private void RenameArtist(CustomForm.AutoCompleteDataEntry entry, string newName) { int id = int.Parse(entry.ValueMember.ToString()); Artist a; if (!(id > 0 && (a = new Artist(id)).ID > 0)) { return; } string type = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArtistType) ? "artist" : ArtistType; if (newName == "") { // ask for a new name Dialogs.Inputbox input = new Dialogs.Inputbox( "Enter a new name for " + type + " " + a.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.First_Last), a.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.First_Last), false); if (input.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { newName = input.InputText; } else { return; } } a.Name = newName; a.Update(); UpdateCompletionSource(); SetTextAndSelect(a.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.Last_First)); SelectAll(); }
private bool AddArtist(string name) { string type = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ArtistType) ? "artist" : ArtistType; if (name == "") { // ask for a new name Dialogs.Inputbox input = new Dialogs.Inputbox( "Enter a new name for the new " + type, "", false); if (input.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { name = input.InputText; } else { return(false); } } else if (type == "artist") { Dialogs.Inputbox input = new Dialogs.Inputbox( "Choose an artist type for " + name, new ArtistTypeSearch().PerformSearchToScalar().ToArray(), "", false); if (input.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { type = input.InputText; } else { return(false); } } else if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to add " + type + " " + name + " to the database?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes) { return(false); } Artist c = new Artist(name, type); if (c.ID != 0) { MessageBox.Show("The new " + type + " you entered exists in the database as " + c.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.Last_First_Type) + ".\n It is therefore not added to database"); } else { c.Insert(); } UpdateCompletionSource(); SetTextAndSelect(c.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.Last_First)); return(true); }
private void RenamePiece(string newName) { if (currentPiece == null) { return; } if (SupressUpdate) { return; } if (newName == "") { // ask for a new name Dialogs.Inputbox input = new Dialogs.Inputbox("Enter a new name for the piece", currentPiece.Name, false); if (input.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { newName = input.InputText; } else { return; } } if (currentPiece.Name == newName) { return; } try { change_status("Renaming piece..."); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; currentPiece.Name = newName; currentPiece.Update(); SupressUpdate = true; this.CurrentCell.Value = newName; SupressUpdate = false; UpdateList(true); //UpdateDetail(); } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; change_status("Rename successful"); } }
public static string GetGenre(string defaultGenre) { GenreSearch s = new GenreSearch(GenreSearch.Fields.Name); Inputbox ib = new Inputbox("Choose a genre: ", s.PerformSearchToScalar().ToArray(), defaultGenre, false); if (ib.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(null); } else { return(ib.SelectedItem.ToString()); } }
private bool AddNewComposer(string name) { try { SupressUpdate = true; if (name == "") { // ask for a new name Dialogs.Inputbox input = new Dialogs.Inputbox("Enter a new name for the new composer", currentPiece.Name, false); if (input.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { name = input.InputText; } else { return(false); } } else if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to add composer " + txbComposer.Text + " to the database?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes) { return(false); } Artist c = new Artist(txbComposer.Text, "composer"); if (c.ID != 0) { MessageBox.Show("The new composer you entered exists in the database as " + c.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.Last_First_Type) + ".\n It is therefore not added to database"); } else { c.Insert(); } SupressUpdate = false; UpdateArtistList(); txbComposer.SetTextAndSelect(c.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.Last_First)); change_status("Composer " + c.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.First_Last) + " has been added to database.", false); return(true); } finally { SupressUpdate = false; } }
private void RenameComposer(int id, string newName) { Artist a; if (!(id > 0 && (a = new Artist(id)).ID > 0)) { return; } if (newName == "") { // ask for a new name Dialogs.Inputbox input = new Dialogs.Inputbox("Enter a new name for composer " + a.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.First_Last), a.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.First_Last), false); if (input.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { newName = input.InputText; } else { return; } } try { change_status("Renaming composer..."); this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Application.DoEvents(); a.Name = newName; a.Update(); UpdateArtistList(); txbComposer.SetTextAndSelect(a.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.Last_First)); txbComposer.SelectAll(); UpdatePieceList(false); } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; change_status("Rename successful"); } }
public static Artist GetComposer(Artist defaultComposer) { ArtistSearch s = new ArtistSearch(ArtistSearch.Fields.FullName); s.AddTypeToSearch(ArtistSearch.TypeCategory.Composers); Inputbox ib = new Inputbox("Choose a composer: ", s.PerformSearchToScalar().ToArray(), defaultComposer != null ? defaultComposer.GetName(Artist.NameFormats.Last_First) : "", false); if (ib.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(null); } else { Artist a = new Artist(ib.SelectedItem.ToString(), "composer"); return(a); } }