        public static List<TokenGroup> TokenGroupsFromCA(CA ca)
            // A list of grids that each contain a list of the coordinates of cells that are alive.
            // Init the live cells list. One token group per live cell in the initial population.
            List<List<int[]>> liveCells = (from cell in ca.Populations[0].Cells where cell.Value >= 1 select new List<int[]>()).ToList();

            // For each population, iterate through each cell. For each cell, find out which of it's tokens are maximal, and
            // then set that cell to being alive in the CAs that represent those maximal tokens.
            for (int popIndex = 0; popIndex < ca.NumberOfGens; popIndex++)
                for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < ca.PopulationSize; cellIndex++)
                    if (ca.Populations[popIndex].Cells[cellIndex].Value < 1)

                    List<Tokens> domTokens = ca.Populations[popIndex].Cells[cellIndex].Tokens.MaximalTokens();

                    foreach (Tokens token in domTokens)
                        liveCells[(int)token].Add(new []{popIndex, cellIndex});

            // Make the TokenGroups out of the CAs that were filled for each token.
            return new List<TokenGroup>(liveCells.Select((x, index) => new TokenGroup(ca, (Tokens)index, liveCells[index])));
        // Note: currently defaults to each note has a single beat, and the CMajor scale.
        public static Song SongFromEntireCA(CA ca)
            List<Chord> chords = new List<Chord>(ca.NumberOfGens);

            float beat = 0;

            // Iterate through all of the cells and construct chords out of all the living cells in each column.
            foreach (Population pop in ca.Populations)
                List<Note> notes = new List<Note>(ca.PopulationSize);

                for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < ca.PopulationSize; cellIndex++)
                    Cell cell = pop[cellIndex];

                    if (cell.Value < 1)

                    notes.Add(new Note(Scales.CMajor[cellIndex], 1, beat));

                if (notes.Count != 0)
                    chords.Add(new Chord(notes, beat));

                beat += 1;

            return new Song(chords, ca.PopulationSize, .25F, beat); // Hardcoded for now - minimum length of a note is 1/4 a beat
        public TokenGroup(CA ca, Tokens token, List<int[]> liveCells)
            Token = token;

            PopulationSize = ca.PopulationSize;
            NumberOfGens = ca.NumberOfGens;
            NhbdSize = ca.NhbdSize;

            Cells = liveCells;
 public MusicWindow(CA ca, string ruleString)
     : this()
     this._ca = ca;
     this._ruleString = ruleString;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a certain number of generations of a particular CA.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ca">The input CA to generate.</param>
        /// <param name="generations">Number of generations to output.</param>
        /// <returns>The generated CA.</returns>
        public CA GenerateCA(CA ca,  int generations)
            Contract.Requires(ca != null);
            Contract.Requires(generations > 0);
            Contract.Requires(Rule > 0);

            CA retCA = new CA(ca.PopulationSize, ca.NumberOfGens, ca.NhbdSize);

            // Initialize the first population to random values.
            Population currentPop = GenRandomPopulation(ca.PopulationSize);
            //Population currentPop = GenSimpleStartPopulation(ca.PopulationSize);

            // Hand out tokens to the initial population
            if (UseTokens)

            int currentGen = 0;

            // For each of the generations of the CA, generate a new population using the rule.
            while (currentGen < generations)
                currentPop = AdvancePopulation(currentPop, Rule, ca.NhbdSize, currentGen);

            return retCA;