/// <summary> /// Calls the HTCPilotStatsSvc to load all the current tour definitions. /// </summary> public void LoadTourDefinitions(Form parent) { _proxySettings = ProxySettingsDTO.GetProxySettings(); var waitDlg = new WaitDialog { MdiParent = parent, UseWaitCursor = true }; waitDlg.Show(); waitDlg.Update(); if (Registry.AreTourDefinitionsInitialised() == false) { var scoresUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["scoresURL"]; Registry.TourDefinitions = HTCTourDefinitionsSvc.GetTourDefinitions(scoresUrl, ProxySettingsDTO.GetProxySettings()); } waitDlg.Hide(); }
/// <summary> /// Calls the HTCPilotStatsSvc to load all the current tour definitions. /// </summary> private void LoadTourDefs() { WaitDialog waitDlg = new WaitDialog(); waitDlg.MdiParent = _parent; waitDlg.Show(); waitDlg.UseWaitCursor = true; waitDlg.Update(); string scoresURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["scoresURL"]; string statsURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["statsURL"]; if (Registry.Instance.TourDefinitions == null) { HTCTourDefinitionsSvc tourDefsSvc = new HTCTourDefinitionsSvc(); Registry.Instance.TourDefinitions = tourDefsSvc.GetTourDefinitions(ProxySettingsDTO.GetProxySettings(), scoresURL, statsURL); } waitDlg.Hide(); }