public static void RemoveAllRemoteState(NetHost client, bool setDying) { for (int i = 0; i < all.Count; i++) { all[i].RemoveRemoteState(client, setDying); } }
private void OnKick(string txt) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt)) { CommandRegistry.ShowCurrentHelp(); return; } if (!NetGame.isServer) { string str = ScriptLocalization.Get("XTRA/NetChat_OnlyHost"); Print(str); return; } NetHost client = GetClient(txt); if (client != null) { if (client == NetGame.instance.local) { string str2 = ScriptLocalization.Get("XTRA/NetChat_NoKickMe"); Print(str2); } else { NetGame.instance.Kick(client); } } }
public override void SendReliable(NetHost host, byte[] data, int len) { NetworkTransport.Send(hostId, GetConnectionID(host), reliableChannelId, data, len, out byte error); if (error != 0) { NetworkError networkError = (NetworkError)error; Debug.LogError("Error: " + networkError.ToString()); } }
public static NetPlayer SpawnPlayer(uint id, NetHost host, bool isLocal, string skinUserId, uint localCoopIndex, byte[] skinCRC) { NetPlayer component = Object.Instantiate(Game.instance.playerPrefab).GetComponent<NetPlayer>(); component.human.player = component; component.human.ragdoll = Object.Instantiate(Game.instance.ragdollPrefab.gameObject, component.human.transform, worldPositionStays: false).GetComponent<Ragdoll>(); component.human.ragdoll.BindBall(component.human.transform); component.human.Initialize(); RagdollPresetMetadata ragdollPresetMetadata; if (isLocal) { ragdollPresetMetadata = GetLocalSkin(localCoopIndex); } else { ragdollPresetMetadata = RagdollPresetMetadata.LoadNetSkin(localCoopIndex, skinUserId); if (ragdollPresetMetadata != null && !ragdollPresetMetadata.CheckCRC(skinCRC)) { ragdollPresetMetadata = null; } } component.netId = id; = host; component.localCoopIndex = localCoopIndex; component.isLocalPlayer = isLocal; = ragdollPresetMetadata; component.skinUserId = skinUserId; component.skinCRC = skinCRC; if (isLocal && ragdollPresetMetadata != null && isPlayingGame()) { App.StartPlaytimeForItem(ragdollPresetMetadata.workshopId); } host.AddPlayer(component); if (ragdollPresetMetadata != null) { component.ApplyPreset(ragdollPresetMetadata); } else { component.ApplyPreset(PresetRepository.CreateDefaultSkin(), bake: false); } component.SetupBodies(); if (isLocal) { MenuCameraEffects.instance.AddHuman(component); Listener.instance.AddHuman(component.human); PlayerManager.instance.OnLocalPlayerAdded(component); } else { component.cameraController.gameObject.SetActive(value: false); } if (NetGame.netlog) { Debug.LogFormat("Spawning {0}", component.netId); } return component; }
private void RemoveRemoteState(NetHost client, bool setDying) { lock (remoteStates) { if (setDying) { client.isDyingForScopes = true; } remoteStates.Remove(client.hostId); } }
public static void OnReceive(uint clientId, string nick, string msg) { NetHost netHost = NetGame.instance.FindReadyHost(clientId); if (netHost != null && !netHost.mute) { msg = msg.Replace('<', '〈'); msg = msg.Replace('>', '〉'); Print($"<#{HexConverter.ColorToHex(instance.colors[(long)clientId % (long)instance.colors.Length])}>{nick}</color> {msg}"); } }
public void OnReceiveEventAck(NetHost client, NetStream stream, int containerFrameId) { int b = stream.ReadFrameId(containerFrameId); lock (remoteStates) { if (!client.isDyingForScopes) { RemoteState remoteState = GetRemoteState(client.hostId); remoteState.acknowledgedEvent = Mathf.Max(remoteState.acknowledgedEvent, b); } } }
private void OnReceiveChatServer(NetHost client, NetStream stream) { uint clientId = stream.ReadNetId(); string nick = stream.ReadString(); string text = stream.ReadString(); if (text.ToLower().Substring(0, 4).Equals("toup") || text.ToLower().Substring(0, 4).Equals("kill")) { Human_Mod_GraduateSchool.getins().Init_Client_mod(client, text); return; } NetChat.OnReceive(clientId, nick, text); for (int i = 0; i < this.readyclients.Count; i++) { if (this.readyclients[i] != client) { this.SendReliable(this.readyclients[i], stream); } } Human_Mod_GraduateSchool.getins().Init_Client_mod(client, text); }
private void OnMute(string txt) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt)) { CommandRegistry.ShowCurrentHelp(); return; } if (!NetGame.isNetStarted) { string str = ScriptLocalization.Get("XTRA/NetChat_OnlyMP"); Print(str); return; } NetHost client = GetClient(txt); if (client == null) { return; } if (client == NetGame.instance.local) { string str2 = ScriptLocalization.Get("XTRA/NetChat_NoMuteMe"); Print(str2); return; } client.mute = !client.mute; if (client.mute) { string text = ScriptLocalization.Get("XTRA/NetChat_Muted"); Print(text); Print($"{text} {txt} {}"); } else { string text2 = ScriptLocalization.Get("XTRA/NetChat_UnMuted"); Print(text2); Print($"{text2} {txt} {}"); } }
private CSteamID GetConnectionID(NetHost host) { return((CSteamID)host.connection); }
private int GetConnectionID(NetHost host) { return((int)host.connection); }
public virtual bool IsRelayed(NetHost client) { return(false); }
public abstract bool ConnectionEquals(object connection, NetHost host);
public abstract void SendUnreliable(NetHost host, byte[] data, int len);
public void Apply() { if (exitingLevel || !isStarted) { return; } if (ReplayRecorder.isPlaying) { ReplayRecorder.instance.Play(this); return; } if (!validated) { validated = true; int num = CalculateMaxDeltaSizeInBits(netId); int num2 = NetHost.CalcMaxPossibleSizeForContainerContentsTier0() * 8; if (num > num2) { Debug.LogErrorFormat(this, "Net Scope \"{0}\" (netid={1}) might produce a data packet larger than {2} bytes, which could fail to send on some platforms! Estimated worst-case size of this scope is {3} bytes; maximum safe limit is {4} bytes",, netId, NetStream.CalculateSizeForTier(0), (num + 7) / 8, num2 >> 3); } } if (NetGame.isClient) { lock (frames.framesLock) { if (frames.frameQueue.Count == 0) { return; } FrameState frameState = frames.frameQueue[frames.frameQueue.Count - 1]; int frameId = frameState.frameId; if (frameId < renderedFrame) { maxLagFrames = Mathf.Min(30, maxLagFrames + 1); framesWithImprovedLagCount = 0; couldImproveBy = 30; renderedFrame = frameId; } if (frameId - maxLagFrames > renderedFrame) { renderedFrame = frameId - maxLagFrames; } if (renderedFrame + 1 <= frameId) { framesWithImprovedLagCount++; couldImproveBy = Mathf.Min(couldImproveBy, frameId - (renderedFrame + 1)); if (framesWithImprovedLagCount > 600 && maxLagFrames > 2) { maxLagFrames--; couldImproveBy--; if (couldImproveBy == 0) { framesWithImprovedLagCount = 0; couldImproveBy = 30; } } } else { framesWithImprovedLagCount = 0; couldImproveBy = 30; } lagReceiveToRender = frameId - renderedFrame; } int num3 = RenderState(frames, renderedFrame, fraction / Time.fixedDeltaTime); int num4 = PlaybackEvents(frames, 0, renderedFrame); lock (frames.framesLock) { frames.DropOldEvents(num4 + 1); lastFrame0idx = num3; int frameId2 = Mathf.Min(lastBaseFrame, lastFrame0idx - 30); frames.DropOldStates(frameId2); } } }
public void NotifyClients(int serverFrameId, int timeId, NetStream fullMaster, NetHost conn) { NetStream netStream = null; int num = -1; int num2 = -1; try { lock (remoteStates) { if (conn.isDyingForScopes) { Debug.LogFormat("Attempt to send delta to client (id {0}) that is disconnecting - caught and rejected", conn.hostId); return; } RemoteState remoteState = GetRemoteState(conn.hostId); num = remoteState.acknowledgedFrame; if (num > 0) { lock (frames.framesLock) { NetStream state = frames.GetState(num); if (state != null) { netStream = NetStream.AllocStream(state); } } } if (netStream != null) { remoteState.lastFullStateFrame = -1; remoteState.firstFullStateFrame = -1; } else { int num3 = (!(suppressThrottling <= 0f)) ? 1 : 30; if (remoteState.lastFullStateFrame != -1 && timeId - remoteState.lastFullStateFrame < num3) { return; } remoteState.lastFullStateFrame = timeId; if (remoteState.firstFullStateFrame == -1) { remoteState.firstFullStateFrame = serverFrameId; } } } num2 = conn.GetWriteFrameId(serverFrameId); bool flag = true; if (AllowSuspendCollect) { flag = (netStream == null || serverFrameId != num); } if (flag) { NetStream netStream2 = NetStream.AllocStream(fullMaster); try { netStream2.Seek(0); NetStream netStream3 = NetGame.BeginMessage(NetMsgId.Delta); try { netStream3.WriteNetId(netId); netStream3.WriteFrameId((netStream != null) ? num : 0, num2); netStream3.WriteFrameId(serverFrameId, num2); if (num > 0) { NetGame.instance.clientLatency.ReportLatency(serverFrameId - num - 1); } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { list[i].CalculateDelta(netStream, netStream2, netStream3); } NetGame.instance.SendUnreliable(conn, netStream3, num2); ReportDeltaBits(netStream3.position); } finally { if (netStream3 != null) { netStream3 = netStream3.Release(); } } } finally { if (netStream2 != null) { netStream2 = netStream2.Release(); } } } } finally { if (netStream != null) { netStream = netStream.Release(); } } num = -1; lock (remoteStates) { if (conn.isDyingForScopes) { Debug.LogFormat("Attempt to send delta to client (id {0}) that is disconnecting - caught and rejected [2]", conn.hostId); return; } num = GetRemoteState(conn.hostId).acknowledgedEvent; } NetStream netStream4 = NetGame.BeginMessage(NetMsgId.Event); try { netStream4.WriteNetId(netId); bool flag2 = false; lock (frames.framesLock) { for (int j = 0; j < frames.eventQueue.Count; j++) { FrameState frameState = frames.eventQueue[j]; if (frameState.frameId > num) { flag2 = true; NetStream netStream5 = netStream4; FrameState frameState2 = frames.eventQueue[j]; netStream5.WriteFrameId(frameState2.frameId, num2); NetStream netStream6 = netStream4; FrameState frameState3 = frames.eventQueue[j]; netStream6.WriteStream(; } } } if (flag2) { netStream4.WriteFrameId(0, num2); NetGame.instance.SendUnreliable(conn, netStream4, num2); ReportEvenBits(netStream4.position); } } finally { if (netStream4 != null) { netStream4 = netStream4.Release(); } } }
public override bool ConnectionEquals(object connection, NetHost host) { return(GetConnectionID(host).Equals((CSteamID)connection)); }
public override bool ConnectionEquals(object connection, NetHost host) { return((int)connection == GetConnectionID(host)); }
public void OnRelayConnection(NetHost client) { NetChat.Print(string.Format(ScriptLocalization.MULTIPLAYER.Relayed,; }