public IList<IPieChartItem> GetTotals() { IList<IPieChartItem> retorno = new List<IPieChartItem>(); IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); IList<IViewUserAges> collection = _repository.Find(query); int[] usersAgeBetween15_25 = collection.Where(m => m.Age.GetValueOrDefault() >= 15 && m.Age.GetValueOrDefault() <= 25).Select(m => m.Age.GetValueOrDefault()).ToArray<int>(); int[] usersAgeBetween26_40 = collection.Where(m => m.Age.GetValueOrDefault() >= 26 && m.Age.GetValueOrDefault() <= 40).Select(m => m.Age.GetValueOrDefault()).ToArray<int>(); int[] usersAgeBetween41_60 = collection.Where(m => m.Age.GetValueOrDefault() >= 41 && m.Age.GetValueOrDefault() <= 60).Select(m => m.Age.GetValueOrDefault()).ToArray<int>(); IPieChartItem total15_25 = new PieChartItem(); total15_25.Value = usersAgeBetween15_25.Length; total15_25.Legend = "15 - 25"; IPieChartItem total26_40 = new PieChartItem(); total26_40.Value = usersAgeBetween26_40.Length; total26_40.Legend = "26 - 40"; IPieChartItem total41_60 = new PieChartItem(); total41_60.Value = usersAgeBetween41_60.Length; total41_60.Legend = "41 - 60"; retorno.Add(total15_25); retorno.Add(total26_40); retorno.Add(total41_60); return retorno; }
public IList<IViewBattlResults> GetBattlsWonByProfileId( int profileId , int count = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format(" ViewBattlResults.profileId={0}" , profileId); query.OrderBy = " battlId DESC "; IList<IViewBattlResults> retorno = new List<IViewBattlResults>(); retorno = _battlRepository.Find(query); var groupedResultByBattl = (from n in retorno group n by n.BattlId into g orderby g.Key let batll = g.FirstOrDefault() select new ViewBattlResults { BattlId = g.Key , ProfileId = batll.ProfileId , FirstSongId = batll.FirstSongId , SecondSongId = batll.SecondSongId , ArtistNameFirst = batll.ArtistNameFirst , ArtistNameSecond = batll.ArtistNameSecond , TotalFirst = g.Sum(m => m.TotalFirst).Value , TotalSecond = g.Sum(m => m.TotalSecond).Value }).ToList<IViewBattlResults>(); IList<IViewBattlResults> result = groupedResultByBattl.OrderByDescending(o => o.BattlId).ToList(); return result; }
public IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes> GetMostVotedThisMonth( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { DateTime firstDayOfTheMonth; DateTime lastDayOfTheMonth; DateUtils.GetMonth(DateTime.Now , new CultureInfo("pt-BR") , out firstDayOfTheMonth , out lastDayOfTheMonth); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendFormat(" (battlDate BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1} 23:59:59')",firstDayOfTheMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), lastDayOfTheMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.From = "ViewTopSongs"; query.Where = builder.ToString(); if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_orderBy) ) { query.OrderBy = _orderBy; } query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes> result = _repository.Find(query); query.From = "ViewTopSongs"; this.Total = _repository.Count(query); _collection = result; return result; }
public IList<IVote> GetVotesByUserprofile(int profileId) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format("profileId={0}", profileId); IList<IVote> retorno = _voteRepository.Find(query); return retorno; }
private IList<IVote> CanGetVotesByWhere(string pWhere) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = pWhere; IList<IVote> retorno = _voteRepository.Find(query); return retorno; }
public ISong GetRandomSong( int songId ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format("songId <> {0}" , songId); query.OrderBy = " NEWID() "; ISong song = _songRepository.GetTop(1 , query)[0]; return song; }
public IList<IArtist> GetTopArtistVoted( int count ) { IList<IArtist> collection = new List<IArtist>(); IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); collection = _artistRepository.Find(query); return collection; }
public IArtist GetRandomArtist( int idArtist ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format("artistId <> {0}" , idArtist); query.OrderBy = " NEWID() "; IArtist artist = _artistRepository.GetTop(1 , query)[0]; return artist; }
public IViewArtistContact ArtistContactGet( int id ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format("artistId={0}" , id); IViewArtistContact retorno = _repository.Find(query)[0]; return retorno; }
public IList<IVote> CanGetVotesBySong(int songId) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format("songId={0}", songId); IList<IVote> retorno = CanGetVotesByWhere(query.Where); return retorno; }
public IList<IViewTopUsers> GetTopUsersSilver( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = " (percentage BETWEEN 2 AND 5) "; query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; IList<IViewTopUsers> result = GetTopUsers(query); return result; }
public IList<IViewTopSongs> GetTopSongsGold( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = " (percentage BETWEEN 4 AND 100)"; query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; IList<IViewTopSongs> result = GetTopSongs(query); _collection = result; return result; }
public IList<IViewTopAlbums> GetMostVotedAlbumThisWeek( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { DateTime firstWeekDay; DateTime lastWeekDay; DateUtils.GetWeek(DateTime.Now , new CultureInfo("pt-BR") , out firstWeekDay , out lastWeekDay); IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; query.Where = string.Format("(ViewTopAlbums.battlDate BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}')" , firstWeekDay.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") , lastWeekDay.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); IList<IViewTopAlbums> retorno = GetData("viewTopAlbumsGroupedByAlbum" , query); return retorno; }
public IUsuario ChangePassword(int usuarioId, string currentPassword, string newPassword, string confirmPassword) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format("usuarioId={0}", usuarioId); IList<IUsuario> result = _repository.Find(query); IUsuario usuario = result[0]; string passw = PasswordHash.CreateHash(Security.ClearSQLInjection(newPassword)); usuario.Password = passw; usuario = _repository.Update(usuario); return usuario; }
public IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotesByArtist> GetTopMostVotedArtist( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.OrderBy = " Total DESC "; query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; _repository.Find(query); query.From = "ViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotesByArtist"; this.Total = _repository.Count(query); _collection = _repository.Collection; return _collection; }
public IList<IViewArtists> GetArtists( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; IList<IViewArtists> retorno = _repository.Find(query); query.From = "viewArtists"; this.Total = _repository.Count(query); _collection = retorno; return retorno; }
public IList<IViewPastBattls> GetPastBattls(int page = 0, int rowCount = 0) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.OrderBy = " battlId DESC "; query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; _repository.Find(query); query.From = "viewPastBattls"; this.Total = _repository.Count(query); _collection = _repository.Collection; return _collection; }
public IList<IViewUserBattlResult> GetBattlsWonByProfileId( int profileId , int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; query.Where = string.Format(" profileIdFirst ={0} AND totalFirst > totalSecond OR profileIdSecond = {0} AND totalFirst < totalSecond " , profileId); var result = _battlRepository.Find(query); query.From = "ViewUserBattlWonLostResult"; _total = _battlRepository.Count(query); _collection = result; return _collection; }
public IList<IViewUserTotalVotes> GetTopMostVotesByUser( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; IList<IViewUserTotalVotes> retorno = new List<IViewUserTotalVotes>(); retorno = _repository.Find(query); query.From = "ViewUserTotalVotes"; this.Total = _repository.Count(query); _collection = retorno; return retorno; }
public IList<IViewUserFavoritesSongs> GetFavoriteSongsByProfileId( int profileId , int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IList<IViewUserFavoritesSongs> retorno = new List<IViewUserFavoritesSongs>(); IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; query.Where = string.Format(" (profileId={0}) " , profileId); var getFavorires = _repository.Find(query).ToList<IViewUserFavoritesSongs>(); IList<IViewUserFavoritesSongs> filteredResult = getFavorires; query.From = "ViewUserFavoritesSongs"; _total = _repository.Count(query); _collection = filteredResult; return filteredResult; }
public IList<IPieChartItem> GetTotals() { IList<IPieChartItem> retorno = new List<IPieChartItem>(); IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); IViewGenderTotal viewGenderTotal = _repository.Find(query).FirstOrDefault(); IPieChartItem totalFemale = new PieChartItem(); totalFemale.Value = ((decimal)(viewGenderTotal.Total * viewGenderTotal.TotalFemale) / 100); totalFemale.Legend = "Female"; IPieChartItem totalMale = new PieChartItem(); totalMale.Value = ((decimal)(viewGenderTotal.Total * viewGenderTotal.TotalMale) / 100); totalMale.Legend = "Male"; retorno.Add(totalMale); retorno.Add(totalFemale); return retorno; }
public IViewBattl CreateBattl() { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format(""); IViewBattl _viewBattl = new ViewBattl(); IList<IViewBattl> col = _viewBattlRepository.Find(query); if (col.Count > 0) { _viewBattl = col[0]; } else { IBattl battl = GetBattlNotPlayedThisWeek(); DateTime battlTime = DateTime.Now; //GetLastBattlTime(); battl.BattlDate = battlTime; battl.StartTime = new DateTime(battlTime.Year, battlTime.Month, battlTime.Day, battlTime.Hour, battlTime.Minute, 0); battl.EndTime = battl.StartTime.AddSeconds(59); battl.Active = true; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { battl = _battlRepository.Add(battl); query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format("ViewBattl.BattlId={0} and active=1", battl.BattlId); col = _viewBattlRepository.Find(query); if (col.Count > 0) { _viewBattl = col[0]; } scope.Complete(); } } return _viewBattl; }
public IList<IViewUserTotalVotes> GetTopMostVotesSongsByUser( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; IList<IViewUserTotalVotes> retorno = new List<IViewUserTotalVotes>(); retorno = _repository.Find(query); query.From = "ViewUserTotalVotes"; this.Total = _repository.Count(query); var groupedResultBySongId = (from n in retorno group n by new { n.SongId , n.UsuarioId , n.Name , n.SongName , n.Picture } into g orderby g.Key.Name let r = g.FirstOrDefault() select new ViewUserTotalVotes { SongId = r.SongId , SongName = r.SongName , Name = r.Name , UsuarioId = r.UsuarioId , ProfileId = r.ProfileId , Gender = r.Gender , BattlId = r.BattlId , Picture = r.Picture , Total = g.Sum(m => m.Total).Value }).ToList<IViewUserTotalVotes>(); IList<IViewUserTotalVotes> result = groupedResultBySongId.OrderByDescending(o => o.Total).ToList(); _collection = result; return result; }
public IList<IPieChartItem> GetTotals() { IList<IPieChartItem> retorno = new List<IPieChartItem>(); IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); IList<IViewActivityByHour> collection = _repository.Find(query); IList<IViewActivityByHour> dayList = collection.Where(m => m.Hour <= 17 && m.Hour >= 6).Select(m => m).ToList<IViewActivityByHour>(); IList<IViewActivityByHour> nightList = collection.Where(m => m.Hour >= 18 && m.Hour <= 23 || m.Hour >= 0 && m.Hour <= 5).Select(m => m).ToList<IViewActivityByHour>(); IPieChartItem totalNight = new PieChartItem(); totalNight.Value = nightList.Sum(m => m.TotalByHour).GetValueOrDefault(); totalNight.Legend = "Night"; IPieChartItem totalDay = new PieChartItem(); totalDay.Value = dayList.Sum(m => m.TotalByHour).GetValueOrDefault(); totalDay.Legend = "Day"; retorno.Add(totalNight); retorno.Add(totalDay); return retorno; }
public IVote VoteOnArtist(IVote vote) { IVote voteAdded = new Vote(); IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format("profileId={0} and songId={1} and battlId={2}", vote.ProfileId, vote.SongId, vote.BattlId); IVote result = _voteRepository.Find(query).FirstOrDefault(); if (result != null) { vote.VoteId = result.VoteId; vote.Votes = result.Votes + 1; voteAdded = _voteRepository.Update(vote); } else { voteAdded = _voteRepository.Add(vote); } query.Where = string.Format("songId={0} and battlId={1}", vote.SongId, vote.BattlId); int resultTotal = CanGetVotesByWhere(query.Where).Sum(m => m.Votes); vote.Votes = resultTotal; return voteAdded; }
public IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes> GetTopMostVotedSong( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.OrderBy = " total DESC "; if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_orderBy) ) { query.OrderBy = _orderBy; } query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes> result = _repository.Find(query); query.From = "ViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes"; this.Total = _repository.Count(query); return result; }
public IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes> GetTopMostVotedArtist( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.OrderBy = " Total DESC "; if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_orderBy) ) { query.OrderBy = _orderBy; } query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; _repository.Find(query); this.Total = _repository.Count(query); _collection = _repository.Collection; return _collection; }
public IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes> GetTopMostVotedAlbum( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.OrderBy = " total DESC "; if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_orderBy) ) { query.OrderBy = _orderBy; } IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes> retorno = new List<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes>(); retorno = _repository.Find(query); var groupedResultByAlbum = (from n in retorno group n by n.AlbumName into g orderby g.Key select new ViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes { SongId = 0 , AlbumName = g.Key , ArtistId = g.FirstOrDefault().ArtistId , SongName = string.Empty , ArtistName = g.FirstOrDefault().ArtistName , Total = g.Sum(m => m.Total).Value }).ToList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes>(); IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes> result = groupedResultByAlbum.OrderByDescending(o => o.Total).ToList(); return result; }
public IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes> GetMostVotesToday( int page = 0 , int rowCount = 0 ) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendFormat(" (battlDate BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1} 23:59:59')", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); query.From = "ViewTopSongs"; query.Where = builder.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_orderBy)) { query.OrderBy = _orderBy; } query.Page = page; query.RowCount = rowCount; IList<IViewAlbumArtistSongTotalVotes> result = result = _repository.Find(query); query.From = "ViewTopSongs"; this.Total = _repository.Count(query); _collection = result; return result; }
public bool DeleteAccount(int usuarioId) { bool result = false; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { IDataQuery query = new DataQuery(); query.Where = string.Format("userId={0}", usuarioId); IList<IProfile> collection = _repositoryProfile.Find(query); if (collection.Count > 0) { VoteRepository voteRepository = new VoteRepository(_dataBase); query.Where = string.Format("profileId={0}", collection[0].ProfileId); IList<IVote> votes = voteRepository.Find(query); foreach (IVote vote in votes) { voteRepository.Remove(vote.VoteId); } _repositoryProfile.Remove(collection[0].ProfileId); result = _repository.Remove(usuarioId); } } return result; }