protected void FromXml(XmlReader r, bool loadall) { string colfilename = ""; string baseName = WorldFilePath.Substring(0, WorldFilePath.LastIndexOf('\\')); do { r.Read(); } while ((r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) || !(String.Equals(r.Name, "WorldObjectCollection"))); while (r.Read()) { // look for the start of an element if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace) { continue; } if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { break; } if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (r.Name) { case "Road": RoadObject road = new RoadObject(r, this, app); Add(road); break; case "StaticObject": StaticObject obj = new StaticObject(this, app, r); Add(obj); break; case "Waypoint": Waypoint wp = new Waypoint(r, this, app); Add(wp); break; case "Boundary": Boundary b = new Boundary(r, this, app); Add(b); break; case "PointLight": PointLight pl = new PointLight(app, this, app.Scene, r); Add(pl); break; case "TerrainDecal": TerrainDecal d = new TerrainDecal(app, this, r); Add(d); break; case "WorldCollection": string collectionName = null; colfilename = ""; for (int i = 0; i < r.AttributeCount; i++) { r.MoveToAttribute(i); switch (r.Name) { case "Name": collectionName = r.Value; break; case "Filename": colfilename = r.Value; break; } } baseName = this.Path; if (!loadall) { if (colfilename != "") { if (colfilename.EndsWith("~.mwc")) { string autofilepath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename); string normalfilepath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename.Remove(colfilename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1)); if ((File.Exists(autofilepath) && File.Exists(normalfilepath) && (new FileInfo(autofilepath)).LastWriteTime < (new FileInfo(normalfilepath).LastWriteTime)) || (!File.Exists(autofilepath) && File.Exists(normalfilepath))) { colfilename = colfilename.Remove(filename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1); } } XmlReader childReader = XmlReader.Create(String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename), app.XMLReaderSettings); WorldObjectCollection coll = new WorldObjectCollection(childReader, collectionName, this, app, baseName, false); while (colfilename.Contains("~")) { colfilename = colfilename.Remove(colfilename.LastIndexOf("~"),1); } coll.Filename = colfilename; Add(coll); childReader.Close(); } else { XmlReader childReader = XmlReader.Create(String.Format("{0}\\{1}.mwc", baseName, collectionName), app.XMLReaderSettings); WorldObjectCollection coll = new WorldObjectCollection(childReader, collectionName, this, app, baseName, false); coll.Filename = collectionName + ".mwc"; Add(coll); childReader.Close(); } } else { if (colfilename != "") { if (colfilename.EndsWith("~.mwc")) { string autofilepath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename); string normalfilepath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename.Remove(filename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1)); if ((File.Exists(autofilepath) && File.Exists(normalfilepath) && (new FileInfo(autofilepath)).LastWriteTime < (new FileInfo(normalfilepath).LastWriteTime)) || (!File.Exists(autofilepath) && File.Exists(normalfilepath))) { colfilename = colfilename.Remove(colfilename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1); } } XmlReader childReader = XmlReader.Create(String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename), app.XMLReaderSettings); WorldObjectCollection coll = new WorldObjectCollection(childReader, collectionName, this, app, baseName); while (colfilename.Contains("~")) { colfilename = colfilename.Remove(colfilename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1); } coll.Filename = colfilename; Add(coll); childReader.Close(); } else { XmlReader childReader = XmlReader.Create(String.Format("{0}\\{1}.mwc", baseName, collectionName), app.XMLReaderSettings); WorldObjectCollection coll = new WorldObjectCollection(childReader, collectionName, this, app, baseName); coll.Filename = collectionName + ".mwc"; Add(coll); childReader.Close(); } } r.MoveToElement(); break; } } } while(filename.Contains("~")) { filename = filename.Remove(filename.IndexOf("~"), 1); } }
protected void FromXml(XmlReader r, bool loadall) { string colfilename = ""; string baseName = WorldFilePath.Substring(0, WorldFilePath.LastIndexOf('\\')); do { r.Read(); } while ((r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) || !(String.Equals(r.Name, "WorldObjectCollection"))); while (r.Read()) { // look for the start of an element if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace) { continue; } if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { break; } if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (r.Name) { case "Road": RoadObject road = new RoadObject(r, this, app); Add(road); break; case "StaticObject": StaticObject obj = new StaticObject(this, app, r); Add(obj); break; case "Waypoint": Waypoint wp = new Waypoint(r, this, app); Add(wp); break; case "Boundary": Boundary b = new Boundary(r, this, app); Add(b); break; case "PointLight": PointLight pl = new PointLight(app, this, app.Scene, r); Add(pl); break; case "TerrainDecal": TerrainDecal d = new TerrainDecal(app, this, r); Add(d); break; case "WorldCollection": string collectionName = null; colfilename = ""; for (int i = 0; i < r.AttributeCount; i++) { r.MoveToAttribute(i); switch (r.Name) { case "Name": collectionName = r.Value; break; case "Filename": colfilename = r.Value; break; } } baseName = this.Path; if (!loadall) { if (colfilename != "") { if (colfilename.EndsWith("~.mwc")) { string autofilepath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename); string normalfilepath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename.Remove(colfilename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1)); if ((File.Exists(autofilepath) && File.Exists(normalfilepath) && (new FileInfo(autofilepath)).LastWriteTime < (new FileInfo(normalfilepath).LastWriteTime)) || (!File.Exists(autofilepath) && File.Exists(normalfilepath))) { colfilename = colfilename.Remove(filename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1); } } XmlReader childReader = XmlReader.Create(String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename), app.XMLReaderSettings); WorldObjectCollection coll = new WorldObjectCollection(childReader, collectionName, this, app, baseName, false); while (colfilename.Contains("~")) { colfilename = colfilename.Remove(colfilename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1); } coll.Filename = colfilename; Add(coll); childReader.Close(); } else { XmlReader childReader = XmlReader.Create(String.Format("{0}\\{1}.mwc", baseName, collectionName), app.XMLReaderSettings); WorldObjectCollection coll = new WorldObjectCollection(childReader, collectionName, this, app, baseName, false); coll.Filename = collectionName + ".mwc"; Add(coll); childReader.Close(); } } else { if (colfilename != "") { if (colfilename.EndsWith("~.mwc")) { string autofilepath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename); string normalfilepath = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename.Remove(filename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1)); if ((File.Exists(autofilepath) && File.Exists(normalfilepath) && (new FileInfo(autofilepath)).LastWriteTime < (new FileInfo(normalfilepath).LastWriteTime)) || (!File.Exists(autofilepath) && File.Exists(normalfilepath))) { colfilename = colfilename.Remove(colfilename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1); } } XmlReader childReader = XmlReader.Create(String.Format("{0}\\{1}", baseName, colfilename), app.XMLReaderSettings); WorldObjectCollection coll = new WorldObjectCollection(childReader, collectionName, this, app, baseName); while (colfilename.Contains("~")) { colfilename = colfilename.Remove(colfilename.LastIndexOf("~"), 1); } coll.Filename = colfilename; Add(coll); childReader.Close(); } else { XmlReader childReader = XmlReader.Create(String.Format("{0}\\{1}.mwc", baseName, collectionName), app.XMLReaderSettings); WorldObjectCollection coll = new WorldObjectCollection(childReader, collectionName, this, app, baseName); coll.Filename = collectionName + ".mwc"; Add(coll); childReader.Close(); } } r.MoveToElement(); break; } } } while (filename.Contains("~")) { filename = filename.Remove(filename.IndexOf("~"), 1); } }
private bool DragCallback(bool accept, Vector3 loc) { placing = false; dragObject.Dispose(); if (accept) { location = loc; Vector3 scaleVec = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale); Vector3 rotVec = new Vector3(0, rotation, 0); pointLight = new PointLight(app, parent, scene, name, specular, diffuse, new Vector3(location.x, location.y, location.z)); parent.Add(pointLight); for (int i = app.SelectedObject.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { app.SelectedObject[i].Node.UnSelect(); } if (pointLight.Node != null) { pointLight.Node.Select(); } } else { cancelled = true; } return true; }
public void Execute() { if (!cancelled) { if (placing) { // we need to place the object (which is handled asynchronously) before we can create it dragObject = new DisplayObject(name, app, "Drag", app.Scene, app.Assets.assetFromName(app.Config.PointLightMeshName).AssetName, location, new Vector3(1,1,1), new Vector3(0,0,0), null); dragObject.TerrainOffset = app.Config.DefaultPointLightHeight; new DragHelper(app, new DragComplete(DragCallback), dragObject); } else { // object has already been placed, so create it now // only create it if it doesn't exist already if (pointLight == null) { pointLight = new PointLight(app, parent, scene, name, specular, diffuse, location); } parent.Add(pointLight); for (int i = app.SelectedObject.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { app.SelectedObject[i].Node.UnSelect(); } if (pointLight.Node != null) { pointLight.Node.Select(); } } } }
public void Clone(IWorldContainer copyParent) { PointLight clone = new PointLight(app, copyParent, scene, name, specular, diffuse, position); clone.AttenuationConstant = attenuationConstant; clone.AttenuationLinear = attenuationLinear; clone.AttenuationQuadratic = attenuationQuadratic; clone.AttenuationRange = attenuationRange; clone.TerrainOffset = terrainOffset; clone.AllowAdjustHeightOffTerrain = allowAdjustHeightOffTerrain; copyParent.Add(clone); }