        public static Embed Flip()
            string result = "";

            int num = RNG.RandomNumber(0, 1);

            if (num == 1)
                result = "HEADS";
            if (num == 0)
                result = "TAILS";

            var embed = new EmbedBuilder
                Title       = "Flipping a Coin",
                Description = $"You flipped: **{result}**",
                Color       = new Color(RandomColor.NoGrays())

        public static Embed Roll(string input)
        {   // ./roll 10d100+5 where: rolls = 10, sides = 100, mod = +, modValue = 5
            // value before 'd' (defaults to 1)
            int rolls;
            // value after 'd' (defaults to 6)
            int sides;
            // the modifier (either + or - )
            char mod = '\0';
            // the value to modify the roll with
            int  modValue = 0;
            bool hasMod;

            input = input.ToLower();
            int length = input.Length;

            if (!input.Contains("d"))
                return(Error("invalid input"));
            int dIndx = input.IndexOf("d");

            // if the user did not specify the ammount of rolls ('d' is the first character), default to one roll
            if (dIndx == 0)
                rolls = 1;
            // if the characters before 'd' cannot be interpreted as numbers, throw an error.
                    rolls = Int32.Parse(input.Substring(0, dIndx));
                catch (Exception)
                    return(Error("invalid input"));

            // if input contains any modifiers
            if (input.Contains("+") || input.Contains("-") || input.Contains("x") || input.Contains("*") || input.Contains("/"))
                hasMod = true;
                int modIndx = 0;

                // define the modifier and find its position
                if (input.Contains("+"))
                    mod     = '+';
                    modIndx = input.IndexOf("+");
                else if (input.Contains("-"))
                    mod     = '-';
                    modIndx = input.IndexOf("-");
                else if (input.Contains("x"))
                    mod     = '*';
                    modIndx = input.IndexOf("x");
                else if (input.Contains("*"))
                    mod     = '*';
                    modIndx = input.IndexOf("*");
                else if (input.Contains("/"))
                    mod     = '/';
                    modIndx = input.IndexOf("/");

                // if the user did not specify the ammount of sides (there are no
                // characters between 'd' and the modifier), default to a six sided die.
                if ((modIndx - dIndx) == 1)
                    sides = 6;
                // if the characters between 'd' and the modifier cannot be interpreted as numbers, throw an error.
                        sides = Int32.Parse(input.Substring((dIndx + 1), (modIndx - (dIndx + 1))));
                    catch (Exception)
                        return(Error("invalid input"));

                // if the characters after the modifier cannot be interpreted as numbers, throw an error.
                    modValue = Int32.Parse(input.Substring(modIndx + 1));
                catch (Exception)
                    return(Error("invalid input"));
            // else if input does not contain any modifiers
                hasMod = false;

                // if the user did not specify the ammount of sides ('d' is the last character),
                // default to a six sided die.
                if (dIndx == (length - 1))
                    sides = 6;
                // if the characters after 'd' cannot be interpreted as numbers, throw an error.
                        sides = Int32.Parse(input.Substring(dIndx + 1));
                    catch (Exception)
                        return(Error("invalid input"));

            // generates (rolls) ammount of random numbers between (1 - sides)
            int[] randomNums = RNG.RandomNumber(1, sides, rolls);

            // concat all the random numbers into a string (seperated by ", ")
            string rollResults = string.Join(", ", randomNums);

            // sum all the random numbers into a total
            int total = 0;

            foreach (int num in randomNums)
                total += num;

            // if the input contained modifiers, modify the total accordingly
            if (hasMod)
                int preModTotal = total;
                switch (mod)
                case '+':
                    total += modValue;

                case '-':
                    total -= modValue;

                case '*':
                    total *= modValue;

                case '/':
                    total /= modValue;

                // then build an embeded  and return
                var embed = new EmbedBuilder
                    Title       = $"Rolling: {input}",
                    Description = rollResults + '\n' +
                                  $"Total: {preModTotal} {mod} {modValue} = **{total:n0}**",
                    Color = new Color(RandomColor.NoGrays())
            // else build an embeded with the unmodified total and return
                var embed = new EmbedBuilder
                    Title       = $"Rolling: {input}",
                    Description = rollResults + '\n' +
                                  $"Total: **{total:n0}**",
                    Color = new Color(RandomColor.NoGrays())
        } // end Dice