due to bad decoding ]";
                LItem.SubItems[Const.LIST_VIEW_INFO_INDEX].Text = Tmp;


                PTcp.SourcePort      = Function.Get2Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                PTcp.DestinationPort = Function.Get2Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                PTcp.SequenceNumber  = Function.Get4Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                PTcp.Acknowledgement = Function.Get4Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                PTcp.HeaderLength    = PacketData[Index++];
                PTcp.HeaderLength    = (byte)(((int)PTcp.HeaderLength >> 4) * 4);
                PTcp.Falgs           = PacketData[Index++];
                PTcp.WindowSize      = Function.Get2Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                PTcp.Checksum        = Function.Get2Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);
                PTcp.Options         = Function.Get2Bytes(PacketData, ref Index, Const.NORMAL);

                LItem.SubItems[Const.LIST_VIEW_PROTOCOL_INDEX].Text = "TCP";
                LItem.SubItems[Const.LIST_VIEW_INFO_INDEX].Text     = "Source Port = " + PTcp.SourcePort.ToString() + " ( " + Const.GetPortStr(PTcp.SourcePort) + " ) , Destination Port = " + PTcp.DestinationPort.ToString() + " ( " + Const.GetPortStr(PTcp.DestinationPort) + " )";

                bool IsCifs = false;

                if ((PTcp.SourcePort == Const.IPPORT_HTTP) ||
                    (PTcp.DestinationPort == Const.IPPORT_HTTP) ||
                    (PTcp.SourcePort == Const.IPPORT_HTTP2) ||
                    (PTcp.DestinationPort == Const.IPPORT_HTTP2))
                    if (PreviousHttpSequence == (PTcp.SequenceNumber - (PacketData.Length - 54)))
                        PreviousHttpSequence = PTcp.SequenceNumber;
                        PacketHTTP.Parser(PacketData, ref Index, ref LItem, false);
                        PreviousHttpSequence = 0;
                        PacketHTTP.Parser(PacketData, ref Index, ref LItem, true);
                else if ((PTcp.SourcePort == Const.IPPORT_NBSSN) ||
                         (PTcp.DestinationPort == Const.IPPORT_NBSSN))
                    if ((PTcp.SourcePort == Const.TCP_PORT_CIFS) || (PTcp.DestinationPort == Const.TCP_PORT_CIFS))
                        IsCifs = true;
                        IsCifs = false;

                    PacketNBSS.Parser(PacketData, ref Index, ref LItem, IsCifs);
                LItem.SubItems[Const.LIST_VIEW_INFO_INDEX].Text = "[ Malformed TCP packet. Remaining bytes don't fit an TCP packet. Possibly due to bad decoding ]";

