public Result Execute( ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements) { try { UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application; UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument; Application app = uiapp.Application; Document doc = uidoc.Document; string outputFile = @"C:\Temp\reportSheetSummary.csv"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //store the name of the missing parameter (is any). Either 'Mx Export_Sheet Filter' or 'CAAD File Name' string paramError = ""; string paramExportSheetFilter = "Mx Export_Sheet Filter"; try { File.WriteAllText(outputFile, "Sheet Number," + "Group" + Environment.NewLine ); //List<ViewScheduleOption> viewScheduleOptions = Helpers.GetViewScheduleOptions(doc); List <ViewSchedule> viewSchedule = Helpers.SheetList(doc); using (var form = new SheetSummaryForm()) { //set the form sheets form.cboxSheetDataSource = viewSchedule; //set the form title form.Text = "Populate Sheet Filter"; //use ShowDialog to show the form as a modal dialog box. form.ShowDialog(); //if the user hits cancel just drop out of macro if (form.DialogResult == winForm.DialogResult.Cancel) { return(Result.Cancelled); } //selected Sheet List ViewSchedule selectedSheetList = form.selectedViewSchedule; //Sheets in selected sheet list var selectedSheets = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, selectedSheetList.Id).OfClass(typeof(ViewSheet)).ToElements().Cast <ViewSheet>(); int n = selectedSheets.Count(); string s = "{0} of " + n.ToString() + " sheets processed..."; string caption = "Find oversized views"; int countOverlappingViewports = 0; int countNonOverlappingViewports = 0; int countNoPlansViewports = 0; int keynotesCount = 0; string sheetGroup = ""; //No plans, Plans not Overlapping, Plans Overlapping, Keynotes, No Keynotes //Find the sheets that have plans with keynotes on it. Note: this does not ensure there is a keynote on the Sheet! Could not find //a better way of doing this string sheetsWithKeynotes = Helpers.FindSheetsWithKeynotesOnPlan(doc); using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "Set Sheet Parameter")) { t.Start(); using (ProgressForm pf = new ProgressForm(caption, s, n)) { foreach (ViewSheet vs in selectedSheets) { if (pf.abortFlag) { break; } //if Mx Export_Sheet Filter param does not exists, exit if (vs.LookupParameter(paramExportSheetFilter) == null) { paramError = $"{paramExportSheetFilter} not found on Sheets."; throw new System.NullReferenceException(); } //select all viewports on the current sheet..not needed TBC ICollection <ElementId> viewports = vs.GetAllViewports(); //Select all the views on a sheet ISet <ElementId> placedViewsIds = vs.GetAllPlacedViews(); //if "Mx Keyplan (Y as required) param does not exists, exit if (placedViewsIds.Count > 0) { if (doc.GetElement(placedViewsIds.First()).LookupParameter("Mx Keyplan (Y as required)") == null) { paramError = "'Mx Keyplan (Y as required)' not found on Views."; throw new System.NullReferenceException(); } } //Filter the views that are plans (Floor,Ceiling,Engineering or Area) List <View> planViews = Helpers.FilterPlanViewport(doc, placedViewsIds); if (planViews.Count > 0) //sheet has plan views { //check if they are overlapping string testOverlappingView = Helpers.CheckVPOverlaps(doc, planViews); if (testOverlappingView.Contains("xref")) { sheetGroup = "Plans Overlapping"; countOverlappingViewports += 1; } else { sheetGroup = "Plans not Overlapping"; countNonOverlappingViewports += 1; } //check if there is a keynote if (sheetsWithKeynotes.Contains(vs.SheetNumber)) { sheetGroup += "-Keynote"; keynotesCount += 1; } } else { sheetGroup = "No plan views"; countNoPlansViewports += 1; } //store the group data in a sheet parameter - hardcoded Parameter p = vs.LookupParameter(paramExportSheetFilter); if (p.HasValue && p.AsString() != "") { throw new System.ArgumentException(); } else { p.Set(sheetGroup); } sb.AppendLine($"{vs.SheetNumber},{sheetGroup}"); } //close foreach } //close ProgressForm t.Commit(); } File.AppendAllText(outputFile, sb.ToString()); TaskDialog myDialog = new TaskDialog("Summary"); myDialog.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.TaskDialogIconNone; myDialog.MainContent = $"Operation completed.\n{countNoPlansViewports} sheets do not have plan views\n{countNonOverlappingViewports} sheets do not have overlapping views\n{countOverlappingViewports} sheets do have overlapping views\n{keynotesCount} keynotes found"; myDialog.AddCommandLink(TaskDialogCommandLinkId.CommandLink4, $"Open Log File {outputFile}", ""); TaskDialogResult res = myDialog.Show(); if (TaskDialogResult.CommandLink4 == res) { System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = outputFile; process.Start(); } } //close using form } //close try catch (System.NullReferenceException) { TaskDialog.Show("Error", $"Shared Parameter {paramError}"); return(Result.Failed); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { TaskDialog.Show("Error", $"The parameter '{paramExportSheetFilter}' is not empty. Operation cancelled."); return(Result.Failed); } catch (System.IO.IOException) { TaskDialog.Show("Error", "Please close the log file before exporting."); return(Result.Failed); } catch (Exception ex) { TaskDialog.Show("Error", ex.GetType().ToString()); return(Result.Failed); } return(Result.Succeeded); }//close form catch (Exception ex) { TaskDialog.Show("Result", ex.Message); return(Result.Cancelled); } }//close execute
public Result Execute( ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements) { //Goal: convert the Viewport centre coordinates on a Sheet to Project Base Point (and then Survey Point) coordinates. //Solution: Find the Viewport's view centre point which is in PBP coordinates. //Problem: the Vieport centre does not always match the View centre. Annotations, Matchlines and Grids can affect the extent of the viewport. //Solution: hide all these categories and find the Viewport centre that matches the View centre. Then find the View centre point in PBP coordinates and translate it //by the vector from Viewport original centre and the centre of the Viewport with the categories hidden. // UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application; UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument; Application app = uiapp.Application; Document doc = uidoc.Document; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"Sheet Number,View Centre WCS-X,View Centre WCS-Y,View Centre WCS-Z,Angle to North,Viewport Centre-X,Viewport Centre-Y,Viewport Centre-Z,Viewport Width,Viewport Height,Xref name,Group"); string outputFile = "summary.csv"; ProjectLocation pl = doc.ActiveProjectLocation; Transform ttr = pl.GetTotalTransform().Inverse; ProjectPosition projPosition = doc.ActiveProjectLocation.GetProjectPosition(new XYZ(0, 0, 0)); //rotation IEnumerable <ViewSheet> allSheets = new FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Sheets) .WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements().Cast <ViewSheet>(); IList <string> dWGExportOptions = DWGExportOptions.GetPredefinedSetupNames(doc); //List<ViewScheduleOption> viewScheduleOptions = Helpers.GetViewScheduleOptions(doc); //find all the sheet list List <ViewSchedule> viewSchedule = Helpers.SheetList(doc); int counter = 0; try { using (var form = new Form1()) { form.CboxExportSettingsDataSource = dWGExportOptions; //set the form sheets form.CboxSheetDataSource = viewSchedule; //set the form title form.Text = "Mx CADD Export Xrefs"; //use ShowDialog to show the form as a modal dialog box. form.ShowDialog(); //if the user hits cancel just drop out of macro if (form.DialogResult == winForm.DialogResult.Cancel) { return(Result.Cancelled); } string destinationFolder = form.TBoxDestinationFolder; //string[] sheetNumbers = form.tboxSelectedSheets.Split(' '); //selected Sheet List ViewSchedule selectedSheetList = form.selectedViewSchedule; //Sheets in selected sheet list var selectedSheets = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, selectedSheetList.Id).OfClass(typeof(ViewSheet)).ToElements().Cast <ViewSheet>(); string exportSettings = form.TBoxExportSettings; int n = selectedSheets.Count(); string s = "{0} of " + n.ToString() + " plans exported..."; string caption = "Export xrefs"; string sheetWithoutArchOrEngViewports = ""; var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); using (ProgressForm pf = new ProgressForm(caption, s, n)) { foreach (ViewSheet vs in selectedSheets) { if (pf.abortFlag) { break; } try { //Collect all the viewports on the sheet ICollection <ElementId> viewportIds = vs.GetAllViewports(); //Collect all views on the sheet ISet <ElementId> placedViewsIds = vs.GetAllPlacedViews(); //Filter the views that are plans (Floor,Ceiling,Engineering or Area) and exclude Keyplans. I need the //viewport associate with the view so I cannot reuse this filter List <View> planViews = Helpers.FilterPlanViewport(doc, placedViewsIds); //Collect the viewports that shows a Floor Plan (Architecture) or Structural Plan (Engineering). Dictionary <Viewport, View> viewportViewDict = new Dictionary <Viewport, View>(); //if the sheet does not contain FloorPlan, EngineeringPlan or CeilingPlan, do not export it int hasArchOrStrViewports = 0; foreach (ElementId eid in viewportIds) { Viewport vport = doc.GetElement(eid) as Viewport; View planView = doc.GetElement(vport.ViewId) as View; //Filter the views that are plans (Floor,Ceiling,Engineering or Area) if (planView.ViewType == ViewType.FloorPlan || planView.ViewType == ViewType.EngineeringPlan || planView.ViewType == ViewType.CeilingPlan || planView.ViewType == ViewType.AreaPlan) { //if planview is not a keyplan do not export it if (Helpers.IsNotKeyplan(planView)) { viewportViewDict.Add(vport, planView); //vpPlan.Add(planView); hasArchOrStrViewports += 1; } } } if (hasArchOrStrViewports != 0) { //if the parameter does not exists use the SheetNumber string CAADparameter = vs.LookupParameter("CADD File Name").AsString() ?? vs.SheetNumber; //remove white spaces from the name string fileName = Helpers.RemoveWhitespace(CAADparameter); foreach (Viewport vp in viewportViewDict.Keys) { View vpPlan = viewportViewDict[vp]; //Get the current Viewport Centre for Autocad Viewport XYZ unchangedVPcenter = vp.GetBoxCenter(); //Set its Z value to 0 XYZ flattenVPcenter = new XYZ(unchangedVPcenter.X, unchangedVPcenter.Y, 0); //The current Viewport Centre does not match the view center. Hide all the elements in the view and set the annotation crop to the minimum (3mm). Now the //Viewport centre will match the View centre. We can then use the unchangedCenter to changedCenter vector to move the view centerpoint to the original //viewport centre. //Instead of hiding categories, we can isolate an empty one. Check that this category (OST_Loads) exists in the model or it will throw an error ICollection <ElementId> categoryToIsolate = new List <ElementId>(); Categories groups = doc.Settings.Categories; categoryToIsolate.Add(groups.get_Item(BuiltInCategory.OST_Loads).Id); //This is the new Viewport centre, aligned with the View centre XYZ changedVPcenter = null; // This is the View centre XYZ centroid = null; double scale = 304.8; using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc, "Hide categories")) { t.Start(); vpPlan.IsolateCategoriesTemporary(categoryToIsolate); //Use the annotation crop region to find the view centroid ViewCropRegionShapeManager vcr = vpPlan.GetCropRegionShapeManager(); //Set the annotation offset to the minimum (3mm) vcr.BottomAnnotationCropOffset = 3 / scale; vcr.TopAnnotationCropOffset = 3 / scale; vcr.LeftAnnotationCropOffset = 3 / scale; vcr.RightAnnotationCropOffset = 3 / scale; //Get the Viewport Center. This will match the View centroid changedVPcenter = vp.GetBoxCenter(); //Find the view centroid using the annotation crop shape (it should always be a rectangle, while the cropbox shape can be a polygon). CurveLoop cloop = vcr.GetAnnotationCropShape(); List <XYZ> pts = new List <XYZ>(); foreach (Curve crv in cloop) { pts.Add(crv.GetEndPoint(0)); pts.Add(crv.GetEndPoint(1)); } //View centroid with elements hidden centroid = Helpers.GetCentroid(pts, pts.Count); t.RollBack(); } //Set ChangedVP center Z value to 0 XYZ flattenChangedVPcenter = new XYZ(changedVPcenter.X, changedVPcenter.Y, 0); //This is the vector from the Viewport original centre to Viewport centre with all the elements hidden and the cropbox set to 3mm evenly XYZ viewPointsVector = (flattenVPcenter - flattenChangedVPcenter) * vpPlan.Scale; //View center adjusted to Viewport original centre (the one to be used in Autocad) XYZ translatedCentroid = centroid + viewPointsVector; //View center per Survey Point coordinates XYZ viewCentreWCS = ttr.OfPoint(translatedCentroid); XYZ viewCentreWCSZ = new XYZ(viewCentreWCS.X, viewCentreWCS.Y, vpPlan.get_BoundingBox(vpPlan).Transform.Origin.Z); //Viewport outline width and height to be used to update the autocad viewport XYZ maxPt = vp.GetBoxOutline().MaximumPoint; XYZ minPt = vp.GetBoxOutline().MinimumPoint; int width = Convert.ToInt32((maxPt.X - minPt.X) * 304.8); int height = Convert.ToInt32((maxPt.Y - minPt.Y) * 304.8); //string xrefName = $"{vs.SheetNumber}-{vp.Id}-xref"; //Set the file name to CAAD parameter string xrefName = $"{fileName}-{vp.Id}-xref"; if (!Helpers.ExportDWG(doc, vpPlan, exportSettings, xrefName, destinationFolder)) { TaskDialog.Show("Error", "Check that the destination folder exists"); } else { counter += 1; } //Check if views are overlapping. If they are, xref should not be bind string group = ""; // TBC dictionary values are working. Seems to work more accurately than planViews. TBC2 they seem to // give the same output //if (Helpers.CheckSingleViewOverlaps(doc, vpPlan, planViews)) if (Helpers.CheckSingleViewOverlaps(doc, vpPlan, viewportViewDict.Values.ToList())) { group = "xref"; } else { group = "bind"; } sb.AppendLine($"{ fileName}," + $"{ Helpers.PointToString(viewCentreWCSZ)}," + $"{projPosition.Angle * 180 / Math.PI}," + $"{Helpers.PointToString(flattenVPcenter)}," + $"{width.ToString()},{height.ToString()}," + $"{xrefName}," + $"{group}"); } //close foreach } //close if sheet has viewports to export else { sheetWithoutArchOrEngViewports += $"{vs.SheetNumber}\n"; } pf.Increment(); } catch (Exception ex) { sheetWithoutArchOrEngViewports += $"{vs.SheetNumber}: {ex.Message}\n"; //TaskDialog.Show("r", vs.SheetNumber); } } File.WriteAllText($"{destinationFolder}\\{outputFile}", sb.ToString()); }//close form watch.Stop(); var elapsedMinutes = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 / 60; TaskDialog.Show("Done", $"{counter} plans have been exported and the csv has been created in {elapsedMinutes} min.\nNot exported:\n{sheetWithoutArchOrEngViewports}"); return(Result.Succeeded); }//close form } catch (Exception ex) { TaskDialog.Show("Error", ex.Message); return(Result.Failed); } }