public ActionResult Index(int id) { // build the landing page for shelf masters belonging to a productdetailid ShelfMasterViewModel obj = new ShelfMasterViewModel(); var mylist = ShelfMasterService.fnListOfShelfMasters(id); FillIndexViewBag(id); return View("~/Views/ShelfMaster/Index.cshtml", mylist); }
public static ShelfMasterViewModel fnFillShelfMasterFromDB(int id) { using (var db = new EF.CMCSQL03Entities()) { ShelfMasterViewModel SM = new ShelfMasterViewModel(); var dbSM = db.tblShelfMaster.Find(id); // get a pointer to the ProductDetail and ProductMaster parent records var PD = db.tblProductDetail.Find(dbSM.ProductDetailID); var PM = db.tblProductMaster.Find(PD.ProductMasterID); SM.shelfid = dbSM.ShelfID; SM.productdetailid = dbSM.ProductDetailID; SM.warehouse = dbSM.Warehouse; SM.size = dbSM.Size; SM.unitweight = dbSM.UnitWeight; SM.reordermin = dbSM.ReorderMin; SM.reordermax = dbSM.ReorderMax; SM.reorderqty = dbSM.ReorderQty; SM.bin = dbSM.Bin; //?????? SM.hazardsurcharge = dbSM.HazardSurcharge; SM.flammablesurcharge = dbSM.FlammableSurcharge; SM.heatsurcharge = dbSM.HeatSurcharge; SM.refrigsurcharge = dbSM.RefrigSurcharge; SM.freezersurcharge = dbSM.FreezerSurcharge; SM.cleansurcharge = dbSM.CleanSurcharge; SM.blendsurcharge = dbSM.BlendSurcharge; SM.nalgenesurcharge = dbSM.NalgeneSurcharge; SM.nitrogensurcharge = dbSM.NitrogenSurcharge; SM.biocidesurcharge = dbSM.BiocideSurcharge; SM.koshersurcharge = dbSM.KosherSurcharge; SM.labelsurcharge = dbSM.LabelSurcharge; SM.othersurcharge = dbSM.OtherSurcharge; SM.othersurchargeamt = dbSM.OtherSurchargeAmt; SM.othersurchargedescription = dbSM.OtherSurchargeDescription; SM.newitem = dbSM.NewItem; SM.inactivesize = dbSM.InactiveSize; SM.weboeinclude = dbSM.WebOEInclude; SM.sortorder = dbSM.SortOrder; SM.packageid = dbSM.PackageID; SM.notes = dbSM.Notes; SM.discontinued = dbSM.Discontinued; SM.alert = dbSM.Alert; SM.custcode = dbSM.CustCode; SM.ListOfTierSizes = fnListOfTierSizes(PM.ClientID); SM.ListOfPackages = fnListOfPackageIDs(dbSM.Size); SM.ListOfWareHouses = fnWarehouseIDs(); return SM; } }
public static ShelfMasterViewModel fnCreateNewShelfMaster(int id) { ShelfMasterViewModel SM = new ShelfMasterViewModel(); SM.shelfid = -1; SM.productdetailid = id; using (var db = new EF.CMCSQL03Entities()) { // get a pointer to the ProductDetail and ProductMaster parent records var PD = db.tblProductDetail.Find(id); var PM = db.tblProductMaster.Find(PD.ProductMasterID); SM.ListOfTierSizes = fnListOfTierSizes(PM.ClientID); SM.ListOfPackages = fnListOfPackageIDs(null); SM.ListOfWareHouses = fnWarehouseIDs(); return SM; } }
public ActionResult Save(ShelfMasterViewModel obj) { // do the work based on the button clicked in the Save action of the form string UserChoice = Request.Form["submitbutton"]; if (UserChoice == "Cancel") { // just fall thru } if (UserChoice == "Save") { ShelfMasterService.fnSaveShelfMaster(obj); } if (UserChoice == "Delete") { // Need server side validation for Delete - no tblStock records ShelfMasterService.fnDeleteShelfMaster(obj.shelfid); } return RedirectToAction("Index", new { id = obj.productdetailid }); }
public static void fnSaveShelfMaster(ShelfMasterViewModel obj) { using (var db = new EF.CMCSQL03Entities()) { if (obj.shelfid == -1) { obj.shelfid = fnNewShelfID(); } var dbSM = db.tblShelfMaster.Find(obj.shelfid); //SM.shelfid = dbSM.ShelfID; dbSM.ProductDetailID = obj.productdetailid; dbSM.Warehouse = obj.warehouse; dbSM.Size = obj.size; dbSM.UnitWeight = obj.unitweight; dbSM.ReorderMin = obj.reordermin; dbSM.ReorderMax = obj.reordermax; dbSM.ReorderQty = obj.reorderqty; dbSM.Bin = obj.bin; //?????? dbSM.HazardSurcharge = obj.hazardsurcharge; dbSM.FlammableSurcharge = obj.flammablesurcharge; dbSM.HeatSurcharge = obj.heatsurcharge; dbSM.RefrigSurcharge = obj.refrigsurcharge; dbSM.FreezerSurcharge = obj.freezersurcharge; dbSM.CleanSurcharge = obj.cleansurcharge; dbSM.BlendSurcharge = obj.blendsurcharge; dbSM.NalgeneSurcharge = obj.nalgenesurcharge; dbSM.NitrogenSurcharge = obj.nitrogensurcharge; dbSM.BiocideSurcharge = obj.biocidesurcharge; dbSM.KosherSurcharge = obj.koshersurcharge; dbSM.LabelSurcharge = obj.labelsurcharge; dbSM.OtherSurcharge = obj.othersurcharge; dbSM.OtherSurchargeAmt = obj.othersurchargeamt; dbSM.OtherSurchargeDescription = obj.othersurchargedescription; dbSM.NewItem = obj.newitem; dbSM.InactiveSize = obj.inactivesize; dbSM.WebOEInclude = obj.weboeinclude; dbSM.SortOrder = obj.sortorder; dbSM.PackageID = obj.packageid; dbSM.Notes = obj.notes; dbSM.Discontinued = obj.discontinued; dbSM.Alert = obj.alert; dbSM.CustCode = obj.custcode; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { ShelfMasterViewModel obj = new ShelfMasterViewModel(); obj = ShelfMasterService.fnFillShelfMasterFromDB(id); return PartialView("~/Views/ShelfMaster/_Edit.cshtml", obj); }
public ActionResult Create(int id) { ShelfMasterViewModel obj = new ShelfMasterViewModel(); obj = ShelfMasterService.fnCreateNewShelfMaster(id); return PartialView("~/Views/ShelfMaster/_Edit.cshtml", obj); }