static bool Prefix() { if (Multiplayer.Client == null) { return(true); } if (LongEventHandler.currentEvent != null) { return(false); } if (Multiplayer.session.desynced) { return(false); } double delta = Time.deltaTime * 60.0; if (delta > 3) { delta = 3; } accumulator += delta; if (Timer >= tickUntil) { accumulator = 0; } else if (!Multiplayer.IsReplay && delta < 1.5 && tickUntil - Timer > 6) { accumulator += Math.Min(100, tickUntil - Timer - 6); } if (Multiplayer.IsReplay && replayTimeSpeed == TimeSpeed.Paused) { accumulator = 0; } if (skipToTickUntil) { skipTo = tickUntil; } if (skipTo >= 0 && Timer >= skipTo) { afterSkip?.Invoke(); ClearSkipping(); } SimpleProfiler.Start(); Tick(); SimpleProfiler.Pause(); return(false); }
static bool Prefix() { if (Multiplayer.Client == null) { return(true); } if (LongEventHandler.currentEvent != null) { return(false); } if (Multiplayer.session.desynced) { return(false); } double delta = time.ElapsedMillisDouble() / 1000.0 * 60.0; time.Restart(); int maxDelta = MultiplayerMod.settings.aggressiveTicking ? 6 : 3; if (delta > maxDelta) { delta = maxDelta; } accumulator += delta; float okDelta = MultiplayerMod.settings.aggressiveTicking ? 2.5f : 1.7f; if (Timer >= tickUntil) { accumulator = 0; } else if (!Multiplayer.IsReplay && delta < okDelta && tickUntil - Timer > maxBehind) { accumulator += Math.Min(60, tickUntil - Timer - maxBehind); } if (Multiplayer.IsReplay && replayTimeSpeed == TimeSpeed.Paused) { accumulator = 0; } if (skipToTickUntil) { skipTo = tickUntil; } CheckFinishSkipping(); if (MpVersion.IsDebug) { SimpleProfiler.Start(); } updateTimer.Restart(); Tick(); lastUpdateTook = updateTimer.ElapsedMillisDouble(); if (MpVersion.IsDebug) { SimpleProfiler.Pause(); } CheckFinishSkipping(); return(false); }
static MultiplayerStatic() { Native.InitLmfPtr(); // UnityEngine.Debug.Log instead of Verse.Log.Message because the server runs on its own thread = str => UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"MpServerLog: {str}"); ServerLog.error = str => UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"MpServerLog Error: {str}"); NetDebug.Logger = new ServerLog(); SetUsername(); if (SteamManager.Initialized) { SteamIntegration.InitCallbacks(); } Log.Message($"Multiplayer version {MpVersion.Version}"); Log.Message($"Player's username: {Multiplayer.username}"); var persistentObj = new GameObject(); persistentObj.AddComponent <OnMainThread>(); UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(persistentObj); MpConnectionState.SetImplementation(ConnectionStateEnum.ClientSteam, typeof(ClientSteamState)); MpConnectionState.SetImplementation(ConnectionStateEnum.ClientJoining, typeof(ClientJoiningState)); MpConnectionState.SetImplementation(ConnectionStateEnum.ClientPlaying, typeof(ClientPlayingState)); MultiplayerData.CollectCursorIcons(); PersistentDialog.BindAll(typeof(Multiplayer).Assembly); using (DeepProfilerWrapper.Section("Multiplayer MpPatches")) Multiplayer.harmony.DoAllMpPatches(); using (DeepProfilerWrapper.Section("Multiplayer patches")) DoPatches(); Log.messageQueue.maxMessages = 1000; DoubleLongEvent(() => { MultiplayerData.CollectDefInfos(); Sync.PostInitHandlers(); }, "Loading"); // Right before the events from HandleCommandLine HandleRestartConnect(); HandleCommandLine(); if (Multiplayer.arbiterInstance) { RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(typeof(Text).TypeHandle); } using (DeepProfilerWrapper.Section("Multiplayer TakeModDataSnapshot")) JoinData.TakeModDataSnapshot(); using (DeepProfilerWrapper.Section("MultiplayerData PrecacheMods")) MultiplayerData.PrecacheMods(); if (GenCommandLine.CommandLineArgPassed("profiler")) { SimpleProfiler.Print("mp_prof_out.txt"); } }