        // 設定文字 拆解 字串
        public void SetText( string sText)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sText))

            sText = sText.Replace(" ", "");     // 過濾空白字元 防止錯誤
            sText = sText.Replace("()", "(0)"); // 無參數時傳0為參數。以吻和 parser 時 一個命令,一個 param 的結構

            // 拆解 lines
            string[] lines = sText.Split( m_sRawToken.ToCharArray() );            
            foreach (string s in lines)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))

                //拆解 Rows
                CTextLine newline = new CTextLine();
                string [] rows = s.Split(m_sColToken.ToCharArray());
                foreach (string r in rows)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(r))

                    newline.m_kTextPool.Add( r );

                if (newline.GetRowNum() > 0 )
                    m_kTextLinePool.Add( newline );
        // 在指定位置插入文字
		public void Insert(int nCol, string s)
            if (nCol < 0)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                return ;

            //拆解 Rows
            CTextLine newline = new CTextLine();
            string[] rows = s.Split(m_sColToken.ToCharArray());
            foreach (string r in rows)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(r))


            if (newline.GetRowNum() > 0)
                m_kTextLinePool.Insert(nCol, newline);
	List<  List<cTextFunc> > CondLst;		// multi array.
	public void Add( CTextLine line )
		if (CondLst == null)
			CondLst = new List<  List<cTextFunc> > ();
		if (line == null)
		CondLst.Add (line.GetFuncList ());
	// this should be menthod  of text panel
	// Sys func to parser one line script

	void ParserScript( CTextLine line )
		for( int i = 0 ; i < line.GetRowNum() ; i++ )
			string s = line.GetString( i ).ToUpper();
			if( s == "ADDCHAR" )
				string sp = line.GetString( ++i );	if( sp == null ) return; //  null = error
				List<string> lst = cTextArray.GetParamLst( sp );

				// default value			
				int[] array1 = new int[5];
				int j = 0 ; 

				foreach( string s2 in lst )
					array1[j++] = int.Parse( s2.Trim( ) );


				AddChar( array1[0] , array1[1] , array1[2] );

			else if( s == "MOVECHAR" )
				string sp = line.GetString( ++i );	if( sp == null ) return; //  null = error
				List<string> lst = cTextArray.GetParamLst( sp );
				// default value			
				int[] array1 = new int[5];
				int j = 0 ; 
				foreach( string s2 in lst )
					array1[j++] = int.Parse( s2.Trim( ) );
				MoveChar( array1[0] , array1[1] , array1[2] );
			else if( s == "DELCHAR" )
				string sp = line.GetString( ++i );	if( sp == null ) return; //  null = error
				List<string> lst = cTextArray.GetParamLst( sp );
				// default value			
				int[] array1 = new int[5];
				int j = 0 ; 
				foreach( string s2 in lst )
					array1[j++] = int.Parse( s2.Trim( ) );
				DelChar( array1[0] , array1[1] );
			else if( s == "DELALL" )
				string sp = line.GetString( ++i );	if( sp == null ) return; //  null = error
				int nType = 0;
				nType = int.Parse( sp.Trim() );
				//if( lst.Count > 0 )
				//	nID = int.Parse( lst[0] );
				DelAll( nType  );
				//DelChar( nCharid , nType );
			else if( s == "TEXT" )
				string sp= line.GetString( ++i );	if( sp == null ) return; //  null = error 
				//List<string> lst = cTextArray.GetParamLst( sp );
				// only 1 par default value
				int nID = 0;
				nID = int.Parse( sp.Trim() );
				//if( lst.Count > 0 )
				//	nID = int.Parse( lst[0] );
				AddStoryText( nID  );
			else if( s == "BGM" )
				string sp1 = line.GetString( ++i );	if( sp1 == null ) return; //  null = error
				int nBgm = int.Parse( sp1 );
				GameSystem.PlayBGM( nBgm ) ;
			else if( s == "END" )
				// no need param
	public void ParserStoryScript( CTextLine line )

	// Stage Run
	public void ParserScript( CTextLine line ,cUnitData data_I=null , cUnitData data_E=null )
		List<cTextFunc> funcList =line.GetFuncList();
		foreach( cTextFunc func in funcList )
			if( func.sFunc == "POPCHAR" )
				StagePopUnitEvent evt = new StagePopUnitEvent ();
				evt.eCamp   = _CAMP._PLAYER;
				evt.nCharID = func.I( 0 );
				evt.nX		= func.I( 1 );
				evt.nY		= func.I( 2 );
				evt.nValue1 = func.I( 3 ); // pop num
				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( evt );
			else if( func.sFunc == "POPMOB" )
				StagePopUnitEvent evt = new StagePopUnitEvent ();
				evt.eCamp   = _CAMP._ENEMY;
				evt.nCharID = func.I( 0 );
				evt.nX		= func.I( 1 );
				evt.nY		= func.I( 2 );
				evt.nValue1 = func.I( 3 ); // pop num
				//test code 

				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( evt );
			else if( func.sFunc == "POP" )
				StagePopUnitEvent evt = new StagePopUnitEvent ();
				evt.eCamp 	= (_CAMP)func.I( 0 );
				evt.nCharID = func.I( 1 );
				evt.nX		= func.I( 2 );
				evt.nY		= func.I( 3 );
				evt.nValue1 = func.I( 4 ); // pop num
				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( evt );

			else if( func.sFunc == "POPGROUP" )
				StagePopGroupEvent evt = new StagePopGroupEvent ();
				//evt.eCamp 	= (_CAMP)func.I( 0 );
				evt.nLeaderCharID = func.I( 0 );
				evt.nCharID = func.I( 1 );
				evt.stX		= func.I( 2 );
				evt.stY		= func.I( 3 );
				evt.edX		= func.I( 4 );
				evt.edY		= func.I( 5 );
				evt.nPopType = func.I( 6 ); // pop num
				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( evt );
			else if( func.sFunc == "TALK"  ) // open talkui
				//	return ;
				int nID = func.I( 0 );
				GameSystem.TalkEvent( nID );
			else if( func.sFunc == "BGM"  )
				int nID = func.I( 0 );
				// change bgm 
				GameSystem.PlayBGM ( nID );
			else if( func.sFunc == "SAY" )
				TalkSayEvent evt = new TalkSayEvent();
				//evt.nType  = func.I(0);
				evt.nChar  = func.I(0);
				evt.nSayID = func.I(1);

				//Say( func.I(0), func.I(1) );
				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( evt  );
			else if( func.sFunc == "SETCHAR" )
				TalkSetCharEvent evt = new TalkSetCharEvent();
				evt.nType  = func.I(0);
				evt.nChar  = func.I(1);
				//Say( func.I(0), func.I(1) );
				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( evt  );
			else if( func.sFunc == "CHANGEBACK") 
			else if( func.sFunc  == "SAYEND") 
				TalkSayEndEvent evt = new TalkSayEndEvent();
				//evt.nType = func.I(0);
				evt.nChar = func.I(0);
				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( evt  );
//				CloseBox( func.I(0), func.I(1) );
			// stage event
			else if( func.sFunc  == "STAGEBGM") 
				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( new StageBGMEvent()  );				

			else if( func.sFunc  == "ATTACK")  //  pop a group of mob
				StageBattleAttackEvent evt = new StageBattleAttackEvent();
				evt.nAtkCharID = func.I(0);
				evt.nDefCharID = func.I(1);
				evt.nAtkSkillID = func.I(2);
				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( evt  );
			else if( func.sFunc  == "MOVETOUNIT")  //  pop a group of mob
				StageMoveToUnitEvent evt = new StageMoveToUnitEvent();
				evt.nAtkCharID = func.I(0);
				evt.nDefCharID = func.I(1);
				//evt.nAtkSkillID = func.I(2);
				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( evt  );
			else if( func.sFunc  == "DELUNIT") 
				StageDelUnitEvent evt = new StageDelUnitEvent ();
				//evt.eCamp = (_CAMP)func.I( 0 );
				evt.nCharID = func.I( 0 );
				GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( evt );
			else if( func.sFunc  == "WIN") 
				PanelManager.Instance.OpenUI(  Panel_Win.Name );
				//Panel_StageUI.Instance.bIsStageEnd = true;
			else if( func.sFunc  == "LOST") 
				PanelManager.Instance.OpenUI(  Panel_Lost.Name );
				//Panel_StageUI.Instance.bIsStageEnd = true;

				Debug.LogError( string.Format( "Error-Can't find script func '{0}'" , func.sFunc ) );
	public bool CheckEventCondition( CTextLine line  )
		if( line == null )
			return false;
		List<cTextFunc> funcList =line.GetFuncList();
		foreach( cTextFunc func in funcList )
			if( func.sFunc == "GO" )
				if( ConditionGO( ) == false )
					return false;
			else if( func.sFunc == "ALLDEAD" )
				if( ConditionAllDead( func.I(0) ) == false )
					return false;
			else if( func.sFunc == "DEAD"  )
				if( ConditionUnitDead( func.I(0), func.I(1) ) == false )
					return false;
			else if( func.sFunc == "ROUND"  )
				if( ConditionRound( func.I(0) ) == false )
					return false;
			else if( func.sFunc == "AFTER"  )
				if( ConditionAfter( func.I(0),func.I(1)  ) == false )
					return false;
			else if( func.sFunc == "COMBAT"  )
				if( ConditionCombat( func.I(0),func.I(1)  ) == false )
					return false;
			else if( func.sFunc == "DIST"  )
				if( ConditionDist( func.I(0),func.I(1) ,func.I(2) ) == false )
					return false;
			else if( func.sFunc == "HP"  )
				if( ConditionHp( func.I(0), func.S(1)  ,func.F(2) ) == false )
					return false;

				Debug.LogError( string.Format( "Error-Can't find script cond func '{0}'" , func.sFunc ) );
		return true;